935 resultados para Spiral Of Silence


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O presente relatório de estágio de qualificação profissional tem como objetivo refletir criticamente acerca do percurso de desenvolvimento profissional da mestranda durante os momentos de prática pedagógica, no âmbito das unidades curriculares de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada na Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º CEB. Neste sentido, espelha competências desenvolvidas pela mestranda essenciais para a profissionalidade docente, suportadas por uma postura reflexiva, indagadora, crítica e investigativa, tornando-a capaz de tomar decisões adequadas ao contexto educativo e agir com intencionalidade pedagógica sabendo fazer, ser e estar. Neste sentido, o desenvolvimento dos saberes profissionais foram construídos em articulação com a metodologia de investigação-ação, que se processou numa espiral cíclica de observação, planificação, ação, reflexão e avaliação, tendo ênfase a reflexão pode ser intrínseca e implícita em todas as fases. Importa referir ainda que o desenvolvimento da prática pedagógica em díade de formação potenciou momentos de reflexão partilhada que contribuíram para a transformação de práticas. Realça-se que a elaboração deste relatório assumiu um papel fulcral na consciência do ser professor, uma vez que despoletou na mestranda uma reflexão crítica sobre as práticas e desafios delas decorrentes, contribuindo para a contínua construção de conceções e representações inerentes à identidade pessoal e profissional da futura docente.


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Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente Relatório de Estágio de Qualificação Profissional situa-se no contexto de Educação Pré-Escolar, tendo como propósito revelar o que foi sendo realizado no Centro Social da Paróquia Nossa Senhora da Ajuda ao longo de quatro meses em contexto de creche. A prática educativa sustentou-se num quadro teórico-concetual de referência, com vista à construção de saberes para a Educação de Infância, pelo compromisso e responsabilização progressiva da ação docente, tendo sido encarado como um momento de singular importância. O contexto de formação assumiu-se, portanto, como um lugar privilegiado de articulação entre teoria e prática, onde o processo de ensino e aprendizagem ficou pautado por intencionalidades educativas com vista ao desenvolvimento integral de cada criança, bem como para a construção de saberes e competências profissionais. No âmbito da investigação-ação e associada à observação, à planificação, à avaliação e à ação propriamente dita, esteve sempre presente a comunicação e a articulação, pois são estas etapas interligadas que revelam a intencionalidade do processo educativo que carateriza a intervenção profissional do educador. A reflexão evidenciou-se também fulcral, pois só mediante uma reflexão na ação e sobre a ação é possível uma introspeção pessoal, despoletando uma compreensão mais sustentada da ação, facilitando a tomada de decisões conscientes. Salienta-se, ainda, a importância de uma formação profissional ao longo da vida, de modo a potenciar o desenvolvimento de uma atitude perante a Educação cada vez mais crítica, indagadora e reflexiva, em prol do desenvolvimento de cada criança.


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This book consists of two main parts. The first part offers a basic methodological introduction, presenting a concise but multifaceted overview of current problems of collective memory. The second part contains a set of interviews with former prisoners of concentration camps carried out by the authors. The research was conducted by Paweł Greń and Łukasz Posłuszny and focuses on issues of collective and cultural memory illustrated by individual life experiences of concentration camps prisoners. The field of oral history serves as the framework of analysis and narrative inquiry as its research tool. Interviews and additional research materials were collected by the authors and are not available in previous publications, making this work a precious supplement to the current scholarly body of knowledge and achievements in the discipline of memory studies. According to the authors, current historical and literary publications provide an incomplete picture of the WWII and its aftermaths for survivors, because descriptions of the war and imprisonment in the camp play still a dominate role in narratives. The importance of these issues in autobiographies is unquestionable and highly needed to create a common identity among generation of prisoners, though authors often wanted to perceive the fate of individuals in a broader perspective – including the periods before and after the war. Hence, interviews stressed personal experiences and their understanding over time by former prisoners. The interviews covered many topics on life before, during and after the camp – among them daily and neutral routines, but also difficult matters. The latter were connected on the one hand with traumatic events or harsh memories and emotions, and on the other hand with less extensively highlighted threads of prisoners’ lives - such as issues of the body and sexuality – and their dependence on particular representation or narrative. The authors are convinced that the book serves not only as a record of past remembered by eyewitnesses, but it also depicts their accounts in wider contexts and discourses, which expose specific dimensions of told and written stories. In the book Questions for Memory one examine the approach proposed by young scholars. Interviews were conducted from 2009-2011, seventy years after the end of the second world war, and this initiative was the result of questions and doubts of the authors from the existing literature. They also wanted to use the unique opportunity to meet with eyewitnesses and record their stories, because when they pass away we will irretrievably lose the possibility to listen to them and to pose sensitive questions. The majority of the interviewees were prisoners of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, and their experiences differed greatly from each other based on social background and specific experience in the camps as well as their post-camp and postwar life. Aside from persons whose stories are already well known and open, readers will hear the stories of those who spoke only reluctantly and very rarely, or who had remained silent until the present author’s research. Qualitative differences between interviews occurred on the level of established relationship and atmosphere of trust, which varied according to circumstances and individual character and personality. For P. Greń and Ł. Posłuszny, each interviewed person is equally and highly valued due to the collected material and the personal experience of the meetings. Among the ten interviews placed in the book, seven of them are the stories told by women. Their testimonies exemplify realities of everyday prisoners’ existence and gravitate towards mirroring specifically feminine perspectives of imprisonment. For women, crucial problems stemmed from experiences of body that intertwine with suffering, feeling of shame and humiliation. Early discussions on holocaust literature and issues of representation that shaped the Polish narrative and collective memory imposed imperatives of silence on certain topics. A solution for reconciling heroic and inhuman deeds in stories with completely human physiology was impossible and improper for many years. There were also questions about life after, ways of dealing with a trauma or reflections on the present time. During conversations the authors attempted to come closer to something distant and incomprehensible for their generation and for people who did not experience the camps. Despite the fact that there have been seventy years of dealing with these events in literature, art, drama, film, memoirs and scientific works, the past still breeds more questions than answers. The book Questions for Memory serves as an example of this phenomenon.


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O presente Relatório de Estágio tem como objetivo descrever e refletir sobre a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, no âmbito da unidade curricular de Integração Curricular: Prática Educativa e Relatório de Estágio, inserida no plano de estudos do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. A prática desenvolvida reflete o resultado de um percurso de formação desde a Licenciatura em Educação Básica até ao Mestrado, num permanente exercício crítico, reflexivo e investigativo, onde se procurou mobilizar e articular saberes científicos, didáticos e pedagógicos. Assim, descreve-se e reflete-se sobre vivências e experiências desenvolvidas ao longo da prática educativa, atendendo a um quadro teórico e legal e uma análise do contexto e das práticas, que potenciaram o encadeamento e o amadurecimento dos saberes profissionais em estreita relação com os saberes experienciados. No desenvolvimento da prática pedagógica, a metodologia de investigação-ação norteou a conduta do formando ao traduzir-se numa espiral cíclica de observação, planificação, ação e reflexão, cuja dinâmica permite a construção de conhecimentos sólidos que sustentam o desenvolvimento da profissionalidade docente. Neste processo formativo, o formando atribuiu uma especial importância aos momentos de reflexão partilhada com os Professores envolvidos nesta formação, bem como o par pedagógico que permitiram a partilha de saberes e de experiências com reflexos na transformação e melhoramento das práticas. No final deste percurso, consciente do empenho e da determinação aplicados ao longo do percurso formativo, o mestrando evidencia a importância de um ensino com significado e globalizante para o estudante, e que possa dar sentido à expressão “assas para poder voar”.


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This project proposes a feminist intervention in how affect and publics are theorized in public relations research. Drawing from extant literature, I argue that public relations theories of affect and publics have been apolitical and lack depth and context (Leitch & Motion, 2010a). Using the context of the online childhood vaccine debate, I illustrate several theories and concepts of the new feminist affective turn, as well as postmodern theories of affect, relevant to public relations research: (a) Public Feelings, “ugly” feelings, agency, and community (Cvetkovich, 2012; Ngai, 2007); (b) passionate politics (Mouffe, 2014); (c) postmodern assemblages, biopower, and body politics (Deleuze & Guattari, 1988; Foucault, 1984); (d) affective facts and logics of future threats (Massumi, 2010); and (e) affective ethics (Bertleson & Murphie, 2010). Scholarship in the areas of public relations, risk, feminist and postmodern affect theory, and the vaccine debate provided theoretical grounding for this project. My research questions asked: How is feminist affect theory embodied by mothers in the vaccine debate? How do mothers understand risks as affective facts in the vaccine debate (if at all)? What affective logics are used by mothers in the vaccine debate (if any)? And, What are sources of knowledge for mothers in the vaccine debate? Multi-sited online ethnographic methods were used to explore how feminist affect theory contributes to public relations research, including 29 one-on-one in-depth interviews with mothers of young children and participant observation of 15 online discussions about vaccines on parenting websites BabyCenter.com, TheBump.com, and WhatToExpect.com. I used snowball sampling to recruit interview participants and grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) to analyze interview and online data. Results show that feminist affect theory contributes to theoretical and practical knowledge in public relations by politicizing and contextualizing understandings of publics and elucidating how affective facts and logics inform publics’ knowledge and choices, specifically in the context of risk. I also found evidence of suppression of dissent (Martin, 2015) and academic bias in vaccine debate research, which resulted in cultures of silence. Further areas of study included how specific contexts such as motherhood and issues of privilege and access affect publics’ experiences, knowledges, and choices.


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Este proyecto de investigación se caracteriza como estudio histórico-etnográfica basado en estudios de casos de la vida cotidiana de nueve mujeres en Valparaíso y Viña del Mar durante la dictadura chilena, analizando el testimonio de los efectos del régimen autoritario en la vida cotidiana de estas mujeres chilenas entre 1980 y 1987. La metodología se radica firmemente en el método etnográfico con entrevistas semi-abiertas y el análisis del discurso de los relatos. En la metáfora de la arpillera (un tapiz anónimo cosido en lona ensamblado a partir de piezas de tela que muestra escenas de la vida cotidiana o protesta la dictadura de Pinochet), trozos y pedazos de experiencia se juntan en el encima de la lona de la historia para dar forma al testimonio de vida la vida cotidiana. Este proyecto se centra en tres aspectos diferentes de la relación entre el Estado autoritario y la vida cotidiana: las técnicas de gobernabilidad (macro), narraciones de silencio y miedo (micro) y trayectorias narrados (espacial), el último inspirado por el ensayo Halbwachs en caminar por la ciudad. Para cerrar, la relevancia del estudio se destaca por el intento de comprender el efecto de un estado autoritario en el sujeto femenino y las respuestas y adaptaciones que las mujeres chilenas adoptaron en la vida privada y pública mediada por la violencia y el miedo bajo dictadura. La dialéctica del acontecimiento y la rutina de la vida cotidiana bajo la dictadura se unen en las memorias narradas, mediada por el presente vivido, lo cual permite una reflexión sobre la cuestión de la alteridad en la sociedad chilena.Este proyecto de investigación se caracteriza como estudio histórico-etnográfica basado en estudios de casos de la vida cotidiana de nueve mujeres en Valparaíso y Viña del Mar durante la dictadura chilena, analizando el testimonio de los efectos del régimen autoritario en la vida cotidiana de estas mujeres chilenas entre 1980 y 1987. La metodología se radica firmemente en el método etnográfico con entrevistas semi-abiertas y el análisis del discurso de los relatos. En la metáfora de la arpillera (un tapiz anónimo cosido en lona ensamblado a partir de piezas de tela que muestra escenas de la vida cotidiana o protesta la dictadura de Pinochet), trozos y pedazos de experiencia se juntan en el encima de la lona de la historia para dar forma al testimonio de vida la vida cotidiana. Este proyecto se centra en tres aspectos diferentes de la relación entre el Estado autoritario y la vida cotidiana: las técnicas de gobernabilidad (macro), narraciones de silencio y miedo (micro) y trayectorias narrados (espacial), el último inspirado por el ensayo Halbwachs en caminar por la ciudad. Para cerrar, la relevancia del estudio se destaca por el intento de comprender el efecto de un estado autoritario en el sujeto femenino y las respuestas y adaptaciones que las mujeres chilenas adoptaron en la vida privada y pública mediada por la violencia y el miedo bajo dictadura. La dialéctica del acontecimiento y la rutina de la vida cotidiana bajo la dictadura se unen en las memorias narradas, mediada por el presente vivido, lo cual permite una reflexión sobre la cuestión de la alteridad en la sociedad chilena.


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A questão central que abordamos nesta tese, assenta na génese do pensamento portátil dos nossos objectos não artísticos e artísticos. A portabilidade como sintoma civilizacional, num contexto de crescente mobilidade e transição para modos de vida nómadas e itinerantes nas suas mais heterogéneas expressões. Especula-se, que a génese desta mutação nos estilos de vida que são vertiginosamente acompanhados pela parafernália de objectos que orbitam em nossa volta, numa espiral crescente de portabilidade, esteja na necessidade de busca de novos paradigmas societais, após a falência daqueles que sustentam este modo de vida artificial. ABSTRACT: The central question boarded in this thesis, leys on the genesis of the portability's thought about objects, artistic and non-artistic ones. Portability is seen as a civilizational symptom, in a growing context of mobility and transition to nomadic and itinerant ways of life, in there most heterogeneous manifestations. We speculate that the genesis of this mutation of life styles, that are vertiginously accompanied by all this paraphernalia of objects that orbit around us in a crescent spiral of portability, leys on the necessity to search new social paradigms, after the fall of those that sustain these artificial ways of life.


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Context. X-ray data analysis have found that fairly complex structures at cluster centres are more common than expected. Many of these structures have similar morphologies, which exhibit spiral-like substructure. Aims. It is not yet well known how these structures are formed or maintained. Understanding the origin of these spiral-like features at the centre of some clusters is the major motivation behind this work. Methods. We analyse deep Chandra observations of 15 nearby galaxy clusters ( 0.01 < z < 0.06), and use X-ray temperature and substructure maps to detect small features at the cores of the clusters. Results. We detect spiral-like features at the centre of 7 clusters: A85, A426, A496, Hydra A cluster, Centaurus, Ophiuchus, and A4059. These patterns are similar to those found in numerical hydrodynamic simulations of cluster mergers with non-zero impact parameter. In some clusters of our sample, a strong radio source also occupies the inner region of the cluster, which indicates a possible connection between the two. Our investigation implies that these spiral-like structures may be caused by off-axis minor mergers. Since these features occur in regions of high density, they may confine radio emission from the central galaxy producing, in some cases, unusual radio morphology.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an important neuromodulator found in central and peripheral neurons. NPY was investigated in the peripheral auditory pathway of conventional housed rats and after nontraumatic sound stimulation in order to localize the molecule and also to describe its response to sound stimulus. Rats from the stimulation experiment were housed in monitored sound-proofed rooms. Stimulated animals received sound stimuli (pure tone bursts of 8 kHz, 50 ms duration presented at a rate of 2 per second) at an intensity of 80 dB sound pressure level for 1 hr per day during 7 days. After euthanizing, rat cochleae were processed for one-color immunohistochemistry. The NPY immunoreactivity was detected in inner hair cells (IHC) and also in pillar and Deiters` cells of organ of Corti, and in the spiral ganglion putative type I (1,009 m3) and type II (225 m3) neurons. Outer hair cells (OHC) showed light immunoreaction product. Quantitative microdensitometry showed strong and moderate immunoreactions in IHC and spiral ganglion neurons, respectively, without differences among cochlear turns. One week of acoustic stimulation was not able to induce changes in the NPY immunoreactivity intensity in the IHC of cochlea. However, stimulated rats showed an overall increase in the number of putative type I and type II NPY immunoreactive spiral ganglion neurons with strong, moderate, and weak immunolabeling. Localization and responses of NPY to acoustic stimulus suggest an involvement of the neuropeptide in the neuromodulation of afferent transmission in the rat peripheral auditory pathway.


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Objective. To evaluate the influence of shaft design on the shaping ability of 3 rotary nickel-titanium (NiTi) systems. Study design. Sixty curved mesial canals of mandibular molars were used. Specimens were scanned by spiral tomography before and after canal preparation using ProTaper, ProFile, and ProSystem GT rotary instruments. One-millimeter-thick slices were scanned from the apical end point to the pulp chamber. The cross-sectional images from the slices taken earlier and after canal preparation at the apical, coronal, and midroot levels were compared. Results. The mean working time was 137.22 +/- 5.15 s. Mean transportation, mean centering ratio, and percentage of area increase were 0.022 +/- 0.131 mm, 0.21 +/- 0.11, and 76.90 +/- 42.27%, respectively, with no statistical differences (P > .05). Conclusions. All instruments were able to shape curved mesial canals in mandibular molars to size 30 without significant errors. The differences in shaft designs seemed not to affect their shaping capabilities.


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In Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs v Khawar, the Federal Court upheld a finding setting aside the refusal of the Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT) to grant a protection visa to a Pakistani woman - Tribunal's failure to consider the notion that state tolerance of violence for discriminatory reasons could amount to persecution under the definition of 'refugee' in the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.


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With the creationof the moving image at the end of the 19th century a new way of representing and expressing the Religious was born. The cinema industry rapidly understood that film has a powerful way to attract new audiences and transformed the explicit religious message into an implicit theological discourse of the fictional film. Today, the concept of "cinema" needs to be rethought and expanded, as well as the notion of "tTranscendental" since the strong reality effect of the film can allow a true religious experience for the spectator.


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Spiral wave,feedback mechanism, photosensitive BZ reaction, excitable media, drift vetor field plot, planewave approximation, BZ, nonlinear