932 resultados para Predictive factors of hospitalization
INTRODUCTION: The situation of tuberculosis (TB) is being modified by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which is increasing the occurrence of new cases and the generation of drug resistant strains, affecting not only the people infected with HIV, but also their close contacts and the general population, conforming a serious public health concern. However, the magnitudes of the factors associated to this co-infection differ considerably in relation to the population groups and geographical areas. METHODS: In order to evaluate the prevalence and risk factors for the co-infection of tuberculosis (TB) in a population with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV+) in the Southeast of Mexico, we made the analysis of clinical and epidemiological variables and the diagnosis of tuberculosis by isolation of mycobacteria from respiratory samples. RESULTS: From the 147 HIV+ individuals analyzed, 12 were culture positive; this shows a prevalence of 8% for the co-infection. The only variable found with statistical significance for the co-infection was the number of CD4-T < 200 cells/mm³, OR 13 (95%, CI 2-106 vs 12-109). CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the first report describing the factors associated with tuberculosis co -infection with HIV in a population from Southern Mexico. The low number of CD4 T-cells was the only variable associated with the TB co-infection and the rest of the variables provide scenarios that require specific and particular interventions for this population group.
INTRODUTION: A major concern with the visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is its high lethality rate, even with proper treatment. Low age, prior malnutrition, disease duration prior to diagnosis, severe anemia, fever for more than 60 days, diarrhea and jaundice are known poor prognostic factors. The goals of this study are to describe the clinical and laboratory characteristics of VL among children under 12 years of age and to identify the factors associated with VL poor outcome. METHODS: Two hundred and fifty children under 12 years of age with confirmed VL admitted to Hospital João Paulo II (FHEMIG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, between January 2001 and December 2005 were evaluated retrospectively. The primary outcome was the poor clinical evolution: sepsis, and/or pneumonia, and/or urinary tract infection, and/or of bleeding (expect epistaxis), and/or severe neutropenia (neutrophil < 500 cells/mm3). Odds ratio (crude and adjusted) and its 95% confidence interval for each variable were calculated. Values less than 0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: Average age was 3.3 years (3.6 months-11.6 years), 71.2% were younger than 5 years and 47.2% lived in Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte. The mean fatality rate was 3.6%. Sixty-six (26.4%) patients presented poor evolution. After a multivariate analysis, age <18 months, abnormal respiratory physical examination on hospital admission, and platelets <85,000/mm3 remained associated with increased chance of poor evolution. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that patients aged between 12 and 18 months, with platelet counts bellow 85,000/mm3, and respiratory abnormalities at admission should be considered potentially severe.
Solar photovoltaic systems are an increasing option for electricity production, since they produce electrical energy from a clean renewable energy resource, and over the years, as a result of the research, their efficiency has been increasing. For the interface between the dc photovoltaic solar array and the ac electrical grid is necessary the use of an inverter (dc-ac converter), which should be optimized to extract the maximum power from the photovoltaic solar array. In this paper is presented a solution based on a current-source inverter (CSI) using continuous control set model predictive control (CCS-MPC). All the power circuits and respective control systems are described in detail along the paper and were tested and validated performing computer simulations. The paper shows the simulation results and are drawn several conclusions.
We study the longitudinal and transverse spin dynamical structure factors of the spin-1/2 XXX chain at finite magnetic field h, focusing in particular on the singularities at excitation energies in the vicinity of the lower thresholds. While the static properties of the model can be studied within a Fermi-liquid like description in terms of pseudoparticles, our derivation of the dynamical properties relies on the introduction of a form of the ‘pseudofermion dynamical theory’ (PDT) of the 1D Hubbard model suitably modified for the spin-only XXX chain and other models with two pseudoparticle Fermi points. Specifically, we derive the exact momentum and spin-density dependences of the exponents ζτ(k) controlling the singularities for both the longitudinal  and transverse (τ = t) dynamical structure factors for the whole momentum range  , in the thermodynamic limit. This requires the numerical solution of the integral equations that define the phase shifts in these exponents expressions. We discuss the relation to neutron scattering and suggest new experiments on spin-chain compounds using a carefully oriented crystal to test our predictions.
The evolution of the construction caused a need to use more effective equipments, capable of meeting the increasingly demanding deadlines for the completion of works. In this context, the safety and efficiency of equipment have become key aspects in order to optimize the execution time of the works, as well as reducing labor costs and loss of materials. With the evolution of construction and construction processes, cranes have come to represent a signal of the construction of buildings, revealing to be, in most of the cases, the main equipment of construction sites. Currently, some engineers revels some apprehension regarding the use and handling of cranes which is natural and acceptable, since an equipment failure can lead to serious or fatal accidents. The factors affecting safety management of the cranes in construction sites were investigated, identified, classified and evaluated according to their degree of importance, through interviews with representatives of the general contractors of a set of selected construction sites.
OBJECTIVE: Risk stratification of patients with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) and chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy (CCC). METHODS: Seventy eight patients with CCC and NSVT were consecutively and prospectively studied. All patients underwent to 24-hour Holter monitoring, radioisotopic ventriculography, left ventricular angiography, and electrophysiologic study. With programmed ventricular stimulation. RESULTS: Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT) was induced in 25 patients (32%), NSVT in 20 (25.6%) and ventricular fibrillation in 4 (5.1%). In 29 patients (37.2%) no arrhythmia was inducible. During a 55.7-month-follow-up, 22 (28.2%) patients died, 16 due to sudden death, 2 due to nonsudden cardiac death and 4 due to noncardiac death. Logistic regression analysis showed that induction was the independent and main variable that predicted the occurrence of subsequent events and cardiac death (probability of 2.56 and 2.17, respectively). The Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test showed that survival probability was significantly lower in the inducible group than in the noninductible group. The percentage of patients free of events was significantly higher in the noninducible group. CONCLUSION: Induction of SMVT during programmed ventricular stimulation was a predictor of arrhythmia occurrence cardiac death and general mortality in patients with CCC and NSVT.
OBJECTIVE: To determine in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy the value of QT interval dispersion for identifying the induction of sustained ventricular tachycardia in the electrophysiological study or the risk of sudden cardiac death. METHODS: We assessed QT interval dispersion in the 12-lead electrocardiogram of 26 patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. We analyzed its association with sustained ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death, and in 16 controls similar in age and sex. RESULTS: (mean ± SD). QT interval dispersion: patients = 53.8±14.1ms; control group = 35.0±10.6ms, p=0.001. Patients with induction of ventricular tachycardia: 52.5±13.8ms; without induction of ventricular tachycardia: 57.5±12.8ms, p=0.420. In a mean follow-up period of 41±11 months, five sudden cardiac deaths occurred. QT interval dispersion in this group was 62.0±17.8, and in the others it was 51.9±12.8ms, p=0.852. Using a cutoff > or = 60ms to define an increase in the degree of the QT interval dispersion, we were able to identify patients at risk of sudden cardiac death with a sensitivity of 60%, a specificity of 57%, and positive and negative predictive values of 25% and 85%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy have a significant increase in the degree of QT interval dispersion when compared with the healthy population. However it, did not identify patients with induction of ventricular tachycardia in the electrophysiological study, showing a very low predictive value for defining the risk of sudden cardiac death in the population studied.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the early and late results of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a cardiology hospital and to try to detect prognostic determinants of both short- and long-term survival. METHODS: A series of 557 patients who suffered cardiorespiratory arrest (CRA) at the Dante Pazzanese Cardiology Institute over a period of 5 years was analyzed to examine factors predicting successful resuscitation and long-term survival. RESULTS: Ressuscitation maneuvers were tried in 536 patients; 281 patients (52.4%) died immediately, and 164 patients (30.6%) survived for than 24 hours. The 87 patients who survived for more than 1 month after CRA were compared with nonsurvivors. Coronary disease, cardiomyopathy, and valvular disease had a better prognosis. Primary arrhythmia occurred in 73.5% of the >1-month survivor group and heart failure occurred in 12.6% of this group. In those patients in whom the initial mechanism of CRA was ventricular fibrillation, 33.3% survived for more than 1 month, but of those with ventricular asystole only 4.3% survived. None of the 10 patients with electromechanical dissociation survived. There was worse prognosis in patients included in the extreme age groups (zero to 10 years and 70 years or more). The best results occurred when the cardiac arrest took place in the catheterization laboratories. The worst results occurred in the intensive care unit and the hemodialysis room. CONCLUSION: The results in our series may serve as a helpful guide to physicians with the difficult task of deciding when not to resuscitate or when to stop resuscitation efforts.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the accuracy of 4 different indices of cardiac risk currently used for predicting perioperative cardiac complications. METHODS: We studied 119 patients at a university-affiliated hospital whose cardiac assessment had been required for noncardiac surgery. Predictive factors of high risk for perioperative cardiac complications were assessed through clinical history and physical examination, and the patients were followed up after surgery until the 4th postoperative day to assess the occurrence of cardiac events. All patients were classified according to 4 indices of cardiac risk: the Goldman risk-factor index, Detsky modified risk index, Larsen index, and the American Society of Anesthesiologists' physical status classification and their compared accuracies, examining the areas under their respective receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. RESULTS: Cardiac complications occurred in 16% of the patients. The areas under the ROC curves were equal for the Goldman risk-factor index, the Larsen index, and the American Society of Anesthesiologists' physical status classification: 0.48 (SEM ± 0.03). For the Detsky index, the value found was 0.38 (SEM ± 0.03). This difference in the values was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: The cardiac risk indices currently used did not show a better accuracy than that obtained randomly. None of the indices proved to be significantly better than the others. Studies to improve our ability to predict such complications are still required.
La alta incidencia del Síndrome Urémico Hemolítico(SUH) en Argentina conjuntamente con la severidad de esta patología en niños, han motivado la investigación de numerosos grupos. Si bien se ha reconocido la participación de apoptósis a nivel renal y de leucocitos, aun no se ha profundizado el posible rol del estrés oxidativo en el daño a estas células y otras que son afectadas durante esta patología, ni la relación con el estímulo de especies reactivas del oxígeno(ERO) y del nitrógeno (ERN). Hipótesis: El daño sufrido por el organismo durante el SUH se debe a más de un factor de virulencia incluyendo la Shiga toxina (Stx) o Vero toxina (VT), los que en conjunto causan injuria oxidativa principalmente en células sanguíneas y renales; siendo más sensibles al estrés los niños con falencias en las defensas antioxidantes, que serían los que derivan a fallas renales severas. Es posible que un tratamiento protector antiestrés oxidativo después de la detección del SUH prevenga el curso hacia el daño renal crónico y otras graves secuelas de éste síndrome. Obj.general: Efectuar aportes al conocimiento y tratamiento del SUH, investigando el mecanismo de acción de los principales factores de virulencia de E.coli Entero Hemorrágica (EHEC), planteando estrategias terapéuticas futuras para contrarrestar el estrés oxidativo que pudiese estar involucrado. Obj.específicos: Investigar si la Stx y/o la hemolisina (Hly) de E.coli estimulan la producción de ERO y ERN en células del huésped, causando oxidación de proteínas y lípidos. Estudiar si la respuesta de los eritrocitos ante injurias oxidativas se podría utilizar como parámetro para detectar mayor susceptibilidad a Stx y Hly. Investigar si las defensas antioxidantes intracelulares y plasmáticas se incrementan con secuestrantes de radicales y antioxidantes naturales; estabilizando el potencial de membrana e impidiendo el incremento de biomarcadores de estrés oxidativo. Esclarecer aspectos que involucran al estrés oxidativo en la acción de antibióticos sobre células sanguíneas, líneas celulares y E.coli en estado planctónico o en biofilms, investigando qué antimicrobianos aumentan la liberación de Stx y Hly. Estudiar sustancias antioxidantes naturales y alimentos que puedan ser aplicados en terapia y prevención del SUH. Mat.y Met.: Se trabajará con cepas de bacterias que fueron obtenidas de pacientes con SUH. Stx y Hly serán purificadas por cromatografía afinidad y de intercambio iónico, respectivamente. Ensayos de quimioluminiscencia serán aplicados para determinar el estímulo de ERO, mientras que ERN se cuantificarán por Griess. Los niveles de marcadores de daño oxidativo se estudiarán para oxidación de lípidos, proteínas y otros productos avanzados de oxidación proteica. Rdos esperados: Se espera encontrar acción estresante de Stx y/o Hly sobre eritrocitos y otras células, así como biomarcadores de oxidación en diferentes macromoléculas sanguíneas. Es probable que exista diferente nivel de defensa contra esta injuria en niños con SUH; de ser así estos pacientes son susceptibles de recaídas y cronicidad en el proceso por falta de niveles adecuados de antioxidantes. Es necesario entonces encontrar terapias a largo plazo que aumenten las defensas contra el estrés oxidativo causado por E.coli u otras noxas con que se enfrente el niño predispuesto. Se cuenta con antecedentes en el laboratorio que indican conveniente una dieta rica en antioxidantes, así como otros probables fármacos en estudio. Importancia del proyecto. Este proyecto permitirá continuar con investigaciones propias que muestran acción estresante de ERO en eritrocitos por parte de cepas causantes de SUH. La continuidad de estos estudios puede representar un avance en la terapia de una patología cada vez más frecuente en Argentina. Los avances que se consigan podrían posibilitar un tratamiento preventivo en niños en general, así como una mejor evolución de los casos que derivan actualmente en diálisis.
En la investigación anterior -en la zona pampeana de la Provincia de Córdoba- se demostró teórica y empíricamente, que el desarrollo de la Sociedad Civil muchas veces libradas a su suerte y con limitaciones legales apoyan decididamente el desarrollo local, sin embargo han logrado solo parcialmente sus objetivos, por lo que es necesario comenzar un camino de fortalecimiento en los nuevos roles que deben asumir. Los gobiernos locales, a la vez, intentan trabajosamente con contados éxitos detener el procesos de descapitalización social -financiera y humana- de sus comunidades locales y regionales, peregrinando con escaso éxito a los centros concentrados del poder político y económico, para procurar los recursos financieros y humanos necesarios que no alcanzan a reponer los que se fugan desde hace décadas de sus localidades. Las empresas, con ciclos recurrentes de crecimiento y decrecimiento vinculados a los mercados en que colocan sus productos, también se debaten en la búsqueda de los escasos recursos, financieros y humanos, que les permitan consolidar un desarrollo a mediano y largo plazo. El desarrollo alcanzado en Sistemas de información, instrumentos de relevamiento, análisis y elaboración de propuestas para el Desarrollo Local, nos permite avanzar en: 1. La confirmación empírica de las hipótesis iniciales - factores exógenos y endógenos - en la zona Norte y Serrana de la provincia 2. La validación científica -mediante el Análisis de ecuaciones estructurales. de tales supuestos, para el conjunto de las poblaciones analizadas en ambas etapas. 3. La identificación de los problemas normativos que afectan el desarrollo de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC). METODOLOGÍA Respecto la validación empírica en la zona norte y serrana 1. Selección de las 4 localidades a relevar de acuerdo a las categorías definidas 2. Elaboración de acuerdos con autoridades e instituciones locales. 3. Relevamiento cualitativo con líderes locales y fuentes de datos secundarias. 4. Adaptación de instrumentos de relevamiento a las realidades locales y estudios previos 5. Relevamiento cuantitativo de campo, capacitación de encuestadores y supervisores. 6. Procesamiento y elaboración de informes finales locales. Respecto de la construcción de modelos de desarrollo 1. Desarrollar las dimensiones especificas y las variables (items) de cada factor crítico. 2. Revisar el instrumento con expertos de cada una de las dimensiones. 3. Validar a nivel exploratorio por medio de un Análisis de Componentes Principales 4. Someter a los expertos la evaluación de una serie de localidades que representan cada uno. Respecto de la identificación de las normas legales que afectan a la Sociedad Civil 1.Relevamiento documental de normas 2. Relevamiento con líderes de instituciones de la Sociedad Civil 3. Análisis de las normas vigentes 4. Elaboración de Informes Finales y Transferencia a líderes e instituciones
Abstract Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with a higher risk of all-cause mortality. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) is a prototypic marker of inflammation usually increased in MetS. Women with MetS-related diseases present higher hsCRP levels than men with MetS-related diseases, suggesting sex differences in inflammatory markers. However, it is unclear whether serum hsCRP levels are already increased in men and/or women with MetS risk factors and without overt diseases or under pharmacological treatment. Objective: To determine the impact of the number of MetS risk factors on serum hsCRP levels in women and men. Methods One hundred and eighteen subjects (70 men and 48 women; 36 ± 1 years) were divided into four groups according to the number of MetS risk factors: healthy group (CT; no risk factors), MetS ≤ 2, MetS = 3, and MetS ≥ 4. Blood was drawn after 12 hours of fasting for measurement of biochemical variables and hsCRP levels, which were determined by immunoturbidimetric assay. Results: The groups with MetS risk factors presented higher serum hsCRP levels when compared with the CT group (p < 0.02). There were no differences in hsCRP levels among groups with MetS risk factors (p > 0.05). The best linear regression model to explain the association between MetS risk factors and hsCRP levels included waist circumference and HDL cholesterol (r = 0.40, p < 0.01). Women with MetS risk factors presented higher hsCRP levels when compared with men (psex < 0.01). Conclusions: Despite the absence of overt diseases and pharmacological treatment, subjects with MetS risk factors already presented increased hsCRP levels, which were significantly higher in women than men at similar conditions.
Existing empirical evidence suggests that the Uncovered Interest Rate Parity (UIRP) condition may not hold due to an exchange risk premium. For a panel data set of eleven emerging European economies we decompose this exchange risk premium into an idiosyncratic (country-specific) elements and a common factor using a principal components approach. We present evidence of a stationary idiosyncratic component and nonstationary common factor. This result leads to the conclusion of a nonstationary risk premium for these countries and a violation of the UIRP in the long-run, which is in contrast to previous studies often documenting a stationary premium in developed countries. Furthermore, we report that the variation in the premium is largely attributable to a common factor influenced by economic developments in the United States.