Este trabajo centra su atención en la construcción de saberes matemáticos en un ambiente de colaboración, en el que se privilegia la interacción entre los participantes, la confrontación y la negociación. Se hace una descripción de la problemática que se vive en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas y de la necesidad de innovar a través de situaciones donde el contenido matemático es relevante para el alumno y la sociedad. De igual modo se hace una descripción sucinta acerca de que esta manera de construir saberes incluye el desarrollo de competencias matemáticas, las consideradas en el plan de estudio de educación secundaria 2006. Esta descripción contiene actividades para un taller considerando el eje sobre el manejo de la información y una versión de principios para orientar su ejecución.
La historia de la ciencia muestra la íntima relación entre la física y la matemática y cómo en nuestros días esta relación, en el ambiente escolar, se ha ido perdiendo. Nuestro planteamiento intenta recuperar el papel de la experimentación en el aula. Proponemos diseños de aprendizaje basados en prácticas de modelación de fenómenos físicos, para que alumnos construyan conocimientos con significado. En el documento damos evidencia de cómo este planteamiento puede ser posible. La investigación es desarrollada, adoptando la perspectiva teórica llamada Socioepistemología y la metodología empleada es sustentada en la Ingeniería Didáctica.
A partir de un estudio en proceso con profesores del nivel medio sobre errores en el uso de expresiones numéricas que contienen exponentes y radicales se propone una forma de enseñanza basada en recursos de visualización usados en la graficación de funciones. Además de reconocer la visualización como la habilidad de los sujetos para formar y manipular imágenes mentales se acepta como la habilidad para trazar diagramas apropiados para representar un concepto matemático o un problema. Son reconocidos el valor y la importancia de las imágenes visuales, en los diagramas y de otras herramientas visuales en los procesos heurísticos, para el descubrimiento, en la enseñanza de la matemática. Se propone una forma integral de abordar el aprendizaje de exponentes y radicales que consideran recursos visuales, numéricos y algebraicos para obtener sus propiedades. La graficación de funciones que comprenden formas de expresiones con exponentes y radicales, realizada por puntos, por intervalos y en forma global, favorece el análisis de la forma en que cambian las variables e ilustra el dominio de definición de las expresiones algebraicas. Del análisis de las representaciones gráficas se obtienen las propiedades de expresiones numéricas que incluyen exponentes y radicales definidas tanto en los números reales como en los complejos. Utilizando el álgebra de estas curvas se obtienen otras propiedades numéricas. Se hace uso de la calculadora graficadora y la computadora para obtener las gráficas de las funciones y para verificar las propiedades numéricas que se establecen.
En años recientes, un cuerpo creciente de investigaciones en didáctica de las matemáticas han identificado algunas dificultades en relación con la enseñanza y aprendizaje de contenidos temáticos, procesos y contextos relacionados con el pensamiento espacial y sistemas geométricos, siendo comúnmente atribuidas a causas de orden epistemológico, cognitivo, curricular y didáctico. En este marco se genera la necesidad de integrar recursos, específicamente materiales manipulativos, al currículo y a las prácticas escolares, que permitan fortalecer en los estudiantes los conocimientos obtenidos para resolver algunos problemas de su entorno escolar y cotidiano.
En este articulo se analizan los diferentes proyectos y propuestas curriculares relacionadas con el tratamiento del conocimiento estocástico, los contenidos que recogen y las orientaciones que sugieren para su tratamiento en el aula centradas la mayoría de ellas en un estudio frecuencialista del fenómeno aleatorio.
Objective. The use of glucocorticoids (GCs) in the treatment of RA is a frequent cause of bone loss. In vitro, however, this same class of steroids has been shown to promote the recruitment and/or maturation of primitive osteogenic precursors present in the colony forming unit-fibroblastic (CFU-F) fraction of human bone and marrow. In an effort to reconcile these conflicting observations, we investigated the effects of the synthetic GC dexamethasone (Dx) on parameters of growth and osteogenic differentiation in cultures of bone marrow stromal cells derived from a large cohort of adult human donors (n=30). Methods. Marrow suspensions were cultured in the absence and presence of Dx at concentrations between 10 pm and 1 µm. After 28 days we determined the number and diameter of colonies formed, the total number of cells, the surface expression of receptors for selected growth factors and extracellular matrix proteins and, based on the expression of the developmental markers alkaline phosphatase (AP) and the antigen recognized by the STRO-1 monoclonal antibody, the proportion of cells undergoing osteogenic differentiation and their extent of maturation. Results. At a physiologically equivalent concentration, Dx had no effect on the adhesion of CFU-F or on their subsequent proliferation, but did promote their osteogenic differentiation and further maturation. These effects were independent of changes in the expression of the receptors for fibroblast growth factors, insulin-like growth factor 1, nerve growth factor, platelet-derived growth factors and parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related protein, but were associated with changes in the number of cells expressing the 2 and 4, but not ß1, integrin subunits. At supraphysiological concentrations, the effects of Dx on the osteogenic recruitment and maturation of CFU-F and their progeny were maintained but at the expense of a decrease in cell number. Conclusions. A decrease in the proliferation of osteogenic precursors, but not in their differentiation or maturation, is likely to be a key factor in the genesis of GC-induced bone loss.
Osteoporosis (OP) is one of the most prevalent bone diseases worldwide with bone fracture the major clinical consequence. The effect of OP on fracture repair is disputed and although it might be expected for fracture repair to be delayed in osteoporotic individuals, a definitive answer to this question still eludes us. The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of osteoporosis in a rodent fracture model. OP was induced in 3-month-old rats (n = 53) by ovariectomy (OVX) followed by an externally fixated, mid-diaphyseal femoral osteotomy at 6 months (OVX group). A further 40 animals underwent a fracture at 6 months (control group). Animals were sacrificed at 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks postfracture with outcome measures of histology, biomechanical strength testing, pQCT, relative BMD, and motion detection. OVX animals had significantly lower BMD, slower fracture repair (histologically), reduced stiffness in the fractured femora (8 weeks) and strength in the contralateral femora (6 and 8 weeks), increased body weight, and decreased motion. This study has demonstrated that OVX is associated with decrease in BMD (particularly in trabecular bone) and a reduction in the mechanical properties of intact bone and healing fractures. The histological, biomechanical, and radiological measures of union suggest that OVX delayed fracture healing. (C) 2007 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals.
Background: Interest in the prevention of osteoporosis is increasing and thus there is a need for an acceptable osteoporosis prevention programme in general practice. AIM. A study was undertaken to identify a cohort of middle-aged women attending a general practice who would be eligible for a longitudinal study looking at bone mineral density, osteoporosis and the effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy. This study aimed to describe the relationship between medical and lifestyle risk factors for osteoporosis and the initial bone density measurements in this group of women. METHOD. A health visitor administered a questionnaire to women aged between 48 and 52 years registered with a Belfast general practice. The main outcome measures were menopausal status, presence of medical and lifestyle risk factors and bone mineral density measurements. RESULTS. A total of 358 women our of 472 (76%) took part in the study which was conducted in 1991 and 1992. A highly significant difference was found between the mean bone mineral density of premenopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal women within the narrow study age range, postmenopausal women having the lowest bone mineral density. A significant relationship was found between body mass index and bone mineral density, a greater bone mineral density being found among women with a higher body mass index. Risk factors such as smoking and sedentary lifestyle were common (reported by approximately one third of respondents) but a poor relationship was found between these two and all the other risk factors and bone mineral density in this age group. CONCLUSION. Risk of osteoporosis cannot be identified by the presence of risk factors in women aged between 48 and 52 years. In terms of a current prevention strategy for general practice it would be better to take a population-based approach except for those women known to be at high risk of osteoporosis: women with early menopause or those who have had an oophorectomy.
This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows:
Primary objective: To assess the effects of interventions to delay or treat osteoporosis in DMD patients treated with glucocorticoid steroids.
Secondary objectives: To assess the effects of interventions to delay or treat osteoporosis in DMD on the frequency of vertebral fragility fractures and long bone fractures in DMD patients treated with glucocorticoid steroids.
Este artículo presenta los resultados de un análisis de contenido sobre la representación de la mujer en la prensa española que forma parte de una investigación más amplia que abarca el periodo de 1974-2000. Nuestra investigación supone una importante contribución a otras investigaciones ya que analiza de forma comparativa, sistemática y longitudinal las representaciones sociales y políticas enfocadas en la prensa. Examinamos como en los medios de comunicación los periodistas utilizan frecuentemente distintas referencias para los diferentes tipos de actores a partir de recursos estilísticos que ayudan a enfatizar sus argumentos. En la mayoría de los casos, estos pasan desapercibidos pero en ocasiones se convierten en generalizaciones que parten de ideas preconcebidas y prejuicios. Nuestros resultados demuestran que los actores a los que los medios de comunicación dedican menos espacio son también los que reciben un peor tratamiento. Específicamente, las mujeres reciben una menor atención como colectivo en los medios de comunicación analizados. Además, aparecen como personajes pasivos, no son enfocadas como representantes públicas y son relegadas a la vida privada. Principalmente, las mujeres son enfocadas realizando actividades deportivas, culturales o de entretenimiento o cuando son víctimas, mientras que sólo una minoría de ellas merecen atención efectuando acciones políticas. Después de exponer este diagnóstico, realizaremos propuestas de estilo, lenguaje y producción de noticias para fomentar que los periódicos muestren de forma positiva una sociedad con igualdad de oportunidades.
Background/Purpose: The trabecular bone score (TBS), a novel graylevel texture index determined from lumbar spine DXA scans, correlates with 3D parameters of trabecular bone microarchitecture known to predict fracture. TBS may enhance the identification of patients at increased risk for vertebral fracture independently of bone mineral density (BMD) (Boutroy JBMR 2010; Hans JBMR 2011). Denosumab treatment for 36 months decreased bone turnover, increased BMD, and reduced new vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis (Cummings NEJM 2009). We explored the effect of denosumab on TBS over 36 months and evaluated the association between TBS and lumbar spine BMD in women who had DXA scans obtained from eligible scanners for TBS evaluation in FREEDOM. Methods: FREEDOM was a 3-year, randomized, double-blind trial that enrolled postmenopausal women with a lumbar spine or total hip DXA T-score __2.5, but not __4.0 at both sites. Women received placebo or 60 mg denosumab every 6 months. A subset of women in FREEDOM participated in a DXA substudy where lumbar spine DXA scans were obtained at baseline and months 1, 6, 12, 24, and 36. We retrospectively applied, in a blinded-to-treatment manner, a novel software program (TBS iNsightR v1.9, Med-Imaps, Pessac, France) to the standard lumbar spine DXA scans obtained in these women to determine their TBS indices at baseline and months 12, 24, and 36. From previous studies, a TBS _1.35 is considered as normal microarchitecture, a TBS between 1.35 and _1.20 as partially deteriorated, and 1.20 reflects degraded microarchitecture. Results: There were 285 women (128 placebo, 157 denosumab) with a TBS value at baseline and _1 post-baseline visit. Their mean age was 73, their mean lumbar spine BMD T-score was _2.79, and their mean lumbar spine TBS was 1.20. In addition to the robust gains in DXA lumbar spine BMD observed with denosumab (9.8% at month 36), there were consistent, progressive, and significant increases in TBS compared with placebo and baseline (Table & Figure). BMD explained a very small fraction of the variance in TBS at baseline (r2_0.07). In addition, the variance in the TBS change was largely unrelated to BMD change, whether expressed in absolute or percentage changes, regardless of treatment, throughout the study (all r2_0.06); indicating that TBS provides distinct information, independently of BMD. Conclusion: In postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, denosumab significantly improved TBS, an index of lumbar spine trabecular microarchitecture, independently of BMD.