829 resultados para Social learning
Seeley, H. & Urqhart, C. (2007). Action research in developing knowledge networks. In P. Bath, K. Albright & T. Norris (Eds.), Proceedings of ISHIMR 2007, The twelfth international symposium on health information management research (pp. 217-235.) Sheffield: Centre for Health Information Management Research, University of Sheffield.
Fuller-Love, N., Midmore, P., Thomas, D., Henley, A. (2006). Entrepreneurship and rural economic development: A scenario analysis approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 12 (5), 289-305. RAE2008
BACKGROUND: Like other vertebrates, primates recognize their relatives, primarily to minimize inbreeding, but also to facilitate nepotism. Although associative, social learning is typically credited for discrimination of familiar kin, discrimination of unfamiliar kin remains unexplained. As sex-biased dispersal in long-lived species cannot consistently prevent encounters between unfamiliar kin, inbreeding remains a threat and mechanisms to avoid it beg explanation. Using a molecular approach that combined analyses of biochemical and microsatellite markers in 17 female and 19 male ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), we describe odor-gene covariance to establish the feasibility of olfactory-mediated kin recognition. RESULTS: Despite derivation from different genital glands, labial and scrotal secretions shared about 170 of their respective 338 and 203 semiochemicals. In addition, these semiochemicals encoded information about genetic relatedness within and between the sexes. Although the sexes showed opposite seasonal patterns in signal complexity, the odor profiles of related individuals (whether same-sex or mixed-sex dyads) converged most strongly in the competitive breeding season. Thus, a strong, mutual olfactory signal of genetic relatedness appeared specifically when such information would be crucial for preventing inbreeding. That weaker signals of genetic relatedness might exist year round could provide a mechanism to explain nepotism between unfamiliar kin. CONCLUSION: We suggest that signal convergence between the sexes may reflect strong selective pressures on kin recognition, whereas signal convergence within the sexes may arise as its by-product or function independently to prevent competition between unfamiliar relatives. The link between an individual's genome and its olfactory signals could be mediated by biosynthetic pathways producing polymorphic semiochemicals or by carrier proteins modifying the individual bouquet of olfactory cues. In conclusion, we unveil a possible olfactory mechanism of kin recognition that has specific relevance to understanding inbreeding avoidance and nepotistic behavior observed in free-ranging primates, and broader relevance to understanding the mechanisms of vertebrate olfactory communication.
This Second Wave presentation focused on 'Creative Leadership and Communities of Practice', with particular reference to issues of trust affecting young people, unemployment and wider uncertainties in an economic recession when people were facing job cuts and in a social environment characterised by cynicism and a downturn in trust. Young people who join Second Wave are brought into a community of practice (CoP) (Lave and Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1999) involving a dynamic, fluid process which is distinctive in its transformative power to change people's lives. The philosophy behind this involves Dewey's notion of the 'active self' (Dewey, 1916) and the theories of 'social constructivism' (Vygotsky, 1978). The process fosters trust, confidence and social learning (Bandura, 1977; Vygotsky, 1978) in which young people join in with a dialogue involving participation in the youth-centred creative space. The 'border zone' (Heath, 1994) in that creative space enables young people to connect with each other in the specialist field of youth arts. The youth-centred partnerships involved lead to greater confidence and development in a range of important artistic, social, cognitive and emotional skills and opportunities. Ultimately, the young person may become engaged in multi-agency working with Second Wave's external partners. Throughout all of these processes, young people are encouraged progressively to develop a more 'active self' to engage proactively with many different beneficial opportunities relating to the performing arts. In an era in which there has been a loss of trust in public life this is particularly important. If trust is defined in part as a belief in the honesty, competence and benevolence of others, it tends to act like 'social glue', cushioning difficult situations and enabling actions to take place easily that otherwise would not be permissible. The Edelman Trust Barometer for 2009 has recorded a marked diminution of trust in corporations, businesses and government, as a result of the credit crunch. While the US and parts of Europe were showing recovery from a generalised loss of trust by mid-year 2009, the UK had not. Social attitudes in Britain may be hardening - from being a nation of sceptics we may be becoming a nation of cynics: for example, only 13% of the population surveyed by Edelman trust politicians to tell the truth. In this situation, there is a need to promote positive measures to build trust. The presentation aims described key aspects of Second Wave's approach to identify and disseminate its model of good practice to make this more explicit and accessible to others. It is with awareness of the profoundly challenging circumstances facing young people, particularly but not exclusively in inner city urban areas such as Deptford, and the valuable contribution youth arts work can make to their well-being and development, that the presentation was carried out. In an era of generalised mistrust, the work done at Second Wave is crucial in empowering and supporting young people to find a positive and creative direction as part of the community.
Nistor, N., Dascalu, M., Stavarache, L.L., Tarnai, C., & Trausan-Matu, S. (2015). Predicting Newcomer Integration in Online Knowledge Communities by Automated Dialog Analysis. In Y. Li, M. Chang, M. Kravcik, E. Popescu, R. Huang, Kinshuk & N.-S. Chen (Eds.), State-of-the-Art and Future Directions of Smart Learning (Vol. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, pp. 13–17). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag Singapur
Authoritarianism, comprising conventionalism, authoritarian submission, and authoritarian aggression, is an important factor underlying prejudice and social discrimination and therefore is typically perceived as socially problematic. In contrast, our work examines adaptive features of authoritarianism. Evolutionary game theoretical considerations (e.g., biased social learning) point to authoritarian psychological processes that establish and foster group life (e.g., high levels of ingroup cooperation). First, the evolution of social learning (particularly conformist and prestige biases) leads to the establishment of local and distinct cultural groups (conventionalism). Second, local cultural rules solve coordination dilemmas by transforming these rules into normative standards against which others are evaluated (authoritarian submission). Third, the common rules within a particular culture or group are reinforced by a tendency to reward norm compliance and punish norm deviations (authoritarian aggression). Implications regarding the deduction of novel research questions as well as dealing with authoritarianism as a social problem are discussed.
We examined the role of physiological regulation (heart rate, vagal tone, and salivary cortisol) in short-term memory in preterm and full-term 6-month-old infants. Using a deferred imitation task to evaluate social learning and memory recall, an experimenter modeled three novel behaviors (removing, shaking, and replacing a glove) on a puppet. Infants were tested immediately after being shown the behaviors as well as following a 10-min delay. We found that greater suppression of vagal tone was related to better memory recall in full-term infants tested immediately after the demonstration as well as in preterm infants tested later after a 10-min delay. We also found that preterm infants showed greater coordination of physiology (i.e., tighter coupling of vagal tone, heart rate, and cortisol) at rest and during retrieval than full-term infants. These findings provide new evidence of the important links between changes in autonomic activity and memory recall in infancy. They also raise the intriguing possibility that social learning, imitation behavior, and the formation of new memories are modulated by autonomic activity that is coordinated differently in preterm and full-term infants.
An evolution in theoretical models and methodological paradigms for investigating cognitive biases in the addictions is discussed. Anomalies in traditional cognitive perspectives, and problems with the self-report methods which underpin them, are highlighted. An emergent body of cognitive research, contextualized within the principles and paradigms of cognitive neuropsychology rather than social learning theory, is presented which, it is argued, addresses these anomalies and problems. Evidence is presented that biases in the processing of addiction-related stimuli, and in the network of propositions which motivate addictive behaviours, occur at automatic, implicit and pre-conscious levels of awareness. It is suggested that methods which assess such implicit cognitive biases (e.g. Stroop, memory, priming and reaction-time paradigms) yield findings which have better predictive utility for ongoing behaviour than those biases determined by self-report methods of introspection. The potential utility of these findings for understanding "loss of control" phenomena, and the desynchrony between reported beliefs and intentions and ongoing addictive behaviours, is discussed. Applications to the practice of cognitive therapy are considered.
Recruitment to school-based randomised trials is challenging; even more so when the focus of the study is a sensitive issue such as sexual health. The Jack Feasibility Trial aims to determine the facilitators and barriers to recruitment and retention to a school-based sexual health trial and identify optimal multi-level strategies for a full trial.
The Jack Trial is an NIHR-funded feasibility study of a film-based sexual health intervention, recruiting over 800 adolescents from 8 post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. In order to examine the feasibility of piloted recruitment and retention methods and assess acceptability of participation across the range of schools and individuals approached, we analysed qualitative data from triangulated sources including a parents’ survey and semi-structured interviews with principals, vice-principals, teachers and parents recruited to the study.
With reference to Social Learning Theory, we identified a number of individual, behavioural and environmental level factors which influenced recruitment and retention. Commonly identified facilitators included the perceived relevance and potential benefit of the intervention to adolescents, the credibility of the organisation running the study, support offered by trial staff, and financial incentives. Key barriers were prior commitment to other research, lack of time and resources, and perceptions that the intervention was incompatible with adolescent needs or school ethos.
This study highlights pertinent general and trial-specific facilitators and barriers to recruitment to a sexual health trial in a school setting, which will prove useful for successful conduct of future trials with schools, adolescents and parents.
Background: Proposals to implement fatigue-management strategies in residency education assume that medicine shares the view
of other risk-adverse industries that fatigue is hazardous. This view is an essential underpinning of fatigue-management strategies
that other industries have embedded as part of their workplace occupational health and safety programs. We sought to explore how
residents understand fatigue in the context of their training environment.
Methods: We interviewed 21 residents in 7 surgical and nonsurgical programs at Western University in 2014. All participants met the
inclusion criteria of routinely working 24-hour call shifts while enrolled in their training program. Data collection and analysis occurred iteratively in keeping with constructivist grounded theory methodology and informed theoretical sampling to sufficiency.
Results: Four predominant principles of fatigue captured how the social learning environment shaped residents’ perceptions of
fatigue. These included the conceptualization of fatigue as (a) inescapable and therefore accepted, (b) manageable through experience, (c) necessary for future practice and (d) surmountable when required.
Interpretation: This study elaborates our understanding of how principles of fatigue are constructed and reinforced by the training
environment. Whereas fatigue is seen as a collective hazard in other industries, our data showed that, in residency training, fatigue
may be seen as a personal challenge. Consequently, fatigue-management strategies that conceptualize fatigue as an occupational
threat may have a limited impact on resident behaviour and patient safety.
The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of adult only-child educators. The researcher explored the extent to which the experiences of growing up in a one-child family influenced the participants' professional experiences. This was a qualitative study. A narrative case study approach was used, and data were collected from 4 participants through 1 -to- 1 interviews. The narratives were analyzed, and common themes were identified. The findings showed that many of the participants' only-child experiences have influenced their professional roles as educators. This was largely with respect to their interactions with students. These participants valued positive relationships founded on genuine care and concern for their students. The participants also fostered a positive educational environment that provided high levels of support for the social learning and character development of their students. There are several implications for educational practice resulting from this study. Educators and other school personnel must be critically aware of meeting the socialization needs of their students. Consideration must be given to developing schoolwide initiatives related to the social skills development and character education of students. In addition, preservice and inservice teacher education programs must ensure that educators are prepared to provide rich environments where relationships with students are central and social learning opportunities are prevalent.
Research interest on the topic of female coaches as role models has recently emerged in the coaching literature. Social learning theory (Bandura, 1963; 1977; 1986) has also emerged as an essential framework in explaining learning through modeling. Previous research has examined the coach as a role model, as well as gender differences between coaches. Several authors, with several different conclusions, have studied the significance of gender as an influencer in role modeling. Whitaker and Molstad in 1988 conducted a study focusing on the coach as a role model. What they found was when they combined the results of high school and college aged athletes; the female coach was considered to be a superior role model. The current research used a social learning theory framework to examine the benefits and intricacies of the modeling relationship between female adolescent athletes and influential female coaches. To accomplish this task, the formative experiences of thirteen adolescent female athletes were examined. Each athlete was interviewed, with each semi-structured interview focusing on extracting the salient features of a coach that the athlete identified as being the most influential in her personal development. The data from these interviews were quaHtatively analyzed using case studies. From case studies, a template emerges in which the coach/athlete relationship can be seen as an essential construct in which caring and strong role models can have lasting effects on the lives, values, and successes of adolescent female athletes.
Preadolescent Internet usage is prevalent today. This thesis examined how Canadian preadolescents use the Internet, what they do when they are on the Internet, and why preadolescents are fascinated with the Internet. Eight quahtative categories were derived from the data. The categories are Downloading, Information Hunting, Consumerism, Virtual Nurturing, Gaming, Expressions of Violence, Chatting, and Music. By critically distilling and analyzing preadolescent Internet behaviour through the lens of behavioural and cognitive psychology, and explicating the amount of psychological, cognitive, and social learning that preadolescents may be exposed to on the Internet, and the attraction that is cumulatively a profound draw for a preadolescent audience, an argument will be made that Internet usage in preadolescents may impair their cognitive, social, and psychological development because of the impulse seeking and gratification priming that has been reinforced during the formative period of preadolescence.
Cette thèse porte sur l’introduction des politiques de transfert de revenu au Brésil. L’objectif central de la recherche est de comprendre comment ces politiques se sont imposées dans le cadre des réformes de la protection sociale brésilienne pendant les années 1990, notamment à partir de 1995 et comment elles ont engendré un changement paradigmatique de troisième ordre de la politique nationale d’assistance sociale. Nous posons deux hypothèses de recherche : la première est que l’introduction de telles politiques au Brésil fut le résultat du rôle historique des intellectuels engagés dans la défense du revenu minimum en tant qu’alternative au modèle de protection sociale brésilien. Cette défense du revenu minimum fut soutenue par des intellectuels, des communautés épistémiques et par des politiciens qui ont inscrit le débat sur le revenu minimum à l’agenda politique brésilien. La deuxième hypothèse suggère que la convergence d’idées, d’institutions et d’intérêts a favorisé l’adoption de ces politiques. Cette convergence d’idées, d’institutions et d’intérêts repose sur le rôle de plusieurs acteurs tels les intellectuels, le président Cardoso et d’autres politiciens qui se sont mis à la défense du social au Brésil depuis 1999, des institutions parlementaires brésiliennes et des organisations internationales, notamment le FMI, la Banque mondiale et la Banque interaméricaine de développement – BID. Nous proposons l’approche des trois i pour rendre compte de ce changement. L’apprentissage social, les processus de diffusion et de lesson-drawing sont les facteurs à l’origine de la formation de la convergence autour des programmes de transfert de revenu. Nous montrerons que l’expérience brésilienne de programmes de transfert de revenu a non seulement engendré un processus d’apprentissage social renversé auprès de la Banque Mondiale mais qu'elle a aussi eu un effet aussi sur les actions de la BID. Nous suggérons que le changement paradigmatique de la protection sociale brésilienne a été amorcé par le gouvernement Cardoso dans un processus d’essais et d’erreurs. Ce processus, qui est à l’origine des réaménagements du programme « Comunidade Solidária », a permis la création du « Projeto Alvorada » et du « Réseau de protection sociale » en 2001. Les programmes de transfert de revenu reliés à l’éducation et aux soins de santé ont été les plus influents dans la construction du consensus qui s’est établi autour des programmes de transfert de revenu comme alternative à l’ancien modèle de protection sociale puisqu’ils procurent le renforcement du capital social en même temps qu’ils fonctionnent comme facteur structurant de la protection sociale. Ce legs du gouvernement Cardoso a permis au gouvernement de Luis Inácio Lula da Silva de consolider le nouveau paradigme avec la création du programme national Bolsa-Família. Le gouvernement Lula a donc bénéficié de l’héritage historique des deux mandats de Cardoso et, ironiquement, a récolté les fruits de l’apprentissage social. Le phénomène du « lulismo » en est la preuve. Par ailleurs, cette thèse met en question la paternité du programme Bolsa-Família puisqu’elle montre la création de ce programme d'abord comme la consolidation du processus d’apprentissage et puis comme conséquence de la création d’un nouveau paradigme pour la politique d’assistance sociale au Brésil qui a eu lieu pendant les deux mandats de Cardoso.
Cette thèse avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens longitudinaux entre les relations d’amitié et l’évolution des comportements d’agressivité physique en début de scolarisation. Guidé par les principes énoncés par les théoriciens de l’apprentissage social, de l’attachement, du développement de la personnalité et de la théorie du jugement moral, le rôle principal et modérateur de certaines dimensions spécifiques à la qualité de la relation d’amitié, ainsi que des attributs comportementaux des amis et des caractéristiques personnelles de l’enfant a été évalué. Des données provenant de l’Étude Longitudinale du Développement des Enfants du Québec (ELDEQ), de l’Étude des Jumeaux nouveau-nés du Québec (EJNQ) et de l’évaluation des effets d’un programme d’intervention dyadique ont été analysées. Les mesures utilisées dans cette thèse ont été collectées entre la maternelle et la 2e année du primaire, soit de 5 à 8 ans, directement auprès des enfants, de leurs amis, leurs pairs, leurs parents et leurs enseignants par le biais de questionnaires, d’entrevues sociométriques et de mises en situation hypothétiques. En lien avec la perspective de l’apprentissage social, les résultats ont montré que l’association à des amis agressifs en maternelle est liée à une augmentation des comportements d’agressivité physique chez l’enfant. Cependant, en lien avec les théories du développement de la personnalité et la perspective de l’attachement, le fait d’établir une relation d’amitié de bonne qualité est reliée à une diminution des comportements agressifs à travers le temps. De plus, une interaction entre la qualité de la relation et les attributs comportementaux des amis a indiqué que le risque lié à l’association à des amis agressifs est atténué dans le contexte d’une relation d’amitié de bonne qualité. Les résultats indiquent également que chez les garçons, la présence de conflits entre amis à la maternelle est associée de façon linéaire à de plus hauts niveaux de comportements agressifs, indépendamment du risque génétique de l’enfant face à cette problématique. Une interaction triple a par ailleurs révélé que le conflit n’était pas lié à une augmentation de l’agressivité physique dans le contexte d’une relation d’amitié caractérisée par l’affect positif et une bonne capacité à régler les conflits. Enfin, les résultats ont montré un effet indirect d’une intervention dyadique sur la diminution des comportements d’agressivité physique, qui opère à travers l’amélioration de la capacité des amis à régler leurs conflits. Ces résultats appuient le rôle bénéfique de la qualité de la relation d’amitié sur l’évolution des manifestations de comportements d’agressivité physique et suggèrent que cet aspect relationnel soit pris en compte dans les programmes de prévention des conduites agressives. En somme, la mise en évidence d’associations et d’interactions significatives entre la qualité des relations d’amitié, les attributs comportementaux des amis et les manifestations de comportements d’agressivité physique en début de scolarisation suggère que certains aspects et dimensions relationnelles positives peuvent être bénéfiques au développement des enfants agressifs. La prévention du maintien et de l’aggravation des conduites agressives par l’entremise de l’amélioration de la qualité des relations d’amitié représente une avenue prometteuse.