198 resultados para Patani Muslims
This paper will first deal with the legal and social situation of Islam and Muslims in Austria and then turn to particular “troublesome issues” at the intersection of gender equality and ethnic/religious diversity. The public debate on Muslims particularly focuses on the notion “not willing to integrate” and in the assumption of “parallel societies”. Hierarchical gender relations and “harmful traditions” such as veiling, female genital cutting, forced marriage and honour based violence recently became the centre of attention. We will show that the Austrian debate on these issues is shaped by the idea of “dangerous cultural difference” as something coming from outside and being concentrated in segregated Muslim enclaves. Despite the public authorities’ rejection of the idea that Islam was responsible for “harmful traditions”, legal as well as political measures in Austria not only combat violence against women but also fuel “cultural anxieties” between different ethnic and religious groups.
In Europe and North America, migration and integration has become a busy subfield of political sociology. Of particular interest in this respect is the integration of Muslims and Islam, which has dominated the debate in Europe. Broadly conceived «political opportunity structures» have received much attention in this context. But the role of liberal law in the integration of Islam has been largely ignored, not by lawyers of course, but by political sociologists who have thus delivered far too negative and truncated pictures of Muslims and Islam in Europe. This is the deficit we sought to redress in Legal Integration of Islam; A Transatlantic Comparison (2013) (co-authored with John Torpey). Some of this study’s main ideas and findings are presented in the following.
Since 9/11, 2001, a new form of religious extremism has arguably emerged, one which paradoxically portrays itself as a counter to another perceived extremism regarded as a real and imminent threat. Within North America and Western Europe, as elsewhere, there is an upsurge of various forms of reactionary rhetoric and opposition expressed towards Islam and Muslims. An increase in extremist behaviour, even violence, is appearing from quarters opposed to, or varyingly fearful of, Islamic extremism if not Islam or Muslims. Islamophobia, as a manifestation of fear of an exclusionary Islam, manifests as exclusionary or negatively reactive behaviours with Muslims and Islam as the target. This article explores the idea that Islamophobia can be regarded as a manifestation of religious extremism and, further, that such extremism is construable as “reactive co-radicalization.” It focuses on two European cases – the 2009 Swiss ban on the building of minarets and the 2011 Norwegian massacre carried out by Anders Breivik – as examples of this “reactive co-radicalization.” This term, I suggest, is an apt denominator for the exclusionary reaction to the rising presence of Islam within otherwise secular, albeit nominally Christian, Western European and North American societies, among others.
There appear to be two seemingly contradictory images of economic change in the Islamic World and mixed evidence on whether Islamic societies have been open or conservative against modern ideas, technological advancements, and legal developments. Whereas a conservative attitude has been dominant in some societies and time periods, Muslims were at the forefront of scientific, technological, and legal developments in others. Rather than rely on ad hoc assumptions about the attitudes and characteristics of societies or the inherent qualities of new developments, this paper explains attitudes towards change by studying the political economy of the relationship between the rulers and the legal community. I extend recent theories of endogenous institutional change to develop a framework based on how rulers and legal community reacted to new developments immediately and how their strategic interaction unleashed an endogenous process toward change in the long run. Using this framework, I identify conditions under which new ideas, technologies, and legal developments have resulted in immediate change in Islamic societies. I also examine the process of change in the long run, whether and how immediate outcomes could be sustained over time as strategic interaction continued repeatedly.
This paper explores migration from Bihar, one of the most underdeveloped states in India, by paying particular attention to social class (caste) and landholdings. After describing details of individual migrants, we present our preliminary findings on the determinants of migration, based on our field survey of 200 households in four villages in 2011. In terms of social class, Muslims are more likely to migrate, but Scheduled Castes do not show a high propensity to migrate as is stated in some of the existing literature where the underclass is said to be more mobile. In terms of landholdings, the probability that someone will migrate is high among the landless and smaller landholders but it decreases as the size of the landholding increases. However, as the size of the landholding increases still further, a reverse effect of landholding on decisions regarding migration moves in, with the decline in probability becoming less and less. This result confirms a non-linear relationship between landholdings and the decision to migrate. Some further research questions are raised in the paper.
India's Muslim community, which accounts for 14.4 percent of India’s vast population and is thus the largest of all religious minorities, has been the subject of considerable development discourse as Muslims have the lowest level of educational attainment and standard of living among socio-religious groups in the country. This study addresses the meaning of education and career opportunities for Muslim youths in relation to their educational credentials and social position in the hierarchy of Muslim class and caste groups, with particular reference to a community in Uttar Pradesh. The author contends that the career opportunities, possibilities, and strategies of Muslim youths in Indian society depend on multiple factors: social hierarchy, opportunities to utilize economic resources, social networks, cultural capital, and the wider structural disparities within which the Muslims are situated and wherein they question the value of higher education in gaining them admission to socially recognized and established employment sectors.
La tesis doctoral desarrolla una investigación original, dentro del marco disciplinario de la historia de la construcción, sobre los fundamentos constructivos de las fortificaciones bajomedievales fronterizas entre las Coronas de Castilla y Aragón en la actual provincia de Soria. En el título de la tesis ya queda expresado el objeto fundamental y fundacional, así como el ámbito temporal —desde la reconquista del oriente soriano por parte de Alfonso I el Batallador a principios del siglo XII hasta la unificación de las coronas hispánicas en el siglo XV bajo el común mandato de los Reyes Católicos— y la extensión territorial que delimita la investigación: aquéllas comarcas castellanas lindantes con Aragón pertenecientes a la actual provincia de Soria. Durante este período bajomedieval se produjeron una serie de enfrentamientos fronterizos que obligó a fortificar la frontera y las vías de comunicación entre ambas coronas. La falta de estudios de conjunto de estas fortificaciones entendiéndolas como participantes en un sistema fortificado ha constituido la justificación de la investigación, que se realiza en varios niveles de análisis: territorial, histórico, arquitectónico, poliorcético y constructivo. Así mismo, se ha detectado cierta falta de rigor acompañada de inexactitudes en las consideraciones constructivas publicadas sobre algunas de las fortificaciones del ámbito de estudio, lo que ha provocado errores en su datación al no más haber elementos de corte artístico o estilístico que marquen indudablemente la pertenencia a una época. En la tesis se ponen en duda las dataciones tradicionalmente aceptadas planteando la hipótesis que da pie a la investigación: ante la falta de elementos artísticos o estilísticos en unos sobrios edificios eminentemente funcionales es posible establecer con suficiente aproximación la fecha de construcción en base a criterios constructivos una vez formada una clasificación cronotipológica de cada técnica constructiva. La hipótesis, por lo tanto, plantea un objetivo principal —el estudio de la razón constructiva del sistema fortificado fronterizo— desarrollado en una serie de objetivos específicos cuya consecución programa los sucesivos niveles de análisis: - Conocer y detallar los elementos históricos que originaron los enfrentamientos entre las Coronas de Castilla y Aragón y su desarrollo mediante herramientas historiográficas y analizar las características naturales del territorio en litigio mediante instrumentos cartográficos. - Conocer y analizar los tipos arquitectónicos y las tradiciones constructivas empleadas en las construcciones castrenses en el ámbito temporal en que se enmarca la investigación. - Localizar, documentar y seleccionar para su análisis las fortalezas y construcciones militares erigidas durante dichas luchas fronterizas en la actual provincia de Soria a través del trabajo de campo y métodos cartográficos y bibliográficos. - Realizar un estudio general sobre el sistema fortificado a escala territorial - Investigar la tipología arquitectónica, poliorcética y constructiva del conjunto de estas fortificaciones bajomedievales fronterizas. - Analizar los fundamentos constructivos de los casos de estudio seleccionados entre estas construcciones y caracterizarlas en cuanto al material, elementos, sistemas y procesos constructivos. - Ordenar la información histórica dispersa y corregir errores para hacer una base sobre la que establecer un discurso histórico de cada caso de estudio. - Comparar y relacionar las técnicas constructivas empleadas en estas fortalezas con los utilizados en el mismo ámbito temporal. - Difundir para su debate los resultados de la investigación por los foros científicos habituales. El método empleado combina los trabajos de gabinete con una intensa labor de campo, en la que se han documentado cincuenta fortificaciones y se han redactado sus correspondientes fichas de toma de datos. La recopilación de datos se ha incluido en una base de datos que incluye aspectos generales, tipológicos, constructivos y bibliográficos básicos del conjunto, a modo de inventario, de fortificaciones de la provincia. Las fortificaciones seleccionadas se agrupan según una clasificación tipológica y constructiva que marca las líneas de estudio posteriores. Se desarrolla un capítulo de antecedentes en el que se estudia la historia de la construcción fortificada medieval tanto en Europa como en España analizando la evolución de los tipos arquitectónicos y las múltiples influencias culturales que surcaron el Mediterráneo desde el Oriente cruzado e islámico al Poniente donde se desarrollaba la empresa reconquistadora que mantuvo en estado de guerra continuo a la Península Ibérica durante ochocientos años. El análisis del territorio como contenedor del hecho fortificado revela que hay una relación íntima entre la ubicación de las fortificaciones y las formas naturales que definen las vías de comunicación entre los valles del Duero, del Ebro y del Tajo. En efecto, el ámbito de estudio ha supuesto desde la Antigüedad un territorio de paso fundamental en la articulación de las comunicaciones en la Península Ibérica. Este carácter de paso más que de frontera explica las inquietudes y la preocupación por su control tanto por Roma como por el califato cordobés como por los reinos cristianos medievales. El análisis de los elementos históricos se complementa con el estudio detallado de los enfrentamientos fronterizos entre Castilla y Aragón así como los aspectos sociales y políticos que provocaron la fortificación como sistema de definición de la frontera y de organización espacial, jurisdiccional, social y administrativa del territorio. La arquitectura fortificada es esencialmente funcional: su cometido es la defensa. En este sentido, tras un estudio morfológico de los castillos seleccionados se realiza un extenso análisis poliorcético de sus elementos, investigando su origen y aplicación para servir también de parámetros de datación. Siendo el objeto inaugural de la tesis el estudio de los fundamentos constructivos, se explican los distintos materiales de construcción empleados y se agrupan las fábricas de las fortificaciones seleccionadas en dos grandes grupos constructivos: las fábricas aparejadas y las fábricas encofradas. Se han destacado y estudiado la evolución histórica y la tipología y mensiología constructiva de tres técnicas destacadas: el uso del ladrillo, la tapia de cal y canto o mampostería encofrada y la tapia de tierra. Para el estudio de la componente histórica y de la dimensión constructiva de cada técnica ha sido necesario documentar numerosos casos tanto en el ámbito de estudio como en la Península Ibérica con el fin de establecer grupos cronotipológicos constructivos entre los que poder ubicar las fábricas de estas técnicas presentes en el ámbito de estudio. Se ha observado una evolución dimensional de las fábricas de tapia que es más evidente en las hispanomusulmanas al modularse en codos pero que también se advierte significativamente en las cristianas bajomedievales. De cada una de las técnicas analizadas se ha seleccionado un caso de estudio singular y representativo. El castillo de Arcos de Jalón es un ejemplo significativo del empleo de la fábrica mixta de mampostería con verdugadas de ladrillo, así como las murallas de la ciudad fortificada de Peñalcázar lo es de la fábrica de mampostería encofrada y el castillo de Serón de Nágima constituye un caso característico y principal de la utilización de la tapia de tierra en la arquitectura militar bajomedieval. Cada uno de estos tres casos de estudios se examina bajo los mismos cuatro niveles anteriormente mencionados: territorial, histórico, arquitectónico y defensivo y constructivo. El sistemático método de estudio ha facilitado el orden en la investigación y la obtención de unos resultados y conclusiones que verifican la hipótesis y cumplen los objetivos marcados al comienzo. Se ha revisado la datación en la construcción de las fortificaciones analizadas mediante el estudio cronotipológico de sus fábricas, pudiendo trasladarse el método a otros sistemas fortificados. La tesis abre, finalmente, dos vías principales de investigación encaminadas a completar el estudio del sistema fortificado fronterizo bajomedieval en la raya oriental soriana de Castilla: la caracterización y datación por métodos físico-químicos de las muestras de piezas de madera de construcción que se conservan embebidas en las fábricas y la búsqueda documental y archivística que pueda revelar nuevos datos respecto a la fundación, reparación, venta o cualquier aspecto económico, legislativo, organizativo o administrativo relativo a las fortificaciones en documentos coetáneos. ABSTRACT The doctoral thesis develops an original research, held in the field of the Construction History, about the constructive reason of the frontier fortifications in the Late Middle Age between the Crowns of Castile and Aragón in the actual province of Soria, Spain. In the title is expressed the main objective, and also the temporal scope —from the reconquest in the 12th Century by Alfonso the First of Aragón to the unification under the common kingdom of the Catholic Kings— and the territorial extension that the research delimits: those Castilian regions in the border with Aragón in the actual province of Soria. During this period, a series of border wars were been, and this is the reason for the fortification of the border line and the main roads between both Crowns. The lack of studies of these fortifications as participants in a fortified system is the justification of the research. There is several analysis levels: territorial, historical, architectonic, defensive and constructive. Likewise, there is a lack of strictness and inaccuracy in the constructive items in the publications about several fortifications of this study field. This aspect has caused mistakes in the dating because there is neither artistic nor stylistic elements which determines a epoch. The traditionally accepted datings are challenged. An hypothesis is formulated: in the absence of artistic or stylistic elements in a sober and functional buildings is possible to date the time of construction with sufficiently approximation based on construction criteria once formed a cronotypologic classification of each building technique. The hypothesis, therefore, propose a main aim: the study of the constructive reason of the fortified border system. This aim is developed in a series of specifically targets whose achievement programs the analysis levels: - To know and to detail the historical elements which started the wars between Castile and Aragon and its development using historiographical tools, and to analyze the natural characteristic of the territory through cartographical tools. - To understand and to analyze the different architectural types and the building traditions employed in the military buildings in the time researched. - To locate, to document, and to select for their analysis the fortresses and military constructions erected during these border wars in the actual province of Soria through fieldwork and bibliographical and cartographical methods. - To conduct a general study on the fortified system in territorial scale. - To research the architectural, constructive and defensive typology of the system of these border late medieval fortifications. - To analyze the construction logic of the selected case studies and to characterize in the items of material, elements, systems and construction processes. - To sort scattered historical information and to correct mistakes to make a base by which to establish a historic speech of each case study. - To compare and to relate the construction techniques employed in these fortresses with those used in the same time range . - To spread for discussion the research results in the usual scientists forums. The method combines the destock work with an intense fieldwork. Fifty fortifications have been documented and it has written their corresponding data collection card. Data collection has been included in a database that includes general aspects, typological, constructive and basic bibliographical data, as an inventory of fortifications in the province. The selected fortifications are grouped according to a typological and constructive classification which lead the lines of the later study. There is a chapter for the antecedents in which the history of the medieval fortified construction in Europe and in Spain is studied by analyzing the evolution of architectural types and the many cultural influences along the opposite seasides of the Mediterranean Sea, from the Islamic and Crusader East to the Iberian Peninsula in where there were a long and continuous war during eight hundred years. The territory is analyzed as a container of fortifications. This analysis reveals that there is an intimate relationship between the location of the fortifications and the natural forms that define the communication roads between the Duero, Ebro and Tajo valleys. Indeed, the study area has been a cross-territory from ancient times more than a frontierterritory. This communication character explains the concerns about its control both by Rome and by the Muslims of Córdoba as medieval Christian kingdoms. The analysis of historical elements is supplemented by detailed study of border war between Castile and Aragon and the social and political issues that led to the fortification as border definition system and spatial, jurisdictional, social and administrative planning. The fortified architecture is essentially functional: it is responsible for defense. In this sense, after a morphological study of selected castles is performed an extensive analysis of its defensive elements, investigating its origin and application. This analisis serves for the definition of parameters for dating. The purpose of the thesis is the study of the constructive logic. First, various building materials are explained. Then, masonry is grouped into two major constructive groups: rigged masonry and formwork masonry. The historical evolution and the constructive typology and mensiology are studied for each one of the three main techniques: the use of brickwork, the mortar wall and rammed-earth. Many case studies have been documented along the Iberian Peninsula and also in the study area. As conclusion, there is a dimensional evolution of the rammed-earth walls. This evolution is more evident into the Muslim masonry than in the late medieval walls: the reason is the use of the cubit as module. From each of the techniques discussed, a singular and representative case of study has been selected. The castle of Arcos de Jalon is a significant example of mix masonry of stone and brick rows. The walled city of Peñalcázar is built with masonry formwork. Serón de Nágima castle, at last, is a typical and main case of the use of the rammedearth wall of late medieval military architecture. Each of these three case studies were examined under the same four analysis levels above mentioned: territorial, historical, architectural and defensive and constructive. The systematic method of study has facilitated the order in the research and the obtaining of results and conclusions that verify the hypotheses and achieve the research objectives. Dating of the fortifications construction has been revised by studying the cronotypological issues of its masonry. The method can be transferred to the study of other fortified systems. Finally, the thesis describes two main research new ways aimed at completing the study of the late medieval fortified border of Castile in the actual province of Soria. The first of them is the characterization and datig by physicochemical methods the sample pieces of wood construction preserved embedded in the masonry. The second research way is the investigation of the documents in archives that may reveal new information about the foundation, repair, sale or any aspect to economic, legal, organizational or administrative concerning fortifications in contemporary documents.
Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar o desenvolvimento da missão adventista na cidade de São Paulo em busca de um modelo missiológico para centros urbanos. São Paulo, uma das maiores metrópoles do mundo tem uma formação cultural plural, não apenas pelas forças atuantes da modernização, secularização, globalização e pós-modernidade. A composição da população da cidade possui uma gênese étnica plural. Além da matriz autóctone indígena, do colonizador branco europeu e dos escravos africanos, desde o início do século XIX chegaram outros imigrantes, europeus e asiáticos. Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, o Brasil foi o país que mais recebeu imigrantes em todo o mundo. Estima-se que nos anos de 1920, apenas um terço da população na cidade de São Paulo fosse de brasileiros, o restante era composto por imigrantes. A inserção do adventismo em São Paulo se deu por missionários imigrantes que trabalharam primeiro com outros imigrantes antes de evangelizar e desenvolver a missão adventista com os brasileiros nacionais. De alguma forma, esse início deixou marcas na missão adventista paulistana. São Paulo é hoje a cidade com o maior número total de adventistas no mundo e a única com Igrejas Adventistas étnicas que atendem cinco grupos étnicos distintos: japoneses, coreanos, judeus, árabes e bolivianos/peruanos. Esta pesquisa busca investigar a formação de uma sensibilidade cultural no adventismo paulistano que lhe permitiu dialogar com a pluralidade cultural da metrópole paulistana.
O presente trabalho analisa o papel da religião no conflito entre Israel e Palestina, principalmente no contexto da implantação do Estado de Israel, em 1948. A análise toma como delimitação histórica do conflito o período de 1896 a 1948, quando ocorre a migração das primeiras levas de judeus para os territórios palestinos. A pergunta inicial é sobre como judeus e muçulmanos se relacionavam nos primeiros anos de imigração até a criação do Estado de Israel. O problema principal a ser esclarecido é como a construção cultural ocidental em relação aos palestinos interferiu no conflito, principalmente no que tange à tomada da terra e à construção de um novo país dentro de um já existente, socialmente, religiosamente e culturalmente. Finalmente a pesquisa pergunta pela repercussão do conflito entre israelenses e palestinos no campo religioso protestante, principalmente entre grupos conservadores e fundamentalistas deste ramo do cristianismo. A pesquisa é totalmente bibliográfica e toma como referência as teorias pós-coloniais para debater a história do território, no que se refere aos aspectos religiosos do conflito.
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos religiosos islâmicos e as implicações das relações de gênero no islam sobre a assistência de saúde às mulheres muçulmanas, e através disto, discutir a importância do conhecimento prévio do islamismo pelos profissionais de saúde para propor uma assistência de saúde congruente a estas mulheres, tendo por referência a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher. Esta pesquisa tem abordagem qualitativa, com o desenvolvimento de pesquisa de campo e aplicação de um roteiro de perguntas semi-estruturado, com questões relacionadas ao islamismo e à saúde das mulheres. Ao todo, foram entrevistadas dez pessoas, sendo estas: quatro mulheres revertidas ao islam, três mulheres de família muçulmana, dois sheiks e uma assistente social. As entrevistas foram realizadas no Centro de Divulgação do Islam para a América Latina e o Caribe (CDIAL) e na Assembléia Mundial da Juventude Islâmica na América Latina (WAMY).
The rise in Muslim terrorist activities has encouraged the West to reevaluate its understanding of Islam, prompting concern for Muslim women's rights. In search of education-based solutions, this project explores three case studies of Muslims living under different government types: a secular state with a primarily Muslim population (Turkey); a secular state with a significant Muslim minority population (France); and a Muslim state with a powerful religious influence (Afghanistan). The type of government plays a significant role in Muslim women's rights, and solutions must be based on individual aspects of each unique place where Muslims live today. The results show that education is a universal solution when accepted at all levels: governmental, communal, and the individual.
Las fuentes del Derecho español se han ocupado a lo largo del tiempo, y sin solución de continuidad, de la institución del arbitraje en el marco de la administración de justicia. El arbitraje, avenencia o conciliación son términos que poseen un significado singular en los sistemas u ordenamientos jurídicos que han connotado la Historia del Derecho. El Derecho andalusí se ocupó de la institución del arbitraje por dos razones fundamentales. La primera razón de este interés obedecía a su importancia como medio eficaz y rápido para solventar diferencias o conflictos entre partes. La segunda razón se debía a las particularidades que esta modalidad de resolución presentó respecto a la ortodoxia malekí. Este trabajo analiza los elementos y características del arbitraje y la avenencia con el fin de trazar una visión más completa de la institución, que desde la Edad Media fue medio habitual para la solución de situaciones controvertidas entre cristianos y musulmanes.
The exchange traffic was a practice that suited the modus vivendi of caravanners and traders in the Islamic world. The inclusion of the Iberian.Peninsula into the most important commercial routes of Muslims – such as the silk route through the North Africa – provides a very solid reason to deepen in the study of the sources that have been preserved about the role that certain credit instruments, which represented an alternative to the coin, might have played in trade centres.