929 resultados para Space research


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Gravitational capture is a characteristic of some dynamical systems in celestial mechanics, as in the elliptic restricted three-body problem that is considered in this paper. The basic idea is that a spacecraft (or any particle with negligible mass) can change a hyperbolic orbit with a small positive energy around a celestial body into an elliptic orbit with a small negative energy without the use of any propulsive system. The force responsible for this modification in the orbit of the spacecraft is the gravitational force of the third body involved in the dynamics. In this way, this force is used as a zero cost control, equivalent to a continuous thrust applied in the spacecraft. One of the most important applications of this property is the construction of trajectories to the Moon. The objective of the present paper is to study in some detail the effects of the eccentricity of the primaries in this maneuver.


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The Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) is operating the Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System that currently amounts to a user community of around 100 organizations and more than 700 data collection platforms installed in Brazil. This system uses the SCD-1, SCD-2, and CBERS-2 low Earth orbit satellites to accomplish the data collection services. The main system applications are hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, water quality, and others. One of the functionalities offered by this system is the geographic localization of the data collection platforms by using Doppler shifts and a batch estimator based on least-squares technique. There is a growing demand to improve the quality of the geographical location of data collection platforms for animal tracking. This work presents an evaluation of the ionospheric and tropospheric effects on the Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System transmitter geographic location. Some models of the ionosphere and troposphere are presented to simulate their impacts and to evaluate performance of the platform location algorithm. The results of the Doppler shift measurements, using the SCD-2 satellite and the data collection platform (DCP) located in Cuiabá town, are presented and discussed.


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Electric propulsion is now a succeful method for primary propulsion of deep space long duration missions and for geosyncronous satellite attitude control. Closed Drift Thruster, so called Hall Thruster or SPT (Stationary Plasma Thruster), was primarily conceived in USSR (the ancient Soviet Union) and, since then, it has been developed by space agencies, space research institutes and industries in several countries such as France, USA, Israel, Russian Federation and Brazil. In this work we present the main features of the Permanent Magnet Hall Thruster (PMHT) developed at the Plasma Laboratory of the University of Brasilia. The idea of using an array of permanent magnets, instead of an electromagnet, to produce a radial magnetic field inside the plasma channel of the thruster is very significant. It allows the development of a Hall Thruster with power consumption low enough to be used in small and medium size satellites. Description of a new vacuum chamber used to test the second prototype of the PMHT (PHALL II) will be given. PHALL II has an aluminum plasma chamber and is smaller with 15 cm diameter and will contain rare earth magnets. We will show plasma density and temperature space profiles inside and outside the thruster channel. Ion temperature measurements based on Doppler broadening of spectral lines and ion energy measurements are also shown. Based on the measured plasma parameters we constructed an aptitude figure of the PMHT. It contains the specific impulse, total thrust, propellant flow rate and power consumption necessary for orbit raising of satellites. Based on previous studies of geosyncronous satellite orbit positioning we perform numerical simulations of satellite orbit raising from an altitude of 700 km to 36000 km using a PMHT operating in the 100 mN - 500 mN thrust range. In order to perform these calculations integration techniques were used. The main simulation paraters were orbit raising time, fuel mass, total satellite mass, thrust and exaust velocity. We conclude comparing our results with results obtainned with known space missions performed with Hall Thrusters. © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Swing-by techniques are extensively used in interplanetary missions to minimize fuel consumption and to raise payloads of spaceships. The effectiveness of this type of maneuver has been proven since the beginning of space exploration. According to this premise, we have explored the existence of a natural and direct links between low Earth orbits and the lunar sphere of influence, to obtain low-energy interplanetary trajectories through swing-bys with the Moon and the Earth. The existence of these links are related to a family of retrograde periodic orbits around the Lagrangian equilibrium point L1 predicted for the circular, planar, restricted three-body Earth-Moon-particle problem. The trajectories in these links are sensitive to small disturbances. This enables them to be conveniently diverted reducing so the cost of the swing-by maneuver. These maneuvers allow us a gain in energy sufficient for the trajectories to escape from the Earth-Moon system and to stabilize in heliocentric orbits between the Earth and Venus or Earth and Mars. On the other hand, still within the Earth sphere of influence, and taking advantage of the sensitivity of the trajectories, is possible to design other swing-bys with the Earth or Moon. This allows the trajectories to have larger reach, until they can reach the orbit of other planets as Venus and Mars.(3σ)Broucke, R.A., Periodic Orbits in the Restricted Three-Body Problem with Earth-Moon Masses, JPL Technical Report 32-1168, 1968.


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Virtual platforms are of paramount importance for design space exploration and their usage in early software development and verification is crucial. In particular, enabling accurate and fast simulation is specially useful, but such features are usually conflicting and tradeoffs have to be made. In this paper we describe how we integrated TLM communication mechanisms into a state-of-the-art, cycle-accurate, MPSoC simulation platform. More specifically, we show how we adapted ArchC fast functional instruction set simulators to the MPARM platform in order to achieve both fast simulation speed and accuracy. Our implementation led to a much faster hybrid platform, reaching speedups of up to 2.9 and 2.1x on average with negligible impact on power estimation accuracy (average 3.26% and 2.25% of standard deviation). © 2011 IEEE.


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2001 SN263 is a triple system asteroid. Although it was discovery in 2001, in 2008 astronomical observation carried out by Arecibo observatory revealed that it is actually a system with three bodies orbiting each other. The main central body is an irregular object with a diameter about 2.8 km, while the other two are small objects with less than 1 km across. This system presents an orbital eccentricity of 0.47, with perihelion of 1.04 and aphelion of 1.99, which means that it can be considered as a Near Earth Object. This interesting system was chosen as the target for the Aster mission - first Brazilian space exploration undertaking. A small spacecraft with 150 kg of total mass, 30 kg of payload with 110 W available for the instruments, is scheduled to be launched in 2015, and in 2018 it will approach and will be put in orbit of the triple system. This spacecraft will use electric propulsion and in its payload it will carry image camera, laser rangefinder, infrared spectrometer, mass spectrometer, and experiments to be performed in its way to the asteroid. This mission represents a great challenge for the Brazilian space program. It is being structured to allow the full engagement of the Brazilian universities and technological companies in all the necessary developments to be carried out. In this paper, we present some aspects of this mission, including the transfer trajectories to be used, and details of buss and payload subsystems that are being developed and will be used. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved.


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The paper presents and evaluates three methods for automatically estimating the main orientation of Martian dust devil tracks in MOC and HiRISE images. Inferring such information about dust devils from their tracks is important to better understand the near surface wind. The methods considered were based on gradient direction, directional openings and morphological granulometry. The accuracy of the methods was asserted by comparing the results to a set of directions estimated visually and assumed to be the ground truth. The higher accuracy was reached using directional openings. Besides, the directions inferred by this method were compared to those predicted by the GCM and the results agreed. © 2013 COSPAR.


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In this work we investigate the cold front passage effects on sensible and latent heat flux in a tropical hydroelectric reservoir. The study area, Itumbiara reservoir (Goiás State/Brazil) at the beginning of the austral winter, is characterized by the presence of a weak thermal stratification and the passage of several cold fronts from higher latitudes of South America. Sensible and latent heat fluxes were estimated considering the atmospheric boundary layer stability. In situ and MODIS water surface temperature data were used to adjust the coefficients for momentum and heat exchanges between water and atmosphere and spatialize the sensible and latent heat fluxes. The results showed that during a cold front event the sensible heat flux can be up to five times greater than the flux observed before. The latent heat flux tends to decrease during the cold front but increase again after the passage. The highest values of heat loss were observed at littoral zone and some Reservoir's embayment. The heat loss intensification can be separated in two moments: first, during the cold front passage, when the wind speed increases and the air temperature decreases; second, after the cold front passage, with air humidity decreasing. This can be considered a key process to understanding the heat loss in the Itumbiara reservoir. © 2013 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Esta dissertação se constitui em um estudo exploratório para reconhecimento de cenário sobre a cobertura de temas científicos em jornais do Pará, por isso, nossa atenção se voltou para a análise de três importantes jornais diários paraenses ao longo de 130 anos: A Província do Pará (1876-2002), Folha do Norte (1896-1974) e O Liberal (1946-atual). Para selecionar os textos sobre ciência desses periódicos, investigamos as edições de janeiro e julho de dez em dez anos de cada jornal, desde 1876 até 2006. Foram feitas adaptações no protocolo da Rede Ibero-Americana de Monitoramento e Capacitação em Jornalismo Científico – voltado para materiais televisivos – para tornar possível a pesquisa em jornais impressos. O protocolo se baseia no método de análise de conteúdo e possibilitou a caracterização e sistematização de informações dos 496 textos encontrados com questões científicas a partir da metodologia escolhida. Identificamos dados como a data de publicação do material, a presença de manchetes e chamadas na primeira página do jornal, o gênero jornalístico dos textos, a área do conhecimento predominante, os recursos visuais utilizados, os enquadramentos, a contextualização das questões científicas, as explicações de termos científicos, os benefícios e malefícios e as promessas e riscos da ciência, as controvérsias científicas e não científicas, fontes e vozes, e os locais das pesquisas e dos pesquisadores presentes nos textos selecionados. Os dados evidenciaram que a ciência já era pauta dos jornais paraenses no fim do século XIX, mas ganharam mais espaço a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Houve um grande destaque para as questões científicas relacionadas à saúde, apesar das pesquisas espaciais também terem tido forte presença. Observamos ainda expressiva contextualização e explicações de termos científicos. De forma geral, a ciência foi divulgada a partir do seu lado “positivo”, mostrando os seus benefícios, e com ênfase nas descobertas científicas. Por outro lado, foi dado pouco espaço para a discussão de suas controvérsias. Os recursos visuais também foram raros. As principais fontes e vozes identificadas no corpus foram dos cientistas e instituições de pesquisa e a maioria dos pesquisadores foi constituída por homens. Houve ainda um equilíbrio entre as pesquisas e pesquisadores do Brasil e aqueles de fora do país. A Província do Pará destacou temas da saúde, de forma predominante, mas também das ciências exatas e engenharias e deu espaço diferenciado a fontes e vozes não científicas. A Folha do Norte publicou textos mais longos e com bastante contextualização. Já O Liberal enfatizou questões de medicina e ciências humanas e foi o único periódico que deu mais destaque à pesquisa e aos pesquisadores brasileiros e, em especial, aos paraenses.