999 resultados para Semiótica existencial
This paper presents an analysis of the short story Passeio Noturno I, by Rubens Fonseca, from the gerative way of sense, oriented by Greimas´ postulations of generative semiotics. For the semiotics, discourse is conceived as a superposition of levels of diferent depth which are articulated according to a way which goes from the abstract to the concrete (BARROS, 2001). Following the notion of gerative way, the analysis of the short story is three folded: the level of fundamental structures, the level of the narrative structures and the level of the discursive structures. The subject matter that underlies the structure of the short story refers to a critique of the violence present in capitalist society in which "voices of culture" coexist with "voices of barbarie".
This paper deals with the issue of terminology and conceptualization in the construction of the semiotic metalanguage. The starting point of this discussion is the scientific thought of C. S. Pierce, R. Bastide and É. Benveniste, who understand that the creation of a new science requires a new and precise terminology. This position is relativized and magnified by the point of view of A. J. Greimas, who defends the centrality of the conceptualization rather than the formalization and the terminological production. Thus, this study proposes and analyses two types of metalinguistic elaboration based on the dialogue with previous theories and disciplines: the borrowing and the redefining.
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Current paper presents the relationships between beliefs, specifically religious ones, and the Peirce’s theory of interpretants. It is assumed that religious belief emphasizes the emotional aspect of faithful, preventing criticism and change of habit. According to the author, the nature of cognition is contrary to the determination of this kind of belief since it is based on the method and fallibility of hypotheses. It is not enough for the method to deduce its consequences but seeks the inductive verification of their results in the long run and through the community of beings who thinks through signs. The problem of religious belief is the acceptance of a transcendent world and intuition which guides behavior. The vague idea of God is not submitted to scientific hypotheses but, engendered by religious systems, it creates signs whose emotional appeal is evident, redirecting it to its own target principles. Therefore, is repeats the success achieved in the past by dogmas, which were effective to appease the anguish of the believer and reproduce order. Knowledge should not have any boundaries because it is grounded on the method and cognition of reality.
The developed research aims to analyze clippings of Petrobras' commemorative 60th anniversary campaign, entitled Gente, é o que inspira a gente., launched in 2013, using concepts of institutional advertising from the perspective of semiotics. The company was chose due to its traditionalism and strength within and outside the country, being one of the 20 largest in the world. During the study, it will be covered topics such as organizational communication and institutional advertising. From analyzing three parts of the Campaign, which aims to influence public opinion about the organization, associating her concepts or images that benefit the way Petrobras is seen. To analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the campaign, it was chosen as methodological method, the semiotic studies of Charles Peirce, with his concepts of firstness, secondness and thirdness. This approaching intention of its audience is clear in this campaign not only with the participation of employees and signs that compose it, but also with the dissemination of information about the company, such as history, data, policies, methods and services provided, transmitting effectively its essence as a company, through its mission, vision and explicit and implicit values in messages
The main objective of this survey is describing signly the metaphor learning resource, with focus on biology education. Our teorical reference is the peircean semiotics, because it means solid heritage to code surveys implicated at science education, it led us to do an explanation about the main lines about that reference, addressed to researchers and lecturers interested in those reasonings. In the description yearned, another objectives appear: demonstrate diferences between metaphor/analogy and pragmatic analogy; to list metaphors, from cell representation analysis, and argue about principals diferences and probable cognitive consequences between the metaphor event in the visual representation and speech sentences. Therefore we analysed the animal cell of a high school first grade studying book – biology – cell biology – used by São Paulo and another state students. The findings demonstrate the undeniable importance of the metaphor as a learning tool in the biology education, and new findings about that, such as its limits in the concept elaboration, gnosiologic consequences for receptioning, the search needs for propositions– pictures between concept relations – in the science speech construction, and other results.
Este texto é parte das reflexões teóricas do nosso Pós-doutorado realizado junto ao Laboratório de Antropologia Visual da Universidade Aberta de Portugal que abordou aspectos interculturais do estudo fotoetnográfico da publicidade e do consumo alimentar no Brasil e em Portugal. Aqui serão ressaltados os aspectos referentes às contribuições da semiótica para o estudo das comunicações publicitárias de alimentos. A proposta é entender os modelos de análise semiótica da publicidade como um meio de operacionalização da descrição densa, na perspectiva etnográfica, a partir da interface interdisciplinar com a produção de sentido das imagens publicitárias, no campo da alimentação, apresentado a análise de um anúncio do azeite Gallo como exemplo.
Programa de Doctorado de Literatura y Teoría de la Literatura
Giuseppe Barzilai
En esta investigación se abordan dos problemas. Por un lado, una discusión sobre las bases teóricas de una disciplina híbrida que se ha dado en llamar Antropo-semiótica: ¿Cuáles son sus fundamentos? ¿Cuáles sus objetivos, métodos y objeto de estudio? Para ello se examinan las propuestas de algunos investigadores cuyos trabajos son un desarrollo aplicado de esta experiencia antropo-semiótica, pero para la cual hay pocas definiciones teóricas o epistemológicas. Luego se proponen algunas categorías básicas, generales, que alimentarían la constitución de esta disciplina. Por otro lado, a partir de las reflexiones y experiencias anteriores, se sugieren algunos de los componentes básicos de una Antro-semiótica aplicada al estudio de la muerte, entendida como un fenómeno social y cultural que forma parte de la estructura de lo humano.
Este proyecto problematiza los procesos de alfabetización en los umbrales escolares sobre la base de un enfoque semiótico a partir de conocimientos construidos en investigaciones anteriores. La profundización y sistematización de aspectos epistemológicos, teóricos y metodológicos apuntan a configurar un método de adquisición de la lengua escrita mediante el montaje/la instalación de atmósferas conversacionales en torno de protocolos de experiencias de la vida cotidiana. Considera la configuración pluriétnica y multilingüe de la jurisdicción de Misiones y las metas apuntan a resultados de interés teórico, metodológico y de incidencia en políticas públicas.
Fil: García Losada, Matilde Isabel.