973 resultados para Short Loadlength, Fast Algorithms


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The identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using linear-in-the-parameters models is studied. A fast recursive algorithm (FRA) is proposed to select both the model structure and to estimate the model parameters. Unlike orthogonal least squares (OLS) method, FRA solves the least-squares problem recursively over the model order without requiring matrix decomposition. The computational complexity of both algorithms is analyzed, along with their numerical stability. The new method is shown to require much less computational effort and is also numerically more stable than OLS.


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Rapid heating of a compressed fusion fuel by a short-duration laser pulse is a promising route to generating energy by nuclear fusion1, and has been demonstrated on an experimental scale using a novel fast-ignitor geometry2. Here we describe a refinement of this system in which a much more powerful, pulsed petawatt (1015 watts) laser creates a fastheated core plasma that is scalable to fullscale ignition, significantly increasing the number of fusion events while still maintaining high heating efficiency at these substantially higher laser energies. Our findings bring us a step closer to realizing the production of relatively inexpensive, full-scale fast-ignition laser facilities.


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The harsh environment presented by engines, particularly in the exhaust systems, often necessitates the use of robust and therefore low bandwidth temperature sensors. Consequently, high frequencies are attenuated in the output. One technique for addressing this problem involves measuring the gas temperature using two sensors with different time-constants and mathematically reconstructing the true gas temperature from the resulting signals. Such a technique has been applied in gas turbine, rocket motor and combustion research. A new reconstruction technique based on difference equations has been developed and its effectiveness proven theoretically. The algorithms have been successfully tested and proven on experimental data from a rig that produces cyclic temperature variations. These tests highlighted that the separation of the thermocouple junctions must be very small to ensure that both sensors are subjected to the same gas temperatures. Exhaust gas temperatures were recorded by an array of thermocouples during transient operation of a high performance two-stroke engine. The results show that the increase in bandwidth arising from the dual sensor technique allowed accurate measurement of exhaust gas temperature with relatively robust thermocouples. Finally, an array of very fine thermocouples (12.5 - 50 microns) was used to measure the in-cycle temperature variation in the exhaust.


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We present a fast and efficient hybrid algorithm for selecting exoplanetary candidates from wide-field transit surveys. Our method is based on the widely used SysRem and Box Least-Squares (BLS) algorithms. Patterns of systematic error that are common to all stars on the frame are mapped and eliminated using the SysRem algorithm. The remaining systematic errors caused by spatially localized flat-fielding and other errors are quantified using a boxcar-smoothing method. We show that the dimensions of the search-parameter space can be reduced greatly by carrying out an initial BLS search on a coarse grid of reduced dimensions, followed by Newton-Raphson refinement of the transit parameters in the vicinity of the most significant solutions. We illustrate the method's operation by applying it to data from one field of the SuperWASP survey, comprising 2300 observations of 7840 stars brighter than V = 13.0. We identify 11 likely transit candidates. We reject stars that exhibit significant ellipsoidal variations caused indicative of a stellar-mass companion. We use colours and proper motions from the Two Micron All Sky Survey and USNO-B1.0 surveys to estimate the stellar parameters and the companion radius. We find that two stars showing unambiguous transit signals pass all these tests, and so qualify for detailed high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up.


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To visualize the development of an atmospheric pressure glow discharge in He and the influence of polymer film on the discharge, short exposure time images were recorded using a gated intensified charge coupled detector. If the polymer film is stretched in the middle of the gap, a discharge region on each side of the polymer is created with the characteristic structure of a glow discharge. In this case, strongly asymmetric discharge current pulses can be generated depending on the frequency and the applied voltage.


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We have developed a PW (0.5 ps/500J) laser system to demonstrate fast heating of imploded core plasmas using a hollow cone shell target. Significant enhancement of thermal neutron yield has been realized with PW-laser heating, confirming that the high heating efficiency is maintained as the short-pulse laser power is substantially increased to a value nearly equivalent to the ignition condition. It appears that the efficient heating is realized by the guiding of the PW laser pulse energy within the hollow cone and by self-organized relativistic electron transport. Based on the experimental results, we are developing a 10kJ-PW laser system to study the fast heating physics of high-density plasmas at an ignition-equivalent temperature.


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Here a self-consistent continuum model is presented for a narrow gap plane-parallel dc glow discharge. The set of governing equations consisting of continuity and momentum equations for positive ions, fast (emitted by the cathode) and slow electrons (generated by fast electron impact ionization) coupled with Poisson's equation is treated by the technique of matched asymptotic expansions. Explicit results are obtained in the asymptotic limit: (chi delta) much less than 1, where chi = e Phi(a)/kT, delta = (r(D)/L)(2) (Phi(a) is the applied voltage, r(D) is the Debye radius) and pL much greater than 1(Hg mm cm), where p is the gas pressure and L is the gap length. In the case of high pressure, the electron energy relaxation length is much smaller than the gap length, and so the local field approximation is valid. The discharge space divides naturally into a cathode fall sheath, a quasineutral plasma region, and an anode fall sheath. The electric potential distribution obtained for each region in a (semi)analytical form is asymptotically matched to the adjoining regions in the region of overlap. The effects of the gas pressure, gap length, and applied voltage on the length of each region are investigated. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S1070-664X(00)01302-1].


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In this letter we present data comparing the yield of Cu K-alpha radiation for foils of differing thickness irradiated with a Ti:Sapphire laser generating 40 fs pulses at 800 nm and incident at 45 degrees. At tight focus, the yields for all thicknesses are similar, whilst away from best focus there are clear differences. We discuss the origin of these similarities and differences in terms of the penetration of fast electrons into the foil and the possible importance of refluxing of fast electrons as they reach the non-irradiated side of the foil.


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Research on fusion fast ignition (FI) initiated by laser-driven ion beams has made substantial progress in the last years. Compared with electrons, FI based on a beam of quasi-monoenergetic ions has the advantage of a more localized energy deposition, and stiffer particle transport, bringing the required total beam energy close to the theoretical minimum. Due to short pulse laser drive, the ion beam can easily deliver the 200 TW power required to ignite the compressed D-T fuel. In integrated calculations we recently simulated ion-based FI targets with high fusion gain targets and a proof of principle experiment [1]. These simulations identify three key requirements for the success of ion-driven fast ignition (IFI): (1) the generation of a sufficiently high-energetic ion beam (approximate to 400-500 MeV for C), with (2) less than 20% energy spread at (3) more than 10% conversion efficiency of laser to beam energy. Here we present for the first time new experimental results, demonstrating all three parameters in separate experiments. Using diamond nanotargets and ultrahigh contrast laser pulses we were able to demonstrate >500 MeV carbon ions, as well as carbon pulses with Delta E/E


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the screening mode of the Humphrey-Welch Allyn frequency-doubling technology (FDT), Octopus tendency-oriented perimetry (TOP), and the Humphrey Swedish Interactive Threshold Algorithm (SITA)-fast (HSF) in patients with glaucoma. DESIGN: A comparative consecutive case series. METHODS: This was a prospective study which took place in the glaucoma unit of an academic department of ophthalmology. One eye of 70 consecutive glaucoma patients and 28 age-matched normal subjects was studied. Eyes were examined with the program C-20 of FDT, G1-TOP, and 24-2 HSF in one visit and in random order. The gold standard for glaucoma was presence of a typical glaucomatous optic disk appearance on stereoscopic examination, which was judged by a glaucoma expert. The sensitivity and specificity, positive and negative predictive value, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of two algorithms for the FDT screening test, two algorithms for TOP, and three algorithms for HSF, as defined before the start of this study, were evaluated. The time required for each test was also analyzed. RESULTS: Values for area under the ROC curve ranged from 82.5%-93.9%. The largest area (93.9%) under the ROC curve was obtained with the FDT criteria, defining abnormality as presence of at least one abnormal location. Mean test time was 1.08 ± 0.28 minutes, 2.31 ± 0.28 minutes, and 4.14 ± 0.57 minutes for the FDT, TOP, and HSF, respectively. The difference in testing time was statistically significant (P <.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The C-20 FDT, G1-TOP, and 24-2 HSF appear to be useful tools to diagnose glaucoma. The test C-20 FDT and G1-TOP take approximately 1/4 and 1/2 of the time taken by 24 to 2 HSF. © 2002 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To compare two fast threshold strategies of visual field assessment; SITA Fast (HSF) and Tendency Orientated Perimetry (TOP), in detecting visual field loss in patients with glaucoma. Methods: Seventy-six glaucoma, ocular hypertensive and normal patients had HSF and TOP performed in random order. Quantitative comparisons for the global visual field indices - mean deviation and defect (MD) for HSF and TOP, and pattern standard deviation (PSD) for HSF and loss variance (LV) for TOP - were made using correlation coefficients. Humphrey global parameters were converted to Octopus equivalents, and method comparison analysis was used to determine agreement between the two strategies. Test duration times were compared using t-test. Sensitivity and specificity for these two algorithms were determined according to predetermined criteria. Results: High correlation coefficient values were obtained for MD measurements between HSF and TOP (r=-0.89, P


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The role of hydrogen in promoting the reduction by ammonia of NOx on silver catalysts has been investigated using a Short Time on Stream (STOS) technique to allow differentiation between potentially reactive intermediates and relatively inactive spectator species. Under these conditions, we have used DRIFTS to identify surface nitrate species that are formed and removed on a timescale of seconds. This is in contrast to nitrate species observed under normal steady-state conditions which can continue to form over many tens of minutes. Since this timescale of seconds is very similar to the response rate at which the NH3/NOx to N-2 reaction is accelerated when H-2 is added, or decelerated when H-2 is removed, we conclude that this fast-forming and fast disappearing nitrate species is most probably adsorbed on or close to the active Ag sites. The removal of such a blocking nitrate species from the active sites can explain the effect of H-2 in greatly increasing the rate of the overall de-NOx reaction. 


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Recently, two fast selective encryption methods for context-adaptive variable length coding and context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding in H.264/AVC were proposed by Shahid et al. In this paper, it was demonstrated that these two methods are not as efficient as only encrypting the sign bits of nonzero coefficients. Experimental results showed that without encrypting the sign bits of nonzero coefficients, these two methods can not provide a perceptual scrambling effect. If a much stronger scrambling effect is required, intra prediction modes, and the sign bits of motion vectors can be encrypted together with the sign bits of nonzero coefficients. For practical applications, the required encryption scheme should be customized according to a user's specified requirement on the perceptual scrambling effect and the computational cost. Thus, a tunable encryption scheme combining these three methods is proposed for H.264/AVC. To simplify its implementation and reduce the computational cost, a simple control mechanism is proposed to adjust the control factors. Experimental results show that this scheme can provide different scrambling levels by adjusting three control factors with no or very little impact on the compression performance. The proposed scheme can run in real-time and its computational cost is minimal. The security of the proposed scheme is also discussed. It is secure against the replacement attack when all three control factors are set to one.


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Many modern networks are \emph{reconfigurable}, in the sense that the topology of the network can be changed by the nodes in the network. For example, peer-to-peer, wireless and ad-hoc networks are reconfigurable. More generally, many social networks, such as a company's organizational chart; infrastructure networks, such as an airline's transportation network; and biological networks, such as the human brain, are also reconfigurable. Modern reconfigurable networks have a complexity unprecedented in the history of engineering, resembling more a dynamic and evolving living animal rather than a structure of steel designed from a blueprint. Unfortunately, our mathematical and algorithmic tools have not yet developed enough to handle this complexity and fully exploit the flexibility of these networks. We believe that it is no longer possible to build networks that are scalable and never have node failures. Instead, these networks should be able to admit small, and maybe, periodic failures and still recover like skin heals from a cut. This process, where the network can recover itself by maintaining key invariants in response to attack by a powerful adversary is what we call \emph{self-healing}. Here, we present several fast and provably good distributed algorithms for self-healing in reconfigurable dynamic networks. Each of these algorithms have different properties, a different set of gaurantees and limitations. We also discuss future directions and theoretical questions we would like to answer. %in the final dissertation that this document is proposed to lead to.


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Isochoric heating of solid-density matter up to a few tens of eV is of interest for investigating astrophysical or inertial fusion scenarios. Such ultra-fast heating can be achieved via the energy deposition of short-pulse laser generated electrons. Here, we report on experimental measurements of this process by means of time-and space-resolved optical interferometry. Our results are found in reasonable agreement with a simple numerical model of fast electron-induced heating. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.