811 resultados para Sistema de Informação Geográfica


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e mapear áreas suscetíveis a movimentos de massa, por meio das geotecnologias, no município de Várzea Paulista (SP). Para o propósito, foram utilizados os mapas de declividade, geológico, geomorfológico e de uso e ocupação da terra, que foram sobrepostos por meio da Análise Multicritério no SIG ArcGIS. Cada tema recebeu seu peso de influência para deflagração de tais processos e como resultado final foi obtido o mapa de suscetibilidade a movimentos de massa do município em questão. Paralelamente foi elaborado o estudo da orientação de vertentes, para determinação daquelas que apresentam maiores riscos em comparação com os dados coletados em campo. Constatou-se que existem muitas áreas ocupadas dentro do município que carecem de monitoramento do Poder Público, principalmente nos meses chuvosos, pois se encontram em locais frágeis do ponto de vista geológico-geomorfológico.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article discusses the access to geographic information and its importance for the public policies formulation, reflecting on the implementation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure. The data view and the maps construction are useful for identifying needs and sponsoring public managers in decision making. The public policies implementation stages are optimized when the quantitative and qualitative information are integrated to the spatial phenomena relations. The improvement in the use of geographic information for decision making will be achieved when spatial data are efficiently generated in spatial data infrastructures.


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Fossil fuels are the main energy sources of the modern industrial age. Very sophisticated processes have been developed to extract these resources, due to increased demand on a global scale, as the extraction of oil. However, the complexity of these processes can cause accidents such as the release of oil to seas and oceans. In this context, this study proposes to carry out the implementation of a system of information to charts of environmental sensitivity to oil and prepare maps of vulnerability to oil for the city of Caraguatatuba-SP. The implementation of the database with geographical information of coastal environments was appropriate to be provided by the Internet, allowing wide access of data. The maps of vulnerability are important tool developed for the Individual Emergency Plans, because they were developed in operational scale, appropriate to actions to combat oil.


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Oil spills cause serious damage to the cost life and environments. Those impacts affect ecologic and socio-economic resources (like fishing and tourism). Within this background, response actions have two main objectives: the contaminant removal, with the less additional impacts, and enhance environment restoration in order to make this process complete in the shortest time possible. The present work proposes to contribute for the emergency environmental management in cases of oil spills by systematization of relevant information for oil spill environmental sensitivity maps. The next stage was to insert all these data on a geographic database, which allows data access by web. Beside that, this work aimed to recommend suitable clean-up techniques for the ecosystems located on the study area, composed by the municipalities: Praia Grande, Mongaguá, Itanhaém and Peruíbe, belonging to Baixada Santista and Iguape, Cananéia and Ilha Comprida, south cost of São Paulo state. This area is situated between two important Brazilian ports: Santos and Paranaguá, and that make it under considerable accident risks. The results were all data inserted on the geodatabase and available to user recover the information by web consulting. With that, this work wishes to contribute to individual emergencial planning of the region.


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Suitable computacional tools allow to build applications that can link information to its physical location, and represent them into visual and interactive schemes, e ectively reaching the power of visual comunication. This leads the user to synthesize information in a simple and e cient way. These applications are linked to the de nition of Geographic Information System (GIS). GIS are comprised by many concepts and tools, which have the main purpose of collecting, storing, viewing and processing spatial data, obtaining the information needed for decision making. Within this context, this paper presents the Conception and Implementation of a Control System for Urban Forestry through Integration of Free and Open Source Software. This conception arose from the need of an Environmental Project developed by the Agriculture's House of the city of Regente Feij o, which has as main objectives cataloging and management of urban a orestation of the municipality. Due to this diversity of concepts, the challenge in building this system is the integration of platforms that are involved in all stages: collecting and storage of data, including maps and other spatial information, operations on the stored information, obtaining results and graphical visualization of the same. After implementation, it was possible to provide for the system users an improvement in the capacity of perception in the information analysis and facilitate the process of decision making


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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The physical, psychological, sexual, moral and patrimonial violence affects women of different ages, social classes, ethnic and racial groups, levels of education and religion, all over Brazil. One of the obstacles in the strategies of prevention and facing violence against women, in public care services, focuses on the absence of an information system, automation of data and care flows. The existence of reliable data is essential for performing diagnoses, goals and conducting research on women in situations of violence who access the service agencies. In this sense, the goal of research is to present the experience of implementing a policy of data management called Woman System, in Ednalva Bezerra Women's Reference Center, which offers host/psychological and social care, guidance and legal referral for women that face any violence situation. As methodological paths, we adopt research in action. In our analyzes, we found that in this kind of public service, the use of the data system may improve the full and humanized care to women in situations of violence. Thus, the System Woman Care, still a developing phase, appears to improve the flow of relevant information within the institution, driving a process of knowledge, decision-making and intervention against gender violence.


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The objective of this paper is to show the development of a Geographic Information System (SIG) for the management of the Educational Centers of the city of Bauru. Currently, the Educational Centers and Assistance Institutes, public or private, in Brazilian cities have some problems, for example: they have no money to manage their institutions and they have no correct form to organize and to store the information. Because of these problems, we developed a system which will manage some informations for these institutions and local authority. This system will allow visualizing the data in the internet by the community. This pilot project has used the softwares SPRING 4.1 e SPRINGWEB 3.0.


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The study aimed to obtain the land use of the watershed Stream São Caetano - Botucatu (SP), through the satellite image. The cartographic databases were: planialtimetric letter in digital format (IBGE) used in georeferencing, and satellite image. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) -IDRISI Selva was use to perform the image georeferencing and to do the final thematic map. In the software CAD - CartaLinx, it was performed the delimitation of the area under study (boundary, drainage network and areas of use and coverage). The land use of the watershed showed that pasture was the class which occupied most of the area, with 34.51% (1117,94 ha), the remainder of the area was urban (692,19ha), forests (809,79ha), cultures (599,96ha) and a very small part of reforestation (19,53ha). The use of remote sensing and geoprocessing were very satisfactory in the present work. Technologies must be increasingly used in agricultural and environmental studies, because technological tools, such as Geographic Information System (GIS), present speed, efficiency, reliable results, helping in increasing sustainability


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las transformaciones de la cobertura del suelo como consecuencia del cambio de modelo económico experimentado en las islas desde los años 60 del siglo XX y sus repercusiones sobre las tasas de erosión. El trabajo se ha desarrollado en dos cuencas de la isla de Gran Canaria de características ecológicas y de uso contrastadas: Guiniguada y Arguineguín, y aborda el periodo comprendido entre 1960 y 2002. La metodología utilizada se basa en la adaptación de la USLE (Ecuación Universal de Pérdida de Suelos) a un SIG (Sistema de Información Geográfica). Los resultados obtenidos confirman que los cambios de uso y la transformación de las coberturas han sido más significativos en la cuenca del Guiniguada, más intensamente humanizada y apenas se han dejado notar en la cuenca de Arguineguín. Las tasas de erosión, sin embargo, no han experimentado grandes modificaciones entre ambas fechas, poniendo de manifiesto una cierta inercia de las condiciones de uso anteriores.


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar una metodología de procesamiento de información espacial basada en un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), para la determinación del balance de energía en unidades de tierra (UT) definidas en una cuenca hidrográfica rural. Se determinaron las UT a partir de mapas de unidades de paisaje y de mapas de estratos de superficie operada por productor. Se caracterizaron los ingresos (IE) y egresos energéticos (EE) en los sistemas de producción agrícolas. Se calculó la energía neta (EN) y la relación EE/IE (Re). Los datos se analizaron mediante un ANVA (p < 0,05). Los parámetros IE, EE, EN y Re no fueron significativamente diferentes entre UT, por lo que se infiere que el modelo productivo actualmente desarrollado, desde el punto de vista energético, resulta similar. Se hallaron relaciones de interés entre las variables de estudio y su ubicación geográfica, lo que permite recomendar para los sistemas agrícolas de una cuenca rural la planificación general del uso de la energía considerando las capacidades de los SIG.