831 resultados para Social service -- Practice


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Effective social work practice with Aboriginal peoples and communities requires knowledge of operational communication skills and practice methods. In addition, there is also a need for practitioners to be aware of the history surrounding white engagement with Aboriginal communities and their cultures. Indeed, the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) acknowledges the importance of social workers practising cultural safety. Engendering knowledge of cultural safety for social work students is the opportunity to listen and talk with Aboriginal people who have experienced the destructive impacts of colonisation and the subsequent disruption to family and community. This article discusses the use of field experiences within a Masters of Social Work (Qualifying) Program (MSW) as an educational method aimed at increasing student awareness of contemporary Aboriginal issues and how to practice effectively and within a culturally safe manner.


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This paper aims to provide a contextualised and embedded exploration of how the notions of "practice" and "participation", key concepts in the study of culture and media, are manifest in an example of a complex creative project. This project aimed to engage with refugees and asylum seekers through the co-creation of cultural material and is an outcome of an? ethnographic action research (Tacchi et al. 2003) partnership involving a community development worker in a settlement support agency and a storytelling/community media researcher (the author), along with other project collaborators. The discussion of this project focuses on the role of the facilitator and illustrates the processes of orchestrating a complex project involving a series of linked stages with cumulative effect. As practitioners at this site we are working in the space where personal narratives, participatory arts and media, and the staging of intercultural, civic dialogue events, intersect. Co-creative media facilitation in these contexts involves both managing hybrid communicative spaces and (re)combining the "integrative practices" (Schatzki 1996) of a range of professional approaches and creative roles. This is liminal work, located on the boundaries of several disciplines and practices. Drawing on reflections gathered from collaborative ethnographic descriptions (Bhattacharya 2008), this paper traces moments of practitioner uncertainty that can be linked to the way "practice" and “participation” is problematised within the community cultural development field in a way that is at times an uneasy fit with conventional ways of operating in social service roles. These moments of tension also indicate where this project pushed practitioners into spaces of improvisation and new learning. Keywords: Youth, refugees, community cultural development, co-creative media facilitation, ethnographic action research, intercultural dialogue.


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This Article proposes a meta-regulation approach to address the gap between the objectives, commitment, practice and outcome in the accountability practice of the global supply chain in the developing countries. The literatures on the accountability practice in the global supply chains typically focuses on the strategies for raising corporate social accountability standards in multinational buying firms and seldom focuses on this strategies in the outsourced firms in the developing countries. This article tries to fill this void by examining the situation in Bangladesh, the third largest RMG supply country in the world. It conceptualizes a meta-regulation approach with the aim of raising social accountability practice in this industry. It shows that this regulation approach is suitable to effectively raise this practice standard in a perspective where the non-legal drivers are meagrely low, global buying firms are highly profit driven and the governmental agencies are either inadequate or highly corrupt.


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This book takes the concept of social audit and lifts it beyond the role of functioning largely as a management tool. The book proposes a system in which social audit is regulated so as to provide a mechanism for effectively promoting corporate accountability in society. Taking this as its theme, this book provides both a conceptual explanation of the developmental perspectives of social audit regulation and empirical evidence of the impact of social audit practice from different parts of the world. It is the first book to explore the issues and challenges related to the development of effective social audit regulation.


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Mapping and evaluating a student's progress on placement is a core element of social work education but there has been scant attention to indicate how to effectively create and assess student learning and performance. This paper outlines a project undertaken by the Combined Schools of Social Work to develop a common learning and assessment tool that is being used by all social work schools in Victoria. The paper describes how the Common Assessment Tool (CAT) was developed, drawing on the Australian Association of Social Work Practice Standards, leading to seven key learning areas that form the basis of the assessment of a student's readiness for practice. An evaluation of the usefulness of the CAT was completed by field educators, liaison staff, and students, which confirmed that the CAT was a useful framework for evaluating students' learning goals. The feedback also identified a number of problematic features that were addressed in a revised CAT and rating scale.


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[Excerpt] The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was one of the first international instruments to which the Republic of Uzbekistan acceded, and with parliamentary ratification on 9 December 1992, the Republic of Uzbekistan entered into a commitment to observe all the provisions of the CRC and to shoulder its responsibility before the international community. As a result various legislative, administrative and other steps have been taken by the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan with a view to bringing the State policy and legislation on children to be in line with the provisions as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Constitution incorporates the fundamental provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At the current stage in the restructuring of the country’s social and economic development, solid foundations have been laid for the conduct of significant democratic reforms based on a recognition of the innate worth of the individual (including the child) and of the unconditional respect of his or her rights and freedoms. Until recently, the State acted as the main guarantor of the provision of all social services, however the process of the transition (political/economic) to a market economy has entailed the development of new economic relations with a reduction in the allocation of state resources for the provision of social services to children. The efforts of the government made so far to bring the state policy and legislation on the child to be in line with the provisions enshrined in the convention on the rights of the child are commendable; never the less, the implementations of all these policies and laws into practice needs a lot to desire as there are a number of ongoing child rights violations. The National Report has fundamentally overlooked a number of child rights privileges enshrined in the CRC that have not yet been realised, or those rights that have been eroded since the independence. These shortcomings need to be noted for consideration so that the state steps up its efforts to enact new laws and/or to enforce the existing rules and regulations required for the protection and implementation of these child rights, and to improve the overall situation for children in the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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This paper examines the need for a framework for social enterprises to measure and report on social performance. Reviewing social reporting practice, and concepts central to financial reporting, this paper presents a framework for social performance reporting in the context of social enterprises. A Statement of Social Performance is developed, through consideration of social reporting approaches, influences, and issues in third sector and private sector organisations. This Statement is applied in the context of an employment and training social enterprise, demonstrating its application in practice.


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Overview Learn how to get the most from your placements with the aid of this user-friendly text. Making the Most of Field Placement offers a practice-based approach to teaching and learning during placement experiences. Written for both students and their supervisors, it follows the various stages of a placement from planning through to evaluation. The core practice issues and ideas that it discusses can be used for a wide range of fields including social work, welfare work, disability work, youth work, community work and other human services. Readers can follow through the chapters as a guide as the placement progresses or select specific chapters and exercises to enhance specific stages of the placement. Numerous examples, checklists and exercises provide practical ideas that help students and supervisors to positively engage with each stage of the field placement process.


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This article outlines the purpose, definition and usefulness of social work practice research and then describes a training program conducted by a group of social workers in the Australian Association of Social Workers (Victorian Branch) Practice Research Special Interest Group. These workshops offered practitioners the opportunity to explore a research idea with a group of colleagues which acted as a reference group over a period of six months. Two models of practice research workshops are described and their outcomes presented.


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"Human service workers need more than just common sense. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to practice skills required across the human service sector. The authors use critical analysis to systematically outline the key stages of interaction with clients."--Libraries Australia "A thorough introduction to the core practice skills needed by social work and welfare professionals. Human service workers need more than just common sense. Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare offers a comprehensive introduction to practice skills required across the human service sector. The authors use critical analysis to systematically outline the key stages of interaction with clients: engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation. Drawing on a strengths approach, they examine the skills needed for working with different types of clients: individuals, families and community groups. They also explore the dilemmas faced in daily practice, including the challenges of working with involuntary clients, clients from different cultural backgrounds, and clients in crisis situations. Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare provides a model of integrated practice which incorporates the key components of ideology, theory, phase, skill and context. Detailed case studies demonstrate how welfare services can be delivered in different contexts. Written by experienced teachers and practitioners from Australia and New Zealand, Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare is a practical and user friendly text for students and reference for practitioners"--Publisher website


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"Fully revised edition of this widely used introduction to the core practice skills needed by social work and other human service professionals. 'The main strength of the book is the consistency of its themes throughout the text.I would like to commend the editors of this book for the contribution it should make to practice teaching with social work and welfare' - Karen Heycox in Australian Social Work Human service workers need more than just common sense. Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare offers a comprehensive introduction to practice skills required across the human service sector. The authors use critical analysis to systematically outline the key stages of interaction with clients: engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation. Drawing on a strengths approach, they examine the skills needed for working with different types of clients: individuals, families and community groups. They also explore the dilemmas faced in daily practice, including the challenges of working with involuntary clients, clients from different cultural backgrounds, and clients in crisis situations. Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare provides a model of integrated practice which incorporates the key components of ideology, theory, phase, skill and context. Detailed case studies demonstrate how welfare services can be delivered in different contexts. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated and includes new material on online services and strengths-based practice. Written by experienced teachers and practitioners from Australia and New Zealand, Practice Skills in Social Work and Welfare is a practical and user friendly text for students and reference for practitioners."--Publisher website


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O presente trabalho analisa a realidade da prática dos assistentes sociais nos serviços de saúde da Aeronáutica/RJ, tendo como referência o projeto ético - político profissional do Serviço Social expresso no Código de Ética do Assistente Social, na Lei n 8.662/1993 que regulamenta a profissão, bem como nas Diretrizes Curriculares da ABEPSS. O interesse em realizar este estudo em um espaço profissional, pouco debatido no meio acadêmico, define-se pela necessidade de uma investigação teórica que possibilite analisar, revelar e divulgar um segmento da categoria, muitas vezes desconhecido e estranho ao conjunto dos profissionais do Serviço Social. Entendemos que este estudo apresenta um caráter predominantemente exploratório. Para uma melhor compreensão do universo militar da Aeronáutica, tornou-se imprescindível, captarmos na realidade concreta, os limites e as possibilidades do movimento do real na sua historicidade. Para tanto, tivemos como alicerce o referencial teórico marxista crítico-dialético que possibilita ir para além da aparência dos fatos. É certo que uma instituição cujo funcionamento se aproxima do modelo de instituição fechada e conservadora, fundamentada nos princípios da hierarquia e da disciplina, sinalize, a priori, uma inviabilidade real de um projeto profissional emancipatório. Ao realizarmos uma análise dos depoimentos das assistentes sociais entrevistadas, buscamos considerar a cotidianidade da prática profissional, que revela presenças e ausências, aponta problemas imediatos desvela/oculta, caminhando do particular para o universal. Este estudo teve com lócus de investigação os Hospitais da Aeronáutica do Rio de Janeiro: HAAF, HCA e HFAG. Tem-se nesses espaços, uma atuação desafiante para aqueles profissionais que buscam romper com práticas burocráticas e conservadoras e que visam fortalecer práticas democráticas e coletivas de atendimento às demandas no contexto institucional.


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Em meio a toda a turbulência que configura um cenário desastroso para as políticas sociais, a população idosa aumenta; com ela, aumenta a demanda por estudos que avaliem os avanços e os impactos derivados desse processo. Mas como o Serviço Social vem se posicionando perante a esta demanda? O que temos produzido sobre a temática? Poderíamos dizer que, em termo de produções, verificamos mais avanços ou retrocessos? Para analisar a produção acadêmica do Serviço Social, utilizei como referenciais as produções Dissertações e Teses sobre o idoso _ dos programas de pós-graduação em Serviço Social de três das principais Universidades públicas do estado do Rio de Janeiro UFF, UFRJ e UERJ_ devido ao fato de elas possuírem programas consolidados desde 2001, motivo pelo qual analisei as obras no período compreendido entre 2001 e 2009 . Busco evidenciar a importância da categoria neste debate, que pressupõe a capacidade teórico-metodológica para analisar seus determinantes, compreendendo o envelhecimento como um processo que possui um grande potencial a ser explorado em estudos e pesquisas, além de constituir-se num instigante desafio intelectual, social e político.


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A presente tese tem por objetivo analisar o trato teórico dado à categoria pobreza pelo Serviço Social. Para tanto, após caracterizar os fundamentos do fenômeno em questão, discutimos as diferentes concepções nas diversas perspectivas teórico-metodológicas e suas propostas de enfrentamento. Sustentados nessa análise, estudamos a abordagem da pobreza no debate do Serviço Social, partindo da hipótese que as formas de concepção da pobreza e seu enfrentamento vinculam-se às perspectivas e compromissos que os profissionais têm assumido. Organizamos o trabalho em três partes. A primeira que trata brevemente dos fundamentos do Modo de Produção Capitalistas e das determinações da sua fase imperialista/monopolista, considerando as particularidades da industrialização no Brasil, para entender a gênese da pobreza e suas manifestações nesse contexto. A segunda parte apresenta as perspectivas teórico-metodológicas liberal, marxista, pós-moderna , através de alguns autores que são referências para a compreensão do fenômeno; a partir do qual analisamos o que entendemos como equívocos nessa discussão. Finalmente, na terceira parte, nos dedicamos ao estudo das formas com que se debate a pobreza e seu enfrentamento no Serviço Social. A análise da produção do Serviço Social foi realizada a partir de um duplo caminho. No primeiro consideramos a bibliografia produzida no âmbito da profissão, onde a pobreza é vinculada a conceitos como: subalternidade, carência, exclusão, popular, risco social, cidadania (invertida, ou não-cidadania), ou referênciada na Lei Geral da Acumulação Capitalista. No segundo caminho analisamos os 235 artigos que tratam da questão da pobreza, na Revista Serviço Social & Sociedade (da Cortez Editora). Por fim, reforçamos a importância de repor o debate sobre a pobreza no Serviço Social como resultado da contradição inerente à sociedade capitalista: socialização da produção e apropriação privada da riqueza produzida. Trata-se de uma resistência à substituição dessa categoria, dessa relação e desses fundamentos, por conceitos como a exclusão, subalternidade, vulnerabilidade e risco. Contudo, mesmo considerando que estes ampliam as determinações diversas das manifestações da pobreza, reafirmamos que não esclarecem os fundamentos e causas daquela.