979 resultados para Raggi x, laser, plasma, femtosecondo.


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By extending a prior model [A. R. Bell, J.R. Davies, S. M. Guerin, Phys. Rev. E 58, 2471 (1998)], the magnetic field generated during the transport of a fast electron beam driven by an ultraintense laser in a solid target is derived analytically and applied to estimate the effect of such field on fast electron propagation through a buried high-Z layer in a lower-Z target. It is found that the effect gets weaker with the increase of the depth of the buried layer, the divergence of the fast electrons, and the laser intensity, indicating that magnetic field effects on the fast electron divergence as measured from K-a X-ray emission may need to be considered for moderate laser intensities. On the basis of the calculations, some considerations are made on how one can mitigate the effect of the magnetic field generated at the interface.


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Suitable instrumentation for laser-accelerated proton (ion) beams is critical for development of integrated, laser-driven ion accelerator systems. Instrumentation aimed at beam diagnostics and control must be applied to the driving laser pulse, the laser-plasma that forms at the target and the emergent proton (ion) bunch in a correlated way to develop these novel accelerators. This report is a brief overview of established diagnostic techniques and new developments based on material presented at the first workshop on 'Instrumentation for Diagnostics and Control of Laser-accelerated Proton (Ion) Beams' in Abingdon, UK. It includes radiochromic film (RCF), image plates (IP), micro-channel plates (MCP), Thomson spectrometers, prompt inline scintillators, time and space-resolved interferometry (TASRI) and nuclear activation schemes. Repetition-rated instrumentation requirements for target metrology are also addressed. (C) 2013 Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The collision of two plasma clouds at a speed that exceeds the ion acoustic speed can result in the formation of shocks. This phenomenon is observed not only in astrophysical scenarios, such as the propagation of supernova remnant (SNR) blast shells into the interstellar medium, but also in laboratory-based laser-plasma experiments. These experiments and supporting simulations are thus seen as an attractive platform for small-scale reproduction and study of astrophysical shocks in the laboratory. We model two plasma clouds, which consist of electrons and ions, with a 2D particle-in-cell simulation. The ion temperatures of both clouds differ by a factor of ten. Both clouds collide at a speed that is realistic for laboratory studies and for SNR shocks in their late evolution phase, like that of RCW86. A magnetic field, which is orthogonal to the simulation plane, has a strength that is comparable to that of SNR shocks. A forward shock forms between the overlap layer of both plasma clouds and the cloud with cooler ions. A large-amplitude ion acoustic wave is observed between the overlap layer and the cloud with hotter ions. It does not steepen into a reverse shock because its speed is below the ion acoustic speed. A gradient of the magnetic field amplitude builds up close to the forward shock as it compresses the magnetic field. This gradient gives rise to an electron drift that is fast enough to trigger an instability. Electrostatic ion acoustic wave turbulence develops ahead of the shock, widens its transition layer, and thermalizes the ions, but the forward shock remains intact. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.


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Using high-energy (∼0.5 GeV) electron beams generated by laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA), bremsstrahlung radiation was created by interacting these beams with various solid targets. Secondary processes generate high-energy electrons, positrons, and neutrons, which can be measured shot-to-shot using magnetic spectrometers, short half-life activation, and Compton scattering. Presented here are proof-of-principle results from a high-resolution, high-energy gamma-ray spectrometer capable of single-shot operation, and high repetition rate activation diagnostics. We describe the techniques used in these measurements and their potential applications in diagnosing LWFA electron beams and measuring high-energy radiation from laser-plasma interactions.


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Asymmetry in the collective dynamics of ponderomotively-driven electrons in the interaction of an ultraintense laser pulse with a relativistically transparent target is demonstrated experimentally. The 2D profile of the beam of accelerated electrons is shown to change from an ellipse aligned along the laser polarization direction in the case of limited transparency, to a double-lobe structure aligned perpendicular to it when a significant fraction of the laser pulse co-propagates with the electrons. The temporally-resolved dynamics of the interaction are investigated via particle-in-cell simulations. The results provide new insight into the collective response of charged particles to intense laser fields over an extended interaction volume, which is important for a wide range of applications, and in particular for the development of promising new ultraintense laser-driven ion acceleration mechanisms involving ultrathin target foils.


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Diagnostic for investigating and distinguishing different laser ion acceleration mechanisms has been developed and successfully tested. An ion separation wide angle spectrometer can simultaneously investigate three important aspects of the laser plasma interaction: (1) acquire angularly resolved energy spectra for two ion species, (2) obtain ion energy spectra for multiple species, separated according to their charge to mass ratio, along selected axes, and (3) collect laser radiation reflected from and transmitted through the target and propagating in the same direction as the ion beam. Thus, the presented diagnostic constitutes a highly adaptable tool for accurately studying novel acceleration mechanisms in terms of their angular energy distribution, conversion efficiency, and plasma density evolution.


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Ion acceleration driven by the interaction of an ultraintense (2 × 1020 W cm-2) laser pulse with an ultrathin ( nm) foil target is experimentally and numerically investigated. Protons accelerated by sheath fields and via laser radiation pressure are angularly separated and identified based on their directionality and signature features (e.g. transverse instabilities) in the measured spatial-intensity distribution. A low divergence, high energy proton component is also detected when the heated target electrons expand and the target becomes relativistically transparent during the interaction. 2D and 3D particle-in-cell simulations indicate that under these conditions a plasma jet is formed at the target rear, supported by a self-generated azimuthal magnetic field, which extends into the expanded layer of sheath-accelerated protons. Electrons trapped within this jet are directly accelerated to super-thermal energies by the portion of the laser pulse transmitted through the target. The resulting streaming of the electrons into the ion layers enhances the energy of protons in the vicinity of the jet. Through the addition of a controlled prepulse, the maximum energy of these protons is demonstrated experimentally and numerically to be sensitive to the picosecond rising edge profile of the laser pulse.


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The divergent and broadband proton beams produced by the target normal sheath acceleration mechanism provide the unique opportunity to probe, in a point-projection imaging scheme, the dynamics of the transient electric and magnetic fields produced during laser-plasma interactions. Commonly such experimental setup entails two intense laser beams, where the interaction produced by one beam is probed with the protons produced by the second. We present here experimental studies of the ultra-fast charge dynamics along a wire connected to laser irradiated target carried out by employing a ‘self’ proton probing arrangement – i.e. by connecting the wire to the target generating the probe protons. The experimental data shows that an electromagnetic pulse carrying a significant amount of charge is launched along the wire, which travels as a unified pulse of 10s of ps duration with a velocity close to speed of light. The experimental capabilities and the analysis procedure of this specific type of proton probing technique are discussed.


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Physical-chemical properties of Ti are sensible to the presence of interstitial elements. In the case of thermochemical treatments plasma assisted, the influence of different active species is not still understood. In order to contribute for such knowledge, this work purposes a study of the role played by the active species atmosphere into the Ar N2 CH4 carbonitriding plasma. It was carried out a plasma diagnostic by OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) in the z Ar y N2 x CH4 plasma mixture, in which z, y and x indexes represent gas flow variable from 0 to 4 sccm (cm3/min). The diagnostic presents abrupt variations of emission intensities associated to the species in determined conditions. Therefore, they were selected in order to carry out the chemical treatment and then to investigate their influences. Commercial pure Ti disks were submitted to plasma carbonitriding process using pre-established conditions from the OES measurements while some parameters such as pressure and temperature were maintained constant. The concentration profiles of interstitial elements (C and N atoms) were determined by Resonant Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) resulting in a depth profile plots. The reactions used were 15N(ρ,αγ)12C and 12C(α,α)12C. GIXRD (Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction) analysis was used in order to identify the presence of phases on the surface. Micro-Raman spectroscopy was used in order to qualitatively study the carbon into the TiCxN1 structure. It has been verified which the density species effectively influences more the diffusion of particles into the Ti lattice and characteristics of the layer formed than the gas concentration. High intensity of N2 + (391,4 nm) and CH (387,1 nm) species promotes more diffusion of C and N. It was observed that Hα (656,3 nm) species acts like a catalyzer allowing a deeper diffusion of nitrogen and carbon into the titanium lattice.


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Plasmabasierte Röntgenlaser sind aufgrund ihrer kurzen Wellenlänge und schma-rnlen spektralen Bandbreite attraktive Diagnose-Instrumente in einer Vielzahl potentieller Anwendungen, beispielsweise in den Bereichen Spektroskopie, Mikroskopie und EUV-Lithografie. Dennoch sind Röntgenlaser zum heutigen Stand noch nicht sehr weit verbreitet, was vorwiegend auf eine zu geringe Pulsenergie und für manche Anwendungen nicht hinreichende Strahlqualität zurückzuführen ist. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden in den letzten Jahren bedeutende Fortschritte erzielt. Die gleichzeitige Weiterentwicklung von Pumplasersystemen und Pumpmechanismen ermöglichte es, kompakte Röntgenlaserquellen mit bis zu 100 Hz zu betreiben. Um gleichzeitig höhere Pulsenergien, höhere Strahlqualität und volle räumliche Kohärenz zu erhalten, wurden intensive Studien theoretischer und experimenteller Natur durchgeführt. In diesem Kontext wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein experimenteller Aufbau zur Kombination von zwei Röntgenlaser-Targets entwickelt, die sogenannte Butterfly-Konfiguration. Der erste Röntgenlaser wird dabei als sogenannter Seed für das zweite, als Verstärker dienende Röntgenlasermedium verwendet (injection-seeding). Aufrndiese Weise werden störende Effekte vermieden, welche beim Entstehungsprozessrndes Röntgenlasers durch die Verstärkung von spontaner Emission zustande kom-rnmen. Unter Verwendung des ebenfalls an der GSI entwickelten Double-Pulse Gra-rnzing Incidence Pumpschemas ermöglicht das hier vorgestellte Konzept, erstmaligrnbeide Röntgenlasertargets effizient und inklusive Wanderwellenanregung zu pum-rnpen.rnBei einer ersten experimentellen Umsetzung gelang die Erzeugung verstärkter Silber-Röntgenlaserpulse von 1 µJ bei 13.9 nm Wellenlänge. Anhand der gewonnenen Daten erfolgte neben dem Nachweis der Verstärkung die Bestimmung der Lebensdauer der Besetzungsinversion zu 3 ps. In einem Nachfolgeexperiment wurden die Eigenschaften eines Molybdän-Röntgenlaserplasmas näher untersucht. Neben dem bisher an der GSI angewandten Pumpschema kam in dieser Strahlzeit noch eine weitere Technik zum Einsatz, welche auf einem zusätzlichen Pumppuls basierte. In beiden Schemata gelang neben dem Nachweis der Verstärkung die zeitliche und räumliche Charakterisierung des Verstärkermediums. Röntgenlaserpulse mit bis zu 240 nJ bei einer Wellenlänge von 18.9 nm wurden nachgewiesen. Die erreichte Brillanz der verstärkten Pulse lag ca. zwei Größenordnungen über der des ursprünglichen Seeds und mehr als eine Größenordnung über der Brillanz eines Röntgenlasers, dessen Erzeugung auf der Verwendung eines einzelnen Targets basierte. Das in dieser Arbeitrnentwickelte und experimentell verifizierte Konzept birgt somit das Potential, extrem brillante plasmabasierte Röntgenlaser mit vollständiger räumlicher und zeitlicher Kohärenz zu erzeugen.rnDie in dieser Arbeit diskutierten Ergebnisse sind ein wesentlicher Beitrag zu der Entwicklung eines Röntgenlasers, der bei spektroskopischen Untersuchungen von hochgeladenen Schwerionen eingesetzt werden soll. Diese Experimente sind amrnExperimentierspeicherring der GSI und zukünftig auch am High-Energy StoragernRing der FAIR-Anlage vorgesehen.rn


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Argomento di questo lavoro di tesi è l’accelerazione di ioni tramite interazione laser-plasma. Nel particolare, uno studio teorico sui principali meccanismi di accelerazione e una campagna di simulazioni numeriche volte ad analizzare gli effetti sullo spettro energetico dei protoni accelerati dovuti al preplasma sono stati svolti. Quando laser ad impulsi brevi, ad alta intensità e a contrasto finito, interagiscono con un campione solido è presente un preimpulso che causa la formazione di una regione di preplasma antistante il bersaglio che può rendere più efficace l’accelerazione dei protoni. Vengono dunque introdotti nel primo capitolo i concetti e le tecniche base per studiare a livello teorico e numericamente le interazioni laser-plasma. Nel secondo capitolo sono trattati analiticamente alcuni meccanismi di accelerazione di ioni. Nel terzo ed ultimo capitolo vengono descritti gli effetti di preplasma ed esposti risultati di simulazioni PIC volte a trovare i parametri ottimali per ottenere ioni più energetici.


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Questo progetto ha confrontato gli effetti indotti da diversi tipi di radiazioni, diversa intensità delle dosi, diverso rateo di dose su sistemi cellulari differenti. In particolare sono stati seguiti due studi differenti, finalizzati all’indagine degli effetti e dei meccanismi indotti da trattamenti radioterapici su cellule in coltura. Nel primo studio -EXCALIBUR- sono stati investigati i meccanismi di induzione e trasmissione del danno a basse dosi di radiazioni, in funzione della qualità della radiazione (raggi gamma e protoni) e della dose. Cellule di glioblastoma umano (T98G) sono state irraggiate con raggi gamma e protoni a due diverse dosi (0,25 Gy e 2 Gy); in questo studio è stata valutata e analizzata la variazione di espressione genica rilevata utilizzando la tecnologia dei microarray. Per mezzo dell’analisi statistica, con due software diversi, si è osservato come nelle cellule irraggiate si attivino i geni legati alla senescenza cellulare; questo risultato è significativo, visto che potrebbe rappresentare una prospettiva terapeutica interessante per molte neoplasie. Il secondo studio –Plasma Focus- ha lo scopo di ampliare le applicazioni nel settore medicale di una sorgente radiante che produce raggi X ad altissimo rateo di dose (plasma focus). In questo studio, l’attenzione è stata posta sulla preparazione dei campioni biologici per l’irraggiamento. Cellule di adenocarcinoma mammario (MCF7) sono state coltivate in laboratorio e posizionate all’interno di appositi portacampioni pronte per essere irraggiate con raggi X ad alto e a basso rateo di dose. Per mezzo della microscopia ottica e della citometria a flusso in fluorescenza, si è osservato come un rateo di dose elevato provochi danni cellulari superiori. L’analisi quantitativa ha mostrato che, nelle cellule trattate con il plasma focus, il 18% risulti danneggiato rispetto al 7% delle cellule di controllo; con i raggi X convenzionali risulta danneggiato l'8% di cellule, rispetto al 3% delle cellule di controllo.


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Gli ammassi di galassie sono le strutture gravitazionalmente legate con le più profonde buche di potenziale, pertanto è previsto che questi contengano una frazione di barioni non molto diversa da quella cosmologica. Con l’introduzione di modelli sempre più accurati di fisica barionica all’interno di simulazioni idrodinamiche è stato possibile predire la percentuale cosmica di barioni presente negli ammassi di galassie. Unendo questi modelli previsionali con misure della frazione di gas in ammassi e informazioni sulla densità di barioni dell’Universo si può ottenere una stima della densità di materia cosmica Ωm. L'obiettivo di questo lavoro di Tesi è la stima di Ωm a partire dalla frazione di gas osservata in questi sistemi. Questo lavoro era stato già fatto in precedenza, ma tenendo in considerazione solo gli ammassi più massivi e dinamicamente rilassati. Usando parametri che caratterizzano la morfologia della distribuzione di brillanza superficiale nei raggi X, abbiamo classificato i nostri oggetti come rilassati o disturbati, laddove presentassero evidenze di recenti attività di interazione. Abbiamo dunque valutato l’impatto degli oggetti disturbati sulla stima del parametro cosmologico Ωm, computando il Chi2 tra la frazione di massa barionica nell’Universo e quella da noi ricavata. Infine abbiamo investigato una relazione tra il valore della frazione di gas degli ammassi rilassati e quello dei disturbati, in modo da correggere quindi questi ultimi, riportandoli nei dintorni del valore medio per i rilassati e usarli per ampliare il campione e porre un vincolo più stringente su Ωm. Anche con il limitato campione a nostra disposizione, è stato possibile porre un vincolo più stretto su Ωm, utilizzando un maggior numero di oggetti e riducendo così l’errore statistico.