972 resultados para Road transport


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O Short Sea Shipping (SSS) é um conceito de transporte marítimo de difícil definição. No entanto, considera-se neste trabalho, que corresponde ao movimento de carga e passageiros por mar entre portos situados geográficamente na Europa ou entre outros portos que não estejam situados na Europa, mas que partilham costa com mares que banham a Europa. Esta definição é sem dúvida aquela que melhor se adequa à inclusão do Short SSS como elo de uma cadeia multimodal de transporte de mercadorias no espaço Europeu, e como alternativa ao transporte de mercadorias apenas por estrada. Este trabalho aborda alguns conceitos importantes subjacentes ao transporte marítimo de forma a permitir uma contextualização que possibilite uma melhor compreensão da abordagem feita ao SSS. A sua promoção e implementação, como alternativa viável para o transporte de mercadorias dentro do espaço Europeu, são objetivos da política de transportes da União Europeia (UE). Este trabalho reflete sobre algumas das políticas estratégicas de promoção da UE para impulsionar o SSS como alternativa ao transporte rodoviário. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar se o SSS é uma alternativa ao transporte terrestre, no contexto de uma distribuição no Reino Unido de produtos de uma Industria localizada nos arredores da cidade do Porto. Neste trabalho analisou-se as vantagens e desvantagens do SSS, foi efetuada uma descrição do Porto de Leixões como porto escolhido para as expedições, assim como uma análise descritiva dos serviços de Short Sea disponiveis neste porto para as zonas de distribuição desta empresa. Foram descritos os fatores chave da mudança de transporte terrestre para SSS, efectuada uma caracterização da distribuição desta empresa e da solução que esta adotou para distribuir os seus produtos no Reino Unido. A anállise económica da operação, dos tempos de trânsito são dois temas fundamentais para a viabilidade da solução como alternativa ao transporte terrestre.


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Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de la infraestructura de transporte en el desarrollo económico, ya que de esta depende el intercambio de bienes y servicios dentro y fuera del país, y dado el entorno de globalización de mercados, se hace relevante hacer un diagnóstico de la evolución de la inversión en infraestructura de transportes en Colombia durante los últimos años. El análisis de la actividad de transporte dentro del Producto Interno Bruto Nacional a lo largo del periodo 2002 - 2010, muestra un aporte importante al mismo, confirmando así la relevancia que tiene el sector de transporte en la economía del país. El modo de transporte que cobra más importancia es el transporte por carreteras pues es el medio más utilizado en Colombia, tanto para mercancías como para pasajeros, por lo cual se enfatiza en la inversión y evolución de la infraestructura vial. En este contexto se presenta un estudio de la legislación del sector, los principales proyectos ejecutados durante la última década, los objetivos propuestos por cada uno de estos y el estado actual de los mismos.


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Este estudio buscó evaluar la asociación de desórdenes músculo esqueléticos en región cervical, dorsal y lumbar identificados mediante el Cuestionario Nórdico en su versión validada al español y los factores de riesgo psicosocial con el Cuestionario del contenido del trabajo (JCQ), en conductores de vehículos de carga de una empresa de transporte terrestre en Bogotá, Colombia; fue un estudio de corte transversal con la participación voluntaria de 125 conductores. Los resultados demostraron mayor prevalencia de trastornos músculo esqueléticos en región lumbar en los últimos 12 meses en el 36% de los participantes y en los últimos tres meses en región cervical con el 17.6%; la prevalencia de factores psicosociales arrojó trabajo de baja tensión en el 29.6%, trabajo activo 26.4%, trabajo con alta tensión 23.2% y trabajo pasivo con el 20.8%. El valor p fue mayor de 0,005 no hallándose asociaciones significativas de desórdenes músculo esqueléticos en región cervical, dorsal y lumbar con factores de riesgo psicosocial.


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European air quality legislation has reduced emissions of air pollutants across Europe since the 1970s, affecting air quality, human health and regional climate. We used a coupled composition-climate model to simulate the impacts of European air quality legislation and technology measures implemented between 1970 and 2010. We contrast simulations using two emission scenarios; one with actual emissions in 2010 and the other with emissions that would have occurred in 2010 in the absence of technological improvements and end-of-pipe treatment measures in the energy, industrial and road transport sectors. European emissions of sulphur dioxide, black carbon (BC) and organic carbon in 2010 are 53%, 59% and 32% lower respectively compared to emissions that would have occurred in 2010 in the absence of legislative and technology measures. These emission reductions decreased simulated European annual mean concentrations of fine particulate matter(PM2.5) by 35%, sulphate by 44%, BC by 56% and particulate organic matter by 23%. The reduction in PM2.5 concentrations is calculated to have prevented 80 000 (37 000–116 000, at 95% confidence intervals) premature deaths annually across the European Union, resulting in a perceived financial benefit to society of US$232 billion annually (1.4% of 2010 EU GDP). The reduction in aerosol concentrations due to legislative and technology measures caused a positive change in the aerosol radiative effect at the top of atmosphere, reduced atmospheric absorption and also increased the amount of solar radiation incident at the surface over Europe. We used an energy budget approximation to estimate that these changes in the radiative balance have increased European annual mean surface temperatures and precipitation by 0.45 ± 0.11 °C and by 13 ± 0.8 mm yr−1 respectively. Our results show that the implementation of European legislation and technological improvements to reduce the emission of air pollutants has improved air quality and human health over Europe, as well as having an unintended impact on the regional radiative balance and climate.


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There are two significant issues facing road transport in the medium to long term: the depletion of cheap oil reserves and the need to reduce carbon emissions. A long term solution for passenger cars could be the introduction of battery electric vehicles (BEVs). However, one of the main problems associated with the current generation of BEVs is their short range relative to conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) cars.

To investigate this issue, a long range battery electric vehicle, the UltraCommuter (UC), was constructed by the University of Waikato in partnership with HybridAuto Ltd. This paper describes the development, modelling and testing of the UC and its performance in the 2007 World Solar Challenge.


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The lack of comprehensive data on transport operations is a long- standing problem in transport research. Information on road transport in particular has proved difficult to obtain. This Paper documents a study which was aimed at developing and testing a technique to estimate long-distance passenger and freight movements based on direct observation of vehicle movements.


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São Marcos, no Rio Grande do Sul, caracteriza-se por sua participação no setor do transporte rodoviário de cargas, sendo o município brasileiro com maior número de veículos pesados por habitante. Este trabalho busca identificar os fatores que influenciam a tomada de decisão dentro desse ramo de negócios. Assim, são estudados quatro casos de profissionais da área. Esses indivíduos iniciaram sua trajetória na condição de empregados, passando em seguida para a fase de autônomos. No entanto, apenas dois deles prosperaram, tornando-se empresários; os outros dois retornaram à condição de empregados. O estudo também possibilitou identificar o nível de insatisfação dos empregados do setor na busca de um progresso dentro do mesmo, assim como observar o perfil de competência daqueles que chegam a implantar suas próprias organizações. Dessa forma, é possível formar um paralelo entre as experiências bem-sucedidas e as tentativas frustradas. Os dados foram levantados a partir de uma série de fontes de evidências como entrevistas, registros de arquivos e documentos dos personagens referidos. A análise desses dados leva à interpretação de dois fatores como fundamentais na tomada de decisões dos indivíduos que trabalham no transporte rodoviário de cargas: a intuição e a influência de outras pessoas que cercam os tomadores de decisão. Esses fatores reforçam a idéia da subjetividade dentro do processo administrativo. O trabalho possibilita a formação de um quadro de dados gerais a respeito do setor. Além disso, serve de referencial às atitudes de organizações públicas e privadas, de pessoas ligadas ao ramo e de jovens que pretendem entrar nesse universo de trabalho.


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This study approaches the question of the administrative procedure of the environmental licensing of ranks of fuel resale, taking as basis a study case of the reality of the City of Natal/RN (Brazil). For in such a way, it was done a retrospect on the evolution of the system of road transport in Brazil, having started to briefly analyze the urbanization process that if after accented in the capitals of the Brazilian States the decade of 1950, relating these subjects with the growth of the sector of fuel resale. After that, it was transferred boarding of the defense of the national environment to the light of ambient principles constitutional. In the sequence, a boarding on the ambient guardianship in the Federal Constitution of 1988 was made, treating basically specifies and on the national urban politics and the national politics of the environment, with its instruments. In the sequence, it was transferred the analysis of the abilities and attributions of the National Advice of the Environment (CONAMA) and its Resolutions, for then only enter in the most important part of this work: an analysis of the environmental licensing of ranks of fuel resale, in the reality of the City of Natal/RN. Before this specific boarding, it was proceeded specifically a survey and communication from the applicable norms to such establishments (Resolutions of the CONAMA and norms of the ABNT), for after that carrying through an geo-ambient characterization of the City of Natal/RN. Finally, a reflection was made on the possibility of magnifying of the state activity, in terms of guarantees for the responsible members for the environmental policy and of administrative efficiency, through the idea of the ambient regulation. For the accomplishment of this study, it was proceeded research in diverse sources such as books, magazines, sites of the Internet, periodicals, thesis and dissertations, among others material, beyond visits the agencies that direct or indirectly act with the ambient defense and as fuel resale, such as Secretariat of Environment and Urbanism of the City of Natal (SEMURB), Institute of Economic Development and Environment of RN (IDEMA), Brazilian Institute of the Environment and the Natural resources You renewed, Executive Management of RN (IBAMA/RN), Public prosecutor's office of the Environment of Natal (Public prosecution service of the RN), National Agency of Oil (ANP) and Union of the Retailing of Derivatives of Oil of the RN, among others. To the end, satiated regulation is observed that although on the substance of the ambient licensing in ranks of fuel resale, also with federal, state and municipal norms, the municipal Public Power is very far from the fulfilment of its institutional functions, in the question environmental policy of these establishments, a time that few are the permitted ranks of resale in the city of Natal/RN


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The objective of this research is the verification of the competition in the intecity market, after the entrance of new competitors (vans and microbus) regulated and clandestine. For verification of this new view was effected one research of documentary character for the knowledge of the regulation and exploratory character of the system Natal - territory of the Seridó, for thus in making will know this problematic, well as its characteristics, attractivenesses and development of the territory of the Seridó, and its link with the Capital (Natal). Later, through a descriptive exploratory research of the type survey with the passengers to know as these are being taken care and its satisfaction in relation to the regulated companies. With the drivers if focus effected one group, and with the staff of the of sale ticket a research survey, aiming at to know the strategies used for the only company of bus that takes care of the territory of the Seridó, the implantation of these and the consequence of the user. In accordance with the generic tipologia of Porter and its strategies, were perceived that the bus company adopted the strategy of price leadership being competitive, using to advantage its bigger space in the market, already vans and the microbuses with its limited participation bet in a strategy of "differentiation" in its service, effecting faster trips and in the strategy of "approach" we find the not regulated services earn the service to the taste of the user


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Stress can cause economic losses due to lower weight gain and increased susceptibility of animal diseases. Among the events that cause stress in calves, stand out weaning and road transport, which can result in increased serum concentrations of adrenaline and / or cortisol. This study evaluated the influence of weaning and road transport on the leukogram of Nelore calves. With this purpose, 30 calves with seven to eight months of age, divided into three groups, the first being composed of lactating animals (GL), the second by weaning animals (GD) and the third by weaning animals subjected to road transport for four hours (GDT). The first day of weaning, but not in subsequent days, there were changes in GD and GDT leukogram compatible with the action of adrenaline, as significant increases counts of WBC and neutrophils (p < 0.05), without changing in the neutrophil lymphocytes ratio (NL). In the GDT, immediately after transport, but not in subsequent days, leukogram changes were (p < 0.05) compatible with the action of cortisol, as higher N: L ratio and decreased eosinophil count. It was concluded that, under the conditions of this experiment, there are changes in leukocytes on weaning and road transport related to the action of adrenaline and road transport, respectively, and that the WBC can be used as an indicator of stress in this species.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do transporte na ocorrência de lesões, em carcaças de bovinos abatidos no Pantanal Sul Matogrossense, por meio da quantificação do número e do tamanho das lesões, assim como a localização da freqüência de ocorrência das lesões nos principais cortes comerciais padronizados para o mercado interno. do total de 121 carcaças avaliadas, foi observado que 102 (84,3%) tiveram uma ou mais lesões, totalizando 270 lesões que resultaram na remoção de 56,1kg de carne, com média geral de 0,5kg por animal ou 0,6kg por animal, considerando-se apenas os animais que tiveram lesões. A freqüência de lesões em carcaças de bovinos evidenciou diferença significativa de acordo com as condições de transporte. As maiores proporções de lesões foram encontradas em animais submetidos ao transporte rodoviário por mais de uma hora e distâncias maiores que 70km, sendo grande parte em estradas não-pavimentadas. Conclui-se que os animais submetidos à série sucessiva de manejo e transportados em estradas não-pavimentadas por longas distâncias apresentaram maior proporção de lesões, sendo que os animais provenientes do lote VI apresentaram maior número de lesões.


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The size distributed composition of ambient aerosols is used to explore seasonal differences in particle chemistry and to show that dry deposition fluxes of soluble species, including important plant nutrients, increase during periods of biomass (sugar cane trash) burning in São Paulo State, Brazil. Measurements were made at a single site centrally located in the State's sugar cane growing region but away from the immediate vicinity of burns, so that the air sampled was representative of the regional background. Calculation of ion equivalent balances showed that during burning periods smaller particles (Aitken and accumulation modes) were more acidic, containing higher concentrations of SO(4)(2-), oxalate, NO(3)(-), HCOO(-), CH(3)COO(-), and Cl(-), but insufficient NH(4)(+) and K(+) to achieve neutrality. Larger particles showed an anion deficit due to the presence of unmeasured ions and comprised resuspended dusts modified by accumulation of nitrate, chloride, and organic anions. Increases of resuspended particles during the burning season were attributed to release of earlier deposits from the surfaces of burning vegetation as well as increased vehicle movement on unsurfaced roads. During winter months the relative contribution of combined emissions from road transport and industry diminished due to increased emissions from biomass combustion and other activities specifically associated with the harvest period. Positive increments in annual particulate dry deposition fluxes due to higher fluxes during the sugar cane harvest were 44.3% (NH(4)(+)), 42.1 % (K(+)), 31.8% (Mg(2+)), 30.4% (HCOO(-)), 12.8% (Cl(-)), 6.6% (CH(3)COO(-)), 5.2% (Ca(2+)), 3.8% (SO(4)(2-)), and 2.3% (NO(3)(-)). Na(+) and oxalate fluxes were seasonally invariant. Annual aerosol dry deposition fluxes (kg ha(-1)) were 0.5 (Na(+)), 0.25 (NH(4)(+)), 0.39 (K(+)), 0.51 (Mg(2+)), 3.19 (Ca(2+)), 1.34 (Cl(-)), 4.47 (NO(3)(-)), 3.59 (SO(4)(2-)), 0.58 (oxalate), 0.71 (HCOO(-)), and 1.38 (CH(3)COO(-)). Contributions of this mechanism to combined aerosol dry deposition and precipitation scavenging (inorganic species, excluding gaseous dry deposition) were 31% (Na(+)), 8% (NH(4)(+)), 26% (K(+)), 63% (Mg(2+)), 66% (Ca(2+)), 32% (Cl(-)), 33% (NO(3)(-)), and 36% (SO(4)(2-)).


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[1] Surface-based measurements of atmospheric formic acid (HCOOH), acetic acid (CH3COOH), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and nitric acid (HNO3) were made in central São Paulo State, Brazil, between April 1999 and March 2000. Mean concentrations were 9.0 ppb (HCOOH), 1.3 ppb (CH3COOH), 4.9 ppb (SO2), 0.3 ppb (HCl), and 0.5 ppb (HNO3). Concentrations in sugar cane burning plumes were 1160-4230 ppb (HCOOH), 360-1750 ppb (CH3COOH), 10-630 ppb (SO2), 4-210 ppb (HCl), and 14-90 ppb (HNO3). Higher ambient concentrations of SO2, HCl and HNO3 were measured during the burning season (May-November). Concentrations of SO2 and HCl increased during the evening, and of HCOOH and CH3COOH were lowest in the morning, with peak levels in the afternoon. Ratios obtained between different species showed either nighttime maxima (SO2/HCOOH, SO2/CH3COOH, SO2/HNO3, CH3COOH/HNO3, SO2/HCl and HCOOH/HNO3), daytime maxima (HCOOH/HCl, CH3COOH/HCl and HNO3/HCl), or no clear trends (HCOOH/CH3COOH). Correlation analysis showed that SO2 and HCl were primary emissions from biomass burning and road transport; HCOOH, HNO3 and CH3COOH were products of photochemistry; HCOOH and CH3COOH were emitted directly during combustion as well as from biogenic sources. Biomass burning affected atmospheric acidity on a regional scale, while vehicular emissions had greater impact in urban and adjacent areas. Atmospheric ammonia levels were insufficient to neutralize atmospheric acidity, which was mainly removed by deposition to the surface.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)