957 resultados para Monetary Dynamic Models
Process optimisation and optimal control of batch and continuous drum granulation processes are studied in this paper. The main focus of the current research has been: (i) construction of optimisation and control relevant, population balance models through the incorporation of moisture content, drum rotation rate and bed depth into the coalescence kernels; (ii) investigation of optimal operational conditions using constrained optimisation techniques; (iii) development of optimal control algorithms based on discretized population balance equations; and (iv) comprehensive simulation studies on optimal control of both batch and continuous granulation processes. The objective of steady state optimisation is to minimise the recycle rate with minimum cost for continuous processes. It has been identified that the drum rotation-rate, bed depth (material charge), and moisture content of solids are practical decision (design) parameters for system optimisation. The objective for the optimal control of batch granulation processes is to maximize the mass of product-sized particles with minimum time and binder consumption. The objective for the optimal control of the continuous process is to drive the process from one steady state to another in a minimum time with minimum binder consumption, which is also known as the state-driving problem. It has been known for some time that the binder spray-rate is the most effective control (manipulative) variable. Although other possible manipulative variables, such as feed flow-rate and additional powder flow-rate have been investigated in the complete research project, only the single input problem with the binder spray rate as the manipulative variable is addressed in the paper to demonstrate the methodology. It can be shown from simulation results that the proposed models are suitable for control and optimisation studies, and the optimisation algorithms connected with either steady state or dynamic models are successful for the determination of optimal operational conditions and dynamic trajectories with good convergence properties. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Analysis of the production efficiency of industrialized countries, questioning whether certain countries perform better than others in producing more output with the same or less inputs, is an example of the importance of estimating production relationships. In order to estimate efficiency one needs an appropriate model for the two major inputs into production activity, namely labour and capital. A physical asset once installed is capable of contributing several years of output. This implies that investments made in previous years must be taken into account in order to produce a measure of the efficiency and productivity for any given year. The purpose of this article is to introduce a dynamic efficiency model and compare the results with previous work on the analysis of efficiency and productivity of OECD countries. The article proposes that dynamic models capture efficiency better than static models.
There is an increase in the use of multi-pulse, rectifier-fed motor-drive equipment on board more-electric aircraft. Motor drives with feedback control appear as constant power loads to the rectifiers, which can cause instability of the DC filter capacitor voltage at the output of the rectifier. This problem can be exacerbated by interactions between rectifiers that share a common source impedance. In order that such a system can be analysed, there is a need for average, dynamic models of systems of rectifiers. In this study, an efficient, compact method for deriving the approximate, linear, large-signal, average models of two heterogeneous systems of rectifiers, which are fed from a common source impedance, is presented. The models give insight into significant interaction effects that occur between the converters, and that arise through the shared source impedance. First, a 6-pulse and doubly wound, transformer-fed, 12-pulse rectifier system is considered, followed by a 6-pulse and autotransformer-fed, 12-pulse rectifier system. The system models are validated against detailed simulations and laboratory prototypes, and key characteristics of the two system types are compared.
A consequence of a loss of coolant accident is the damage of adjacent insulation materials (IM). IM may then be transported to the containment sump strainers where water is drawn into the ECCS (emergency core cooling system). Blockage of the strainers by IM lead to an increased pressure drop acting on the operating ECCS pumps. IM can also penetrate the strainers, enter the reactor coolant system and then accumulate in the reactor pressure vessel. An experimental and theoretical study that concentrates on mineral wool fiber transport in the containment sump and the ECCS is being performed. The study entails fiber generation and the assessment of fiber transport in single and multi-effect experiments. The experiments include measurement of the terminal settling velocity, the strainer pressure drop, fiber sedimentation and resuspension in a channel flow and jet flow in a rectangular tank. An integrated test facility is also operated to assess the compounded effects. Each experimental facility is used to provide data for the validation of equivalent computational fluid dynamic models. The channel flow facility allows the determination of the steady state distribution of the fibers at different flow velocities. The fibers are modeled in the Eulerian-Eulerian reference frame as spherical wetted agglomerates. The fiber agglomerate size, density, the relative viscosity of the fluid-fiber mixture and the turbulent dispersion of the fibers all affect the steady state accumulation of fibers at the channel base. In the current simulations, two fiber phases are separately considered. The particle size is kept constant while the density is modified, which affects both the terminal velocity and volume fraction. The relative viscosity is only significant at higher concentrations. The numerical model finds that the fibers accumulate at the channel base even at high velocities; therefore, modifications to the drag and turbulent dispersion forces can be made to reduce fiber accumulation.
Methods of dynamic modelling and analysis of structures, for example the finite element method, are well developed. However, it is generally agreed that accurate modelling of complex structures is difficult and for critical applications it is necessary to validate or update the theoretical models using data measured from actual structures. The techniques of identifying the parameters of linear dynamic models using Vibration test data have attracted considerable interest recently. However, no method has received a general acceptance due to a number of difficulties. These difficulties are mainly due to (i) Incomplete number of Vibration modes that can be excited and measured, (ii) Incomplete number of coordinates that can be measured, (iii) Inaccuracy in the experimental data (iv) Inaccuracy in the model structure. This thesis reports on a new approach to update the parameters of a finite element model as well as a lumped parameter model with a diagonal mass matrix. The structure and its theoretical model are equally perturbed by adding mass or stiffness and the incomplete number of eigen-data is measured. The parameters are then identified by an iterative updating of the initial estimates, by sensitivity analysis, using eigenvalues or both eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the structure before and after perturbation. It is shown that with a suitable choice of the perturbing coordinates exact parameters can be identified if the data and the model structure are exact. The theoretical basis of the technique is presented. To cope with measurement errors and possible inaccuracies in the model structure, a well known Bayesian approach is used to minimize the least squares difference between the updated and the initial parameters. The eigen-data of the structure with added mass or stiffness is also determined using the frequency response data of the unmodified structure by a structural modification technique. Thus, mass or stiffness do not have to be added physically. The mass-stiffness addition technique is demonstrated by simulation examples and Laboratory experiments on beams and an H-frame.
This thesis presents an approach to cutting dynamics during turning based upon the mechanism of deformation of work material around the tool nose known as "ploughing". Starting from the shearing process in the cutting zone and accounting for "ploughing", new mathematical models relating turning force components to cutting conditions, tool geometry and tool vibration are developed. These models are developed separately for steady state and for oscillatory turning with new and worn tools. Experimental results are used to determine mathematical functions expressing the parameters introduced by the steady state model in the case of a new tool. The form of these functions are of general validity though their coefficients are dependent on work and tool materials. Good agreement is achieved between experimental and predicted forces. The model is extended on one hand to include different work material by introducing a hardness factor. The model provides good predictions when predicted forces are compared to present and published experimental results. On the other hand, the extension of the ploughing model to taming with a worn edge showed the ability of the model in predicting machining forces during steady state turning with the worn flank of the tool. In the development of the dynamic models, the dynamic turning force equations define the cutting process as being a system for which vibration of the tool tip in the feed direction is the input and measured forces are the output The model takes into account the shear plane oscillation and the cutting configuration variation in response to tool motion. Theoretical expressions of the turning forces are obtained for new and worn cutting edges. The dynamic analysis revealed the interaction between the cutting mechanism and the machine tool structure. The effect of the machine tool and tool post is accounted for by using experimental data of the transfer function of the tool post system. Steady state coefficients are corrected to include the changes in the cutting configuration with tool vibration and are used in the dynamic model. A series of oscillatory cutting tests at various conditions and various tool flank wear levels are carried out and experimental results are compared with model—predicted forces. Good agreement between predictions and experiments were achieved over a wide range of cutting conditions. This research bridges the gap between the analysis of vibration and turning forces in turning. It offers an explicit expression of the dynamic turning force generated during machining and highlights the relationships between tool wear, tool vibration and turning force. Spectral analysis of tool acceleration and turning force components led to define an "Inertance Power Ratio" as a flank wear monitoring factor. A formulation of an on—line flank wear monitoring methodology is presented and shows how the results of the present model can be applied to practical in—process tool wear monitoring in • turning operations.
Az ágazaton belüli kereskedelem egyre komolyabb szerepet tölt be a nemzetközi kereskedelemben, mind ez idáig azonban kevés mezőgazdasági témájú elemzés készült e témában. A cikk célja a horizontális és vertikális ágazaton belüli agrárkereskedelem meghatározó tényezőinek azonosítása az új tagországok és az EU–27 közötti kereskedelemben 1999–2010 között. Ehhez a szerző statikus és dinamikus panelmódszereket alkalmaz különböző specifikációkkal. Eredményei szerint a tényezőellátottság a horizontális ágazaton belüli kereskedelemmel negatív, míg a vertikálissal pozitív kapcsolatban áll. Az országok mérete az ágazaton belüli kereskedelem mindkét oldalával pozitívan, míg a távolság negatívan korrelál. Az eredmények azt is kimutatják, hogy az ágazaton belüli kereskedelem mértéke nagyobb, ha egy új tagország a kelet-közép-európai régióba exportál, és az is világossá vált, hogy az EU-csatlakozás pozitívan hatott az ágazaton belüli kereskedelemre, jelezve a gazdasági integráció kereskedelemösztönző szerepét. _____ Intra-industry trade (IIT) has a growing role in international trade, although the number of papers on its agricultural aspects is limited. This article identifies the determinants of horizontal and vertical intra-industry agri-food trade between new member-states (NMS) and the EU27 in 1999-2010, by applying to panel data static and dynamic models with different specifications. The results show that factor endowments are negatively related to agri-food horizontal intra-industry trade (HIIT), but positively to vertical intra-industry trade (VIIT). Economic size is positively and significantly related to both, while distance and IIT are found to be negatively related. This also suggests that HIIT and VIIT are greater if an NMS exports agri-food products to another NMS, while EU accession has had positive and significant impacts on both HIIT and VIIT, which suggests that economic integration fosters IIT.
This dissertation delivers a framework to diagnose the Bull-Whip Effect (BWE) in supply chains and then identify methods to minimize it. Such a framework is needed because in spite of the significant amount of literature discussing the bull-whip effect, many companies continue to experience the wide variations in demand that are indicative of the bull-whip effect. While the theory and knowledge of the bull-whip effect is well established, there still is the lack of an engineering framework and method to systematically identify the problem, diagnose its causes, and identify remedies. ^ The present work seeks to fill this gap by providing a holistic, systems perspective to bull-whip identification and diagnosis. The framework employs the SCOR reference model to examine the supply chain processes with a baseline measure of demand amplification. Then, research of the supply chain structural and behavioral features is conducted by means of the system dynamics modeling method. ^ The contribution of the diagnostic framework, is called Demand Amplification Protocol (DAMP), relies not only on the improvement of existent methods but also contributes with original developments introduced to accomplish successful diagnosis. DAMP contributes a comprehensive methodology that captures the dynamic complexities of supply chain processes. The method also contributes a BWE measurement method that is suitable for actual supply chains because of its low data requirements, and introduces a BWE scorecard for relating established causes to a central BWE metric. In addition, the dissertation makes a methodological contribution to the analysis of system dynamic models with a technique for statistical screening called SS-Opt, which determines the inputs with the greatest impact on the bull-whip effect by means of perturbation analysis and subsequent multivariate optimization. The dissertation describes the implementation of the DAMP framework in an actual case study that exposes the approach, analysis, results and conclusions. The case study suggests a balanced solution between costs and demand amplification can better serve both firms and supply chain interests. Insights pinpoint to supplier network redesign, postponement in manufacturing operations and collaborative forecasting agreements with main distributors.^
The objective of this study was to determine the seasonal and interannual variability and calculate the trends of wind speed in NEB and then validate the mesoscale numerical model for after engage with the microscale numerical model in order to get the wind resource at some locations in the NEB. For this we use two data sets of wind speed (weather stations and anemometric towers) and two dynamic models; one of mesoscale and another of microscale. We use statistical tools to evaluate and validate the data obtained. The simulations of the dynamic mesoscale model were made using data assimilation methods (Newtonian Relaxation and Kalman filter). The main results show: (i) Five homogeneous groups of wind speed in the NEB with higher values in winter and spring and with lower in summer and fall; (ii) The interannual variability of the wind speed in some groups stood out with higher values; (iii) The large-scale circulation modified by the El Niño and La Niña intensified wind speed for the groups with higher values; (iv) The trend analysis showed more significant negative values for G3, G4 and G5 in all seasons and in the annual average; (v) The performance of dynamic mesoscale model showed smaller errors in the locations Paracuru and São João and major errors were observed in Triunfo; (vi) Application of the Kalman filter significantly reduce the systematic errors shown in the simulations of the dynamic mesoscale model; (vii) The wind resource indicate that Paracuru and Triunfo are favorable areas for the generation of energy, and the coupling technique after validation showed better results for Paracuru. We conclude that the objective was achieved, making it possible to identify trends in homogeneous groups of wind behavior, and to evaluate the quality of both simulations with the dynamic model of mesoscale and microscale to answer questions as necessary before planning research projects in Wind-Energy area in the NEB
ABSTRACT: The ability of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana to withstand the overwintering period is critical to their success. Laboratory evidence suggests that krill may shrink in body length during this time in response to the low availability of food. Nevertheless, verification that krill can shrink in the natural environment is lacking because winter data are difficult to obtain. One of the few sources of winter krill population data is from commercial vessels. We examined length-frequency data of adult krill (>35 mm total body length) obtained from commercial vessels in the Scotia-Weddell region and compared our results with those obtained from a combination of science and commercial sampling operations carried out in this region at other times of the year. Our analyses revealed body-length shrinkage in adult females but not males during overwinter, based on both the tracking of modal size classes over seasons and sex-ratio patterns. Other explanatory factors, such as differential mortality, immigration and emigration, could not explain the observed differences. The same pattern was also observed at South Georgia and in the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Fitted seasonally modulated von Bertalanffy growth functions predicted a pattern of overwintering shrinkage in all body-length classes of females, but only stagnation in growth in males. This shrinkage most likely reflects morphometric changes resulting from the contraction of the ovaries and is not necessarily an outcome of winter hardship. The sex-dependent changes that we observed need to be incorporated into life cycle and population dynamic models of this species, particularly those used in managing the fishery. KEY WORDS: Southern Ocean · Population dynamics · Production · Life cycle · Fishery
ABSTRACT: The ability of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana to withstand the overwintering period is critical to their success. Laboratory evidence suggests that krill may shrink in body length during this time in response to the low availability of food. Nevertheless, verification that krill can shrink in the natural environment is lacking because winter data are difficult to obtain. One of the few sources of winter krill population data is from commercial vessels. We examined length-frequency data of adult krill (>35 mm total body length) obtained from commercial vessels in the Scotia-Weddell region and compared our results with those obtained from a combination of science and commercial sampling operations carried out in this region at other times of the year. Our analyses revealed body-length shrinkage in adult females but not males during overwinter, based on both the tracking of modal size classes over seasons and sex-ratio patterns. Other explanatory factors, such as differential mortality, immigration and emigration, could not explain the observed differences. The same pattern was also observed at South Georgia and in the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Fitted seasonally modulated von Bertalanffy growth functions predicted a pattern of overwintering shrinkage in all body-length classes of females, but only stagnation in growth in males. This shrinkage most likely reflects morphometric changes resulting from the contraction of the ovaries and is not necessarily an outcome of winter hardship. The sex-dependent changes that we observed need to be incorporated into life cycle and population dynamic models of this species, particularly those used in managing the fishery. KEY WORDS: Southern Ocean · Population dynamics · Production · Life cycle · Fishery
Development of reliable methods for optimised energy storage and generation is one of the most imminent challenges in modern power systems. In this paper an adaptive approach to load leveling problem using novel dynamic models based on the Volterra integral equations of the first kind with piecewise continuous kernels. These integral equations efficiently solve such inverse problem taking into account both the time dependent efficiencies and the availability of generation/storage of each energy storage technology. In this analysis a direct numerical method is employed to find the least-cost dispatch of available storages. The proposed collocation type numerical method has second order accuracy and enjoys self-regularization properties, which is associated with confidence levels of system demand. This adaptive approach is suitable for energy storage optimisation in real time. The efficiency of the proposed methodology is demonstrated on the Single Electricity Market of Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Objectifs : Dans plusieurs pays la couverture vaccinale contre les virus du papillome humain (VPH) est associée aux déterminants sociaux des comportements sexuels et la participation au dépistage du cancer du col utérin. Ces vaccins protègent uniquement contre certains types de VPH, donc leur impact futur sur les VPH nonvaccinaux demeure incertain. L’hétérogénéité comportementale entre individus et biologique entre types de VPH affectera l’efficacité populationnelle de la vaccination contre les VPH. Les objectifs spécifiques de cette thèse étaient 1) de modéliser comment une couverture vaccinale inégale entre filles préadolescentes qui différeront selon leur activité sexuelle et leur participation au dépistage du cancer du col affectera l’efficacité populationnelle de la vaccination, 2) faire une synthèse et comparer les estimés d’efficacité croisée des vaccins contre les VPH dans des populations ADN-négatives aux VPH et 3) d’identifier, avec la modélisation, les devis d’étude épidémiologique qui réduisent les biais dans l’estimation des interactions biologiques entre types de VPH. Méthode : Nous avons utilisé des modèles de transmission dynamique et une revue systématique de la littérature pour répondre aux objectifs. 1) Nous avons modélisé une couverture vaccinale inégale entre filles qui différeront selon leur activité sexuelle et leur participation au dépistage, et examiné les changements postvaccination dans l’inégalité dans la prévalence des VPH et l’incidence des carcinomes malpighien (SCC) du col de l’utérus entre femmes ayant différents comportements. 2) Nous avons effectué une revue systématique et méta-analyse des efficacités croisées des vaccins contre les VPH estimées dans des populations ADNnégatives aux VPH. 3) Nous avons développé des modèles de transmission dynamique et d’interaction de deux types de VPH pour simuler les études épidémiologiques d’interactions entre les VPH. Résultats : Pour l’objectif 1), notre modèle de transmission prédit que l’efficacité populationnelle du vaccin dépendra de la distribution du vaccin dans la population. Après la vaccination, les inégalités absolues dans l’incidence de l’infection et des SCC entre groupes de femmes qui diffèrent selon leur activité sexuelle et leur participation au dépistage devraient diminuer. Inversement, les inégalités relatives pourraient augmenter si les femmes plus sexuellement actives et celles qui ne se font jamais dépister ont une couverture vaccinale moins élevée que les autres. Le taux d’incidence des SCC demeurera élevé chez les femmes qui ne sont jamais dépistées après la vaccination. L’efficacité croisée vaccinale et les interactions biologiques entre VPH ne sont pas encore assez bien caractérisées pour pouvoir prédire l’impact du vaccin sur les types de VPH nonvaccinaux. Pour l’objectif 2), notre méta-analyse des essais cliniques des vaccins suggère que le vaccin bivalent a une efficacité croisée significativement plus élevée que le quadrivalent contre les infections persistantes et lésions précancéreuses avec les VPH-31, 33 et 45. Les essais cliniques plus longs estiment une efficacité croisée plus faible. La modélisation des études épidémiologiques d’interactions pour l’objectif 3) montre que l’estimation des interactions biologiques entre types de VPH dans les études épidémiologiques est systématiquement biaisée par la corrélation entre le temps à risque d’infection avec un type de VPH et le temps à risque d’infection avec d’autres types de VPH. L’ajustement pour des marqueurs d’activité sexuelle ne réussit pas à contrôler ce biais. Une mesure valide des interactions biologiques entre types de VPH peut être obtenue uniquement avec des études épidémiologiques prospectives qui restreignent les analyses à des individus susceptibles ayant des partenaires sexuels infectés. Conclusion : L’hétérogénéité comportementale entre individus et l’hétérogénéité biologique entre VPH affecteront l’efficacité populationnelle du vaccin contre les VPH. Dans les contextes où les déterminants sociaux des comportements sexuels et la participation au dépistage sont aussi associés à la couverture vaccinale chez les préadolescentes, l’inégalité relative dans l’incidence des SCC risque d’augmenter. Ces comportements demeureront des facteurs de risque importants du cancer du col à l’avenir. L’effet à long terme du vaccin sur les types de VPH non-vaccinaux demeure incertain. Quoique nos résultats suggèrent que les vaccins offrent une efficacité croisée contre certains types de VPH, celle-ci pourrait diminuer après quelques années. Des interactions compétitives entre VPH pourraient exister malgré les associations observées entre les incidences des infections VPH, donc une augmentation post-vaccination de la prévalence des VPH non-vaccinaux demeure possible. Des devis d’analyse plus complexes sont nécessaires pour mesurer de façon valide les interactions biologiques entre les VPH dans les études épidémiologiques.
One of the most disputable matters in the theory of finance has been the theory of capital structure. The seminal contributions of Modigliani and Miller (1958, 1963) gave rise to a multitude of studies and debates. Since the initial spark, the financial literature has offered two competing theories of financing decision: the trade-off theory and the pecking order theory. The trade-off theory suggests that firms have an optimal capital structure balancing the benefits and costs of debt. The pecking order theory approaches the firm capital structure from information asymmetry perspective and assumes a hierarchy of financing, with firms using first internal funds, followed by debt and as a last resort equity. This thesis analyses the trade-off and pecking order theories and their predictions on a panel data consisting 78 Finnish firms listed on the OMX Helsinki stock exchange. Estimations are performed for the period 2003–2012. The data is collected from Datastream system and consists of financial statement data. A number of capital structure characteristics are identified: firm size, profitability, firm growth opportunities, risk, asset tangibility and taxes, speed of adjustment and financial deficit. A regression analysis is used to examine the effects of the firm characteristics on capitals structure. The regression models were formed based on the relevant theories. The general capital structure model is estimated with fixed effects estimator. Additionally, dynamic models play an important role in several areas of corporate finance, but with the combination of fixed effects and lagged dependent variables the model estimation is more complicated. A dynamic partial adjustment model is estimated using Arellano and Bond (1991) first-differencing generalized method of moments, the ordinary least squares and fixed effects estimators. The results for Finnish listed firms show support for the predictions of profitability, firm size and non-debt tax shields. However, no conclusive support for the pecking-order theory is found. However, the effect of pecking order cannot be fully ignored and it is concluded that instead of being substitutes the trade-off and pecking order theory appear to complement each other. For the partial adjustment model the results show that Finnish listed firms adjust towards their target capital structure with a speed of 29% a year using book debt ratio.
O uso de corantes sintéticos na indústria de alimentos tem provocado transtornos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente. A quitosana pode ser imobilizada em matrizes sólidas e aplicada na remoção de corantes em coluna de leito fixo. A análise da dinâmica de uma coluna de leito fixo é baseada na curva de ruptura, esta é dependente da geometria da coluna, das condições operacionais e dos dados de equilíbrio. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o recobrimento de esferas de vidro por quitosana e sua aplicação como adsorvente de corantes em coluna de leito fixo. No estudo do recobrimento avaliaram-se os efeitos da concentração de quitosana e dos métodos de cura. As esferas recobertas foram aplicadas em ensaios de adsorção estático e dinâmico. Inicialmente, avaliou-se o equilíbrio de adsorção através da construção de isotermas e ajuste de modelos, e após, avaliaram-se os efeitos do tipo de cura e do grau de desacetilação da quitosana. Em seguida, foram analisados os efeitos do tipo de corante e do pH, e o comportamento cinético da adsorção pela construção de curvas de ruptura e ajuste de modelos dinâmicos. A influência da altura do leito e da concentração inicial de corante sobre os parâmetros da adsorção em leito fixo foram analisados através da metodologia de superfície de resposta (MSR). Ao final, estudou-se a regeneração da coluna. Os resultados mostraram que os maiores percentuais de recobrimento foram obtidos pelos métodos físico e físico/químico, na concentração de quitosana de 0,5% (m/v). Nestas condições o percentual de recobrimento foi de 46%. Nas imagens da superfície das esferas (MEV) observou-se que as mesmas foram recobertas de forma homogênea pela quitosana. As isotermas de equilíbrio obtidas foram classificadas como do tipo V, sendo o modelo de Sips o mais adequado para representar os dados experimentais. As capacidades máximas de adsorção foram 337 mg g-1, 286 mg g-1 e 200 mg g-1 para os corantes amarelo tartrazina, amarelo crepúsculo e vermelho 40, respectivamente. A aplicação das esferas recobertas com quitosana em leito fixo mostrou-se mais adequada utilizando o método de cura físico/químico e quitosana com grau de desacetilação de 85%. A máxima capacidade de adsorção da coluna em função do corante e do pH variou de 13 a 108 mg g–1. Os modelos BDST (bed–depth–service–time), Thomas e Yoon–Nelson foram adequados para representar os dados experimentais. De acordo com a MSR, o melhor desempenho do leito foi com altura de 30 cm e concentração inicial de corante de 50 mg L-1. Nestas condições, obteve-se tempo de ruptura de 88 min, máxima capacidade da coluna de 108 mg g-1 e remoção de 86 %. Na regeneração da coluna observou-se que cerca de 75% da capacidade máxima da coluna foi mantida após cinco ciclos de adsorção–eluição. Diante do exposto, a coluna de leito fixo empacotada com esferas recobertas com quitosana mostrou-se promissora na remoção de corantes de soluções aquosas.