995 resultados para Pair 3
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die vergleichende Sequenzierung und nachfolgende Analyse des syntänen chromosomalen Abschnitts auf dem kurzen Arm des humanen Chromosoms 11 in der Region 11p15.3 mit den Genen LMO1, TUB und dem orthologen Genomabschnitt der Maus auf Chromosom 7 F2. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführte Kartierung dieser beiden chromosomalen Bereiche ermöglichte die Komplettierung einer genomischen Karte auf insgesamt über eine Megabase, die im Kooperationssequenzierprojekt der Universitäts-Kinderklinik und dem Institut für Molekulargenetik in Mainz erstellt wurde. Mit Hilfe von 28 PAC- und Cosmid-Klonen konnten in dieser Arbeit 383 kb an genomischer DNA des Menschen und mit sechs BAC- und PAC-Klonen 412 kb an genomischer DNA der Maus dargestellt werden. Dies ermöglichte erstmals die exakte Festlegung der Reihenfolge der in diesem chromosomalen Abschnitt enthaltenen Gene und die genaue Kartierung von acht STS-Markern des Menschen, bzw. vier STS-Sonden der Maus. Es zeigte sich dabei, dass die chromosomale Orientierung telomer-/centromerwärts des orthologen Bereichs in der Maus im Vergleich zum Menschen in invertierter Ausrichtung vorliegt. Die Sequenzierung von drei humanen Klonen ermöglichte die Bestimmung von 319.119 bp an zusammenhängender genomischer DNA. Dadurch konnte die genaue Lokalisation und Strukturaufklärung der Gene LMO1, ein putatives Tumorsuppressorgen, das mit der Entstehung von Leukämien assoziiert ist, und TUB, ein Transkriptionsmodulator, der in die Fettstoffwechselregulation involviert ist, vorgenommen werden. Für das murine Genom wurden 412.827 bp an neuer DNA-Sequenz durch Sequenzierung von ebenfalls drei Klonen generiert. Der im Vergleich zum Menschen ca. 100 kb größere Genombereich beinhaltete zudem die neuen Gene Stk33 und Eif3. Es handelte sich dabei um zwei Gene, die erst im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entdeckt und charakterisiert wurden. Die parallele Bearbeitung beider Genombereiche ermöglichte eine umfassende komparative Analyse nach kodierenden, funktionellen und strukturgebenden Sequenzabschnitten in beiden Spezies. Es konnten dabei für beide Organismen die Exon-Intron-Strukturen der Gene LMO1/Lmo1 und TUB/Tub geklärt. Zudem konnten vier neue Exons und zwei neue speziesspezifischer Spleißvarianten für TUB/Tub beschrieben werden. Die Identifizierung dieser neuen Spleißvarianten offenbart neue Möglichkeiten für alternative Regulation und Funktion, oder für eine veränderte Proteinstruktur, die weitere Erklärungsansätze für die Entstehung der mit diesen Genen assoziierten Erkrankungen zulässt. In der sequenzierten, größeren Genomsequenz der Maus konnte in den flankierenden, nicht mit der sequenzierten Humansequenz überlappenden Bereich das neue Gen Eif3 in seiner Exon-Intron-Struktur und die beiden letzten Exons 11 und 12 des Gens Stk33 kartiert und charakterisiert werden. Die umfangreiche Sequenzanalyse beider sequenzierter Genombereiche ergab für den Abschnitt des Menschen insgesamt 229 potentielle Exonsequenzen und für den Bereich der Maus 527 mögliche Exonbereiche. Davon konnten beim Menschen explizit 21 Exons und bei der Maus 31 Exons als exprimierte Bereiche identifiziert und experimentell mittels RT-PCR, bzw. durch cDNA-Sequenzierung verifiziert werden. Diese Abschnitte beschrieben nicht nur die Exonbereiche der oben genannten vier Gene, sondern konnten auch neuen nicht weiter definierten EST-Sequenzen zugeordnet werden. Mittels des Interspeziesvergleiches war darüber hinaus auch die Analyse der nichtkodierenden Intergen-Bereiche möglich. So konnten beispielsweise im ersten Intron des LMO1/Lmo1 sieben Sequenzbereiche mit Konservierungen von ca. 90% bestimmt werden. Auch die Charakterisierung von Promotor- und putativ regulatorischen Sequenzabschnitten konnte mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher bioinformatischer Analyse-Tools durchgeführt werden. Die konservierten Sequenzbereiche der DNA zeigen im Durchschnitt eine Homologie von mehr als 65% auf. Auch die Betrachtung der Genomorganisation zeigte Gemeinsamkeiten, die sich meist nur in ihrer graduellen Ausprägung unterschieden. So weist ein knapp 80 kb großer Bereich proximal zum humanen TUB-Gen einen deutlich erhöhten AT-Gehalt auf, der ebenso im murinen Genom nur in verkürzter Version und schwächer ausgeprägt in Erscheinung tritt. Die zusätzliche Vergleichsanalyse mit einer weiteren Spezies, den orthologen Genomabschnitten von Fugu, zeigte, dass es sich bei den untersuchten Genen LMO1 und TUB um sehr konservierte und evolutiv alte Gene handelt, deren genomisches Organisationsmuster sich auch bei den paralogen Genfamilienmitglieder innerhalb derselben Spezies wiederfindet. Insgesamt konnte durch die Kartierung, Sequenzierung und Analyse eine umfassende Datenbasis für die betrachtete Genomregion und die beschriebenen Gene generiert werden, die für zukünftige Untersuchungen und Fragestellungen wertvolle Informationen bereithält.
Protein is an essential component for life, and its synthesis is mediated by codons in any organisms on earth. While some codons encode the same amino acid, their usage is often highly biased. There are many factors that can cause the bias, but a potential effect of mononucleotide repeats, which are known to be highly mutable, on codon usage and codon pair preference is largely unknown. In this study we performed a genomic survey on the relationship between mononucleotide repeats and codon pair bias in 53 bacteria, 68 archaea, and 13 eukaryotes. By distinguishing the codon pair bias from the codon usage bias, four general patterns were revealed: strong avoidance of five or six mononucleotide repeats in codon pairs; lower observed/expected (o/e) ratio for codon pairs with C or G repeats (C/G pairs) than that with A or T repeats (A/T pairs); a negative correlation between genomic GC contents and the o/e ratios, particularly for C/G pairs; and avoidance of C/G pairs in highly conserved genes. These results support natural selection against long mononucleotide repeats, which could induce frameshift mutations in coding sequences. The fact that these patterns are found in all kingdoms of life suggests that this is a general phenomenon in living organisms. Thus, long mononucleotide repeats may play an important role in base composition and genetic stability of a gene and gene functions.
To investigate the serum level distribution of angiogenic markers (PlGF, endoglin, sFlt-1) and acute-phase proteins (SAA, CRP) in patients with HELLP syndrome or preeclampsia (PE) including matched controls.
A convenient and rapid method for the simultaneous determination by HPLC of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid and the dimer derived by its oxidation, cinnabarinic acid, is described. Buffers or biological samples containing these two Trp metabolites were acidified to pH 2.0 and extracted with ethyl acetate with recoveries of 96.5 +/- 0.5 and 93.4 +/- 3.7% for 3-hydroxyanthranilic and cinnabarinic acid, respectively. The two compounds were separated on a reversed-phase (C18) column combined with ion-pair chromatography and detected photometrically or electrochemically. The method was applied successfully to biological systems in which formation of either 3-hydroxyanthranilic or cinnabarinic acid had been described previously. Thus, interferon-gamma-treated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells formed and released significant amounts of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid into the culture medium and mouse liver nuclear fraction possessed high "cinnabarinic acid synthase" activity. In contrast, addition of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid to human erythrocytes resulted in only marginal formation of cinnabarinic acid. We conclude that the method described is specific, sensitive, and suitable for the detection of the two Trp metabolites in biological systems.
PURPOSE: To determine the effect of two pairs of echo times (TEs) for in-phase (IP) and opposed-phase (OP) 3.0-T magnetic resonance (MR) imaging on (a) quantitative analysis prospectively in a phantom study and (b) diagnostic accuracy retrospectively in a clinical study of adrenal tumors, with use of various reference standards in the clinical study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A fat-saline phantom was used to perform IP and OP 3.0-T MR imaging for various fat fractions. The institutional review board approved this HIPAA-compliant study, with waiver of informed consent. Single-breath-hold IP and OP 3.0-T MR images in 21 patients (14 women, seven men; mean age, 63 years) with 23 adrenal tumors (16 adenomas, six metastases, one adrenocortical carcinoma) were reviewed. The MR protocol involved two acquisition schemes: In scheme A, the first OP echo (approximately 1.5-msec TE) and the second IP echo (approximately 4.9-msec TE) were acquired. In scheme B, the first IP echo (approximately 2.4-msec TE) and the third OP echo (approximately 5.8-msec TE) were acquired. Quantitative analysis was performed, and analysis of variance was used to test for differences between adenomas and nonadenomas. RESULTS: In the phantom study, scheme B did not enable discrimination among voxels that had small amounts of fat. In the clinical study, no overlap in signal intensity (SI) index values between adenomas and nonadenomas was seen (P < .05) with scheme A. However, with scheme B, no overlap in the adrenal gland SI-to-liver SI ratio between adenomas and nonadenomas was seen (P < .05). With scheme B, no overlap in adrenal gland SI index-to-liver SI index ratio between adenomas and nonadenomas was seen (P < .05). CONCLUSION: This initial experience indicates SI index is the most reliable parameter for characterization of adrenal tumors with 3.0-T MR imaging when obtaining OP echo before IP echo. When acquiring IP echo before OP echo, however, nonadenomas can be mistaken as adenomas with use of the SI index value.
This study evaluated the course of psychological variables during a 2-year follow-up in patients after common whiplash of the cervical spine. From a sample of 117 non-selected patients with common whiplash (investigated on average 7.2 +/- 4.2 days after trauma) a total of 21 suffered trauma-related symptoms over 2 years following initial injury. These patients (symptomatic group) were compared with 21 age, gender and education pair-matched patients, who showed complete recovery from trauma-related symptoms during the 2-year follow-up (asymptomatic group). Both groups underwent standardised testing procedures (i.e., Freiburg Personality Inventory and Well-Being Scale) at referral, and at 3, 6 and 24 months. In the symptomatic group during follow-up no significant changes in rating of neck pain or headache were found. Significant differences between the groups and significant deviation of scores over time were found on the Well-Being and Nervousness Scales. There was a lack of significant difference between the groups on the Depression Scale, indicating a possible somatic basis for changes in psychological functioning in the investigated sample. With regard to scales of Extraversion or Neuroticism, there were neither significant differences between the groups nor significant deviation over time. These results highlight that patients' psychological problems are rather a consequence than a cause of somatic symptoms in whiplash.
PURPOSE: To compare clinical outcomes of endovascular and open aortic repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) in young patients at low risk. It was hypothesized that endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) compares favorably with open aneurysm repair (OAR) in these patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients aged 65 years or younger with a low perioperative surgical risk profile underwent EVAR at a single institution between April 1994 and May 2007 (23 men; mean age, 62 years+/-2.8). A sex- and risk-matched control group of 25 consecutive patients aged 65 years or younger who underwent OAR was used as a control group (23 men; mean age, 59 years+/-3.9). Patient outcomes and complications were classified according to Society of Vascular Surgery/International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery reporting standards. RESULTS: Mean follow-up times were 7.1 years+/-3.2 after EVAR and 5.9 years+/-1.8 after OAR (P=.1020). Total complication rates were 20% after EVAR and 52% after OAR (P=.0378), and all complications were mild or moderate. Mean intensive care unit times were 0.2 days+/-0.4 after EVAR and 1.1 days+/-0.4 after OAR (P<.0001) and mean lengths of hospital stay were 2.3 days+/-1.0 after EVAR and 5.0 days+/-2.1 after OAR (P<.0001). Cumulative rates of long-term patient survival did not differ between EVAR and OAR (P=.144). No AAA-related deaths or aortoiliac ruptures occurred during follow-up for EVAR and OAR. In addition, no surgical conversions were necessary in EVAR recipients. Cumulative rates of freedom from secondary procedures were not significantly different between the EVAR and OAR groups (P=.418). Within a multivariable Cox proportional-hazards analysis adjusted for patient age, maximum AAA diameter, and cardiac risk score, all-cause mortality rates (odds ratio [OR], 0.125; 95% CI, 0.010-1.493; P=.100) and need for secondary procedures (OR, 5.014; 95% CI, 0.325-77.410; P=.537) were not different between EVAR and OAR. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this observational study indicate that EVAR offers a favorable alternative to OAR in young patients at low risk.
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC has measured the production cross section of events with two isolated photons in the final state, in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV. The full data set collected in 2011, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.9 fb(-1), is used. The amount of background, from hadronic jets and isolated electrons, is estimated with data-driven techniques and subtracted. The total cross section, for two isolated photons with transverse energies above 25 GeV and 22 GeV respectively, in the acceptance of the electromagnetic calorimeter (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 1.37 and 1.52 < vertical bar eta vertical bar 2.37) and with an angular separation Delta R > 0.4, is 44.0(-4.2)(+3.2) pb. The differential cross sections as a function of the di-photon invariant mass, transverse momentum, azimuthal separation, and cosine of the polar angle of the largest transverse energy photon in the Collins-Soper di-photon rest frame are also measured. The results are compared to the prediction of leading-order parton-shower and next-to-leading-order and next-to-next-to-leading-order parton-level generators.
The results of a search for pair production of light top squarks are presented, using 4.7 fb(-1) of root s = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions collected with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. This search targets top squarks with masses similar to, or lighter than, the top quark mass. Final states containing exclusively one or two leptons (e, mu), large missing transverse momentum, light-flavour jets and b-jets are used to reconstruct the top squark pair system. Event-based mass scale variables are used to separate the signal from a large t (t) over bar background. No excess over the Standard Model expectations is found. The results are interpreted in the framework of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, assuming the top squark decays exclusively to a chargino and a b-quark, while requiring different mass relationships between the Supersymmetric particles in the decay chain. Light top squarks with masses between 123-167 GeV are excluded for neutralino masses around 55 GeV.
A measurement of jet shapes in top-quark pair events using 1.8 fb−1 of s√=7 TeV pp collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. Samples of top-quark pair events are selected in both the single-lepton and dilepton final states. The differential and integrated shapes of the jets initiated by bottom-quarks from the top-quark decays are compared with those of the jets originated by light-quarks from the hadronic W-boson decays W→qq¯′ in the single-lepton channel. The light-quark jets are found to have a narrower distribution of the momentum flow inside the jet area than b-quark jets.
The integrity of the G2421-C2395 base pair in the ribosomal E-site is crucial for protein synthesis.
During the elongation cycle of protein biosynthesis, tRNAs traverse through the ribosome by consecutive binding to the 3 ribosomal binding sites (A-, P-, and E- sites). While the ribosomal A- and P-sites have been functionally well characterized in the past, the contribution of the E-site to protein biosynthesis is still poorly understood in molecular terms. Previous studies suggested an important functional interaction of the terminal residue A76 of E-tRNA with the nucleobase of the universally conserved 23S rRNA residue C2394. Using an atomic mutagenesis approach to introduce non-natural nucleoside analogs into the 23S rRNA, we could show that removal of the nucleobase or the ribose 2'-OH at C2394 had no effect on protein synthesis. On the other hand, our data disclose the importance of the highly conserved E-site base pair G2421-C2395 for effective translation. Ribosomes with a disrupted G2421-C2395 base pair are defective in tRNA binding to the E-site. This results in an impaired translation of genuine mRNAs, while homo-polymeric templates are not affected. Cumulatively our data emphasize the importance of E-site tRNA occupancy and in particular the intactness of the 23S rRNA base pair G2421-C2395 for productive protein biosynthesis.