988 resultados para Ocean wave power.


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The ocean represents a huge energy reservoir since waves can be exploited to generate clean and renewable electricity; however, a hybrid energy storage system is needed to smooth the fluctuation. In this paper a hybrid energy storage system using a superconducting magnetic energy system (SMES) and Li-ion battery is proposed. The SMES is designed using Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide (YBCO) tapes, which store 60 kJ electrical energy. The magnet component of the SMES is designed using global optimization algorithm. Mechanical stress, coupled with electromagnetic field, is calculated using COMSOL and Matlab. A cooling system is presented and a suitable refrigerator is chosen to maintain a cold working temperature taking into account four heat sources. Then a microgrid system of direct drive linear wave energy converters is designed. The interface circuit connecting the generator and storage system is given. The result reveals that the fluctuated power from direct drive linear wave energy converters is smoothed by the hybrid energy storage system. The maximum power of the wave energy converter is 10 kW. © 2012 IEEE.


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Classic flutter analysis models an aerofoil as a two degree-of-freedom rigid body supported by linear and torsional springs, which represent the bending and torsional stiffness of the aerofoil section. In this classic flutter model, no energy transfer or dissipation can occur in the span-wise direction of the aerofoil section. However, as the aspect ratio of an aerofoil section increases, this span-wise energy transfer - in the form of travelling waves - becomes important to the overall system dynamics. This paper extends the classic flutter model to include travelling waves in the span-wise direction. Namely, wave dispersion and power flow analysis of an infinite, aerofoil-shaped beam, subject to bending, torsion, tension and a constant wind excitation, is used to investigate the overall system stability. Examples of potential applications for these high aspect ratio aerofoil sections include high-altitude balloon tethers, towed cables, offshore risers and mooring lines.


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Passive mode locking of a solid-state Nd:GdVO4 laser is demonstrated. The laser is mode locked by use of a semiconductor absorber mirror (SAM). A low Nd3+ doped Nd:GdVO4 crystal is used to mitigate the thermal lens effect of the laser crystal at a high pump power. The maximum average output power is up to 6.5 W, and the pulse duration is as short as 6.2 ps. The optic-to-optic conversion efficiency is 32.5% and the repetition rate is about 110 MHz.


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A high-power continuous wave (cw) mode-locked Nd:YVO4 solid-state laser was demonstrated by use of a semiconductor absorber mirror (SAM). The maximum average output power was 8.1 W and the optic-to-optic conversion efficiency was about 41 %. At the maximum incident pump power, the pulse width was about 8.6 ps and the repetition rate was 130 MHz. Experimental results indicated that this absorber was suitable for high power mode-locked solid-state lasers. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A simple cw mode-locked solid-state laser, which is end-pumped by a low-power laser diode, was demonstrated by optimizing the laser-mode size inside the gain medium. The optimum ratio between mode and pump spot sizes inside the laser crystal was estimated for a cw mode-locked laser, taking into account the input pump power. Calculation and experiment have shown that the optimum ratio was about 3 when the pump power is 2 W, which is different from the value regularly used in passively mode-locked solid-state lasers. This conclusion is also helpful in increasing the efficiency of high-power ultrashort lasers. (C) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Continuous wave operation of a semiconductor laser diode based on five stacks of InAs quantum dots (QDs) embedded within strained InGaAs quantum wells as an active region is demonstrated. At room temperature, 355-mW output power at ground state of 1.33-1.35 microns for a 20-micron ridge-waveguide laser without facet coating is achieved. By optimizing the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth conditions, the QD density per layer is raised to 4*10^(10) cm^(-2). The laser keeps lasing at ground state until the temperature reaches 65 Celsius degree.


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Quantum dot (QD) lasers are expected to have superior properties over conventional quantum well lasers due to a delta-function like density of states resulting from three dimensional quantum confinements. QD lasers can only be realized till significant improvements in uniformity of QDs with free of defects and increasing QD density as well in recent years. In this paper, we first briefly give a review on the techniques for preparing QDs, and emphasis on strain induced self-organized quantum dot growth. Secondly, self-organized In(Ga)As/GaAs, InAlAs/GaAlAs and InAs/InAlAs Qds grown on both GaAs and InP substrates with different orientations by using MBE and the Stranski-Krastanow (SK) growth mode at our labs are presented. Under optimizing the growth conditions such as growth temperature, V/III ratio, the amount of InAs, InxGa1-xAs, InxAl1-xAs coverage, the composition x etc., controlling the thickness of the strained layers, for example, just slightly larger than the critical thickness and choosing the substrate orientation or patterned substrates as well, the sheet density of ODs can reach as high as 10(11) cm(-2), and the dot size distribution is controlled to be less than 10% (see Fig. 1). Those are very important to obtain the lower threshold current density (J(th)) of the QD Laser. How to improve the dot lateral ordering and the dot vertical alignment for realizing lasing from the ground states of the QDs and further reducing the Jth Of the QD lasers are also described in detail. Thirdly based on the optimization of the band engineering design for QD laser and the structure geometry and growth conditions of QDs, a 1W continuous-wave (cw) laser operation of a single composite sheet or vertically coupled In(Ga)As quantum dots in a GaAs matrix (see Fig. 2) and a larger than 10W semiconductor laser module consisted nineteen QD laser diodes are demonstrated. The lifetime of the QD laser with an emitting wavelength around 960nm and 0.613W cw operation at room temperature is over than 3000 hrs, at this point the output power was only reduced to 0.83db. This is the best result as we know at moment. Finally the future trends and perspectives of the QD laser are also discussed.


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We investigate the influence of low-frequency Rossby waves on the thermal structure of the upper southwestern tropical Indian Ocean (SWTIO) using Argo profiles, satellite altimetric data, sea surface temperature, wind field data and the theory of linear vertical normal mode decomposition. Our results show that the SWTIO is generally dominated by the first baroclinic mode motion. As strong downwelling Rossby waves reach the SWTIO, the contribution of the second baroclinic mode motion in this region can be increased mainly because of the reduction in the vertical stratification of the upper layer above thermocline, and the enhancement in the vertical stratification of the lower layer under thermocline also contributes to it. The vertical displacement of each isothermal is enlarged and the thermal structure of the upper level is modulated, which is indicative of strong vertical mixing. However, the cold Rossby waves increase the vertical stratification of the upper level, restricting the variability related to the second baroclinic mode. On the other hand, during decaying phase of warm Rossby waves, Ekman upwelling and advection processes associated with the surface cyclonic wind circulation can restrain the downwelling processes, carrying the relatively colder water to the near-surface, which results in an out-of-phase phenomenon between sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) and sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) in the SWTIO.


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Long-wave dynamics of the interannual variations of the equatorial Indian Ocean circulation are studied using an ocean general circulation model forced by the assimilated surface winds and heat flux of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. The simulation has reproduced the sea level anomalies of the Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Poseidon altimeter observations well. The equatorial Kelvin and Rossby waves decomposed from the model simulation show that western boundary reflections provide important negative feedbacks to the evolution of the upwelling currents off the Java coast during Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) events. Two downwelling Kelvin wave pulses are generated at the western boundary during IOD events: the first is reflected from the equatorial Rossby waves and the second from the off-equatorial Rossby waves in the southern Indian Ocean. The upwelling in the eastern basin during the 1997-98 IOD event is weakened by the first Kelvin wave pulse and terminated by the second. In comparison, the upwelling during the 1994 IOD event is terminated by the first Kelvin wave pulse because the southeasterly winds off the Java coast are weak at the end of 1994. The atmospheric intraseasonal forcing, which plays an important role in inducing Java upwelling during the early stage of an IOD event, is found to play a minor role in terminating the upwelling off the Java coast because the intraseasonal winds are either weak or absent during the IOD mature phase. The equatorial wave analyses suggest that the upwelling off the Java coast during IOD events is terminated primarily by western boundary reflections.


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In considering the vertical heat transport problems in the upper ocean, the flat upper boundary approximation for the free surface and the horizontal homogenous hypothesis are usually applied. However, due to the existence of the wave motion, the application of this approximation may result in some errors to the solar irradiation since it decays quickly in respect to the actual thickness of the water layer below the surface; on the other hand, due to the fluctuation of the water layer depth, it is improper to neglect the effects of the horizontal advection and turbulent diffusion since they also contribute to the vertical heat transport. A new model is constructed in this study to reflect these effects. The corresponding numerical simulations show that the wave motion may remarkably accelerate the vertical heat transferring process and the variation of the temperature in the wave affected layer appears in an oscillating manner.


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In this paper, we present a simple spring-block model for ocean internal waves based on the self-organized criticality (SOC). The oscillations of the water blocks in the model display power-law behavior with an exponent of -2 in the frequency domain, which is similar to the current and sea water temperature spectra in the actual ocean and the universal Garrett and Munk deep ocean internal wave model [Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 2(1972) 225; J. Geophys. REs. 80 (1975) 291]. The influence of the ratio of the driving force to the spring coefficient to SOC behaviors in the model is also discussed.


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A one-dimensional mixed-layer model, including a Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme, was implemented to investigate the dynamical and thermal structures of the ocean surface mixed layer in the northern South China Sea. The turbulent kinetic energy released through wave breaking was incorporated into the model as a source of energy at the ocean surface, and the influence of the breaking waves on the mixed layer was studied. The numerical simulations show that the simulated SST is overestimated in summer without the breaking waves. However, the cooler SST is simulated when the effect of the breaking waves is considered, the corresponding discrepancy with the observed data decreases up to 20% and the MLD calculated averagely deepens 3.8 m. Owing to the wave-enhanced turbulence mixing in the summertime, the stratification at the bottom of the mixed layer was modified and the temperature gradient spread throughout the whole thermocline compared with the concentrated distribution without wave breaking.


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Based on the second-order random wave solutions of water wave equations in finite water depth, a statistical distribution of the wave-surface elevation is derived by using the characteristic function expansion method. It is found that the distribution, after normalization of the wave-surface elevation, depends only on two parameters. One parameter describes the small mean bias of the surface produced by the second-order wave-wave interactions. Another one is approximately proportional to the skewness of the distribution. Both of these two parameters can be determined by the water depth and the wave-number spectrum of ocean waves. As an illustrative example, we consider a fully developed wind-generated sea and the parameters are calculated for various wind speeds and water depths by using Donelan and Pierson spectrum. It is also found that, for deep water, the dimensionless distribution reduces to the third-order Gram-Charlier series obtained by Longuet-Higgins [J. Fluid Mech. 17 (1963) 459]. The newly proposed distribution is compared with the data of Bitner [Appl. Ocean Res. 2 (1980) 63], Gaussian distribution and the fourth-order Gram-Charlier series, and found our distribution gives a more reasonable fit to the data. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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As an important physical process at the air-sea interface, wave movement and breaking have a significant effect on the ocean surface mixed layer (OSML). When breaking waves occur at the ocean surface, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) is input downwards, and a sublayer is formed near the surface and turbulence vertical mixing is intensively enhanced. A one-dimensional ocean model including the Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure equations was employed in our research on variations in turbulent energy budget within OSML. The influence of wave breaking could be introduced into the model by modifying an existing surface boundary condition of the TKE equation and specifying its input. The vertical diffusion and dissipation of TKE were effectively enhanced in the sublayer when wave breaking was considered. Turbulent energy dissipated in the sublayer was about 92.0% of the total depth-integrated dissipated TKE, which is twice higher than that of non-wave breaking. The shear production of TKE decreased by 3.5% because the mean flow fields tended to be uniform due to wave-enhanced turbulent mixing. As a result, a new local equilibrium between diffusion and dissipation of TKE was reached in the wave-enhanced layer. Below the sublayer, the local equilibrium between shear production and dissipation of TKE agreed with the conclusion drawn from the classical law-of-the-wall (Craig and Banner, 1994).