987 resultados para S. X. y P.


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We present the results of electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and x-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements in Tb1−xYxRhIn5 (x = 0.00, 0.15, 0.4.0, 0.50 e 0.70) single crystals. Tb1−xYxRhIn5 is an antiferromagnetic AFM compound with ordering temperature TN ≈ 46 K, the higher TN within the RRhIn5 serie (R : rare earth). We evaluate the physical properties evolution and the supression of the AFM state considering doping and Crystalline Electric Field (CEF) effects on magnetic exchange interaction between Tb3+ magnetic ions. CEF acts like a perturbation potential, breaking the (2J + 1) multiplet s degeneracy. Also, we studied linear-polarization-dependent soft x-ray absorption at Tb M4 and M5 edges to validate X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy as a complementary technique in determining the rare earth CEF ground state. Samples were grown by the indium excess flux and the experimental data (magnetic susceptibility and specific heat) were adjusted with a mean field model that takes account magnetic exchange interaction between first neighbors and CEF effects. XAS experiments were carried on Total Electron Yield mode at Laborat´onio Nacional de Luz Sıncrotron, Campinas. We measured X-ray absorption at Tb M4,5 edges with incident polarized X-ray beam parallel and perpendicular to c-axis (E || c e E ⊥ c). The mean field model simulates the mean behavior of the whole system and, due to many independent parameters, gives a non unique CEF scheme. XAS is site- and elemental- specific technique and gained the scientific community s attention as complementary technique in determining CEF ground state in rare earth based compounds. In this work we wil discuss the non conclusive results of XAS technique in TbRhIn5 compounds.


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In this paper we introduce the concept of the index of an implicit differential equation F(x,y,p) = 0, where F is a smooth function, p = dy/dx, F(p) = 0 and F(pp) = 0 at an isolated singular point. We also apply the results to study the geometry of surfaces in R(5).


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In this paper, we study binary differential equations a(x, y)dy (2) + 2b(x, y) dx dy + c(x, y)dx (2) = 0, where a, b, and c are real analytic functions. Following the geometric approach of Bruce and Tari in their work on multiplicity of implicit differential equations, we introduce a definition of the index for this class of equations that coincides with the classical Hopf`s definition for positive binary differential equations. Our results also apply to implicit differential equations F(x, y, p) = 0, where F is an analytic function, p = dy/dx, F (p) = 0, and F (pp) not equal aEuro parts per thousand 0 at the singular point. For these equations, we relate the index of the equation at the singular point with the index of the gradient of F and index of the 1-form omega = dy -aEuro parts per thousand pdx defined on the singular surface F = 0.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A total pressure apparatus has been developed to measure vapour-liquid equilibrium data on binary mixtures at atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressures. The method gives isothermal data which can be obtained rapidly. Only measurements of total pressure are made as a direct function of composition of synthetic liquid phase composition, the vapour phase composition being deduced through the Gibbs-Duhem relationship. The need to analyse either of the phases is eliminated. As such the errors introduced by sampling and analysis are removed. The essential requirements are that the pure components be degassed completely since any deficiency in degassing would introduce errors into the measured pressures. A similarly essential requirement was that the central apparatus would have to be absolutely leak-tight as any leakage of air either in or out of the apparatus would introduce erroneous pressure readings. The apparatus was commissioned by measuring the saturated vapour pressures of both degassed water and ethanol as a function of temperature. The pressure-temperature data on degassed water measured were directly compared with data in the literature, with good agreement. Similarly the pressure-temperature data were measured for ethanol, methanol and cyclohexane and where possible a direct comparison made with the literature data. Good agreement between the pure component data of this work and those available in the literature demonstrates firstly that a satisfactory degassing procedure has been achieved and that secondly the measurements of pressure-temperature are consistent for any one component; since this is true for a number of components, the measurements of both temperature and pressure are both self-consistent and of sufficient accuracy, with an observed compatibility between the precision/accuracy of the separate means of measuring pressure and temperature. The liquid mixtures studied were of ethanol-water, methanol-water and ethanol-cyclohexane. The total pressure was measured as the composition inside the equilibrium cell was varied at a set temperature. This gave P-T-x data sets for each mixture at a range of temperatures. A standard fitting-package from the literature was used to reduce the raw data to yield y-values to complete the x-y-P-T data sets. A consistency test could not be applied to the P-T-x data set as no y-values were obtained during the experimental measurements. In general satisfactory agreement was found between the data of this work and those available in the literature. For some runs discrepancies were observed, and further work recommended to eliminate the problems identified.


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Илинка А. Димитрова, Цветелина Н. Младенова - Моноида P Tn от всички частични преобразования върху едно n-елементно множество относно операцията композиция на преобразования е изучаван в различни аспекти от редица автори. Едно частично преобразование α се нарича запазващо наредбата, ако от x y следва, че xyα за всяко x, y от дефиниционното множество на α. Обект на разглеждане в настоящата работа е моноида P On състоящ се от всички частични запазващи наредбата преобразования. Очевидно P On е под-моноид на P Tn. Направена е пълна класификация на максималните подполугрупи на моноида P On. Доказано е, че съществуват пет различни вида максимални подполугрупи на разглеждания моноид. Броят на всички максимални подполугрупи на POn е точно 2^n + 2n − 2.


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Catalanin konjektuurin mukaan Diofantoksen yhtälön xp-yq=1, missä p,q ≥2, ainoat nollasta eroavat ratkaisut ovat (x,y,p,q)=(±3,2,2,3). Yhtälöä xp-yq=1 kutsutaan Catalanin yhtälöksi. Konjektuuri on yritetty todistaa oikeaksi 1800-luvulta lähtien, mutta saatiin lopulta todistettua oikeaksi 2000-luvun alussa Preda Mihăilescun todistuksen myötä. Mihăilescun todistus perustuu ympyräkuntien käyttöön ja Galoisn moduleihin. Tässä tutkielmassa esitetään yksi Catalanin konjektuurin ratkaisua helpottava tulos. Tutkielmassa esitetään Mihăilescun todistus väitteelle, ettei yhtälöllä xp-yq=1 ole nollasta eroavia ratkaisuja, kun p ja q ovat parittomia alkulukuja ja vähintään toinen niistä on pienempi kuin 43. Todistus perustuu, Mihăilescun todistusten mukaisesti, ympyräkuntien käyttöön. Tutkielman lopussa kerrotaan, miten todistettua aputulosta voi käyttää apuna Catalanin konjektuurin ratkaisemisessa.


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Catalanin konjektuurin mukaan Diofantoksen yhtälön xp-yq=1, missä p,q ≥2, ainoat nollasta eroavat ratkaisut ovat (x,y,p,q)=(±3,2,2,3). Yhtälöä xp-yq=1 kutsutaan Catalanin yhtälöksi. Konjektuuri on yritetty todistaa oikeaksi 1800-luvulta lähtien, mutta saatiin lopulta todistettua oikeaksi 2000-luvun alussa Preda Mihăilescun todistuksen myötä. Mihăilescun todistus perustuu ympyräkuntien käyttöön ja Galoisn moduleihin. Tässä tutkielmassa esitetään yksi Catalanin konjektuurin ratkaisua helpottava tulos. Tutkielmassa esitetään Mihăilescun todistus väitteelle, ettei yhtälöllä xp-yq=1 ole nollasta eroavia ratkaisuja, kun p ja q ovat parittomia alkulukuja ja vähintään toinen niistä on pienempi kuin 43. Todistus perustuu, Mihăilescun todistusten mukaisesti, ympyräkuntien käyttöön. Tutkielman lopussa kerrotaan, miten todistettua aputulosta voi käyttää apuna Catalanin konjektuurin ratkaisemisessa.


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el efecto de diferentes dosis de fertilizantes foliares con macronutrientes en plantas de naranja Valencia y de tangor Murcott. Los experimentos fueron realizados durante tres campañas consecutivas en Corrientes Argentina. El diseño experimental fue en bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones y parcelas experimentales de cuatro plantas. Los tratamientos ensayados fueron T1 control; T2 N (12%) 2 L.ha-1; T3 N (12%) 4 L.ha-1; T4 N (9%) y P (2,6%) 2 L ha- 1; T5 N (9%) y P (2,6%) 4 L.ha-1; T6 N (9,3%), P (2,6%) y K (2,1%) 2 L.ha-1; T7 N (9,3%), P (2,6%) y K (2,1%) 4 L.ha-1, de fertilizante foliar formulados en base a sales de sulfato de amonio, fosfato monoamónico y nitrato de potasio según tratamiento. Los mismos fueron aplicados por campaña en prefloración, plena floración y en otoño. Se midieron las concentraciones foliares de N, P y K en hojas de otoño de ramas fructíferas y al momento de cosecha se determinó rendimiento total, diámetro de fruta, porcentaje de jugo, slidos solubles, acidez y relación slidos solubles/acidez. En Valencia late todos los tratamientos incrementaron el contenido de P foliar en comparación con el control. El tratamiento T7 incrementó un 38,7% el rendimiento respecto de T1, aunque los frutos presentaron menor diámetro. En "Murcott" todos los tratamientos incrementaron el rendimiento comparados con T1, y las ximas producciones se observaron en los tratamientos T7 (64,9% mayor) y T6 (43,8% mayor) además T7 incrementó el contenido de P foliar y disminuyó el contenido de slidos solubles en comparación con el control. La fertilización foliar con macronutrientes incrementó la productividad en naranja Valencia late y tangor Murcott. Este trabajo muestra la utilidad de la fertilización foliar con macronutrientes como una herramienta complementaria en los programas de fertilización diseñados para optimizar el rendimiento.


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Se ha realizado un inventario de los hornos de cal en la Finca Buixcarró, término municipal de Bocairente (Valencia), situada en el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Mariola. Para localizar los hornos, se ha contado con la colaboración del responsable técnico y también se fotointerpretarán mediante la aplicación Google Earth, con tal de encontrar los hornos. Para ello se elaborará una capa de puntos con formato *.kml, posteriormente introduciremos en al GPS, mediante el software (MapSource). Se muestreó la finca en búsqueda de hornos y se georreferenció cada uno de ellos mediante la utilización de un dispositivo GPS, generando un waypoint con su X-Y correspondiente. Una vez georreferenciados los hornos de la finca con formato *.gpx, se elaboró la cartografía correspondiente. Se utilizará GPSBabel y QuantumGis para elaborar la cartografía de los hornos de cal. Se han registrado un total de 24 hornos de cal, de los cuales el 60% presentan un estado de degradación bastante elevado. Se han identificado 20 categorías de usos del suelo, siendo el bosque mixto (Pinus halepensis – Quercus ilex) y el pinar carrasco (Pinus halepensis) las coberturas que mayor superficie ocupan. El inventariado de estas infraestructuras contribuye a la conservación del patrimonio material y cultural de este espacio natural protegido.