969 resultados para Política de Habitação - Housing policy
This book’s guideline is a description of the activities developed during the University Extension project entitled "Housing and Environment: building dialogue over the urbanization of the settlement Ilha", located in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. This project was coordinated by professors from the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR). The initial objectives of the extension project were to investigate ways of intervention on the scenario of poor conditions of housing and urbanization of the settlement Ilha, for their land regularization. The book tells the story of the extension project, showing how the initial goals have changed with time. In addition, this book describes the frustrations and the learning process along the way, from the view of professors and students of UTFPR who actively participated in this project. This book also intends to report the feelings that the villagers attributed to their place of residence; the joys, stumbling and learning by using a participatory methodology from what Paulo Freire says about popular education. Moreover, the book brings the confrontation between the technical and popular vision on the regularization of the area.
This dissertation seeks to discern the impact of social housing on public health in the cities of Glasgow, Scotland and Baltimore, Maryland in the twentieth century. Additionally, this dissertation seeks to compare the impact of social housing policy implementation in both cities, to determine the efficacy of social housing as a tool of public health betterment. This is accomplished through the exposition and evaluation of the housing and health trends of both cities over the course of the latter half of the twentieth century. Both the cities of Glasgow and Baltimore had long struggled with both overcrowded slum districts and relatively unhealthy populations. Early commentators had noticed the connection between insanitary housing and poor health, and sought a solution to both of these problems. Beginning in the 1940s, housing reform advocates (self-dubbed ‘housers') pressed for the development of social housing, or municipally-controlled housing for low-income persons, to alleviate the problems of overcrowded slum dwellings in both cities. The impetus for social housing was twofold: to provide affordable housing to low-income persons and to provide housing that would facilitate healthy lives for tenants. Whether social housing achieved these goals is the crux of this dissertation. In the immediate years following the Second World War, social housing was built en masse in both cities. Social housing provided a reprieve from slum housing for both working-class Glaswegians and Baltimoreans. In Baltimore specifically, social housing provided accommodation for the city’s Black residents, who found it difficult to occupy housing in White neighbourhoods. As the years progressed, social housing developments in both cities faced unexpected problems. In Glasgow, stable tenant flight (including both middle class and skilled artisan workers)+ resulted in a concentration of poverty in the city’s housing schemes, and in Baltimore, a flight of White tenants of all income levels created a new kind of state subsidized segregated housing stock. The implementation of high-rise tower blocks in both cities, once heralded as a symbol of housing modernity, also faced increased scrutiny in the 1960s and 1970s. During the period of 1940-1980, before policy makers in the United States began to eschew social housing for subsidized private housing vouchers and community based housing associations had truly taken off in Britain, public health professionals conducted academic studies of the impact of social housing tenancy on health. Their findings provide the evidence used to assess the second objective of social housing provision, as outlined above. Put simply, while social housing units were undoubtedly better equipped than slum dwellings in both cities, the public health investigations into the impact of rehousing slum dwellers into social housing revealed that social housing was not a panacea for each city’s social and public health problems.
El municipio de Sabaneta, Antioquia, es el territorio que presenta el menor índice de déficit cuantitativo de vivienda en el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, esto se ha logrado por el desarrollo estratégico de sinergias entre el sector público y privado para incentivar proyectos de vivienda de interés social -- Esta investigación, realizada bajo la metodología de estudio de caso, describe cómo las Asociaciones Público Privadas (APP) implementadas en ese municipio contribuyeron en dicha disminución, en el período 2012-2015 con respecto al período 2008-2011 -- El análisis se logra a partir del estudio de los planes de desarrollo municipales en los periodos mencionados, la revisión de la Ley 1508 de 2012 y la comparación de dichos esquemas de asociación con los planteamientos de la teoría de la Nueva Gobernanza -- Los hallazgos demostraron que las APP son una alternativa efectiva para la solución de necesidades y demandas de vivienda de interés social
A importância da língua portuguesa, idioma representado nos cinco continentes, é uma realidade incontornável. Este prestígio linguístico é visível no aumento do número de falantes ao longo das últimas décadas. Hoje em dia, o português é usado como língua de comunicação de aproximadamente 250 milhões de pessoas. Para além da representatividade cultural, técnica, tecnológica e económica que possui nos países de língua oficial portuguesa, esta ocorrência é impulsionada também por países pertencentes a outros espaços linguísticos que se sentem atraídos economicamente por economias de países de língua portuguesa. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se o caso da Namíbia, país situado na África subsaarina que mantém relações político-económicas com países de língua portuguesa e que, por isso mesmo, integrou o português como língua curricular estrangeira no sistema de ensino. Questiona-se os motivos pelos quais o ensino formal de português tem cada vez mais aprendentes, isto é, pretende saber-se se a motivação dos alunos adultos está de facto relacionada com razões estritamente económicas ou não. Para o caso foi elaborado um questionário, aplicado em todos os locais onde o português é aprendido como PLE. Seguindo a mesma linha de dúvidas, pretendia-se também aferir se a política linguística que estava a ser implementada na Namíbia se estava a consolidar ou, se pelo contrário, não se estava a solidificar, e, assim sendo, deixar pistas no sentido de encaminhar o planeamento linguístico para as reais necessidades comunicativas dos informantes e potenciais falantes de português.
This article presents the methodological conceptualization and the main results of a System Dynamics model, which main objective is to support the housing policies in the city of Envigado -- The used methodology developed a scenario-based model to emulate the approximate evolution of the housing demand and supply for the city, using a scenario of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and a housing authorization strategy as input -- Diverse results were obtained, for instance it was found that due to the soil availability, the housing supply reaches the saturation point between 2040 and 2046 -- Finally this article could be considered as an example of how academic tools such as System Dynamics can be used by decisions makers in the government
In the United States, public school enrollment is typically organized by neighborhood boundaries. This dissertation examines whether the federally funded HOPE VI program influenced performance in neighborhood public schools. In effect since 1992, HOPE VI has sought to revitalize distressed public housing using the New Urbanism model of mixed income communities. There are 165 such HOPE VI projects nationwide. Despite nearly two decades of the program’s implementation, the literature on its connection to public school performance is thin. My dissertation aims to narrow this research gap. There are three principal research questions: (1) Following HOPE VI, was there a change in socioeconomic status (SES) in the neighborhood public school? The hypothesis is that low SES (measured as the proportion of students qualifying for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program) would reduce. (2) Following HOPE VI, did the performance of neighborhood public schools change? The hypothesis is that the school performance, measured by the proportion of 5th grade students proficient in state wide math and reading tests, would increase. (3) What factors relate to the performance of public schools in HOPE VI communities? The focus is on non-school, neighborhood factors that influence the public school performance. For answering the first two questions, I used t-tests and regression models to test the hypotheses. The analysis shows that there is no statistically significant change in SES following HOPE VI. However, there are statistically significant increases in performance for reading and math proficiency. The results are interesting in indicating that HOPE VI neighborhood improvement may have some relationship with improving school performance. To answer the third question, I conducted a case study analysis of two HOPE VI neighborhood public schools, one which improved significantly (in Philadelphia) and one which declined the most (in Washington DC). The analysis revealed three insights into neighborhood factors for improved school performance: (i) a strong local community organization; (ii) local community’s commitment (including the middle income families) to send children to the public school; and (iii) ties between housing and education officials to implement the federal housing program. In essence, the study reveals how housing policy is de facto education policy.
Comunicação apresentada no Congresso Internacional do IIAS, realizado em Lausanne, Suiça, de 4 a 8 de Julho de 2011.
The objective of the study was to compare the use of medical and dental services by seniors residing at a seniors-only living facility and in the general community. It was a quantitative study, among 50 residents of the living facility and 173 in the general community. The data were collected between November 2011 and February 2012 through a questionnaire, and subjected to statistical analysis. Performance of clinical exams and satisfaction with health services was greater among seniors living in the general community; however, physical therapy treatment was more common among those living in the facility. The use of medical and dental services showed a statistically significant difference. The seniors in both groups need oral health monitoring and those living in the facility also require coverage by the Family Health Strategy. The presence of professionals with the right profile to adequately serve residents and the network of available services are determining factors for the success of this new housing policy.
L’objectiu del treball és ajudar a la descripció del fenomen del canvi en els itineraris formatius superiors dels estudiants. L’anàlisi es realitza a partir de dades empíriques generades a la UAB durant l’any 2012 i en base als factors contextuals – socio-demogràfics, de perfil i context de l’estudiant – i motivacionals – de vocació acadèmica, vocació laboral, resultats acadèmics, condicions facilitadores, condicions d’empleabilitat, condicions econòmiques, influència de les amistats, estratègies adaptatives o d’oportunitat – que influeixen en les decisions de canvi dels estudiants. En les conclusions es reflexiona sobre les polítiques orientades a mantenir l’equitat en l’accés i en la permanència dels estudiants.
Given the importance of immigrant population growth in Spain, it would be interesting to study its distribution throughout the urban area. The field of statistics suggests different indicators that have a long tradition and permit the quantification of segregation of minority population groups. Through the application of these tools in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, this paper demonstrates the utility of analyzing segregation patterns within a city and detecting local patterns of this phenomenon. A new perspective of segregation can be obtained with the use of indicators designed for spatial statistics. The combination of these measures represents a useful procedure for the analysis of the distribution of the immigrant population in urban areas and its extension to different areas such as sociology, economics, urban studies, and housing policy.
A través de una simulación llevada a cabo con GTAP, este documento presenta una evaluación preliminar del impacto potencial que el Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas tendría sobre la Comunidad Andina de Naciones. Mantenido por la Universidad de Purdue, el GTAP es un modelo multiregional de equilibrio general, ampliamente usado para el análisis de temas de economía internacional. El experimento llevado a cabo tiene lugar en un ambiente de competencia perfecta y rendimientos constantes a escala y consiste en la completa eliminación de aranceles a las importaciones de bienes entre los países del Hemisferio Occidental. Los resultados muestran la presencia de modestas pero positivas ganancias netas de bienestar para la Comunidad Andina, generadas fundamentalmente por mejoras en la asignación de recursos. Movimientos desfavorables en los términos de intercambio y el efecto de la desviación de comercio con respecto a terceros países, reducen considerablemente las ganancias potenciales de bienestar. De la misma forma, la existencia de distorsiones económicas al interior de la Comunidad Andina tiene un efecto negativo sobre el bienestar. El patrón de comercio aumenta su grado de concentración en el comercio bilateral con los Estados Unidos y la remuneración real a los factores productivos presenta mejoras con la implementación de la zona de libre comercio.
El presente estudio de caso pretende analizar los alcances de la cooperación internacional en materia de justicia transicional y construcción de paz tomando en consideración un proyecto de cooperación internacional emblemático denominado Fortalecimiento Institucional para la Atención a las Víctimas del Conflicto o FORVIC. Para conseguir esto, se analizarán primero los efectos generados por el Proyecto FORVIC en materia de fortalecimiento del Estado de Derecho y lucha contra la impunidad en Colombia, y a partir de los hallazgos se constituirán y se propondrán una serie de condiciones sobre las que puede pensarse la cooperación internacional como un instrumento genuino para la construcción de paz en Colombia.
Resum dels debats i conclusions de la Conferència Intergovernamental sobre polítiques culturals a l' Àfrica, AFRICACULT (Accra, del 27 d' octubre al 6 de novembre de 1975), organitzada per la UNESCO en cooperació amb el govern de Ghana i l' Organizació per a la Unitat Africana
Com este artigo pretende-se debater escolar e curricularmente a globalização e a identidade como dois espaços posicionais que configuram as políticas educacionais, concretamente ao nível da organização escolar. Defendemos que a globalização contribui de modo efectivo, contrariamente ao que a construção das identidades escolares pressupõe, não só para o reforço da homogeneização escolar, incluindo as práticas curriculares, como também para o reforço da noção de currículo como facto. Os resultados que se apresentam dizem respeito às práticas de elaboração de projectos educativos (político-pedagógicos) configurando a existência de projectos que são trabalhados escolarmente pelos professores numa lógica normativa e num ritual de cumprimento de macrodecisões, mesmo que a sua justificação seja feita na base da autonomia das escolas e de identidades curriculares locais.
Partiendo de lo que ha sido el manejo de los recursos petroleros en el Ecuador durante los últimos 30 años, el autor presenta una serie de elementos críticos acerca de la política petrolera nacional y señala algunos de los principales elementos que, a nivel de administración, han posibilitado que la mayoría de los beneficios obtenidos del petróleo se queden en manos de las empresas transnacionales en detrimento del Estado. El fortalecimiento de la empresa petrolera estatal, la renegociación de contra tos petroleros y la exigencia a las empresas petroleras para que paguen sus obligaciones, tributarias entre otras, son algunas de las decisiones que, a juicio del autor, las autoridades deben tomar de manera inmediata en aras de proteger el patrimonio petrolero del país.