978 resultados para Peanut Cultivars


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This study examines the relationship between floral structure and bud quality with the productivity and fruit shape of Gala, Fuji and Daiane apple cultivars under the mild winter conditions in Southern Brazil. Six different types of floral structures were characterized in field growing plants, according to their nature and bud size: spurs, short and long twigs with weak and vigorous buds. Variables related to the phenology and the productivity for these different structures were evaluated. Gala and Fuji cvs. showed earlier phenological development in the twigs, and cv. Daiane in the spurs. For the three cvs. the highest percentage of buds in each phenological phase was observed in the long twigs. The long twigs also showed the highest sprout and fruit set index, floral number per cluster, and leaf area in the three cvs., while the bud abortion was higher in the spurs than in the twigs. No difference was observed among the structures in cvs. Gala and Fuji regarding to the fruit shape. In the cv. Daiane, however, a tendency to higher length diameter ratio of the fruits produced by the long twigs was observed.


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The present study evaluated the sensory quality of chocolates obtained from two cocoa cultivars (PH16 and SR162) resistant to Moniliophtora perniciosa mould comparing to a conventional cocoa that is not resistant to the disease. The acceptability of the chocolates was assessed and the promising cultivars with relevant sensory and commercial attributes could be indicated to cocoa producers and chocolate manufacturers. The descriptive terminology and the sensory profile of chocolates were developed by Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). Ten panelists, selected on the basis of their discriminatory capacity and reproducibility, defined eleven sensory descriptors, their respective reference materials and the descriptive evaluation ballot. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Tukey's test to compare the means. The results revealed significant differences among the sensory profiles of the chocolates. Chocolates from the PH16 cultivar were characterized by a darker brown color, more intense flavor and odor of chocolate, bitterness and a firmer texture, which are important sensory and commercial attributes. Chocolates from the SR162 cultivar were characterized by a greater sweetness and melting quality and chocolates from the conventional treatment presented intermediate sensory characteristics between those of the other two chocolates. All samples indicated high acceptance, but chocolates from the PH16 and conventional cultivars obtained higher purchase intention scores.


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A study was undertaken to examine the pathogenic diversity of Pyricularia grisea isolates retrieved from 14 upland rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars in experimental plots during a period of five years. Inoculations were performed on 32 genotypes with 85 monoconidial isolates under controlled greenhouse conditions. Based on the reaction pattern of eight international differentials, eleven pathotypes of P. grisea were identified. The predominant international races or pathotypes were IB-9 (56.4%), IB-1 (16.4%) and IB-41 (11.8%). A set of eight commercial upland rice cultivars ('Carajás', 'Confiança', 'Maravilha', 'Primavera', 'Progresso', 'Caiapó', 'IAC-47', 'IAC-201') was utilized as additional differentials for describing the virulence pattern of P. grisea. Twenty-six Brazilian pathotypes were identified on the basis of disease reaction on these differentials, in contrast to the 11 international pathotypes. The most predominant Brazilian pathotypes, BB-21 and BB-41 were represented by 28.2% and 17.6% of the isolates tested, respectively. Isolates virulent and avirulent to cultivar 'Primavera' were encountered within the pathotype IB-1. Utilizing Brazilian cultivars as differentials, the 14 isolates of the pathotype IB-1could be further classified into eight local pathotypes, BB-41, BB-13, BB-21, BB-9, BB-29, BB-61, BD-9 and BG-1. Virulence to improved rice cultivars 'Canastra', 'Confiança', 'Carisma', 'Maravilha', 'Primavera' and 'Bonança' was frequent in pathogen population. Some of the Brazilian pathotypes that showed differential reaction on commercial rice cultivars could be utilized for incorporating resistance genes in susceptible cultivars improved for grain quality, by conventional breeding methods.


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An epidemic of rice (Oryza sativa) blast occurred on cultivars Epagri 108 and 109 in the municipalities of Lagoa da Confusão and Duerê in the State of Tocantins, during the rice-growing season 1998-99. DNA fingerprinting and virulence phenotype analysis were utilized to determine the diversity of Pyricularia grisea isolates collected from these cultivars in one epidemic year. Rep-PCR analysis of isolates was done by using two primer sequences from Pot2. Two distinct fingerprint groups or lineages were identified among 53 isolates collected from nine different commercial fields. The virulence pattern of isolates retrieved from these two cultivars was analyzed in artificial inoculation tests utilizing 32 genotypes in the greenhouse. A dendrogram constructed from virulence phenotype data showed a single group considering 77% similarity level. The predominant pathotype IB-45 was represented by 47 of the 53 isolates corresponding to 83%. Four other pathotypes (IB-1, IB-9, IB-13 and IB-41) were identified at random among the isolates from these cultivars. There was no relation between rep-PCR grouping and pathotypes. The results showed that the isolates of P. grisea recovered from cultivars Epagri108 and 109 in farmers' fields had narrow phenotypic and genetic diversity. The blast outbreak on these two cultivars one year after their introduction could be attributed to the new pathotype IB-45 or its increase, which was hitherto existing in low frequency.


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Seventy-two monoconidial isolates of Magnaporthe grisea were obtained from the States of Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná. The isolates were inoculated on seedlings of 20 wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars under greenhouse conditions. The virulence diversity of M. grisea was assessed based on compatible and incompatible reactions of leaf blast on wheat cultivars. Fifty-four distinct virulence patterns were identified on test cultivars among the isolates collected from the two wheat growing States. Sixteen of these isolates corresponding to 22.2% showed similar virulence pattern. None of the wheat cultivars was resistant to all isolates of M. grisea, but the cultivars differed in degree of resistance as measured by the relative spectrum of resistance (RSR) and disease index (DI). Among the cultivars the RSR ranged from 0 to 53.3% and DI from 0.4662 to 0.9662 (0 to 1 scale). The wheat cultivar BR18 exhibited a broad resistance spectrum in relation to the rest of the tested cultivars to the isolates of M. grisea, and can be used in wheat resistance breeding.


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The virulence pattern of the isolates of Pyricularia grisea from commercial fields of the upland rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars 'Primavera' and 'BRS Bonança' was analyzed. A hundred and seventy monoconidial isolates of the pathogen virulent to 'Primavera' and 139 to 'BRS Bonança' collected from eight fields, during two years (2001-2003) were tested, under greenhouse conditions, on six newly released rice cultivars. Differences in virulence pattern were observed in pathogenic populations of 'Primavera' and 'BRS Bonança'. Isolates with virulence to improved cultivars were common in samples from farmers' fields in the absence of aloinfection. The virulence frequency of P. grisea isolates collected from 'Primavera'' to cultivars 'BRS Vencedora', 'BRS Colosso', 'BRS Liderança', 'BRS Soberana', 'BRS Curinga' and 'BRS Talento', was high in descending order. On the other hand, in the fungus population of 'BRS BRS Bonança' virulence frequency was high in 'BRS Talento', followed by 'BRS Curinga', 'BRS Vencedora', 'BRS Liderança', 'BRS Colosso' and 'BRS Soberana'. While virulence to 'BRS Talento' was rare among isolates from 'Primavera', it was most frequent in isolates of 'BRS Bonança'. The six improved rice cultivars permitted to differentiating agriculturally important virulences in the pathogen population which can be utilized in selecting breeding lines for specific resistance, in rice blast improvement program.


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The phenotypic diversity of Magnaporthe grisea was evaluated based on leaf samples with blast lesions collected from eight commercial fields of the upland rice cultivars 'BRS Primavera' and 'BRS Bonança', during the growing seasons of 2001/2002 and 2002/2003, in Goias State. The number of M. grisea isolates from each field utilized for virulence testing varied from 28 to 47. Three different indices were used based on reaction type in the eight standard international differentials and eight Brazilian differentials. The M. grisea subpopulations of ´Primavera' and 'Bonança', as measured by Simpson, Shannon and Gleason indices, showed similar phenotypic diversities. The Simpson index was more sensitive relation than those of Shannon and Gleason for pathotype number and standard deviation utilizing Brazilian differentials. However, the Gleason index was sensitive to standard deviation for international differentials. The sample size did not significantly influence the diversity index. The two sets of differential cultivars used in this study distinguished phenotypic diversity in different ways in all of the eight subpopulations analyzed. The phenotypic diversity determined based on eight differential Brazilian cultivars was lower in commercial rice fields of 'Primavera' than in the fields of 'Bonança,' independent of the diversity index utilized, year and location. Considering the Brazilian differentials, the four subpopulations of 'BRS Primavera' did not show evenness in distribution and only one pathotype dominated in the populations. The even distribution of pathotype was observed in three subpopulations of 'BRS Bonança'. The pathotype diversity of M. grisea was determined with more precision using Brazilian differentials and Simpson index.


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The phenotypic and genetic diversity of 77 isolates of Pyricularia grisea collected from two upland rice cultivars, Maravilha and Primavera, was studied. Isolates exhibiting compatible reaction to cv.Primavera were incompatible to cv.Maravilha and vice versa, with the exception of six isolates that were compatible to both cultivars. The virulence of isolates from cv. Maravilha on 32 test genotypes of rice was significantly higher (t = 9.09, p < 0.0001) than the isolates from cv.Primavera. A phenogram constructed from virulence data showed two main groups, one constituted mainly of isolates from cv.Primavera (97.6%) and the other of isolates from cv.Maravilha (91.17%). Rep-PCR analysis of isolates using two primers designed from sequences of Pot2 showed that isolates could be clustered broadly into two groups. The average similarity within a cluster of isolates from cv.Primavera was significantly greater than the average similarity among the isolates of cv.Maravilha (t = 5.37, p < 0.0001). There was close correspondence between clusters based on PCR and virulence data (r = 0.48, p < 0.011). The results showed that isolates of P. grisea were cultivar specific and had low phenotypic and genetic diversity.


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The objectives of this study were to evaluate the progress of Ralstonia solanacearum bacterial potato wilt biovar 2 (race 3) in 14 potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars or clones, the resistance of potato clone MB 03 (selected in Brasília, Brazil) to race 1 of R. solanacearum, and the occurrence of the pathogen in tubers harvested from asymptomatic potato plants. During the spring (September to the end of November in the southern hemisphere) of 1999 and 2000, 14 cultivars or clones were grown in a field naturally infested with R. solanacearum biovar 2, in Caxias do Sul, RS. The number of wilted potato plants was recorded each week and a disease progress curve plotted, the resistance of the potato genotypes to bacterial wilt being evaluated by determining the area under the curve. Various models were evaluated to fit the curves, with the logistic model being the best fit. At the end of each growing season tubers produced by asymptomatic plants were harvested and stored until budding and then tested for the presence of R. solanacearum. Cultivar Cruza 148 and clone MB 03 were the most resistant but both showed tubers with latent infections. The epidemiological implications of the incidence of R. solanacearum biovar 2 (race 3) in potato crops, as well as the resistance of certain genotypes that may harbor latent infections, are important aspects to be considered in the integrated management of bacterial wilt.


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The method of preserving detached wheat leaves in Petri dish was used for the inoculation and development of the fungus Puccinia triticina, the causal agent of wheat leaf rust. The reaction of 26 wheat cultivars was compared by using seedlings cultivated in pots (in vivo) and detached leaves (in vitro) inoculated with four physiological races of the pathogen. After inoculation, the material was kept in a growth chamber for 15 days. The reaction was evaluated on the 15th day after inoculation. Results for each race in the evaluated genotypes confirmed the efficiency of the detached leaf method in assessing the reaction of wheat cultivars.


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It was to aimed it to investigate effects of various saline water use strategies on melon production and quality of two cultivars (Cucumis melo L., Sancho - C1 and Medellín - C2. The plants were irrigated with water of low (S1 = 0.61 dS m-1) and high (S2 = 4.78 dS m-1) salinity levels, during each crop stage: S1S1S2S2 - T1; S2S1S2S2 - T2; S2S2S1S2 - T3. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms of these sequences correspond to initial growth, flowering, fruit ripening and harvest phenological stages, respectively. Additionally, there was irrigation rotation during all cycle, with water S1 during two days followed by S2 for one day (S1 2 dias + S2 1 dia - T4) and irrigation with non-salt water S2 during all cycle - T5. Moreover, we used as control, the irrigation water at 3.2 dS m-1 resulting from water mixture of S1 and S2 - T6 (farm used irrigation management). The experiment was carried out in Pedra Preta Farm, in Mossoró, RN, using an entire randomized block statistical design in a 6x2 subdivided plot scheme with four replications. Saline water irrigation at initial growth stage reduces leaf area and shoot dry phytomass of Sancho and Medellín melon cultivars. The irrigation by T4 provided the highest phytomass production of fruits at 48 DAS, reducing in 33% of good quality water in irrigation.


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The current study intended to determine the optimum water depth, yield and evapotranspiration (ETc) for bean cultivars. The experiment was conducted in the Campus of Unit I of the Triângulo Mineiro Federal Education and Technology Institute in Uberaba, MG, in a completely randomized design with three replications. The treatments consisted of four water-replacing levels in the soil (70, 100, 130 and 160% of the crop evapotranspiration) and four bean cultivars (Pérola, BRSMG Madrepérola, BRSMG Majestoso and IAC Alvorada). The average values of ETc obtained for soil water balance for the cultivars Pérola, BRSMG Madrepérola, BRSMG Majestoso and IAC Alvorada were, respectively, of 5.25 mm day-1, 4.59 mm day-1, 4.54 mm day-1 and 4.77 mm day-1. The water depths which provided the highest yields were for the cultivars Pérola, BRSMG Madrepérola, BRSMG Majestoso and IAC Alvorada of 451.61 mm, 454.41 mm, 504.71 mm and 344.30 mm, respectively. The maximum yields found were 4597.87 kg ha-1 (Pérola), 4546.27 kg ha-1 (BRSMG Madrepérola), 4253.39 kg ha-1 (BRSMG Majestoso) and 3958.50kg ha-1 (IAC Alvorada).


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ABSTRACTPeanut crop (Arachis hypogaeaL.) mechanization has been improved over the years; however there are drawbacks that affect the quality of operations. Thus, this article’s objectives were to evaluate the operational performance of the mechanized sowing of peanut crop according to seeding densities (10, 14, and 18 seeds m-1) and seed sizes (21 and 23 mm). It was observed that the seeds of 23 mm had shorter average number of days to emergence and a higher percentage of emergences, occurring the opposite to the seeding density of 18 seeds m-1. The higher the seeding density, the largest was the plant stand, whereas the 23 mm seed obtained the best results and the same with the seeding density of 14 seeds m-1 that had a higher percentage of normal spacing. The densities of 14 and 18 seeds m-1 reflected in higher yields, being always superior to the 23 mm seeds.