493 resultados para Purple ipe


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Protozoa feed on and regulate the abundance of most types of aquatic microorganisms, and they are an integral part of all aquatic microbial food webs. Being so small, aerobic protozoa thrive at low oxygen tensions, where they feed (largely unaffected by metazoan grazing) on the abundance of other microorganisms. In anaerobic environments, they are the only phagotrophic organisms, and they live in unique symbiotic consortia with methanogens, sulphate reducers and non-sulphur purple bacteria. The number of extant species of protozoa may be quite modest (the global number of ciliate species is estimated at 3000), and most of them probably have cosmopolitan distributions. This will undoubtedly make it easier to carry out further tasks, e.g. understanding the role of protozoan species diversity in the natural environment.


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Calandrinia galapagosa St. John is found only on San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos archipelago, where it is severely threatened by feral goats. A population at Cerro Colorado is protected by an exclosure constructed for this purpose in 1993. Individuals of this population have white or pinkish white flowers with a green stem, whereas the population at La Galapaguera, has pinkish white flowers with a purple stem.


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Este trabalho de mestrado estudou a ilha de Martin Vaz e cinco montes submarinos da Cadeia Vitória-Trindade Columbia, Dogaressa, Davis, Jaseur e Montague. Martin Vaz é um conjunto de ilhas formado pela ilha principal - Martin Vaz, duas ilhotas íngremes e inacessíveis - a Ilha do Norte e a Ilha do Sul além de vários rochedos menores, como o Rochedo Agulha, espalhados a 48 km a leste de Trindade, perfazendo uma área total de 0,3 km. Martin Vaz, assim como os montes submarinos, pertencem a chamada Cadeia Vitória-Trindade, estão inseridos em um contexto tectônico regional cujo trend W-E sugere representar o track da pluma mantélica de Trindade quando da passagem da Placa Sul Americana sobre ela desde o Terciário (CROUGH et al., 1980; OCONNOR & DUNCAN, 1990, GIBSON et at., 1997). A petrografia das amostras de Martin Vaz indica haver basanitos parcialmente alteradas, melanocráticas, textura afanítica, porosas, apresentando vesículas em torno de 1,0-5,0 milímetros. Apresenta fenocristais de piroxênio além de alguns fenocristais de olivina verde-oliva translúcido variando de 1,0-3,0 milímetros. A ilha principal apresenta também diques e necks fonolíticos apresentando matriz microlítica alterada, orientada, de cor verde apresentando minerais ripiformes de cor branca (feldspato alcalino) e outros de cor violácea (titanoaugita) além de pequenos opacos. Pequenos fenocristais de aegerina-augita fortemente pleocroica, alguns apresentando geminação simples, por vezes zonado, apresenta extinção variando de c ∧ α ou X = 23 a 33 (medida de 10 grãos). Biotita laranja amarronzada com textura poiquilítica (1,0 mm), minúsculos cristais euédricos de titanita (raros), além de cristais pseudohexagonais isotrópicos alterados de analcita e carbonatos. As amostras utilizadas neste trabalho de mestrado possuem valor mínimo de 33.91 % SiO2 (TRIM-01D) e máximo de 52,2 (MVA-01) variando de ultrabásicas a básicas. Através da análise dos óxidos SiO2 e MgO é possível distinguir dois grupos de rochas para Martin Vaz: um ultramáfico magnesiano (<42% SiO2 e >7% MgO) e um básico (>45% SiO2) e, para os montes submarinos, dois grupos: um ultramáfico magnesiano (>9% MgO <42% SiO2) e um básico (>45% SiO2 e com valores de MgO em torno de 4%). As análises de Ar-Ar para as quatro amostras de Martin Vaz apresentam idades para o derrame de basanito variando de 320366 Ka (MVA-10) à 623127 Ka (MVA-04). A única amostra datada representando do dique de fonólito é a MVA-05B e obteve idade de 64984 Ka, indicando ser contemporânea ao derrame basanítico.


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A injeção da água do mar nos campos marítimos (offshore), processo este conhecido como recuperação secundária de petróleo, gera muitos resíduos e efluentes. Dentre estes, pode-se destacar a água produzida, que consiste de água de formação, água naturalmente presente na formação geológica do reservatório de petróleo, e água de injeção, aquela normalmente injetada no reservatório para aumento de produção. Sete tanques de armazenamento de água/óleo de um terminal foram monitorados quanto à presença de micro-organismos e teores de sulfato, sulfeto, pH e condutividade. Particularmente, as bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS), que agem às expensas da atividade de outras espécies, reduzindo sulfato à sulfeto, constituindo-se num problema-chave. Os tanques de óleo codificados como Verde, Ciano, Roxo, Cinza, Vermelho, Amarelo e Azul, apresentaram comportamentos distintos quanto aos parâmetros microbiológicos e físico-químicos. Após este monitoramento, de acordo com valores referência adotados, e levando-se em conta como principais parâmetros classificatórios concentrações de BRS, bactérias anaeróbias totais e sulfeto, os dois tanques considerados mais limpos do monitoramento foram os tanques roxo e ciano. Analogamente, por apresentarem os piores desempenhos frente aos três principais parâmetros, os tanques amarelo e cinza foram considerados os mais sujos de todo o monitoramento. Após esta segregação, esses três principais parâmetros, mais a concentração de sulfato, foram inter-relacionados a fim de se corroborar esta classificação. Foi possível observar que o sulfeto instantâneo não foi o parâmetro mais adequado para se avaliar o potencial metabólico de uma amostra. Por este motivo, foram verificados os perfis metabólicos das BRS presentes nas amostras, confirmando a segregação dos tanques, baseada em parâmetros em batelada


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As vigas casteladas já são utilizadas em diversos tipos de estruturas para se vencer grandes vãos. Há uma nova realidade para o uso de perfis castelados, agora em aço inoxidável. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise comparativa entre vigas casteladas e vigas de alma cheia em perfis IPE, baseadas na norma europeia, no método da resistência contínua; e, também, através de um modelo em elementos finitos desenvolvido no programa Ansys. Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar o comportamento e a resistência à flexão das vigas casteladas em aço inoxidável. As não-linearidades físicas e geométricas foram incorporadas aos modelos, a fim de se mobilizar totalmente a capacidade resistente desta estrutura. A não-linearidade do material foi considerada através do critério de plastificação de von Mises e da lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação multi-linear, de forma a exibir um comportamento elasto-plástico com encruamento. A não-linearidade geométrica foi considerada a partir de uma formulação de Lagrange atualizado. Os resultados numéricos das vigas em estudo foram avaliados quanto aos modos de falha e da distribuição de tensões. Os momentos resistentes analíticos foram comparados com os resultados do modelo numérico apresentando valores satisfatórios e a favor da segurança.


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Photosynthetic characteristics of a purple sulfur bacterium, Chromatium buderi, cultured under different ranges of pH, temperature, light intensities and ammonium chloride concentrations were examined. Maximum bacteriochlorophyll a synthesis was observed at pH 6.5 whereas the optimum growth was at pH 8.0. In general, higher temperature tended to inhibit the chlorophyll a synthesis and growth. 30°C is the optimum temperature both for chlorophyll a synthesis and growth. At 25µE mˉ²Sˉ¹ the bacteriochlorophyll a content and growth attained maximum level. The response to this low light intensity is an adaptation that ensures a high photosynthetic rate for the purple sulfur bacterium that usually occurs in dimly lit environment. Besides these, ammonium chloride at low concentration enhances both chlorophyll a synthesis and growth. Above 0.5% of it causes the nitrogen-chlorosis and also retards the growth of the bacterium. Possible chemical and structural mechanisms involved are discussed.


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In the present research, investigations were carried out for structure elucidation of natural compounds and also for studing biological and teratogenical effects of two Genus of soft corals named as " Echinogorgia cf. indica" and "Sinularia erecta" in Persian Gulf. First, 350 gr Echinogorgia was extracted by Acetone, then, the extract was separated by ether from aqueos phase to give 4.5 gr oil. The oil eluted with Petrol - ether Et2 o (9:1) which was recovered Linderazulene and it's derivative as purple Cristals (350 mg/ca 0.1 %). In order to determine molecular structure, the Samples were used for spectroscopic method as: H1- NMR , C13- NMR and 2D NMR. Also, for extraction and structure elucidation of natural compounds, the soft coral " sinularia erecta " were used 1187/37 gr and extracted by Aceton. The extract was concentrated and resulting aqueous suspension and extracted by using ether to give 8.41 gr oil. The oil , was Chromatographed on a column of silica gel and some different fractions were gathered. Initial fraction (1-11) which were nonpolar compounds were seprated by GC/MS. Mass spectrum were prepared and much compounds were recognized.


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A new species of Amolops is described from a mountainous area of southern Yunnan Province, China. The species is unique in having a dark purple dorsum with small light yellow spots. The spots are smaller than the smallest finger disk. Other characters tha


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The innately highly efficient light-powered separation of charge that underpins natural photosynthesis can be exploited for applications in photoelectrochemistry by coupling nanoscale protein photoreaction centers to man-made electrodes. Planar photoelectrochemical cells employing purple bacterial reaction centers have been constructed that produce a direct current under continuous illumination and an alternating current in response to discontinuous illumination. The present work explored the basis of the open-circuit voltage (V(OC)) produced by such cells with reaction center/antenna (RC-LH1) proteins as the photovoltaic component. It was established that an up to ~30-fold increase in V(OC) could be achieved by simple manipulation of the electrolyte connecting the protein to the counter electrode, with an approximately linear relationship being observed between the vacuum potential of the electrolyte and the resulting V(OC). We conclude that the V(OC) of such a cell is dependent on the potential difference between the electrolyte and the photo-oxidized bacteriochlorophylls in the reaction center. The steady-state short-circuit current (J(SC)) obtained under continuous illumination also varied with different electrolytes by a factor of ~6-fold. The findings demonstrate a simple way to boost the voltage output of such protein-based cells into the hundreds of millivolts range typical of dye-sensitized and polymer-blend solar cells, while maintaining or improving the J(SC). Possible strategies for further increasing the V(OC) of such protein-based photoelectrochemical cells through protein engineering are discussed.


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The construction of protein-based photoelectrochemical cells that produce a variety of alternating currents in response to discontinuous illumination is reported. The photovoltaic component is a protein complex from the purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides which catalyses photochemical charge separation with a high quantum yield. Photoelectrochemical cells formed from this protein, a mobile redox mediator and a counter electrode formed from cobalt disilicide, titanium nitride, platinum, or multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) generate a direct current during continuous illumination and an alternating current with different characteristics during discontinuous illumination. In particular, the use of superhydrophobic MWCNT as the back electrode results in a near symmetrical forward and reverse current upon light on and light off, respectively. The symmetry of the AC output of these cells is correlated with the wettability of the counter electrode. Potential applications of a hybrid biological/synthetic solar cell capable of generating an approximately symmetrical alternating current are discussed. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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采用人工模拟降雨试验,研究水文条件对紫色土坡面土壤侵蚀及氮和磷养分流失的影响。试验处理包括2个施肥水平(低肥和高肥水平),4个水文条件(自由下渗、土壤水分饱和、壤中流、壤中流+降雨)和一个降雨强度(60 mm/h,历时60 min)。结果表明:壤中流+降雨和土壤水分饱和条件下的土壤侵蚀量分别是自由下渗条件下的3.1和1.7倍,同自由下渗相比,壤中流、壤中流+降雨和土壤水分饱和条件下,地表径流中NO3-N、HPO4-P的浓度和流失量有显著增加;低肥水平条件下,自由下渗、土壤水分饱和、壤中流和壤中流+降雨地表径流中,NO3-N的浓度分别是0.88、58.90、698.41和87.80 mg/L,对应水文条件下地表径流中,HPO4-P的浓度分别是0.252、0.322、0.811和0.383 mg/L,高肥水平条件下,径流中的NO3-N和HPO4-P的浓度也有相同的趋势;土壤水分饱和条件下,地表径流中NO3-N和HPO4-P的流失量分别是自由下渗条件下的27~39和1.3倍,壤中流+降雨条件下,地表径流中NO3-N和HPO4-P的流失量分别是自由下渗条件下的100~114和1.5~1.7倍,同时,壤中流+降雨和土壤...


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Using microporous zeolites as host, sub-nanometric ZnO clusters were prepared in the micropores of the host by the incipient wetness impregnation method. A small amount of sub-nanometric ZnO clusters were introduced into the channels of HZSM-5 zeolite, whereas a large quantity of sub-nanometric ZnO clusters can be accommodated in the supercages of HY zeolite and no macrocrystalline ZnO exists on the extra surface of the HY material. The vibrations of the zeolite framework and ZnO were characterized by UV Raman spectroscopy. The optical properties of these ZnO clusters were studied by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and laser-induced luminescence spectroscopy. It is found that there are strong host-guest interactions between the framework oxygen atoms of zeolite and ZnO clusters influencing the motions of the framework oxygen atoms. The interaction may be the reason why ZnO clusters are stabilized in the pores of zeolites. Different from bulk ZnO materials, these sub-nanometric ZnO clusters exhibit their absorption onset below 265 nm and show a purple luminescence band (centered at 410-445 nm) that possesses high quantum efficiency and quantum size effect. This purple luminescence band most likely originates from the coordinatively unsaturated Zn sites in sub-nanometric ZnO clusters. On the other hand, the differences in the pore structure between HZSM-5 and HY zeolites cause the absorption edge and the purple luminescence band of ZnO clusters in ZnO/HZSM-5 show a red shift in comparison with those of ZnO clusters in ZnO/HY.


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自 1 98 4年开始的长期不同轮作与施肥试验表明 :种植作物可提高土壤供氮能力 6.88%~ 36.58%,以种植苜蓿提高幅度最大 ,是裸地的 1 .37倍。长期施用氮肥、磷肥、有机肥及三者配施可提高土壤供氮能力 9.8%~ 1 33.98%,其中以施氮、磷及有机肥玉米连作提高幅度最大。不同轮作系统中土壤供氮能力 :粮草 3年轮作 >粮草 8年轮作 >粮豆 3年轮作 >粮饲豆 4年轮作 ;种植作物可有效增加土壤有机氮水平 ,提高剖面土壤供氮能力。施用有机肥可有效地增加深层土壤供氮潜力并在 1 0 0 cm处出现迅速减小的现象


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Through leaching experiments and simulated rainfall experiments, characteristics of vertical leaching of exogenous rare earth elements (REEs) and phosphorus (P) and their losses with surface runoff during simulated rainfall in different types of soils (terra nera soil, cinnamon soil, red soil, loess soil, and purple soil) were investigated. Results of the leaching experiments showed that vertical transports of REEs and P were relatively low, with transport depths less than 6 cm. The vertical leaching rates of REEs and P in the different soils followed the order of purple soil > terra nera soil > red soil > cinnamon soil > loess soil. Results of the simulated rainfall experiments (83 mm h(-1)) revealed that more than 92% of REEs and P transported with soil particles in runoff. The loss rates of REEs and P in surface runoff in the different soil types were in the order of loess soil > terra nera soil > cinnamon soil > red soil > purple soil. The total amounts of losses of REEs and P in runoff were significantly correlated.