970 resultados para Optical absorption


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The photon absorption in Si quantum dots (QDs) embedded in SiO2 has been systematically investigated by varying several parameters of the QD synthesis. Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) or magnetron cosputtering (MS) have been used to deposit, upon quartz substrates, single layer, or multilayer structures of Si-rich- SiO2 (SRO) with different Si content (43-46 at. %). SRO samples have been annealed for 1 h in the 450-1250 °C range and characterized by optical absorption measurements, photoluminescence analysis, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and x-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. After annealing up to 900 °C SRO films grown by MS show a higher absorption coefficient and a lower optical bandgap (∼2.0 eV) in comparison with that of PECVD samples, due to the lower density of Si-Si bonds and to the presence of nitrogen in PECVD materials. By increasing the Si content a reduction in the optical bandgap has been recorded, pointing out the role of Si-Si bonds density in the absorption process in small amorphous Si QDs. Both the photon absorption probability and energy threshold in amorphous Si QDs are higher than in bulk amorphous Si, evidencing a quantum confinement effect. For temperatures higher than 900 °C both the materials show an increase in the optical bandgap due to the amorphous-crystalline transition of the Si QDs. Fixed the SRO stoichiometry, no difference in the optical bandgap trend of multilayer or single layer structures is evidenced. These data can be profitably used to better implement Si QDs for future PV technologies. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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We have studied the temperature dependence of absorption edge of GaN thin films grown on sapphire substrate by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition using optical absorption spectroscopy. A shift in absorption edge of about 55 meV has been observed in temperature range 273-343 K. We have proposed a theoretical model to find the energy gap from absorption coefficient using alpha = alpha(max) + (alpha(min) - alpha(max))/[1 + exp 2(E - E-g + KT)/KT]. Temperature dependence of band gap has also been studied by finding an appropriate theoretical fit to our data using E-g(T) = E-g(273 K) - (8.8 x 10(-4)T(2))/(483 + T) + 0.088 (Varshni empirical formula) and E-g(T) = E-g(273 K)-0.231447/[exp(362/T)-1] + 0.082 relations. It has been found that data can be fitted accurately after adding a factor similar to 0.08 in above equations. Debye temperature (483 K) and Einstein temperature (362 K) in the respective equations are found mutually in good agreement.


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The plasmon resonance absorption of the Ag/SiO2 nanocomposite film is investigated. The measured absorption spectra are compared with those calculated by the Mie theory. The results indicate that the Mie theory on the basis of classical electrodynamics can only partially explain the optical absorption spectra of the Ag/SiO2 nanocomposite film. We believe that the plasmon resonance absorption is mainly an intrinsic quality of the metal particle, and can be explained only with the electronic structure of the metal particle. In the latter, surface resonance state is introduced to systematically discuss the optical absorption spectra of the Ag/SiO2 nanocomposite film. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanocomposite films consisting of nanosized Ag particles embedded in partially oxidized amorphous Si-containing matrices were prepared by radio frequency magnetron co-sputtering deposition. We studied the influence of ambient atmosphere during the preparation and heat-treatment of Ag/SiOx (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 2) nanocompositefilm on its optical absorption properties. We found that the plasmon resonance absorption peak shifts to shorter wavelengths with the increasing oxygen content in the SiOx matrix. The analysis indicates that the potential barrier between Ag nanoparticles and SiOx matrix increases with the increasing x value, which will induce the surface resonance state to shift to higher energy. The electrons in the vicinity of the Fermi level of Ag nanoparticles must absorb more energy to be transferred to the surface resonance state with the increasing x value. It was also found that the plasmon resonance absorption peaks of the samples annealed in different ambient atmospheres are located at about the same position. This is because the oxidation surface layer is dense enough to prevent the oxygen from penetrating into the sample to oxidize the silicon in the inner layer.


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Ag/Si nanocomposite films were prepared by the radio-frequency magnetron cosputtering method. The fine structure of the plasmon resonance absorption peak was found in film samples. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis indicated that the samples were composed of a two-layer structure, which accounted for the structure of the optical absorption spectra. The peak located near 445 nm is the plasmon resonance absorption peak of Ag nanoparticles embedded in a partially oxidized Si matrix. Its intensity decreases with decreasing film thickness and disappears in a very thin sample. The peak located near 380 nm originates from the plasmon resonance absorption of the thoroughly oxidized surface layer of the sample. Its intensity does not change with increasing thickness, but it cannot be observed in the very thick sample. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The novel design of a silicon optical switch on the mechanism of a reverse p-n junction is proposed. The figuration of contact regions at slab waveguides and the ion implantation technology for creation of junctions are employed in the new design. The two-layer rib structure is helpful for reduction of optical absorption losses induced by metal and heavily-doped contact. And more, simulation results show that the index modulation efficiency of Mach-Zehnder interferometer enhances as the concentrations of dopants in junctions increase, while the trade-off of absorption loss is less than 3 dB/mu m. The phase shift reaches about 5 x 10(-4) pi/mu m at a reverse bias of 10V with the response time of about 0.2ns. The preliminary experimental results are presented. The frequency bandwidth of modulation operation can arrive in the range of GHz. However, heavily-doped contacts have an important effect on pulse response of these switches. While the contact region is not heavily-doped, that means metal electrodes have schottky contacts with p-n junctions, the operation bandwidth of the switch is limited to about 1GHz. For faster response, the heavily-doped contacts must be considered in the design.


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The nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor quantum wells driven by intense in-plane terahertz electric fields are investigated theoretically by employing the extended semiconductor Bloch equations. The dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect of the optical absorption near the band edge is analyzed with Coulomb correlation among the carriers included. The in-plane terahertz field induces a variety of behavior in the absorption spectra, including terahertz replicas of the (dark) 2p exciton and terahertz sidebands of the 1s exciton. The dependence of these interesting features on the intensity, frequency, and phase of the terahertz field is explored in detail.


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The optical absorption of a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dot superlattice nanoring (QDSLNR) under a lateral dc electric field and with magnetic flux threading the ring is investigated. This structure and configuration provides a unique opportunity to study the optical response of a superlattice under an inhomogeneous electric field, which is not easily realized for general quantum well superlattices (QWSLs) but naturally realized for QDSLNRs under a homogeneous lateral electric field. It has been shown that a lateral dc electric field gives rise to a substantial change of the optical absorption spectra. Under a low field, the excitonic optical absorption is dominated by a 1s exciton. And with the electric field increasing, the optical absorption undergoes a transition from 1s excitonic absorption to 0 excitronic WSL absorption. (The number of 0, and -1 and +1 below are WSLs index.) The -1 and the +1 WSLs corresponding to the maximum effective field can also be identified. Due to the inhomogeneity of the electric field, the peaks of the -1 and the +1 WSLs are diminished and between them there exist rich and complicated structures. This is in contrast to the general QWSLs under a homogenous electric field. The complicated structures can be understood by considering the inhomogeneity of the electric field along the ring, which results in the nearest-neighbor transition, the next-nearest-neighbor transition, etc., have a different value repectively, at different sites along the ring. This may give rise to multiple WSLs. We have also shown that the line shape of the optical absorption is not sensitive to the threading magnetic flux. The threading magnetic flux only gives rise to a slight diamagnetic shift. Thus the enhancement of the sensitivity to the flux allowing for observation of the excitonic Aharanov-Bohm effect in the plain nanoring is not expected in QDSLNRs.


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We present studies of alloy composition and layer thickness dependences of excitonic linewidths in InGaAs/GaAs strained-layer quantum wells grown by MBE, using both photoluminescence and optical absorption. It is observed that linewidths of exciton spectra increase with indium content and well size. Using the virtual crystal approximation, the experimental data are analyzed. The results obtained show that the alloy disorder is the dominant mechanism for line broadening at low temperature. In addition, it is found that the absorption spectra related to light hole transitions have varied from a peak to a step-like structure as temperature increases. This behavior can be understood by the indirect space transitions of light holes.


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Absorption spectra of YAlO3:Nd for the three crystallographic axes are investigated at room temperature, The spectral strengths indicate that the absorption coefficient of YAlO3:Nd is anisotropic. The anisotropy of the local electric field acting on the rare-earth ion in a laser crystal is considered, An extended Judd-Ofelt theory is applied to calculate the absorption cross sections and oscillator strengths of the electric-dipole transitions in the different principal directions. Three groups of the phenomenological parameters are derived from a least-squares-fitting procedure. We also analyze theoretically the anisotropy of the optical absorption of YAlO3:Nd crystal in detail. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The plasmon resonance absorption of the Ag/SiO2 nanocomposite film is investigated. The measured absorption spectra are compared with those calculated by the Mie theory. The results indicate that the Mie theory on the basis of classical electrodynamics can only partially explain the optical absorption spectra of the Ag/SiO2 nanocomposite film. We believe that the plasmon resonance absorption is mainly an intrinsic quality of the metal particle, and can be explained only with the electronic structure of the metal particle. In the latter, surface resonance state is introduced to systematically discuss the optical absorption spectra of the Ag/SiO2 nanocomposite film. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We theoretically demonstrate a polarization-independent nanopatterned ultra-thin metallic structure supporting short-range surface plasmon polariton (SRSPP) modes to improve the performance of organic solar cells. The physical mechanism and the mode distribution of the SRSPP excited in the cell device were analyzed, and reveal that the SRSPP-assisted broadband absorption enhancement peak could be tuned by tailoring the parameters of the nanopatterned metallic structure. Three-dimensional finite-difference time domain calculations show that this plasmonic structure can enhance the optical absorption of polymer-based photovoltaics by 39% to 112%, depending on the nature of the active layer (corresponding to an enhancement in short-circuit current density by 47% to 130%). These results are promising for the design of organic photovoltaics with enhanced performance.


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Successfully predicting the frequency dispersion of electronic hyperpolarizabilities is an unresolved challenge in materials science and electronic structure theory. We show that the generalized Thomas-Kuhn sum rules, combined with linear absorption data and measured hyperpolarizability at one or two frequencies, may be used to predict the entire frequency-dependent electronic hyperpolarizability spectrum. This treatment includes two- and three-level contributions that arise from the lowest two or three excited electronic state manifolds, enabling us to describe the unusual observed frequency dispersion of the dynamic hyperpolarizability in high oscillator strength M-PZn chromophores, where (porphinato)zinc(II) (PZn) and metal(II)polypyridyl (M) units are connected via an ethyne unit that aligns the high oscillator strength transition dipoles of these components in a head-to-tail arrangement. We show that some of these structures can possess very similar linear absorption spectra yet manifest dramatically different frequency dependent hyperpolarizabilities, because of three-level contributions that result from excited state-to excited state transition dipoles among charge polarized states. Importantly, this approach provides a quantitative scheme to use linear optical absorption spectra and very limited individual hyperpolarizability measurements to predict the entire frequency-dependent nonlinear optical response. Copyright © 2010 American Chemical Society.


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Steady-state diffuse reflection spectroscopy is a well-studied optical technique that can provide a noninvasive and quantitative method for characterizing the absorption and scattering properties of biological tissues. Here, we compare three fiber-based diffuse reflection spectroscopy systems that were assembled to create a light-weight, portable, and robust optical spectrometer that could be easily translated for repeated and reliable use in mobile settings. The three systems were built using a broadband light source and a compact, commercially available spectrograph. We tested two different light sources and two spectrographs (manufactured by two different vendors). The assembled systems were characterized by their signal-to-noise ratios, the source-intensity drifts, and detector linearity. We quantified the performance of these instruments in extracting optical properties from diffuse reflectance spectra in tissue-mimicking liquid phantoms with well-controlled optical absorption and scattering coefficients. We show that all assembled systems were able to extract the optical absorption and scattering properties with errors less than 10%, while providing greater than ten-fold decrease in footprint and cost (relative to a previously well-characterized and widely used commercial system). Finally, we demonstrate the use of these small systems to measure optical biomarkers in vivo in a small-animal model cancer therapy study. We show that optical measurements from the simple portable system provide estimates of tumor oxygen saturation similar to those detected using the commercial system in murine tumor models of head and neck cancer.


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Nitrogen is one of the most common impurities in diamond. On a substitutional site it acts as a deep donor, approximately 1.7 eV below the conduction band. Irradiation of nitrogen containing diamond and subsequent annealing creates the nitrogen vacancy centre, which has recently attracted much attention for quantum information processing application. Another possible product of irradiation and annealing of nitrogen containing diamond is interstitial nitrogen. Presumably, a mobile carbon interstitial migrates to a substitutional nitrogen to produce an interstitial nitrogen complex which may or may not be mobile. The configuration(s) of interstitial nitrogen related defects (e.g. bond centred, [001]-split) are not known. An infra-red (IR) absorption peak at 1450 cm-1 labelled H1a has been associated with an nitrogen interstitial complex. [1] Theoretical modelling suggested that this IR local mode is due to a bond centred nitrogen interstitial [2]. However, more recent modelling [3] suggests that this defect is mobile at temperatures were H1a is stable and instead assign H1a to two nitrogen atoms occupying a single lattice site in a [001]-split configuration. To date no electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra have been conclusively associated with an interstitial nitrogen defect.

In this study we present data from new EPR and optical absorption studies in combination with uniaxial stress of nitrogen interstitial related defects in electron irradiated and annealed nitrogen doped diamond. These measurements yield symmetry information about the defects allowing us to determine which of the proposed models are possible. EPR spectra of nitrogen interstitial related defects in samples isotopically enriched with 15N are reported and we show that these explain the lack of previous EPR data for these defects. Correlations between the IR absorbance and the integrated intensity of the new EPR defects are studied for varying irradiation doses and annealing temperatures.