683 resultados para Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UAM
Niniejszy esej powicony jest analizie czeskich, teatralnych refleksji na temat rzeczywistoci po transformacji politycznej. Przegld wybranych sztuk, powstaych w latach 1994-2006, zawiera krtkie literaturoznawcze opracowania tekstw M. Bambuka, L. Balka i J. Topola, dopenione uwagami na temat dzie D. Drbka i M. Urbana. Skatalogowano powtarzajce si w sztukach wymienionych autorw motywy: czekania na barbarzycw, poczucia epistemologicznego i spoecznego chaosu, neotrybalizmu i spustoszenia w dziedzinie midzyludzkiej komunikacji (kryzys jzyka). Pomocn kategori, wywodzc si z amerykaskiej socjologii, jest backlash: stan po wybuchu. Backlash jest stanem psychologicznym (rwnie w sensie psycho- logii spoecznej), ktry skania do podejmowania decyzji nieracjonalnych i niebezpiecznych, sucych wycznie zniesieniu poczucia niepewnoci i tsknoty. Ten stan obserwuj i komentuj wymienieni autorzy sztuk teatralnych.
The aim of the paper is to present the specificity of oral argumentative competence in a foreign language and to propose a tentative model of task-based learning of argumentative discourse. It is assumed in the paper that the communicative situation tasks proposed during classes of French as a foreign language in the French Philology Department should contribute to the academic discourse learning. In the paper we present an analysis of two fragments of argumentative situations; the first one concerns the so-called everyday argumentative situation and another one illustrates an argumentative orientation of academic discourse.
In this article, we present a short historical summary of the following terms: the aspect and the imperfective /perfective opposition to answer the question if the imperfective /perfective opposition has an aspectual or temporal character. We distinguish two types of the aforementioned opposition: the temporal imperfective /perfective opposition expressed by the Spanish tenses Pretrito Indefinido / Pretrito Imperfecto that is characterized by the property of [ temporal delimitation]; and the aspectual imperfective /perfective opposition recognizable in the aspectual system of the Slavonic languages that is characterized by the property of [ conclusion of the process].
The paper presents, on the one hand, various terms that assign the categories of aspect and Aktionsart and, on the other hand, emphasizes that the concepts regarding them are not homogeneous. The confusions are supposed to have originated in the past. Therefore, we'll sketch briefly the history of aspect and Aktionsart in order to show that the term and the concept of aspect should be related exclusively to the Slavonic languages.
This article presents the classification and description of borrowings from the English language in the sector of special languages with reference to contemporary Italian. The present times are characterized by multiplicity of linguistic variants. Different, ready-made solutions to are observed this complex situation.
This paper is relating a practical experience of teaching Romance philology students the translation from ancient French into Polish. The main scope is a restitution of an ancient text respecting not only the equivalence at the Iexical and syntactical level, but also the discourse structures, such as the linear sequence of events and events related from different points of view: some examples of solving particular problems are discussed. The whole procedure resembles that of translating from Latin, rather than a translation from one modern language to another.
Anno Mungen focuses on films made for music and on the rare phenomenon of music depicted by picture (S. Kracauer). The narration about historical metamorphoses of varied forms of coexistence between music and picture is accompanied by a reflection on the laws of audiovisual perception. The main examples are discussed, these concentrating on the artistic ideas of Walt Disneys animated film Fantasia and first of all on Edgard Varses bold ideal of spatial music, attained post mortem in Bill Violas Dserts (1994). After a detailed analysis of Violas film the author admits that the movie pictures deduced from music are able to render the latter its own substantial visual power.
The identification of an original and idiosyncratic style in the work of the Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodvar provides the tone of the speech with a semantic function: linguistic variation and specific registers help to transmit the message and intention of the author. As a consequence of this, the possibilities for the translation being carried away in similar linguistic terms to those of the original text will be higher than in texts without linguistic peculiarities or stylistically unmarked. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the influence exerted by the original author in the reception of his work abroad and, consequently, in its translation. In this sense, we will analyse the informative value of certain linguistic uses as well as the importance of enriching stylistically the subtitles in these connotative texts through the example of Almodvars film "Volver" and its translation into Polish (2006).
On the basis of two indecidable texts (Thomas Clerc, Paris, muse du XXIe sicle. Le dixime arrondissement, Gallimard 2007 and Philippe Vasset, Un livre blanc, Fayard 2007), we will reflect on new approaches to the city in contemporary French litterature. Clerc and Vasset, in their respective texts, suggest considering litterature as a series of practices connected with the exploration of the city (Clerc) and of the urban area (Vasset) according to the idea of an arbitrary itinerary. The image of the city whose space, subject to a permanent process of museifi cation, is constantly considered to be a work of art (Clerc) contrasts with a project of viewing the deserted areas of the city and of its surroundings as an infinite collection of artistic installations created in daily life (Vasset). Clercs and Vassets artistic mentality leads them to the fascination with works of involuntary art, both concrete signs and tangible proof of the transitional period which they try to describe systematically, following, at the same time, the principles of an axonometric city map.
The author tries to attract attention for the careers ant the education of that what we call applied Cultural Studies after the cultural turn in the Humanities. He refers to some empirical studies and tries to put it out how differs the several institutes especially in the German spoken academic world. After all the conclusion of the author could be that there is an big demand for specialists in the area of applied cultural studies. The formation or education has to refer widely to a conception or the terminus of every-day-culture, so that it could be a big help in economic, social and education professions.
Wydzia Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej UAM: Instytut Filologii Polskiej
Jednym z wynikw prognoz wykonywanych z zastosowaniem globalnych i regionalnych modeli klimatycznych jest odkrycie wysokiego prawdopodobiestwa wzrostu czstoci oraz natenia ekstremalnych opadw. Poznanie prawidowoci ich powtarzalnoci i zasigu przestrzennego ma oczywicie bardzo due znaczenie gospodarcze i spoeczne. Dlatego, niezalenie od wprowadzania nowych technik pomiarowych naley dokonywa analizy i reinterpretacji archiwalnych danych, korzystajc z moliwoci stwarzanych przez rozwj GIS. Gwnym celem opracowania jest analiza prawidowoci przestrzennej i czasowej zmiennoci miesicznych oraz rocznych maksymalnych dobowych sum opadw (MSDO) z lat 1956-1980, z obszaru Polski. W pracy wykorzystano nowe w geografii polskiej metody geostatystyczne. Do publikacji doczono dysk DVD ze rdow baz danych i najwaniejszymi wynikami w postaci numerycznej i kartograficznej.
Celem artykuu jest prezentacja wynikw analizy przekazw formuowanych przez dwch gwnych kandydatw w wyborach prezydenckich w 2010 roku, tj. Bronisawa Komorowskiego i Jarosawa Kaczyskiego. Praca ma charakter interdyscyplinarny, bowiem czy w sobie analiz politologiczn kontekstu debat z jzykoznawcz analiz zawartoci wypowiedzi. Wnioski z przeprowadzonych bada potwierdzaj, e obaj kandydaci posugiwali si innym rezerwuarem wartoci, ktry ewokowa rne sfery aksjologiczne - wysok w wypowiedziach J. Kaczyskiego, a nisz B. Komorowskiego. Analiza jzykowa pokazaa rwnie, e jzykowy obraz wiata wartoci budowany przez kadego kandydata zakrela wyranie krg potencjalnych wyborcw. Wreszcie, obaj kandydaci wykorzystywali debat do uksztatowania swojego wizerunku jedynie w dwch wymiarach JA jako lider polityczny i JA jako przyszy prezydent, podczas gdy wymiar osobisty wizerunku zosta podczas debat pominity przez zarwno przez B. Komorowskiego, jak i J. Kaczyskiego