890 resultados para Parties to actions.
The Bonn Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals adopted a Resolution in 2005 recognising the impacts of climate change on migratory species. It called on Contracting Parties to undertake more research to improve our understanding of these impacts and to implement adaptation measures to reduce foreseeable adverse effects. Given the large diversity of taxa and species affected by climate change, it is impossible to monitor all species and effects thereof. However, it is likely that many of the key ecological and physical processes through which climate change may impact wildlife could be monitored using a suite of indicators, each comprising parameters of species/populations or groups of species as proxies for wider assemblages, habitats and ecosystems. Herein, we identify a suite of 17 indicators whose attributes could reveal negative impacts of climate change on the global status of migratory species: 4 for birds, 4 for marine mammals, 2 for sea turtles, 1 for fish, 3 for land mammals and 3 for bats. A few of these indicators would be relatively straightforward to develop, but most would require additional data collation, and in many cases methodological development. Choosing and developing indicators of the impacts of climate change on migratory species is a challenge, particularly with endangered species, which are subject to many other pressures. To identify and implement conservation measures for these species, indicators must account for the full ensemble of pressures, and link to a system of alerts and triggers for action.
The precise rationale for, and timing of, the Northern Ireland peace process of the 1990s and beyond, which developed after more than two decades of conflict, has yet to be fully explained. It has been a common assumption that it arose from a stalemate involving the Irish Republican Army (IRA), the 'regular' pro-state forces of the British Army and Royal Ulster Constabulary and the 'irregular/ultra' pro-state loyalist paramilitary groups of the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) and Ulster Defence Association (UDA). Under this interpretation, military/paramilitary deadlock led to ripeness for peace, amid reappraisals by all parties to the conflict of the utility of violence accompanied by reinterpretations of earlier political orthodoxies. The IRA could not remove the British sovereign claim to Northern Ireland; British forces could not militarily defeat the IRA and loyalists and republicans were engaged in a futile inter-communal sectarian war. This stalemate thesis has obvious attraction in explaining why a seemingly intractable war finally subsided, but is less convincing when subject to empirical testing among republican and loyalist participants in the conflict. This article moves away from 'top-down' generalist narratives of the onset of peace, which tend to argue the stalemate thesis, to assess 'bottom-up' interpretations from the actual combatants as to why they ceased fighting. It suggests an asymmetry, rather than mutuality, of perception that there was 'military' cessation by the armed non-state groups, with neither republican nor loyalist interpretations grounded in notions of stalemate. The article concludes by urging a wider consideration of the important and persistent interplay of the military and political in conflicts such as Northern Ireland.
This chapter provides a critical assessment of the approach adopted by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) towards children with disabilities and its implications for socializing States Parties to both ‘right’ and ‘rights’ behaviour. It discusses the ways in which ‘rights talk’ for children with disabilities, itself a relatively recent development in this context, has been predominantly needs based in its substantive content, and explores whether the exacerbated disadvantage experienced by children with disabilities as a result of the particular interaction between disability and childhood is effectively addressed and given due weight by the new Convention. The CRPD's provisions are discussed in the context of children with disabilities and their potential to provide effective redress assessed. The chapter concludes with some critical reflections on the extent to which the CRPD can really be understood as minding the gap for children with disabilities.
The premise for finding common ground between unionism and nationalism in Northern Ireland in the 1998 Agreement centred on an accepted compromise regarding what the future of the province might be: continued union within the UK was assured but could be changed if unity with the Republic of Ireland was the will of the majority. In this way, Northern Ireland was suspended as if on a see-saw between the ‘two traditions’. As a consequence, the very success of power-sharing has made it difficult for parties to articulate a shared vision of Northern Ireland’s future. This paper identifies a ‘negative silence’ regarding the outlook for Northern Ireland and seeks to uncover some of its implications by analysing three of its constitutive elements. First, how the aspirational discourse of the four largest political parties has remained largely entrenched in oppositional gullies. Second, how the debate around the Shared Future framework and Cohesion, Sharing and Integration programme ironically embodies deep differences in political visions of a ‘shared’ future for Northern Ireland. Finally, interview-based reflections on how an inability to articulate a future for Northern Ireland affects the young ‘Agreement generation’ and their (dis)empowerment as citizens. The paper concludes that the thicker the fog of silence grows over the subject of Northern Ireland’s future, the bleaker this future is likely to be
Many prosecutors and commentators have praised the victim provisions at the International Criminal Court (ICC) as 'justice for victims', which for the first time include participation, protection and reparations. This book critically examines the role of victims in international criminal justice, drawing from human rights, victimology, and best practices in transitional justice.
Drawing on field research in Northern Uganda, Luke Moffet explores the nature of international crimes and assesses the role of victims in the proceedings of the ICC, paying particular attention to their recognition, participation, reparations and protection. The book argues that because of the criminal nature and structural limitations of the ICC, justice for victims is symbolic, requiring State Parties to complement the work of the Court to address victims' needs.
In advancing an innovative theory of justice for victims, and in offering solutions to current challenges, the book will be of great interest and use to academics, practitioners and students engaged in victimology, the ICC, transitional justice, or reparations.
One of the core properties of Software Defined Networking (SDN) is the ability for third parties to develop network applications. This introduces increased potential for innovation in networking from performance-enhanced to energy-efficient designs. In SDN, the application connects with the network via the SDN controller. A specific concern relating to this communication channel is whether an application can be trusted or not. For example, what information about the network state is gathered by the application? Is this information necessary for the application to execute or is it gathered for malicious intent? In this paper we present an approach to secure the northbound interface by introducing a permissions system that ensures that controller operations are available to trusted applications only. Implementation of this permissions system with our Operation Checkpoint adds negligible overhead and illustrates successful defense against unauthorized control function access attempts.
A integração de serviços na perspetiva dos cidadãos e empresas e a necessidade de garantir algumas características da Administração Pública como a versatilidade e a competitividade colocam alguns constrangimentos na conceção das arquiteturas de integração de serviços. Para que seja possível integrar serviços de forma a que se garanta a mutabilidade da Administração Pública, é necessário criar dinamicamente workflows. No entanto, a criação de dinâmica de workflows suscita algumas preocupações ao nível da segurança, nomeadamente em relação à privacidade dos resultados produzidos durante a execução de um workflow e em relação à aplicação de políticas de controlo de participação no workflow pelos diversos executores do mesmo. Neste trabalho apresentamos um conjunto de princípios e regras (arquitetura) que permitem a criação e execução de workflows dinâmicos resolvendo, através de um modelo de segurança, as questões referidas. A arquitetura utiliza a composição de serviços para dessa forma construir serviços complexos a que poderá estar inerente um workflow dinâmico. A arquitetura usa ainda um paradigma de troca de mensagens-padrão entre os prestadores de serviços envolvidos num workflow dinâmico. O modelo de segurança proposto está intimamente ligado ao conjunto de mensagens definido na arquitetura. No âmbito do trabalho foram identificadas e analisadas várias arquiteturas e/ou plataformas de integração de serviços. A análise realizada teve como objetivo identificar as arquiteturas que permitem a criação de workflows dinâmicos e, destas, aquelas que utilizam mecanismos de privacidade para os resultados e de controlo de participação dos executores desses workflows. A arquitetura de integração que apresentamos é versátil, escalável, permite a prestação concorrente de serviços entre prestadores de serviços e permite criar workflows dinâmicos. A arquitetura permite que as entidades executoras do workflow decidam sobre a sua participação, decidam sobre a participação de terceiros (a quem delegam serviços) e decidam a quem entregam os resultados. Os participantes são acreditados por entidades certificadores reconhecidas pelos demais participantes. As credenciais fornecidas pelas entidades certificadoras são o ponto de partida para a aplicação de políticas de segurança no âmbito da arquitetura. Para validar a arquitetura proposta foram identificados vários casos de uso que exemplificam a necessidade de construção de workflows dinâmicos para atender a serviços complexos (não prestados na íntegra por uma única entidade). Estes casos de uso foram implementados num protótipo da arquitetura desenvolvido para o efeito. Essa experimentação permitiu concluir que a arquitetura está adequada para prestar esses serviços usando workflows dinâmicos e que na execução desses workflows os executores dispõem dos mecanismos de segurança adequados para controlar a sua participação, a participação de terceiros e a privacidade dos resultados produzidos no âmbito dos mesmos.
The framers of the American Constitution devised a singular bicameral legislative body, which invested substantial power in both a broadly representative lower chamber and a second "deliberative" chamber that was both insulated from the voters and unrepresentative of the population as a whole. Until the early 20th Century, the singular U.S. Congress changed little, but with growing national responsibilities, it sought to construct organizational forms that could address a consistently stronger executive. Since the 1980s, the Congress has relied increasingly on stronger parties to organize its activities. This development, embraced in turn by Democrats and Republicans, has led to changes that have edged the Congress in the direction of parliamentary democracies. We conclude this analysis has real, but limited utility, as congressional party leaders continue to barter for votes and, in the context, of narrow chamber majorities, often rely heavily on presidential assistance on divisive issues that are important to their party brand. Yet, the traditional features of the American separated system - bicameralism, the committee systems, and the centrifugal forces emanating from diverse congressional districts, increasingly complex policy issues, and the fear of electoral retribution - also remain strong, and effectively constrain the influence of leaders.'Qualified exceptionalism' thus most aptly describes the contemporary American Congress, which remains 'exceptional,' but less than unique, as it responds to many of the same forces, in some of the same ways (e.g., strong parties), as do many other representative assemblies around the world.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas
A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo a avaliação do estado de conservação de uma ponte ferroviária metálica centenária para posteriormente se efetuar o reforço desta. O objeto de estudo foi a Ponte de Maçaínhas, uma ponte metálica treliçada que se situa na linha da Beira Baixa permitindo a ligação entre a Guarda e a Covilhã. Este trabalho envolveu um estudo profundo de vários conteúdos normativos relativos a ações em pontes ferroviárias e ações ambientais. Este estudo estende-se ainda ao campo das verificações regulamentares e critérios de segurança estrutural adequadas ao presente contexto. A operação de reforço começou numa rigorosa análise dos componentes estruturais da ponte, através do estudo de plantas e de um extenso registo fotográfico, para posteriormente se conceber um modelo numérico que traduzisse a situação real. Ao modelo concebido foram aplicadas as cargas regulamentares adequadas por forma a entender o comportamento que a ponte apresenta perante estas e se as suas secções transversais apresentam capacidade resistente suficiente. Caso estas não apresentem capacidade resistente suficiente teriam de ser intervencionadas. Concluído o processo de avaliação estrutural e de reforço, procedeu-se à verificação do comportamento da estrutura reforçada perante as ações de projeto. Com isto pretende-se avaliar se os esforços se distribuem da mesma maneira ou se a operação de reforço teve algum efeito na distribuição destes. Por último, para avaliar o comportamento da estrutura perante a passagem de tráfego real, realizaram-se análises dinâmicas que tiveram por base um grupo de veículos que habitualmente circulam na linha da Beira Baixa e um comboio de alta velocidade. Estas análises foram realizadas tanto para a situação pré reforço como pós reforço. Desta forma conseguiu-se fazer um paralelo entre ambas as condições e perceber se a operação de reforço foi bem-sucedida.
The scope of the following study is to present an alternative and preventive dispute resolution method known as Dispute Resolution Board. The Dispute Resolution Board mechanism is included in construction contracts to support project participants in avoiding and resolving disputes. Over the years the construction industry dealt with the resolution of claims and disputes through several methods. One of the most successful and lasting is the Dispute Resolution Board. A Dispute Resolution Board is a board of impartial professionals formed at the start of the project to follow construction progress, prevent arising disputes, and assist in the resolution of disputes during the project. When a dispute arises the Board meets with the parties to settle this dispute. The recommendation of this Board is non-binding for the parties. In Portugal there is no experience with this form of conciliation.
Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreement’s regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.
Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreement’s regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.
Campaigns raise public interest in politics and allow parties to convey their messages to voters. However, voters' exposure and attention during campaigns are biased towards parties and candidates they like. This hinders parties' ability to reach new voters. This paper theorises and empirically tests a simple way in which parties can break partisan selective attention: owning an issue. When parties own issues that are important for a voter, that voter is more likely to notice them. Using survey data collected prior to the 2009 Belgian regional elections it is shown that this effect exists independent of partisan preferences and while controlling for the absolute visibility of a party in the media. This indicates that issue ownership has an independent impact on voters' attention to campaigns. This finding shows that owning salient issues yields (potential) advantages for parties, since getting noticed is a prerequisite for conveying electoral messages and increasing electoral success.
The beginnings of Pelham Cares occurred in 1982 when the Mayor of Pelham, Eric Bergenstein, received a letter from Janet Hassall, a social worker with Niagara Regional Home Care. Hassall requested that a Social Service Committee be established in Pelham to address gaps in community services, a practice that several other communities in the Region had adopted. Such committees were commonly composed of church parishioners, so Bergenstein contacted Canon J. Nowe of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church, who expressed an interest in participating in such a committee. Bergenstein arranged a meeting in June, 1982 at the United Church Hall in Fonthill, for any interested parties to learn more about the existing Social Service Committees in the Region. The meeting was not part of a Town Council project, but rather an initiative undertaken by Mayor Bergenstein in a personal capacity. Subsequent meetings chaired by Eric Bergenstein were held throughout the remainder of that year, during which the name of Pelham Cares was decided, a steering committee established, and services to be offered were determined. These initially included “visits with the lonely, the shut-ins, at home, hospital or on an outing ; run errands for those who are “stuck”; step in, in emergencies, or regularly, to free a parent or spouse who can’t otherwise get a “break”; in emergencies, provide food, clothing, furniture, medicine and other necessities”. The first official meeting of Pelham Cares occurred in January 1983. Currently, the main services offered by Pelham Cares are a food bank; transportation services to medical appointments; and sponsorship programs to allow youth with limited financial means to participate in sports, recreational and educational activities. The organization also provides emergency food, supplies or short term accommodation due to fire or other catastrophic loss, as well as providing referrals to appropriate organizations or agencies. Pelham Cares is dependent on the funding from community partners such as service clubs, citizens, local businesses, financial institutions and churches. These services are provided by volunteers and one part-time employee. A permanent location for Pelham Cares was established in 2014 with the purchase of a property on Highway 20 East in Fonthill, after a 30 years search for a permanent facility.