991 resultados para Salas Snoezelen


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Mode of access: Internet.


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No more published.


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Las Salas-Museo de la Biblioteca Pública de la UNLP están conformadas por las colecciones particulares de distintas personalidades de la ciudad de La Plata. Además de libros, incluyen mobiliario, manuscritos, objetos personales, diplomas, cuadros y diferentes obras de arte que las convierten en un rico fondo museográfico digno de ser exhibido para ser apropiado y apreciado por el público que concurre a la Biblioteca. En el transcurso de este año y, en conjunto con la Red de Museos de la UNLP, se realizó el diseño de un proyecto museográfico para renovar la muestra permanente de estas salas que se encontraban desactualizadas en cuanto a la museografía, buscando un diseño más dinámico y teniendo en cuenta como actor principal al visitante. En esta ponencia, presentaremos el proceso de reformulación de la Sala Joaquín V. González y la Sala Alejandro Korn, su montaje y puesta en marcha dentro de las posibilidades técnicas, espaciales y financieras obtenidas para el proyecto. El objetivo de esta renovación es lograr un acercamiento al público, generando un cambio conceptual estructural en la exhibición actual para que el mensaje esté en las historias que se cuentan a través del patrimonio y no la mera exposición de objetos


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Este trabalho analisa os caminhos percorridos pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior na utilização da Internet como intermediadora da relação com os veículos de comunicação. O objeto de estudo são as Salas de Imprensa Virtuais de seis universidades paulistas e, a partir da descrição e análise desses espaços, buscou-se destacar se estão sendo amplamente utilizados em todo seu potencial comunicativo. A principal motivação deste trabalho foi sanar uma lacuna quanto a um panorama de como esta ferramenta de comunicação está sendo utilizada no País a partir da experiência universitária. As Salas de Imprensa foram investigadas a partir de Estudo de Casos Múltiplos, com análise comparativa de seus conteúdos e vivências, além de informações coletadas em entrevistas com especialistas, equipes de Comunicação e reitores das Universidades. O diagnóstico da experiência universitária evidencia muitos equívocos na utilização dessa ferramenta, principalmente quanto à interatividade, pois muitos deles não disponibilizam serviços de interação com o jornalista via web. Os resultados deste estudo alertam para a implementação das Salas de Imprensa Virtuais com toda a potencialidade que a Internet oferece.(AU)


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The city of Natal has a significant daylight availability, although it use isn’t systematically explored in schools architecture. In this context, this research aims to determine procedures for the analysis of the daylight performance in school design in Natal-RN. The method of analysis is divided in Visible Sky Factor (VSF), simulating and analyzing the results. The annual variation of the daylight behavior requires the adoption of dynamic simulation as data procedure. The classrooms were modelled in SketchUp, simulated in Daysim program and the results were assessed by means of spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel. The classrooms dimensions are 7.20mx 7.20m, with windows-to-wall-ratio (WWR) of 20%, 40% and 50%, and with different shading devices, such as standard horizontal overhang, sloped overhang, standard horizontal overhang with side view protection, standard horizontal overhang with a dropped edge, standard horizontal overhang with three horizontal louvers, double standard horizontal overhang, double standard horizontal overhang with three horizontal louvers, plus the use of shelf light in half the models with WWR of 40% and 50%. The data was organized in spreadsheets, with two intervals of UDI: between 300lux and 2000 lux and between 300lux and 3000lux. The simulation was performed with the weather file of 2009 to the city of NatalRN. The graphical outputs are illuminance curves, isolines of UDI among 300lux and 2000 lux and tables with index of occurrences of glare and to an UDI among 300lux 3000lux. The best UDI300-2000lux performance was evidenced to: Phase 1 (models with WWR of 20%), Phase 2 (models with WWR of 40% and 50% with light shelf). The best UDI300-3000lux performance was evidenced to: Phase 1 (models with WWR of 20% and 40% with light shelf) and Phase 2 (models with WWR of 40% and 50% with light shelf). The outputs prove that the daylight quality mainly depends on the shading system efficacy to avoid the glare occurrence, which determines the daylight discomfort. The bioclimatic recommendations of big openings with partial shading (with an opening with direct sunlight) resulted in illuminances level higher than the acceptable upper threshold. The improvement of the shading system percentage (from 73% to 91%) in medium-size of openings (WWR 40% and 50%) reduced or eliminate the glare occurrence without compromising the daylight zone depth (7.20m). The passive zone was determined for classrooms with satisfactory daylight performance, it was calculated the daylight zone depth rule-of-thumb with the ratio between daylight zone depth and the height of the window for different size of openings. The ratio ranged from 1.54 to 2.57 for WWR of 20%, 40% and 50% respectively. There was a reduction or elimination of glare in the passive area with light shelf, or with awning window shading.


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The objective of this study is to assess the natural light of the classrooms sectors, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. It was applied the Post-Occupation Evaluation technique, by using questionnaires and brightness levels measurements inside the classrooms. In order to check the users satisfaction degree, it was initially done a general approach on the related aspects to natural light: their characteristics, availability, sources, opening systems and evaluating tools. It was also determined the necessary brightness levels for the activities development in the classroom and the Post-Occupation Evaluation technique used in the search analyses. Then, it was made the UFRN Campus` characterization; the models` definition which formed the data collection basis; the detailing of the procedures used in the research, the processing description and the data analysis. Subsequently, the results that clarify the issues raised were shown through quantitative and / or qualitative data analyses. This research notes a high level of satisfaction by the users, despite some problems such as the reflections occurrence on the board, the lack of uniformity and, occasionally, the brightness low levels


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El objetivo principal de este estudio preliminar consistió en el análisis de las fortalezas y las debilidades en el manejo de desechos líquidos en cinco salas de belleza para apoyar estudios posteriores. Adicionalmente, se realizó un muestreo de aguas residuales en dos de los salones de belleza, S1 y S2, en los que se recolectaron muestras compuestas durante un día laboral. Los valores promedio de pH, amonio, DQO y grasas y aceites superaron los límites permitidos en la legislación costarricense, estos fueron respectivamente: 7,96 ± 0,01; 0,38 ± 0,01 mg N/L; 77 ± 13 mg O2/L y 1905,0 ± 0,1 mg/L, para S1 y 8,88 ± 0,01, 57,4 ±0,2 mg N/L; 240 ± 128 mg O2/L y 2775,0 ± 0,1 mg/L, para S2. Se evidenció que la calidad del agua y el cumplimiento de la normativa vigente son dependientes del tipo de productos utilizados (biodegradables o no, con o sin amoniaco). Aunque los volúmenes de vertido son intermitentes y pequeños, estos desechos pueden impactar negativamenteel ambiente.


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Al referirse a una biblioteca infantil, muchas veces se imagina un cuarto pequeño con muchos muñecos o peluches, y algunos libros para niños y niñas. En realidad, esta imagen no dista tanto de la verdad, pero una biblioteca o sala Infantil es más que eso, incluso, hasta en lo que su nombre significa.