954 resultados para Organização do espaço


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The managing Conselho of public politics constitute one of the main experiences of democracy in Brazil contemporary representing a conquest for construction of a democratic institutionalism. The historical newness consists of the intensification and the institutionalization of the dialogue between government and society - in public and plural canals - as condition for an allocation more efficient joust and of the public resources. In this context the present study it objectified to understand from readings of the performance of represented group of bencheses the dynamics of functioning of the Tourist Conselho Pólo Costa das Dunas while space of participation and social control. The bibliographical research contemplated diverse sources in order to compile knowledge of credential authors in the quarrel of inherent subjects to the civil society and the public sphere to the construction of the citizenship to the conception formation and dynamics of the social control through Conselho of public politics. A qualitative perspective the case study was adopted as research method and for attainment of the data interviews with the members of the Conselho had been carried through beyond consultation the referring documents the dynamics of functioning of the Conselho. The profiles capacities and limitations of the members of the Conselho had been identified constitution social and dynamic organization of functioning of the Conselho and the readings of the members of the Conselho concerning the power to decide instances and participation. The results had shown that the allotment of being able in the Conselho does not occur of equal form. The functions of coordination of the activities of the Conselho are assumed by the representatives of the public agencies. Level of qualification of council members also if presents as difficulty to development of activities of Conselho since the majority of the interviewed ones disclosed unreliability and unfamiliarity when thematic specific that runs away from its organizacional reality they are boarded in the assemblies. Of this form the Conselho if presents more as half of institutional legitimation of what half of characterization of the creation of a public sphere properly said. Finally he could himself be concluded that a democratic culture inexists that inside crosses practical the institutional ones of the Conselho thus limiting the possibility to reach the effective social control of the public politics of tourism in the Rio Grande do Norte


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This research investigates how functionality, rationality, and emotionality applied to urban furniture design contribute to the organization, legibility, and qualification of public spaces, according to different layouts, physical and visual qualities of the urban furniture as well as the quality of urban infrastructure that may influence the uses and appropriation of urban spaces by pedestrians, turning those spaces into socially centripetal or centrifugal places. The work consists of two parts. First refers to a bibliographical review concerning two main issues of the investigation: product design and legibility of public space, defining the conceptual and theoretical bases, linked to methodological strategies aimed at systemic planning and integrated management of urban furniture design and legibility of public spaces (sidewalks), that are necessary to define the existing relationships among the user s interface (pedestrians); product (urban artifacts); built environment (sidewalks). The second part refers to the achievement of empirical approach throughout visual analysis of public spaces and the functional and qualitative evaluation of the existing urban furniture in the central neighborhood of Cidade Alta, Natal, RN, according to the theoretical researched concepts and methodological procedures. The results expose the weaknesses and levels of intensity arising from the relations among public space, urban furniture, and users, revealing the need for theoretical and practical approaches which would help the decision-making in planning, designing and integrating innovative, sustainable, and ethical solutions in order to design attractive public spaces that could provide sociability and citizenship throughout integrated public management, city systemic thinking and urban identity. The suggested guidelines at the end of this research will provide the necessary strategies to design suitable urban furniture systems according to aesthetic and practical urban infrastructure and city context, aiming to ease visual and physical conflicts that may negatively interfere with the appropriation of public spaces by the citizens


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Assuming that the form of a building shell and its content the spatial form are distinct dimensions of architecture - however indivisible and interdependent -, this study focus, in the light of the Social Logic of Space (HILLIER; HANSON, 1984), on the intrinsic properties through which domestic space was structured in a sample of single-family dwellings built in João Pessoa (PB) during the 1970s - when the vocabulary of modern architecture still prevailed in Brazil though sharing the urban scene with other architectural trends -, in order to investigate regularities or divergences underlying their conception. These dwellings were originally classified (ARAÚJO, 2010a) in five categories defined according to the form of their building shells and to their prevailing construction techniques: (1) Brazilian modern legacy (considered as truly Brazilian modern style); (2) Paulista architecture (that refers to the modern production of São Paulo, Brazil, from the 1950s through the 1970s); (3) experiences of rationalization and prefabrication ; (4) experiences of adaptation to the climate (referring to a design strongly influenced by the hot and humid climate of North-eastern Brazil); and (5) hybrid (to account for a kind of stylistic hybridism that includes formal attributes, which evoke our colonial past). This study aims to determine, through the analyses of nineteen cases that represent each category, whether this taxonomy corresponds to distinct modes of spatial configuration. This research therefore proposes an approach to the classification of domestic architecture based on topological properties. The dwellings spatial organization was represented, quantified and analyzed, their spatial properties explored in consonance with one another and with the literature. Results pointed out that there is no evidence of a reciprocal relationship between the formal look of the built shells and their respective spatial structures


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This work aims to understand the spatial organization in the Town of Macau, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This approach focus on bringing back the history of the town, the main personages responsible for the construction of this place, denominated "social agents", as well as its social processes and the spatial forms derived from them. As the personages and their practices were identified, it was found out the existence of a driving force for structuring, interlocking, and maintaining the actions carried out by the social agents during the time. Such actions were materialized in the urban space: "the social segregation". The social segregation takes place as a specific geography of domination. The outcome of those owning the best areas" and ways of accessibility in the urban space, varies from the enrichment by property valorization, because of the concentration of public investments of infrastructure, to the comfort of easily reaching all the daily needs related to the displacements in the urban space. In the latter case, such facility has contributed to improve life quality. While one takes advantage of the location in the urban space, others are negatively affected by the same process. This research identified the salina worker as the weakest element of this social structure, occupying the urban periphery of the town of Macau. Such area is characterized by the lack of services and urban equipment in opposition to the center of the town, the locus of elite. This way, it is established the most known segregation pattern: center x periphery, in which the space acts as a mechanism of segregation


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Cette dissertation a pour thème la formation de la police militaire, dans le contexte de l'insertion dans le nouveau programme scolaire national Matrix (MCN) institutionnalisée pour la formation à la securité publique au Ministère de La Justice (MJ) de La Secrétariat Nationale pour La Sécurité Publique, à partir de 2003. Ce normalisateur document devrait être utilisé comme un paramètre de l'organisation de divers organismes éducatifs dans le domaine de la sécurité nationale. Son institutionnalisation pose elle-même comme étant composé comme um ensemble politiques orientées à formation des professionnels de la sécurité publique qui est en cours de développement au Brésil depuis. En particulier, il a été trouvé dans locus, par le méthode de l observation participant à um cours de formation pour les soldats (CFSD) de La Police Militaire de Rio Grande do Norte (PMRN), en Octobre et Novembre 2007, Centre pour Formation et Perfectionner de PMRN ainsi que par le biais d entrentiens avec la police militaire (PM), changé de la formation, comme nous l avons mise en oeuvre de la l'insertion de la MCN, dans le contexte de l analyse de la violence dans la police militaire de Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Les résultats de l'étude montrent que, en général, le MCN est étant insérés dans CFSD partir de 2004, cette opération fait sentir graduellement dans le visage de certains résistence mennée par une sous-culture (militaires) qui se réinvente dans l'établissement officier de police, résistant aux nouvelles exigences sociales. En outre, il a été noté également que les deux mythes sont limitées à l'imagination, la police brésilienne: le militarisme exarcebé et le baccalauréat em droit, qui contribuent considérablement à la barrière dans la construction d'une police militaire plus identifié à l'activité professionnelle dédié à la sécurité publique, que de la sécurité nationale. L'élargissement de la compréhension de la violence, en particulier, la police militaire, le travail rend l'utilisation des références théoriques qui cherchent à embrasser la diversité et la spécificité qui guident le processus de formation pour les opérateurs de la sécurité publique, en particulier, en essayant de comprendre comment ils sont construits les références théoriques pour les formateurs et les stagiaires dans une relation dialectique et comment ce contexte mai influencer les attitudes conceptuelles, d'attitudes et de procédure dans l'exercice de la police militaire, que dans le contexte nouveau de l'Etat de droit démocratique, a réellement vécu en contradiction avec les fantômes du temps exception, réalisée pendant la dictature (1964-1985), non loin de l imaginaire social, et ni la police ni les militaires, une institution fortement stigmatisées depuis


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This work aims at investigating the strategies of management used by State School Joaquim Jose de Medeiros, located in the city of Cruzeta - RN, as award practice of "School of Reference in Management", with a state title in 1999 at the beginning of the decade from 2000, being "Outstanding Brazil" from best management strategies nationally. In 2005, it is ranked among the best experiences of the state. It has been become complex by experiencing in that institution, but at the same time an enjoyable practice, mainly by using a social research, in a qualitative and quantitative approach, and a analysis of the institutional performance of two management practices: from 1995 to 2002 and from 2003 to 2007 . To understand the object, a investigative questionnaire was used with representatives of the school community and carried out an analysis of assessment of institutional and documents of institutional organization of the periods above in order to identify management strategies and examine the influences of the share capital, public policies , the institutional evaluation, in the process of democratic construction that has allowed achievements, highlighting Cruzeta, in the Seridó in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, semi-arid northeast, in the national and international juncture of well-successful experiences in management in institutional categories and leadership. This study becomes relevant to allow understand that the cultural practices of seridoenses that symbolize a capital generated by principles of trust, reciprocity, civic culture, as a driving force in overcoming the problems community and the conquest of democratic principles, worked for the school become a national reference in educational administration. Another aspect that made it natural that school was the collective creation of educational project with the participation and civic culture of self-evaluation as a way to understand the institutional practice and establish guidelines to improve the teaching and practice management in its many dimensions educational, social, administrative - financial and legal


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The study is a survey conducted for the Master of Social Sciences carried out in partnership between the Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT/SE and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Being a religious event, we seek to show that the religious parties generally have particular meanings for each nation or region. Amaral (1998) informs that the Brazilian parties regardless of where they occur are popular demonstrations that, as the context in which they present themselves, can dilute to crystallize, to celebrate, to ritualize or sacralize the particular social experience of the groups that do. They happen as a way to thank victories or important religious passages as Christmas, the June saints celebration, patron saints and patron saints considered. Thus, The Bom Jesus dos Navegantes party in Propriá-SE: story of faith, a space of social relations and cultural ties, is presented as our field of study because it is one of those celebrations that while celebrated in Sergipe, always on Sundays in January, by some municipalities situated along the river San Francisco, has the characteristic of overlap any others placed in town, including the one of the city's patron saint, Saint Anthony, held on June 13. Concerning the materials and methods, we opted for qualitative research and participant direct observation, using the techniques of personal notes, interviews, newspapers, websites, photos, videos and testimonials from participants and organizers, as well as references offered by experts of the area. With this research answers were sought to questions about what could keep alive the celebration of Bom Jesus dos Navegantes each year in order that this is a patron saint, not saint; the way as the investment of local government with more resources in this period, during the organization of arts festivals, has created a thread of tension with the Catholic Church promoting the religious rituals was reviewed. It was also analyzed how the sacred and profane spaces present themselves inseparable from the celebration and, finally, it was revealed that the party retains its value by preserving its tradition and making room for modernity, not weakening but suffering metamorphoses of time and space and can be seen in the social and cultural bonds wrapped by the time of religious faith


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The study made in this thesis analyzes the new form of work organization at the urban collective transportation sector, so called Altemative Transportation which is a new form of public transportation that appears in the Brazilian urban context by the mid ninety' s, this work is made by independent or sub-contracted workers, usually organized in cooperatives . It reflects the investigation of new forms of precarious work, unformal which has been expanding in the urban transportation sector. Thus, discusses non regulation of the services sector problem the ways of survival of exc1uded workers from the formal work market mainly afier the capital productive restructure. It has as privileged area of investigation, the sector policy of urban transportation that make field of the main nets of political articulations that define the dynamic of the urban space. It is known that the urban collective transportation allows the access to the production, circulation and general consumption being necessary to the mobility of the resident population, mainly to those with low purchasing capacity. It becomes a field of empirical investigation at the Belem municipal, located at the Amazonic region - north Brazil. The main points dealed on this research start from concrete relations from the daily life of workers that deve1op their activity on the altemative transport mediated with theoretical references needed for understanding and interpretation of the studied reality. The investigation strategies were built from the abstract (theorical knowledge produced for the reality analyze) in concrete by the investigation quantitative-qualitative from this area of urban policy, making up possible the formation of a references chart to the analyses of the studied subject. Rescue his historicity, from characterization of the urban space of the metropolitan region of Belem passing true the forms of organization and urban services performances while essential production and reproduction element of the social relations. Identifies the main individuals that historically have been participating in the construction of the municipality transport policy and the ways of expression of the local political strength relations. Outstand the State paper on the net of established relations near the local power, as well as outstand the importance of social sciences in the understanding of urban policies in the transportation area, trying to bring input to the academicals -scientific debate .The above e1ected and mentioned points in this study are crucial for a critical reflection of the transportation policies. That relation is not given, but historically built at the power relation chart that makes up this unique area of the urban policies


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A problemática atual da urbanização coloca questões delicadas referentes ao seu ritmo de crescimento, sua relação com o desenvolvimento econômico, o aparecimento de novas formas urbanas e sua relação com as novas maneiras de articulação capitalista. A compreensão espacial do lazer nas cidades apresenta-se, assim, como tema de grande importância para as sociedades contemporâneas. O interesse e a importância de tratar esse tema na cidade do Natal - enfocando-se a distribuição dos espaços públicos de lazer nos diversos bairros e sua utilização pelos seus habitantes - justifica-se pelo fato dessa capital apresentar um crescimento populacional surpreendente nos últimos anos, tendo uma expansão urbana desordenada que se reflete na carência de infra-estrutura urbana e numa forte segregação espacial. Foram feitas a verificação da disponibilidade de espaços públicos de lazer nos bairros e a identificação dos diversos fatores que interferem na utilização desses espaços, visando contribuir para a compreensão do fenômeno do lazer urbano, bem como, para o aprofundamento da discussão acerca da função social desses, que possibilite montar estratégias para a utilização de forma democrática desses espaços nas cidades. Para tanto foi necessária uma articulação teórica das questões peltinentes ao espaço urbano e ao lazer, que formam uma área epistemológica de interseção quando trata das questões referentes ao direito à cidadania, onde está contemplado o direito à cidade (á moradia e ao seu entomo). Os dados para que caracterizaram as vivências do lazer nos espaços públicos da cidade foram levantados em três fontes: nos documentos (plano diretor da cidade, planos de políticas públicas entre outros), nas entrevistas com a comunidade e nas observações diretas dos espaços de manifestações do lazer. A análise aponta que existe uma distribuição irregular dos espaços públicos de lazer, por bairro e Região Administrativa da cidade do Natal que apresenta relação com a segregação espacial por classe, existente na cidade, fruto da dinâmica econômica e práticas sociais aqui existentes. Constata-se ainda que a camada desprovida desses equipamentos de lazer não age espontaneamente, nem através de seus representantes e mandatários institucionais, em prol da distribuição de oportunidades nesses campos, possibilitando que a segregação continue em círculos viciosos, pois a própria segregação dificulta o encontro, a percepção das diferenças e o conflito, que podem ser resgatados numa nova forma de organização do cotidiano


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This work examines the connection Syndicate/teachers profession trying to unveil the important role taken over by the Syndical movement in the process of professionalization of the militant teachers. For that, it describes and analyses the historical course of three Syndicates representatives of the teachers category Associação dos Professores Licenciados da Bahia APLB; Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educação de Pernambuco SINTEPE; Sindicato dos Servidores Municipais de Petrolina SINDSEMP acting in the micro-region of the San Francisco Valley, especially, in the municipalities of Juazeiro Bahia , and of Petrolina Pernambuco. It concentrates its interests on the contribution of the Syndicates for the professional development of these teachers in this region analysing the aspects related to emerging conflicts into the Syndical organization, to the attitude of these entities before the educational reality to their reinvindicative struggles to the formative dimension of the group actions. This study tries to answer the following questions: How has this syndical movement of teachers of state school of S. Francisco Valley been characterized? How do their actions reflect in the formation and professionalization of the teachers? Do teachers recognize the syndicate as a constructive space for the teaching profession? The methodological trajectory was directed through a qualitative approach of an etnomethodological character, using instruments for the understanding of this reality, The treatment of the data was based on the interpretative analysis of the speeches present in documents and through answers of the interviwees, having as a reference in this analysis the theoretical studies about syndicalism and the teacher professionalization. For a conceptual construction of this work it was studied these two categories from their genesis, from the social historical evolution of their concepts and the up to date discussions that give explanations about the teachers syndical movement and about the process of teachers professionalization. As thesis of this study it was defended the idea of that the teachers syndicates have contributed expressively in the process of the construction of the teacher profession of the militant teachers of this in the micro-region of the S. Francisco Valley. Once the teachers participate actively in this movement promoted by the syndical entities, the teachers develop the critical sense of the educational realty; improve their formation and reinvindicate from the State this condition as a Right; fight for better conditions in the work; reinvindicate the salary valuation and, try to construct an image of teacher basing on a professional model. The contribution of the Syndicate in the process of teachers profissionalization, is more evident in its external dimension that chacterizes the profissionalism, on the related aspects: to the forms of participation in the definition and the management of the educational politics; to the political struggles for the achievements of the professional status, to the recognition and of his eventual valuation. The syndical actions have repercussions with less intensity in the inside dimension that defines the profissionality, in the related aspects: to the administratation of the pedagogical processes in schools and in the classroom; to the acquisition of branches of knowledges; to the epistemological criticism of the acquirements mobilized in the teaching; the curricular question to the mediation that make possible the learning at school and in the classroom


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This work examines the connection Syndicate/teachers profession trying to unveil the important role taken over by the Syndical movement in the process of professionalization of the militant teachers. For that, it describes and analyses the historical course of three Syndicates representatives of the teachers category Associação dos Professores Licenciados da Bahia APLB; Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educação de Pernambuco SINTEPE; Sindicato dos Servidores Municipais de Petrolina SINDSEMP acting in the micro-region of the San Francisco Valley, especially, in the municipalities of Juazeiro Bahia , and of Petrolina Pernambuco. It concentrates its interests on the contribution of the Syndicates for the professional development of these teachers in this region analysing the aspects related to emerging conflicts into the Syndical organization, to the attitude of these entities before the educational reality to their reinvindicative struggles to the formative dimension of the group actions. This study tries to answer the following questions: How has this syndical movement of teachers of state school of S. Francisco Valley been characterized? How do their actions reflect in the formation and professionalization of the teachers? Do teachers recognize the syndicate as a constructive space for the teaching profession? The methodological trajectory was directed through a qualitative approach of an etnomethodological character, using instruments for the understanding of this reality, The treatment of the data was based on the interpretative analysis of the speeches present in documents and through answers of the interviwees, having as a reference in this analysis the theoretical studies about syndicalism and the teacher professionalization. For a conceptual construction of this work it was studied these two categories from their genesis, from the social historical evolution of their concepts and the up to date discussions that give explanations about the teachers syndical movement and about the process of teachers professionalization. As thesis of this study it was defended the idea of that the teachers syndicates have contributed expressively in the process of the construction of the teacher profession of the militant teachers of this in the micro-region of the S. Francisco Valley. Once the teachers participate actively in this movement promoted by the syndical entities, the teachers develop the critical sense of the educational realty; improve their formation and reinvindicate from the State this condition as a Right; fight for better conditions in the work; reinvindicate the salary valuation and, try to construct an image of teacher basing on a professional model. The contribution of the Syndicate in the process of teachers profissionalization, is more evident in its external dimension that chacterizes the profissionalism, on the related aspects: to the forms of participation in the definition and the management of the educational politics; to the political struggles for the achievements of the professional status, to the recognition and of his eventual valuation. The syndical actions have repercussions with less intensity in the inside dimension that defines the profissionality, in the related aspects: to the administratation of the pedagogical processes in schools and in the classroom; to the acquisition of branches of knowledges; to the epistemological criticism of the acquirements mobilized in the teaching; the curricular question to the mediation that make possible the learning at school and in the classroom


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This work aims to understand how the installation of sugar culture along the river Ceará-Mirim defined the spatial organization of the Valley, and thus setting the landscape. This space has begun to be defined only in the second half of the nineteenth century, when the sugarcane growth had atarted on land located on the banks of the river Ceará-Mirim. The passage of this period of great prosperity can be seen through the heritage material which is still presented in the region. Walking through the Valley, we found a considerable number of architectural buildings, many in ruins, linked to this historical moment. This perception, caused by these buildings, will take us on a trip to the past, back to a time characterized by great-houses, mills, sugarcane plantations, planters, slaves, etc. The references that lead us to consider the sugar mills located along the valley of Ceará Mirim as a patrimony, which carry an entire historical baggage, guide us to the first half of the twentieth century. During this period, the role of intellectuals from the Rio - Sao Paulo through the modernist movement will be decisive in the formation of a national identity. The heritage material identified along the valley of Ceará Mirim defined its current spatial organization, setting the landscape. But we must conceive this landscape into two ways: first, as a material representation of social practices carried out in this space, where social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects have interacted to their training; as well as a landscape that carries a whole historical baggage which was built throughout the twentieth century


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Considering that the Jesuitical tradition which Father Samuel Fritz belonged, has a clear political and institutional dimension that reveals itself in the missionary initiative placed since the Trento Council, his journal is a experience story as missionary at Maynás region during the period from 1686 until 1725. In his narrative, a series of data related to the conquer of Amazonia, conflicts among the Iberic Kingdoms and french, dutches and british, transformation of culture and space close the period of the Madrid Deal. I´ll explore the men and space relationship, in this case, the missionary in his special practice, therefore an effective and geometrical politic for border control was only applied at 1750 with reformist governments and that Amazônia was, until now, an object of autonomous initiatives, not being until now a priority focused state politics action like the ones in the central regions (silver mines) and that the missionary action of Samuel Fritz represented ant that moment represented the most important border advance to the Spanish Kingdom, coinciding with the end of the borders previously set in Madrid and Santo Idelfonso, I´ll put the question of how and with which politics the experience of Fritz in Maynás could represent an advance about Amazônia space. Then I´ll approach the problem about three aspects that are chapters: The first one was focused to the Iberic Kingdoms atlantic politics and the internal geopolitical relationships they created as the centre and the border emerging a new order; in the second chapter I studied the special transformation cause by the encounter and conflicts between the Indian and European order generating a new organization; in the third chapter I´ll examined the political border of the state and the emergency of the missionary body as an institution, with the tradition and missionary action as support, or not, to the exploration of the east border of Spanish America influencing the delimitation process of the border between Portugal and Spain


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To the extent that the expansion of cities is increasingly pushing and segregating the working class to outlying areas, devoid of services and infrastructure, the urban space is also important as a space in the class struggle, and in this direction, the this study aims to analyze the political organization of urban social movements and popular organizations existing in Natal-RN, nowadays, in their process of struggle for social rights, with emphasis on the right to the city. With this dimension, we appropriate the contributions of historical and dialectical materialism because we believe that this benchmark enables the understanding of the processes of collective organization and a critical perspective of totality, going beyond its immediate appearance. For production data conducted literature, documentary and field, through semi-structured interviews recorded with (the) mapped leaders of organizations in our survey, as well as advisory bodies to the movements studied. The results of the study allowed us to characterize the action of the political movements in urban Christmas struggle for recognition and guarantee of the right to the city and seize the advances and obstacles in the process of intervention of social movements and popular organizations existing in Natal, highlighting dilemmas and contradictions underlie the processes of organization and mobilization in the contemporary period. Thus, we conclude that the Natal territory, as in contemporary Brazil, the urban and political action movements that show the public scene and intertwine necessarily relate to historical trend that has been performing since the 1990s, when the country entered a period marked by a new bourgeois offensive


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Nowadays, there is a tourism phase in the city of Natal/RN called internationalization of tourism , which shows a tourism model with a planning and an administration, based on the needs of the visitors. Such process shows that the production as well as the reproduction of the city spaces with the goal of favor tourism excludes of its composition the effective participation of local subjects. Thus, the research is a result of the perception of tourism as an activity with a meaningful power of transformation of the social and natural space taking into account the low participation of the residents in the decisions of the tourism activities in the city of Natal/RN. Despite that reality, it is possible to note Natal that civil society, starts to mobilize its citizens trying to develop collective actions to low the negative impacts caused by the bad planning as wells not efficient tourism administration, trying to put in action the right of the local population to take part in the decisions of the city activities. Having this panorama as background, this paper aims at investigating in which way the mobilizing action of the social capital in Natal has contributed to change the spatial production which is part of the process of expansion of tourism in Natal/RN? The research presents a temporal picture which starts in the year of 1980, when occurs the first effective state intervention aiming to develop tourism in the capital, taking into account an analysis of 2012. Concerning the spatial picture, the research investigates the beaches of Natal which concentrates criteria and actions such as: visitation, tourism appeal and focus of investments, highlighting the following beaches: Ponta Negra, Areia Preta, Praia dos Artistas, Praia do Meio, Praia do Forte and Redinha. This study is of a descriptive and exploratory nature concerning its goals. With respect to the treatment of its object it is a qualitative research. The data was collected through structural interviews, with open questions. Regarding the methodological choices, it was used the content analysis proposed as well as the collective discursive subject methodology. The results show that there´s not yet in Natal a meaningful social capital related to tourism, capable to change the spatial production related to the activity. It should be stressed that Natal social capital presents difficulties concerning the incentive to trust, spontaneous cooperation and the civic participation, which are the foundation for the development of an effective social capital, which makes it harder for a more expressive articulation in the reality in Natal/RN. It should be stressed, as an answer to the research questions, that tourism in Natal/RN is represented by social and spatial segregation. In other words it emphasizes mainly the action of hegemonic agents (State and market), leaving little room for the participation of society. It can be noticed that the actions related to tourism in Natal keeps the popular participation out of the way. Thus, it can be said that the social capital in Natal/RN does not yet contribute to a more fair spatial production related to the expansion of the tourism as well as the well being of the population of Natal/RN. In conclusion, it should be taken into account that this participation do exists but not in a meaningful way. In other words, it´s not enough yet to cause meaningful changes in the actions which tourism needs nowadays in Natal/RN