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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this article, we aim to describe and explain what is the model “practical group of displacements”, introduced in 1937 by Piaget’s work La construction du reel chez l’enfant (Neuchâtel, Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé), essential to comprehension of the construction of space. To this end, we introduce the mathematical notation to describe it, we give the meaning of this notation in the child’s behavior and explains the mathematical structure of group underlying the model.
This text comes up a clipping from an applied research, qualitative approach, which sought to understand both the egocentric second Piaget, through a literature search, furthermore, from a study that was conducted with teachers from kindergarten and the first years of elementary school, we sought to delineate the representations of such teachers in this regard and its proximity to the theory in question. Therefore, the trajectory traveled consisted of explaining aspects the Vygotsky's critique to Piaget, with respect to egocentric thought; subsequently show how as Piaget responded to criticism of Vygotsky, and expound upon the egocentric thought present in your perspective. Were addressed, we sought to delineate the representations of fifteen educators about the phenomenon of egocentrism in children and its proximity with the theory of Piaget. It might thus as regards the literature, and bring the importance of recognizing and understanding the thought egocentric in Piaget, as a phenomenon is intrinsically linked to the development of the child and that we can approach your understanding. For representations of teachers, approached more subjectively common sense than the concepts found in psychological theory focused. Thus, this study allows us to understand the limits and scope of training courses for teachers, with regard to the dimension in focus.
Proposta construtivista em questão: analise da experiencia brasileira no ensino da leitura e escrita
Years after the constructivism theory was adopted by “Parameters for National Syllabuses”, the results have pointed to a worse performance in teaching and learning with regards to reading and writing. This article presents the conclusions proceeding from investigation about the probable reasons for the student’s lack of success in reading and writing, and its relation to Emília Ferreiro’s constructivism proposals. Interviews were made as well as sit in class observation were done, with twenty teachers at six Fundamental Level 1 schools in Ourinhos, SP State, in schools that had been awarded the best and the worst performance rating in the Prova Brasil-2005, with this objective: to know and analyze the teacher’s conceptions under their practices and their practices in the classes. The conclusion is: it is not possible to attribute the students’ lack of success in reading and writing; these studies showed that many teachers, most of them, have a non-constructivist concept of teaching and learning, it means that they do not apply Ferreiro’s researches.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In a previous research, it was observed that are symbolic exchanges established between the persons and the environment they live in that allow them to interact with others, leading them to reorganize their internal cognitive structures, reaching more elaborated stages. In the case of a person with deafness, the possibility of exchange can be compromised and knowledge about the construction of the temporal notion seems to be essential to enable a path of explanation about the difficulties they have regarding their cognitive development. Thus, based on the theory of Jean Piaget, the study intended to understand how the temporal notion constitutes as possible subject to the process of building the real, and examine, through empirical evaluation, if the difficulty in establishing symbolic exchanges caused by deafness would compromise the development of this notion. For this purpose, bibliographical research and empirical research were made, by the comparative evaluating between the performance of deaf and hearing subjects in relation to the construction of temporal notion. Two groups of subjects aged between 10 and 12 years were composed: one with three deaf subjects and another with 3 listeners. The assessment and analysis of the data were based on an experiment created by Piaget and his staff. The results showed that the listeners present responses from operative level, compatible with the age range in which they found themselves. In contrast, the deaf subjects showed responses of transition level, which indicates a situation of cognitive delay. We conclude that the potential compromise linguistic presented by deaf people, can hinder the activity representative causing delay in construction of temporal notion and consequently the development of thought. We conclude that the possible linguistic committal presented by deaf people can hinder the representative activity, causing delay in construction of temporal notion and consequently in the development of thought. In this sense, it seems that the Sign Language constitutes an important tool for deaf people because it allows symbolic exchanges that favor the cognitive development.
Actual scenario of the brazilian research groups that study the work of Jean Piaget. This article aim the research that we made about the brazilian research groups dedicated in the study of the work of Jean Piaget in nowadays. This article show quantitative data collected throughout the research and a brief analysis upon it.
Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) foi um generalprussiano que teve como um de seus principaislegados uma obra clássica, “Da guerra”, umareferência obrigatória sobre o fenômeno bélico.Escrita provavelmente entre 1812 e 1831, foipublicada postumamente graças ao esforço de suamulher Marie von Clausewitz (ARON, 1986a); foi oprincipal resultado de experiência e enormeelaboração de vasta obra do general prussiano,soldado do exército prussiano desde 1792 ecombatente nas guerras napoleônicas semprecontrariamente à França comandada por NapoleãoBonaparte. mesmo quando a Prússia se aliou aNapoleão após ser derrotada. Naquele momento,Clausewitz renunciou à sua patente como oficial noexército prussiano e se alistou no exército russo;desempenhou papel importante na retirada daPrússia da aliança pró-França quando o GrandArmée napoleônico bateu em retirada em suamalsucedida campanha na Rússia. Reintegrado aoexército prussiano e à sua patente, Clausewitzparticipou de teatros de operações secundários nasações decisivas até a derrota definitiva deNapoleão; suas convicções antinapoleônicas lhecustaram desconfiança e um preço muito caro: apartir de então, sua ascensão até o generalatorenderam-lhe posições secundárias eadministrativas sem comando de tropas, dentreelas, a direção da Academia Militar de Berlim. Nofinal deste contexto foi escrita “Da guerra”.
A aplicação de conceitos de Antonio Gramsciao temário internacional, os estudos relacionadosao desenvolvimento, às desigualdades globais e àsorganizações internacionais são alguns dos temasde pesquisa do Professor Craig N. Murphy,vinculado à Universidade Massachussets Boston.O único texto do autor traduzido no Brasil foiescrito a quatro mãos com o falecido diplomataitaliano de carreira Enrico Augelli (AUGELLI &MURPHY, 2007) e versa sobre uma interpretaçãode conceitos gramscianos voltados aos EstadosUnidos e sua política exterior recente com oTerceiro Mundo. Faz parte de uma coletâneareunida por Stephen Gill (GILL, 2007) dedicada aanálises que têm como tema articulador opensamento de Gramsci e as relaçõesinternacionais. Apresentar e avaliar criticamente olivro de Murphy informado acima é o objetivo destetexto.
This paper discusses some of the general foundations of my philosophical journey, from studies, researches and reflections on the sciences and Genetic Epistemology, to the proposal of a speculative idealist metaphysics and ontology. I initially introduce the notion of a system of human beings and their behavior, in order to contextualize the discussion of one of the central questions of the paper: how can the system of human beings and their behavior be comprehended? I then make some general considerations about Genetic Epistemology and Psychology, and analyze the consequences of the thesis inherent in them that the object is an essentially intellectual being. Next, I consider the possibility of a different perspective on the Theory of Knowledge. This leads to the question “how are the different philosophic systems possible?” and to the necessity of the constitution of a philosophy that is able to deal with this question from a viewpoint of totality and on the basis of a thought able to think itself. I then make some considerations on the establishment of such a philosophy in regard to genetic epistemology, and introduce the notion of idea. Finallly, a general research project is proposed (that this paper only announces) that aims to use some concepts and arguments inspired by Hegelian Speculative Philosophy (or related to it) in order to comprehend the system of human beings and their behavior, especially in the production scenario of contemporary science and philosophy, including Genetic Epistemology. I hope I have contributed to showing that another philosophical view (distinct from Piagetian naturalism) is at least possible, one that takes into account the experimental data of Genetic Epistemology and Psychology.
The objective of this paper is to introduce a model, called the Model of the System of Schemes of Actions and Operations on Symbols and Signs (MoSSAOSS), that articulates a systemic, systematic, and synthetic view of some of the principal theoretic and experimental results obtained by Piaget and his coworkers. Here, the term model means a schematic representation of experience, the relation of whose elements can be explored by means of logic and mathematics in order to deduce properties that correspond, in a sufficiently accurate form, to direct observable empirical properties. The MoSSAOSS model is intended to reveal in an abstract and simplified form, and through explicit hypothesis and definitions, the general structure and function of the System of Schemes of Actions and Operations on Symbols and Signs. It is this system that furnishes the elements that make possible the diverse structures necessary for the knowledge of the epistemic subject, the subject of knowledge, the stages in their construction, and the attribution of significations to objects, to situations, and to the actions and operations of the subject itself.
In this paper we discuss the question of the a priori character of the necessary structures of knowledge according to Genetic Epistemology, focusing on the notion of space in particular. We establish some relations between Jean Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology and Immanuel Kant’s Critical Philosophy, discuss the notion of the a priori according to Kant in relation to the notion of space, and discuss the construction of the notion of space by the epistemic subject according to Genetic Epistemology, focusing on the Sensory-Motor Period. We conclude that, in Genetic Epistemology, space is still thought of as an a priori form of phenomena in the sense that the notion of space is what spatially organizes the data of perception, being the condition of perception. Furthermore, it is not directly abstracted from experience, but is constructed by the epistemic subject in its interaction with the environment, occurring with the structuring of the system of schemes of action. This analysis leads to the notion of the constructed a priori that, after its construction, has the characteristics of the a priori as conceived by Kant.
This research seeks to demonstrate the scientific collaboration in the field of Information Science, specifically in the thematic indexing, by analyzing the co-authors network, based on scientific collaboration in Brazilian journals online, according to CAPES. We selected six Brazilian journals online, namely: Ciência da Informação; Transinformação; Perspectivas da Ciência da Informação; Encontros BIBLI: Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação; DataGramaZero and Em Questão, totaling 25 articles. It was built in coauthorship network, using Pajek software in order to evaluate interactions between researchers and cohesion of the network by calculating its density.
Studies have shown that adolescents begin to make use of alcoholic beverages earlier and excessively, a behavior which has several negative consequences. Thus, the present study aims at investigating whether the expectations they have for the effects of alcohol consumption are high or low and if there is a relationship between expectation and consumption pattern. AUDIT and IECPA were applied as data collection instruments. The first indentifies the pattern of alcohol use and the second investigates the expectations the subjects have in relation to the use of alcohol. The results of this study, differently than others, do not evidence the positive relationship between binge-drinking and high expectations about the use of alcohol.
Desenvolvimento cognitivo e sintomas depressivos em adolescentes que fazem uso de bebidas alcoólicas
Surveys on alcohol use show that people usually begin using this substance as adolescents. In this stage of development, it is common for some people to show depressive symptoms. The combination of alcohol and depressive symptoms may affect students’ cognitive and school development. This study aims at identifying and discussing on the relationship between alcohol use in adolescents, depression and the consequences on cognitive development. Participants were 127 students of two schools in the state of São Paulo, who answered the AUDIT, the BDI and Tests for Operatory Development. Results show that excessive alcohol use is significant, but we did not observe a relationship between alcohol use, depressive symptoms and low cognitive performance.