962 resultados para Olympic Games


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The purpose of this paper is to examine and map the process of Australian elite athlete development from an organisational perspective, that of 35 national sporting organisations (NSOs). Research on elite development has focused on the significance of economic and cultural factors (macro-level studies) and the role of sport science and athletes’ close environment (micro-level studies) in fostering success. In an effort to depict elite athlete development processes in a more inclusive way, this paper offers an evaluation of the ways elite athletes are nurtured from an Australian NSOs perspective adopting a meso-level approach (e.g., programs). The study is based on a document analysis examining 74 annual reports from 35 NSOs over a period of four years, before and after the Sydney Olympic Games and offers a generic framework of the Australian elite athlete development process. The resulting framework shows that various interested groups are involved with nurturing elite athletes through either initiating or implementing specially designed programs or other strategies that cultivate success, and helps broaden the definition of elite development. The implications of successful elite athlete development include increased finances and public profile for sports as well as the creation of pathways to increase interest in sport.


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The purpose of this study was to explore and map the sport development processes in Australia. A grounded theory approach identified sport development processes by examining 74 annual reports from 35 national sporting organizations (NSOs) over a period of 4 years, before and after the Sydney Olympic Games. The 3 frameworks presented in this article representing the attraction, retention/ transition, and nurturing process illustrate the generic processes and strategies described by NSOs. The results show that each sport development process requires human and financial input from various stakeholders. These stakeholders initiate or implement sport development strategies for each process and each process has different sport development outputs. These results contribute to the extant literature of sport development by demonstrating that sport development is more complex and encompassing than previously described. It is proposed that the generic frameworks derived from this study be subject to more specific testing using other sport systems, as context and case studies could lead to tailoring the frameworks to represent specific sport development processes and systems.


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Feasting on North American moose or Caribbean turtle in Renaissance Italy, Ancient Rome, or the colonial working-class pub, is Social and Cultural history in a new and exciting form. Dining on Turtles traverses time and place to open up food and drink as a new field of historical enquiry. In chapters covering the heritage landscapes of sugar canefields, the reform of popular drinking customs, the importance of eating and drinking culture to Olympic Games planning, and the significance of cookbooks to civic society, historians here break new ground in locating food's importance. From the exploration of French tavern rituals, Scottish feasting on haggis, and memories of food traditions in Cyprus come themes of identity and nationalism, change and continuity.


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This paper presents work on using Machine Learning approaches for predicting performance patterns of medalists in Track Cycling Omnium championships. The omnium is a newly introduced track cycling competition to be included in the London 2012 Olympic Games. It involves six individual events and, therefore, requires strategic planning for riders and coaches to achieve the best overall standing in terms of the ranking, speed, and time in each individual component. We carried out unsupervised, supervised, and statistical analyses on the men’s and women’s historical competition data in the World Championships since 2008 to find winning patterns for each gender in terms of the ranking of riders in each individual event. Our results demonstrate that both sprint and endurance capacities are required for both men and women to win a medal in the omnium. Sprint ability is shown to have slightly more influence in deciding the medalists of the omnium competitions.


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This article describes the implementation of machine learning techniques that assist cycling experts in the crucial decision-making processes for athlete selection and strategic planning in the track cycling omnium. The omnium is a multi-event competition that was included in the Olympic Games for the first time in 2012. Presently, selectors and cycling coaches make decisions based on experience and opinion. They rarely have access to knowledge that helps predict athletic performances. The omnium presents a unique and complex decision-making challenge as it is not clear what type of athlete is best suited to the omnium (e.g., sprint or endurance specialist) and tactical decisions made by the coach and athlete during the event will have significant effects on the overall performance of the athlete. In the present work, a variety of machine learning techniques were used to analyze omnium competition data from the World Championships since 2007. The analysis indicates that sprint events have slightly more influence in determining the medalists, than endurance-based events. Using a probabilistic analysis, we created a model of performance prediction that provides an unprecedented level of supporting information that assists coaches with strategic and tactical decisions during the omnium.


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This article describes the utilisation of an unsupervised machine learning technique and statistical approaches (e.g., the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) that assist cycling experts in the crucial decision-making processes for athlete selection, training, and strategic planning in the track cycling Omnium. The Omnium is a multi-event competition that will be included in the summer Olympic Games for the first time in 2012. Presently, selectors and cycling coaches make decisions based on experience and intuition. They rarely have access to objective data. We analysed both the old five-event (first raced internationally in 2007) and new six-event (first raced internationally in 2011) Omniums and found that the addition of the elimination race component to the Omnium has, contrary to expectations, not favoured track endurance riders. We analysed the Omnium data and also determined the inter-relationships between different individual events as well as between those events and the final standings of riders. In further analysis, we found that there is no maximum ranking (poorest performance) in each individual event that riders can afford whilst still winning a medal. We also found the required times for riders to finish the timed components that are necessary for medal winning. The results of this study consider the scoring system of the Omnium and inform decision-making toward successful participation in future major Omnium competitions.


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This article describes the utilisation of an unsupervised machine learning technique and statistical approaches (e.g., the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) that assist cycling experts in the crucial decision-making processes for athlete selection, training, and strategic planning in the track cycling Omnium. The Omnium is a multi-event competition that will be included in the summer Olympic Games for the first time in 2012. Presently, selectors and cycling coaches make decisions based on experience and intuition. They rarely have access to objective data. We analysed both the old five-event (first raced internationally in 2007) and new six-event (first raced internationally in 2011) Omniums and found that the addition of the elimination race component to the Omnium has, contrary to expectations, not favoured track endurance riders. We analysed the Omnium data and also determined the inter-relationships between different individual events as well as between those events and the final standings of riders. In further analysis, we found that there is no maximum ranking (poorest performance) in each individual event that riders can afford whilst still winning a medal. We also found the required times for riders to finish the timed components that are necessary for medal winning. The results of this study consider the scoring system of the Omnium and inform decision-making toward successful participation in future major Omnium competitions.


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Surveillance and security at sports mega events have been the subject of considerable scholarly attention. Events such as the Olympic Games and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cups have become occasions of almost unparalleled economic, political and social significance. In the lead up to the London 2012 Olympic Games, scholars have examined issues such as the ‘security legacies’ of sports mega events, the infrastructures and technologies used in an attempt to secure these events, and the planning mentalities underpinning the staggering ‘security spectacle’ of these globally televised events. This paper deals with the subject of how surveillance and security practices at sports mega events are organised. It uses the emerging paradigm of ‘security networks’ to call attention to some important issues involving the entire ‘security assemblage’ that accompanies these mega events. The paper presents five levels of analysis—structural, cultural, policy, technological and relational—to examine these practices and documents several key areas for further research on sports mega events.


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The Australian Government's White Paper on Australia in the Asian Century, released in October 2012, is based on the premise that the transformation of the Asian region into the world's economic powerhouse is not only unstoppable, it is gathering pace. Asia's extraordinary ascent has already changed the Australian economy, society and strategic environment. Within a few years, Asia will be the world's largest producer of goods and services, as well as the largest consumer market and the home of the majority of the world's middle class. The White Paper notes that thriving in the Asian century requires the Australian nation to have a clear plan to seize the economic opportunities and manage the strategic challenges that will arise, by taking a farsighted approach focused on fairness. To do so, Australians must be Asia-literate and Asia-capable, with a thorough understanding of Asian cultures and languages. These capabilities are needed to build stronger connections and partnerships across the region. Australia's commercial success in the region requires that highly innovative, competitive Australian firms and institutions develop collaborative relationships with others m the region. Australian firms need new business models and new mind-sets to operate and connect with Asian markets. Against this backdrop, this chapter discusses several important issues relating to Australian firms developing and managing their business relationships in China, in the context of urban planning, architecture, civil engineering and construction. The chapter examines the Chinese business environment, in terms of guanxi, business opportunities, risks and strategies, in a case study of the successful partnerships established to manage the 'Water Cube' for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.


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The mainstream news media have long been charged by feminist and critical media scholars of largely excluding women from its sports coverage, and concomitantly highlighting the ongoing relative absence of female sports reporters. With the 2012 London Olympic Games just past, it is timely to reflect on two areas of sports journalism that recieve sparse scholarly interest from the majority of Australian journalism academics, as technology issues and the future of journalism debates take precedence. The Olympics typically generate more media exposure for female athletes than usual, nevertheless, it remains that there are particular types of 'gender appropriate' events that attract mainstream news media attention during the Games, and other sporting events in general. This paper analyses a month of pre-Olympic sports coverage and general sports coverage in two major Australian newspapers, finding that while pre-Olympic coverage includes more women's sport than in general sport, sportsmen and men's sport remains highly privileged in both areas. The fact that horseracing recieves three times more media coverage than women's sports in this study clearly identifies sportswomen's marginalised status. The paper also maps the number of female sports reporters at these two newspapers, and concludes with some insights into a newsroom culture that typically rejects women as athletes and as sports reporters


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This study investigates subjective well-being among a sample of Beijing taxi drivers in the lead up to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games using the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI). The specific aims of this study are (a) investigate the psychometric properties of the PWI in this unique population; (b) ascertain whether Beijing taxi drivers are satisfied with their lives; and (c) examine whether the responses to the PWI from participants falls within the narrow range predicted by the 'Theory of Subjective Wellbeing Homeostasis'. The PWI demonstrated good psychometric properties and was consistent with previous studies for Western and non-Western samples. The data revealed a moderate level of subjective well-being (PWI score = 61.1). While Beijing taxi drivers work long hours for low wages, the PWI was nonetheless within the normative range predicted for Chinese societies by the 'Theory of Subjective Wellbeing Homeostasis'. The results suggest that the homeostatic mechanism is fairly resilient, even when the individual leads relatively a hard life based on objective indicators. Specifically, for Beijing taxi drivers, it appears that external, buffers such as personal relationships and feeling part of the community, act to assist the homeostatic system. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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O presente trabalho visa discutir as mudanças trazidas na Lei 12.462/11, que institui o Regime Diferenciado de Contratações Públicas, popularmente conhecido como RDC, no cenário das licitações públicas voltadas para infraestrutura da Copa do Mundo e dos Jogos Olímpicos. Apresenta a lei geral de licitações, Lei 8666/93, apontando sua importância, bem como a reação negativa da doutrina a algumas de suas disposições, ao longo de quase 20 anos de vigência. Insere neste contexto a Lei 12.462/11 e seu modo de elaboração. Tendo como pano de fundo as Adins 4645 e 4655 ajuizadas no Supremo Tribunal Federal, esta obra analisa as supostas inconstitucionalidades formais e materiais do RDC, procurando revelar que a Lei 12.462/11 pode ser utilizada pela Administração Pública como importante ferramenta de alcance do melhor interesse público à luz do princípio da eficiência.


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O presente trabalho visa ilustrar a importância de se analisar os impactos de um megaevento esportivo, como a Copa do Mundo, no turismo do destino sede. A escolha do tema se dá pelo fato de iniciativas como essas terem se tornadas estratégicas nos últimos anos e muito disputadas por governos em todo o mundo. O motivo da escolha do tema se dá especialmente pelo fato do Brasil sediar, em curto espaço de tempo, dois dos principais megaeventos esportivos internacionais: a Copa do Mundo, em 2014, e os Jogos Olímpicos, em 2016. O trabalho, composto por 8 capítulos procura, com base no referencial teórico, identificar os principais impactos dos megaeventos no segmento de turismo do destino sede. Para se atingir este objetivo, utilizou-se o modelo de avaliação proposto por Allen et al (2003), cientista internacional referencia nessa área de estudo. Dentre os possíveis impactos positivos engloba-se a promoção do destino e incremento do turismo, o aumento do tempo de permanência do turista, a lucratividade para o setor, o aumento da renda de impostos, a oportunidade de negócios, investimento em infra-estrutura no destino, a atividade comercial e a geração de empregos pela realização do evento. Por outro lado, dentre os impactos negativos, destacam-se a resistência da comunidade ao turismo, a perda de autenticidade e danos à reputação do destino, exploração, preços inflacionados, custos de oportunidade, má gestão financeira, perda financeira, dentre outros. O método de pesquisa, baseado em Yin (2005), foi o estudo de caso baseado nos dois eventos mais recentes de Copa do Mundo: Alemanha (2006) e África do Sul (2010). O estudo teve um viés qualitativo e os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram diferenciados em cada uma das etapas da pesquisa, englobando pesquisa a dados primários e secundários, consulta à relatórios oficiais e principalmente a consulta a artigos acadêmicos de renomados autores internacionais especialistas em eventos. Foram também consultadas pesquisas de renomadas instituições, tais como Organização Mundial do Turismo OMT (2006), Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV, 2009), FIPE (2005), EMBRATUR e Ministério do Turismo (MTUR), entre outras. Os resultados demonstram que os megaeventos geram oportunidades para o destino sede - de curto, médio e longo prazo - para os diferentes segmentos, em especial para o turismo de eventos e esportivo, seja no âmbito nacional ou internacional. Também observa-se a importância das ações de melhoria não serem pontuais, para que justifiquem o próprio legado do evento em pauta. Por outro lado, verifica-se a importância de se realizar ações que visem mitigar os impactos negativos inerentes a megaeventos, a fim de não se comprometer o turismo do destino ou pais sede, sua reputação, seus cofres públicos e sua comunidade.


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Este artigo analisa os principais fatores que influenciam a percepção da população local em relação a megaeventos internacionais, buscando identificar possíveis ações que o Poder Público pode promover para aumentar o apoio e minimizar a resistência à realização desse tipo de evento. Com base no estudo de literatura teórica e empírica sobre o tema, avalia a experiência brasileira na preparação para a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016, e busca retirar algumas lições para futuros megaeventos que venham a ocorrer no País, inclusive a Exposição Universal de 2020.


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A escolha da cidade do Rio de Janeiro como sede de grandes eventos esportivos mundiais, a Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016, colocou-a no centro de investimentos em infraestrutura, mobilidade urbana e segurança pública, com consequente impacto no mercado imobiliário, tanto de novos lançamentos de empreendimentos, quanto na revenda de imóveis usados. Acredita-se que o preço de um imóvel dependa de uma relação entre suas características estruturais como quantidade de quartos, suítes, vagas de garagem, presença de varanda, tal como sua localização, proximidade com centros de trabalho, entretenimento e áreas valorizadas ou degradadas. Uma das técnicas para avaliar a contribuição dessas características para a formação do preço do imóvel, conhecido na Econométrica como Modelagem Hedônica de Preços, é uma aplicação de regressão linear multivariada onde a variável dependente é o preço e as variáveis independentes, as respectivas características que deseja-se modelar. A utilização da regressão linear implica em observar premissas que devem ser atendidas para a confiabilidade dos resultados a serem analisados, tais como independência e homoscedasticidade dos resíduos e não colinearidade entre as variáveis independentes. O presente trabalho objetiva aplicar a modelagem hedônica de preços para imóveis localizados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro em um modelo de regressão linear multivariada, em conjunto com outras fontes de dados para a construção de variáveis de acessibilidade e socioambiental a fim de verificar a relação de importância entre elas para a formação do preço e, em particular, exploramos brevemente a tendência de preços em função da distância a favelas. Em atenção aos pré-requisitos observados para a aplicação de regressão linear, verificamos que a premissa de independência dos preços não pode ser atestada devido a constatação da autocorrelação espacial entre os imóveis, onde não apenas as características estruturais e de acessibilidade são levadas em consideração para a precificação do bem, mas principalmente a influência mútua que os imóveis vizinhos exercem um ao outro.