494 resultados para Sputter cones
Tese de Doutoramento em História Especialidade de História Contemporânea
A RAA ou o Arquipélago dos Açores é formado por nove ilhas, distribuías por três distintos grupos: O Grupo Oriental é composto por São Miguel e Santa Maria, o grupo Central é composto pelas Ilhas da Terceira, São Jorge, Graciosa, Pico e Faial e o grupo Ocidental é composto pelas Ilhas de Flores e Corvo. A RAA possui um clima temperado marítimo, que se caracteriza por temperaturas amenas com fracas amplitudes térmicas anuais, elevada humidade relativa do ar e por uma pluviosidade distribuída ao longo do ano. O Relevo é acidentado composto por montanhas que possuem diversas caldeiras, cones vulcânicos, ravinas de grande dimensão e vales estreitos e profundos por onde correm um grande número de pequenos cursos de água, denominados por ribeiras. Os solos presentes nas nove ilhas dos Açores pertencem na sua maioria à categoria - Andossolos - estes são uma das fases de criação de um solo de origem vulcânica, surgem por norma 200 anos após uma erupção vulcânica, alcançando o topo das suas características cerca de cento e cinquenta mil anos após a erupção. As ilhas que compõem a RAA estão muito expostas a processos de degradação do solo, principalmente através da erosão hídrica e da erosão do litoral. Este facto justifica-se pelas características topográficas, litológicas e climáticas das ilhas.
Abstract:INTRODUCTION:Despite the recommendations by interpretation of resistance ratios obtained in laboratory bioassays, little is known about the actual impact of these results in the effectiveness of vector control activities in the field. In this context, our objective was to determine the mean value of different resistance ratios obtained by laboratory bioassays performed as part of the chemical control strategies of Triatoma sordida in the field.METHODS:Field bioassays were developed in Monte Azul and Coração de Jesus (Southeast, Brazil). In each location, samples were formed with three domestic units treated with alpha-cypermethrin 20.0% (Alfatek (r) 200 SC). One day after spraying, 10 fifth-instar nymphs remained in contact with the surfaces treated (adobe with plaster, adobe without plaster, or wood) with insecticide in plastic cones for 72h. Three cones were exposed inside the intradomicile and the peridomicile. The insects in the control group were exposed to an insecticide-free piece of cardboard. Mortality was measured 72h after removal of the insects from the treated surfaces. The tests were realized in triplicate.RESULTS:Mortality was 100.0% in all locations, except for Monte Azul; Landinho (96.6%) and Coração de Jesus; Barriguda (96.6%).CONCLUSIONS:Although the resistant populations in laboratory tests proved to be susceptible in the field, this observation is not sufficient to suggest that the cut-off points used to justify the resistance ratio should be changed. In this sense, we recommend that laboratory and field bioassays are carried out with a greater number of Triatominae populations to allow more in-depth consideration of the subject.
«Quando... se verificar o requisito da salubridade dos recintos urbanos a levantar, ... deverão ser construídos, então, os fundamentos das torres e das muralhas...» (De architectura, 1,5,1). A evocação vitruviana é sugerida pelas linhas de torres e aparelho isódomo que molduram composições de superficie de tesselados pavimentos de Hispânia, Itália, ou de outros lugares do Império romano. Qual a iconicidade de tais representações? Imagens urbanas? Que cidades específicas representam? Ou serão símbolos visuais da limitação, da finitude humana vertidas em voluntária conexão a um mundo olímpico? Ícones urbanos ou imagens-signo?
The main features of most components consist of simple basic functional geometries: planes, cylinders, spheres and cones. Shape and position recognition of these geometries is essential for dimensional characterization of components, and represent an important contribution in the life cycle of the product, concerning in particular the manufacturing and inspection processes of the final product. This work aims to establish an algorithm to automatically recognize such geometries, without operator intervention. Using differential geometry large volumes of data can be treated and the basic functional geometries to be dealt recognized. The original data can be obtained by rapid acquisition methods, such as 3D survey or photography, and then converted into Cartesian coordinates. The satisfaction of intrinsic decision conditions allows different geometries to be fast identified, without operator intervention. Since inspection is generally a time consuming task, this method reduces operator intervention in the process. The algorithm was first tested using geometric data generated in MATLAB and then through a set of data points acquired by measuring with a coordinate measuring machine and a 3D scan on real physical surfaces. Comparison time spent in measuring is presented to show the advantage of the method. The results validated the suitability and potential of the algorithm hereby proposed
The aim of this work was to investigate the effect on a display gamut of varying the optical density and the position of the maximum sensitivity of the cones spectra of anomalous trichromatic observers. The anomalous cone spectral sensitivities were estimated for a set of varying optical density and maximum sensitivity spectra conditions and used to compute the display color gamut. The computed display gamut simulated for normal observers the chro- matic diversity perceived by anomalous observers. It was found that even small variations on the optical density and on the position of the maximum sensitivity spectra have an impact on the simulations of the display gamut for anomalous observers. It was also found that simulations for deuteroanomalous observers are the ones with greater impact if the estimation of the corresponding color display gamut is not carefully adjusted for the observer.
1) It may seem rather strange that, in spite of the efforts of a considerable number of scientists, the problem of the origin of indian corn or maize still has remained an open question. There are no fossil remains or archaeological relics except those which are quite identical with types still existing. (Fig. 1). The main difficulty in finding the wild ancestor- which may still exist - results from the fact that it has been somewhat difficult to decide what it should be like and also where to look for it. 2) There is no need to discuss the literature since an excellent review has recently been published by MANGELSDORF and REEVES (1939). It may be sufficient to state that there are basically two hypotheses, that of ST. HILAIRE (1829) who considered Brazilian pod corn as the nearest relative of wild corn still existing, and that of ASCHERSON (1875) who considered Euchlaena from Central America as the wild ancestor of corn. Later hypotheses represent or variants of these two hypotheses or of other concepts, howewer generally with neither disproving their predecessors nor showing why the new hypotheses were better than the older ones. Since nearly all possible combinations of ideas have thus been put forward, it har- dly seems possible to find something theoretically new, while it is essential first to produce new facts. 3) The studies about the origin of maize received a new impulse from MANGELSDORF and REEVES'S experimental work on both Zea-Tripsacum and Zea-Euchlaena hybrids. Independently I started experiments in 1937 with the hope that new results might be obtained when using South American material. Having lost priority in some respects I decided to withold publication untill now, when I can put forward more concise ideas about the origin of maize, based on a new experimental reconstruction of the "wild type". 4) The two main aspects of MANGELSDORF and REEVES hypothesis are discussed. We agree with the authors that ST. HILAIRE's theory is probably correct in so far as the tunicata gene is a wild type relic gene, but cannot accept the reconstruction of wild corn as a homozygous pod corn with a hermaphroditic tassel. As shown experimentally (Fig. 2-3) these tassels have their central spike transformed into a terminal, many rowed ear with a flexible rachis, while possessing at the same time the lateral ear. Thus no explanation is given of the origin of the corn ear, which is the main feature of cultivated corn (BRIEGER, 1943). The second part of the hypothesis referring to the origin of Euchlaena from corn, inverting thus ASCHERSON's theory, cannot be accepted for several reasons, stated in some detail. The data at hand justify only the conclusion that both genera, Euchlaena and Zea, are related, and there is as little proof for considering the former as ancestor of the latter as there is for the new inverse theory. 5) The analysis of indigenous corn, which will be published in detail by BRIEGER and CUTLER, showed several very primitive characters, but no type was found which was in all characters sufficiently primitive. A genetical analysis of Paulista Pod Corn showed that it contains the same gene as other tunicates, in the IV chromosome, the segregation being complicated by a new gametophyte factor Ga3. The full results of this analysis shall be published elsewhere. (BRIEGER). Selection experiments with Paulista Pod Corn showed that no approximation to a wild ancestor may be obtained when limiting the studies to pure corn. Thus it seemed necessary to substitute "domesticated" by "wild type" modifiers, and the only means for achieving this substitution are hybridizations with Euchlaena. These hybrids have now been analysed init fourth generation, including backcrosses, and, again, the full data will be published elsewhere, by BRIEGER and ADDISON. In one present publication three forms obtained will be described only, which represent an approximation to wild type corn. 6) Before entering howewer into detail, some arguments against ST. HILAIRE's theory must be mentioned. The premendelian argument, referring to the instability of this character, is explained by the fact that all fertile pod corn plants are heterozygous for the dominant Tu factor. But the sterility of the homozygous TuTu, which phenotypically cannot be identified, is still unexplained. The most important argument against the acceptance of the Tunicata faetor as wild type relic gene was removed recently by CUTLER (not yet published) who showed that this type has been preserved for centuries by the Bolivian indians as a mystical "medicine". 7) The main botanical requirements for transforming the corn ear into a wild type structure are stated, and alternative solutions given. One series of these characters are found in Tripsacum and Euchlaena : 2 rows on opposite sides of the rachis, protection of the grains by scales, fragility of the rachis. There remains the other alternative : 4 rows, possibly forming double rows of female and male spikelets, protection of kernels by their glumes, separation of grains at their base from the cob which is thin and flexible. 8) Three successive stages in the reconstruction of wild corn, obtained experimentally, are discussed and illustrated, all characterized by the presence of the Tu gene. a) The structure of the Fl hybrids has already been described in 1943. The main features of the Tunicata hybrids (Fig. -8), when compared with non-tunicate hybrids (Fig. 5-6), consist in the absence of scaly protections, the fragility of the rachis and finally the differentiation of the double rows into one male and one female spikelet. As has been pointed out, these characters represent new phenotypic effects of the tunicate factor which do not appear in the presence of pure maize modifiers. b) The next step was observed among the first backcross to teosinte (Fig. 9). As shown in the photography, Fig. 9D, the features are essencially those of the Fl plants, except that the rachis is more teosinte like, with longer internodes, irregular four-row-arrangement and a complete fragility on the nodes. c) In the next generation a completely new type appeared (Fig. 10) which resembles neither corn nor teosinte, mainly in consequence of one character: the rachis is thin and flexible and not fragile, while the grains have an abscission layer at the base, The medium sized, pointed, brownish and hard granis are protected by their well developed corneous glumes. This last form may not yet be the nearest approach to a wild grass, and I shall try in further experiments to introduce other changes such as an increase of fertile flowers per spikelet, the reduction of difference between terminal and lateral inflorescences, etc.. But the nature of the atavistic reversion is alveadwy such that it alters considerably our expectation when looking for a still existing wild ancestor of corn. 9) The next step in our deductions must now consist in an reversion of our question. We must now explain how we may obtain domesticated corn, starting from a hypothetical wild plant, similar to type c. Of the several changes which must have been necessary to attract the attention of the Indians, the following two seem to me the most important: the disappearance of all abscission layers and the reduction of the glumes. This may have been brought about by an accumulation of mutations. But it seems much more probable to assume that some crossing with a tripsacoid grass or even with Tripsacum australe may have been responsible. In such a cross, the two types of abscission layer would be counterbalanced as shown by the Flhybrids of corn, Tripsacum and Euchlaena. Furthermore in later generations a.tu-allele of Tripsacum may become homozygous and substitute the wild tunicate factor of corn. The hypothesis of a hybrid origin of cultivated corn is not completely new, but has been discussed already by HARSHBERGER and COLLINS. Our hypothesis differs from that of MANGELSDORF and REEVES who assume that crosses with Tripsacum are responsible only for some features of Central and North American corn. 10) The following arguments give indirects evidence in support of our hypothesis: a) Several characters have been observed in indigenous corn from the central region of South America, which may be interpreted as "tripsacoid". b) Equally "zeoid" characters seem to be present in Tripsacum australe of central South-America. c) A system of unbalanced factors, combined by the in-tergeneric cross, may be responsible for the sterility of the wild type tunicata factor when homozygous, a result of the action of modifiers, brought in from Tripsacum together with the tuallele. d) The hybrid theory may explain satisfactorily the presence of so many lethals and semilethals, responsible for the phenomenon of inbreeding in cultivated corn. It must be emphasized that corn does not possess any efficient mechanism to prevent crossing and which could explain the accumulation of these mutants during the evolutionary process. Teosinte which'has about the same mechanism of sexual reproduction has not accumulated such genes, nor self-sterile plants in spite of their pronounced preference for crossing. 11) The second most important step in domestication must have consisted in transforming a four rowed ear into an ear with many rows. The fusion theory, recently revived byLANGHAM is rejected. What happened evidently, just as in succulent pXants (Cactus) or in cones os Gymnosperms, is that there has been a change in phyllotaxy and a symmetry of longitudinal rows superimposed on the original spiral arrangement. 12) The geographical distribution of indigenous corn in South America has been discussed. So far, we may distinguish three zones. The most primitive corn appears in the central lowlands of what I call the Central Triangle of South America: east of the Andies, south of the Amazone-Basin, Northwest of a line formed by the rivers São Prancisco-Paraná and including the Paraguay-Basin. The uniformity of the types found in this extremely large zone is astonishing (BRIEGER and CUTLER). To the west, there is the well known Andian region, characterized by a large number of extremely diverse types from small pop corn to large Cuszco, from soft starch to modified sweet corn, from large cylindrical ears to small round ears, etc.. The third region extends along the atlantic coast in the east, from the Caribean Sea to the Argentine, and is characterized by Cateto, an orange hard flint corn. The Andean types must have been obtained very early, and undoubtedly are the result of the intense Inca agriculture. The Cateto type may be obtained easily by crosses, for instance, of "São Paulo Pointed Pop" to some orange soft corn of the central region. The relation of these three South American zones to Central and North America are not discussed, and it seems essential first to study the intermediate region of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. The geograprical distribution of chromosome knobs is rapidly discussed; but it seems that no conclusions can be drawn before a large number of Tripsacum species has been analysed.
A more or less detailed study of the spermatogenesis in six species of Hemiptera belonging to the Coreid Family is made in the present paper. The species studied and their respective chromosome numbers were: 1) Diactor bilineatus (Fabr.) : spermatogonia with 20 + X, primary spermatocytes with 10 + X, X dividing equationaliv in the first division and passing undivided to one pole in the second. 2) Lcptoglossus gonagra (Fabr.) : spermatogonia with 20 + X, primary spermatocytes with 10 + X, X dividing equationally in the first division and passing undivided to one pole in the second. 3) Phthia picta (Drury) : spermatogonia with 20 + X, primary spermatocytes with 10 + X, X dividing equationally in the first division and passing undivided to one pole in the second. 4) Anisocelis foliacea Fabr. : spermatogonia with 26 + X fthe highest mumber hitherto known in the Family), primary .spermatocytes with 13 + X, X dividing equationally in the first division an passing undivided to one pole in the second. 5) Pachylis pharaonis (Herbtst) : spermatogonia with 16 + X, primary spermatocytes with 8 + X. Behaviour of the heteroehromosome not referred. 6) Pachylis laticornis (Fabr.) : spermatogonia with 14 + X, primary spermatocytes with 7 + X, X passing undivided to one pole in the first division and therefore secondary spermatocytes with 7 + X and 7 chromosomes. General results and conclusions a) Pairing modus of the chromosomes (Telosynapsis or Farasynapsis ?) - In several species of the Coreld bugs the history of the chromosomes from the diffuse stage till diakinesis cannot be follewed in detail due specially to the fact that lhe bivalents, as soon as they begin to be individually distinct they appear as irregular and extremely lax chromatic areas, which through an obscure process give rise to the diakinesis and then to the metaphase chomosomes. Fortunately I was able to analyse the genesis of the cross-shaped chromosomes, becoming thus convinced that even in the less favorable cases like that of Phthia, in which the crosses develop from four small condensation areas of the diffuse chromosomes, nothing in the process permit to interpret the final results as being due to a previous telosynaptic pairing. In the case of long bivalents formed by two parallel strands intimately united at both endsegments and more or less widely open in the middle (Leptoglossus, Pachylis), I could see that the lateral arms of the crosses originate from condensation centers created by a torsion or bending in the unpaired parts of the chromosomes In the relatively short bivalents the lateral branches of the cross are formed in the middle but in the long ones, whose median opening is sometimes considerable, two asymetrical branches or even two independent crosses may develop in the same pair. These observations put away the idea of an end-to-end pairing of the chromosomes, since if it had occured the lateral arms of the crosses would always be symetrical and median and never more than two. The direct observation of a side- toside pairing of the chromosomal threads at synizesis, is in foil agreement with the complete lack of evidence in favour of telosynapsis. b) Anaphasic bridges and interzonal connections - The chromosomes as they separate from each other in anaphase they remain connected by means of two lateral strands corresponding to the unpaired segmenas observed in the bivalents at the stages preceding metaphase. In the early anaphase the chromosomes again reproduce the form they had in late diafcinesis. The connecting threads which may be thick and intensely coloured are generally curved and sometimes unequal in lenght, one being much longer than the other and forming a loop outwardly. This fact points to a continuous flow of chromosomal substance independently from both chromosomes of the pair rather than to a mechanical stretching of a sticky substance. At the end of anaphase almost all the material which formed the bridges is reduced to two small cones from whose vertices a very fine and pale fibril takes its origin. The interzonal fibres, therefore, may be considered as the remnant of the anaphasic bridges. Abnormal behaviour of the anaphase chromosomes showed to be useful in aiding the interpretation of normal aspects. It has been suggested by Schrader (1944) "that the interzonal is nothing more than a sticky coating of the chromosome which is stretched like mucilage between the daughter chromosomes as they move further and further apart". The paired chromosomes being enclosed in a commom sheath, as they separate they give origin to a tube which becomes more and more stretched. Later the walls of the tube collapse forming in this manner an interzonal element. My observations, however, do not confirm Schrader's tubular theory of interzonal connections. In the aspects seen at anaphase of the primary spermatocytes and described in this paper as chromosomal bridges nothing suggests a tubular structure. There is no doubt that the chromosomes are here connected by two independent strands in the first division of the spermatocytes and by a single one in the second. The manner in which the chromosomes separate supports the idea of transverse divion, leaving little place for another interpretation. c) Ptafanoeomc and chromatoid bodies - The colourabtlity of the plasmosome in Diactor and Anisocelis showed to be highly variable. In the latter species, one may find in the same cyst nuclei provided with two intensely coloured bodies, the larger of which being the plasmosome, sided by those in which only the heterochromosome took the colour. In the former one the plasmosome strongly coloured seen in the primary metaphase may easily be taken for a supernumerary chromosome. At anaphase this body stays motionless in the equator of the cell while the chromosomes are moving toward the poles. There, when intensely coloured ,it may be confused with the heterochromosome of the secondary spermatocytes, which frequently occupies identical position in the corresponding phase, thus causing missinterpretation. In its place the plasmosome may divide into two equal parts or pass undivided to one cell in whose cytoplasm it breaks down giving rise to a few corpuscles of unequal sizes. In Pachylis pharaonis, as soon as the nuclear membrane breate down, the plasmosome migrates to a place in the periphery of the cell (primary spermatocyte), forming there a large chromatoid body. This body is never found in the cytoplasm prior to the dissolution of the nuclear membrane. It is certain that chromatoid bodies of different origin do exist. Here, however, we are dealing, undoubtedly, with true plasmosomes. d) Movement of the heterochromosome - The heterochromosome in the metaphase of the secondary spermatocytes may occupy the most different places. At the time the autosomes prient themselves in the equatorial plane it may be found some distance apart in this plane or in any other plane and even in the subpolar and polar regions. It remains in its place during anaphase. Therefore, it may appear at the same level with the components of one of the anaphase plates (synchronism), between both plates (succession) or between one plate and tbe pole (precession), what depends upon the moment the cell was fixed. This does not mean that the heterochromosome sometimes moves as quickly as the autosomes, sometimes more rapidly and sometimes less. It implies, on the contrary, that, being anywhere in the cell, the heterochromosome m he attained and passed by the autosomes. In spite of being almost motionless the heterochromosome finishes by being enclosed in one of the resulting nuclei. Consequently, it does move rapidly toward the group formed by the autosomes a little before anaphase is ended. This may be understood assuming that the heterochromosome, which do not divide, having almost inactive kinetochore cannot orient itself, giving from wherever it stays, only a weak response to the polar influences. When in the equator it probably do not perform any movement in virtue of receiving equal solicitation from both poles. When in any other plane, despite the greater influence of the nearer pole, the influence of the opposite pole would permit only so a slow movement that the autosomes would soon reach it and then leave it behind. It is only when the cell begins to divide that the heterochromosome, passing to one of the daughter cells scapes the influence of the other and thence goes quickly to join the autosomes, being enclosed with them in the nucleus formed there. The exceptions observed by BORING (1907) together with ; the facts described here must represent the normal behavior of the heterocromosome of the Hemiptera, the greater frequency of succession being the consequence of the more frequent localization of the heterochromosome in the equatorial plane or in its near and of the anaphase rapidity. Due to its position in metaphase the heterochromosome in early anaphase may be found in precession. In late anaphase, oh the contrary ,it appears almost always in succession. This is attributed to the fact of the heterochromosome being ordinairily localized outside the spindle area it leaves the way free to the anaphasic plate moving toward the pole. Moreover, the heterochromosome being a round element approximately of the size of the autosomes, which are equally round or a little longer in the direction of the movement, it can be passed by the autosomes even when it stands in the area of the spindle, specially if it is not too far from the equatorial plane. e) The kinetochore - This question has been fully discussed in another paper (PIZA 1943a). The facts treated here point to the conclusion that the chromosomes of the Coreidae, like those of Tityus bahiensis, are provided with a kinetochore at each end, as was already admitted by the present writer with regard to the heterochromosome of Protenor. Indeed, taking ipr granted the facts presented in this paper, other cannot be the interpretation. However, the reasons by which the chromosomes of the species studied here do not orient themselves at metaphase of the first division in the same way as the heterochromosome of Protenor, that is, with the major axis parallelly to the equatorial plane, are claiming for explanation. But, admiting that the proximity of the kinetochores at the ends of chromosomes which do not separate until the second division making them respond to the poles as if they were a single kinetochore ,the explanation follows. (See PIZA 1943a). The median opening of the diplonemas when they are going to the diffuse stage as well as the reappearance of the bivalents always united at the end-segments and open in the middle is in full agreement with the existence of two terminal kinetochores. The same can be said with regard to the bivalents which join their extremities to form a ring.
Descreve-se a composição da córnea do ôlho de Triatoma infestans, chegando-se aos seguintes resultados: 1 - A faceta de um omatídeo consta de uma lente quitinosa central, incluída dentro de um prima hexagonal cuticular que, em virtude da sua construção, contribui decisivamente para o isolamento ótico da lente. 2 - A lente é formada (1) pela epicutícula superficial, muito fina, (2) pela exocutícula quase homogênea e (3) pela endocutícula lamelada. A exocutícula apresenta-se em forma de uma lente coletora, sem qualquer pigmento. A endocutícula, também sem pigmentos, compõe-se de numerosas (50 a 80) lamelas cuticulares, em forma de cones encaixados, um no outro, de modo que as extremidades dos cones se encontram no eixo ótico da lente. A lente corresponde à um cristal monaxial. 3 - A córnea é a continuação da cutícula da cabeça; as camadas desta, compostas de tiras quitinosas, coladas por proteínas entre si, desintegram0se em numerosas lamelas. 4 - As propriedades óticas das lentes correspondem às de um cilindro de lentes no sentido de EXNER (1891). 5 - Os omatídeos centrais do ôlho são homocêntrico, os periféricos heterocêntricos com eixo ótico curvado.
NR2E3, also called photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor (PNR), is a transcription factor of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily whose expression is uniquely restricted to photoreceptors. There, its physiological activity is essential for proper rod and cone photoreceptor development and maintenance. Thirty-two different mutations in NR2E3 have been identified in either homozygous or compound heterozygous state in the recessively inherited enhanced S-cone sensitivity syndrome (ESCS), Goldmann-Favre syndrome (GFS), and clumped pigmentary retinal degeneration (CPRD). The clinical phenotype common to all these patients is night blindness, rudimental or absent rod function, and hyperfunction of the "blue" S-cones. A single p.G56R mutation is inherited in a dominant manner and causes retinitis pigmentosa (RP). We have established a new locus-specific database for NR2E3 (www.LOVD.nl/eye), containing all reported mutations, polymorphisms, and unclassified sequence variants, including novel ones. A high proportion of mutations are located in the evolutionarily-conserved DNA-binding domains (DBDs) and ligand-binding domains (LBDs) of NR2E3. Based on homology modeling of these NR2E3 domains, we propose a structural localization of mutated residues. The high variability of clinical phenotypes observed in patients affected by NR2E3-linked retinal degenerations may be caused by different disease mechanisms, including absence of DNA-binding, altered interactions with transcriptional coregulators, and differential activity of modifier genes.
The majority of diseases in the retina are caused by genetic mutations affecting the development and function of photoreceptor cells. The transcriptional networks directing these processes are regulated by genes such as nuclear hormone receptors. The nuclear hormone receptor gene Rev-erb alpha/Nr1d1 has been widely studied for its role in the circadian cycle and cell metabolism, however its role in the retina is unknown. In order to understand the role of Rev-erb alpha/Nr1d1 in the retina, we evaluated the effects of loss of Nr1d1 to the developing retina and its co-regulation with the photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor gene Nr2e3 in the developing and mature retina. Knock-down of Nr1d1 expression in the developing retina results in pan-retinal spotting and reduced retinal function by electroretinogram. Our studies show that NR1D1 protein is co-expressed with NR2E3 in the outer neuroblastic layer of the developing mouse retina. In the adult retina, NR1D1 is expressed in the ganglion cell layer and is co-expressed with NR2E3 in the outer nuclear layer, within rods and cones. Several genes co-targeted by NR2E3 and NR1D1 were identified that include: Nr2c1, Recoverin, Rgr, Rarres2, Pde8a, and Nupr1. We examined the cyclic expression of Nr1d1 and Nr2e3 over a twenty-four hour period and observed that both nuclear receptors cycle in a similar manner. Taken together, these studies reveal a novel role for Nr1d1, in conjunction with its cofactor Nr2e3, in regulating transcriptional networks critical for photoreceptor development and function.
The membrane-associated protein SCG10 is expressed specifically by neuronal cells. Recent experiments have suggested that it promotes neurite outgrowth by increasing microtubule dynamics in growth cones. SCG10 is related to the ubiquitous but neuron-enriched cytosolic protein stathmin. To better understand the role played by SCG10 and stathmin in vivo, we have analyzed the expression and localization of these proteins in both the olfactory epithelium and the olfactory bulb in developing and adult rats, as well as in adult bulbectomized rats. The olfactory epithelium is exceptional in that olfactory receptor neurons constantly regenerate and reinnervate the olfactory bulb throughout animal life-span. SCG10 and stathmin expression in the olfactory receptor neurons was found to be regulated during embryonic and postnatal development and to correlate with neuronal maturation. Whereas SCG10 expression was restricted to immature olfactory receptor neurons (GAP-43-positive, olfactory marker protein-negative), stathmin was also expressed by the basal cells. In the olfactory bulb of postnatal and adult rats, a moderate to strong SCG10 immunoreactivity was present in the olfactory nerve layer, whereas no labeling was detected in the glomerular layer. Olfactory glomeruli also showed no apparent immunoreactivity for several cytoskeletal proteins such as tubulin and microtubule-associated proteins. In unilaterally bulbectomized rats, SCG10 and stathmin were seen to be up-regulated in the regenerating olfactory epithelium at postsurgery stages corresponding to olfactory axon regeneration. Our data strongly suggest that, in vivo, both SCG10 and stathmin may play a role in axonal outgrowth during ontogenesis as well as during axonal regeneration.
Complete achromatopsia is a rare autosomal recessive disease associated with CNGA3, CNGB3, GNAT2 and PDE6C mutations. This retinal disorder is characterized by complete loss of color discrimination due to the absence or alteration of the cones function. The purpose of the present study was the clinical and the genetic characterization of achromatopsia in a large consanguineous Tunisian family. Ophthalmic evaluation included a full clinical examination, color vision testing and electroretinography. Linkage analysis using microsatellite markers flanking CNGA3, CNGB3, GNAT2 and PDE6C genes was performed. Mutations were screened by direct sequencing. A total of 12 individuals were diagnosed with congenital complete achromatopsia. They are members of six nuclear consanguineous families belonging to the same large consanguineous family. Linkage analysis revealed linkage to GNAT2. Mutational screening of GNAT2 revealed three intronic variations c.119-69G>C, c.161+66A>T and c.875-31G>C that co-segregated with a novel mutation p.R313X. An identical GNAT2 haplotype segregating with this mutation was identified, indicating a founder mutation. All patients were homozygous for the p.R313X mutation. This is the first report of the clinical and genetic investigation of complete achromatopsia in North Africa and the largest family with recessive achromatopsia involving GNAT2; thus, providing a unique opportunity for genotype-phenotype correlation for this extremely rare condition.
Dynamic assembly and disassembly of microtubules is essential for cell division, cell movements, and intracellular transport. In the developing nervous system, microtubule dynamics play a fundamental role during neurite outgrowth, elongation, and branching, but the molecular mechanisms involved are unknown. SCG10 is a neuron-specific protein that is membrane-associated and highly enriched in growth cones. Here we show that SCG10 binds to microtubules, inhibits their assembly, and can induce microtubule disassembly. We also show that SCG10 overexpression enhances neurite outgrowth in a stably transfected neuronal cell line. These data identify SCG10 as a key regulator of neurite extension through regulation of microtubule instability.
OBJECTIVE: To weight the rod-, cone-, and melanopsin-mediated activation of the retinal ganglion cells, which drive the pupil light reflex by varying the light stimulus wavelength, intensity, and duration. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS: Forty-three subjects with normal eyes and 3 patients with neuroretinal visual loss. METHODS: A novel stimulus paradigm was developed using either a long wavelength (red) or short wavelength (blue) light given as a continuous Ganzfeld stimulus with stepwise increases over a 2 log-unit range. The pupillary movement before, during, and after the light stimulus was recorded in real time with an infrared illuminated video camera. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The percent pupil contraction of the transient and sustained pupil response to a low- (1 cd/m(2)), medium- (10 cd/m(2)), and high-intensity (100 cd/m(2)) red- and blue-light stimulus was calculated for 1 eye of each subject. From the 43 normal eyes, median and 25th, 75th, 5th, and 95th percentile values were obtained for each stimulus condition. RESULTS: In normal eyes at lower intensities, blue light evoked much greater pupil responses compared with red light when matched for photopic luminance. The transient pupil contraction was generally greater than the sustained contraction, and this disparity was greatest at the lowest light intensity and least apparent with bright (100 cd/m(2)) blue light. A patient with primarily rod dysfunction (nonrecordable scotopic electroretinogram) showed significantly reduced pupil responses to blue light at lower intensities. A patient with achromatopsia and an almost normal visual field showed selective reduction of the pupil response to red-light stimulation. A patient with ganglion cell dysfunction owing to anterior ischemic optic neuropathy demonstrated global loss of pupil responses to red and blue light in the affected eye. CONCLUSIONS: Pupil responses that differ as a function of light intensity and wavelength support the hypothesis that selected stimulus conditions can produce pupil responses that reflect phototransduction primarily mediated by rods, cones, or melanopsin. Use of chromatic pupil responses may be a novel way to diagnose and monitor diseases affecting either the outer or inner retina.