138 resultados para Momo festivities


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The plates depict floor plans of the Palazzo reale and of the Teatro di San Carlo in Naples, a vertical cross section of the Palazzo reale; interior decoration of the Teatro di San Carlo; most plates depict festivities taking place in the decorated interiors of the theater and the royal palace, including a masquerade at the royal palace, the stage scenery and a scene from the opera "Il sogno di Olimpia" by Ranieri de Calzabigi, which was performed at the Teatro di San Carlo; a view of the illuminated Castello Nuovo in Naples, the fireworks installation at the Piazza del Castello Nuovo, and a floorplan of the fire works installation. Plate XI depicts the mythical land of plenty "Cuccagna", arranged as a landscaped hill with an architectural grotto, richly decorated with food and drink, which was offered as part of the festivities to the common people. Most plates have a detailed legend in the lower margin.


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Various editions.


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Includes index.


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar y analizar las relaciones fronterizas entre indígenas, cronistas, viajeros y agentes del gobierno de Buenos Aires en el período de 1870 a 1880. Se prestará especial atención a las vinculaciones entre estos "mundos" a partir de los viajes que realizó Moreno a los toldos del cacique Valentín Sayhueque y su comunidad en las regiones aledañas al Lago Nahuel Huapi. No se descarta la influencia de otros cronistas de época (Cox y Musters) como tampoco la impronta de personajes centrales en el contexto (Zeballos y Roca). Los viajeros que recorrieron la Patagonia dejaron testimonios claves para comprender el proceso que se dio entre las sociedades indígenas y el Estado nacional argentino a fines del siglo XIX. Su análisis a través de una mirada crítica da la pauta de cómo las sociedades nativas fueron observadas y estudiadas desde el gobierno de Buenos Aires y países extranjeros. La actual Patagonia fue un punto de atracción (y lo sigue siendo), para muchos individuos que no conocen el lugar. Su naturaleza, paisaje, vegetación eran únicos y muy atractivos. Sus tierras eran habitadas por sujetos que no tenían las mismas formas de vida que el resto de las regiones del momento. Habían desarrollado costumbres, formas de comunicación, comercio e intercambio, relaciones sociales, festividades. Cronistas como Francisco Moreno son nodales para adentrarnos al mundo nativo desde otro ángulo, ya que nos muestra las relaciones en el espacio de frontera y los propósitos del gobierno de Buenos Aires en el momento de las campañas militares. Desde el punto de vista metodológico se ha recurrido a la Etnohistoria para abordar nuestro problema desde una óptica diferente y alimentando la investigación en curso


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Leading the march: Jose Marques, Grand Marshall of commencement opens the festivities.


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The thematization of public space in the ―Maior São João do Mundo‖ in Campina Grande - PB stimulates the economy and the local tourism from the transformation of a common public space in a setting that has the traditional June festivals based. To do so, contributes to promotion of existing creative sectors in the city and the design of a new city that is projected from the festivities of São João. In this research we propose to determine the influence of the thematization of public space in the local economy, particularly in creative sectors present in the ―Maior São João do Mundo‖ and assess their importance for the development of local creative economy. We chose the case study, from an ethnographic approach, using different research techniques such as participant observation, semi-structured interviews with open questions and the analysis of social representations of respondents. The methodology used is mixed because it involves qualitative and quantitative data. We could notice at the end of this research, the thematization of public space in the ―Maior São João do Mundo‖ is the main reference factor for the event, stimulating the local economy and changing the city's image in three levels: political, economic and social. Also realize that the thematization of public space is the key binding factor between the creative sectors as well as between them and the related activities. All these sectors serve as a link between the products and services, creating a harmonic whole that transforms the city's image, stimulates the economy, promotes social inclusion, cultural integration and keeps the ―Maior São João do Mundo‖ as a traditional event in the tourist calendar regional and national.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Measurements of tree heights and crown sizes are essential in long-term monitoring of spatially distributed forests to assess the health of forests over time. In Switzerland, in 1994 and 1997, more than 4'500 trees have been recorded in a 8x8 km plot within the Sanasilva Inventory, which comprises the Swiss Level I sites of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests' (ICP Forests). Tree heights and crown sizes were measured for the dominant and co-dominant trees (n = 1,723), resulting in a data set from 171 plots in Switzerland, spreading over a broad range of climatic gradient and forest characteristics (species recorded = 20). Average tree height was 22.1 m, average DBH 34.6 cm and crown diameter 6.5 m. The data set presented here is open to use and shall foster research in allometric equation modelling.


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Three questions on the study of NO Iberian Peninsula sweat lodges are posed. First, the new sauna of Monte Ornedo (Cantabria), the review of the one of Armea (Ourense), and the Cantabrian pedra formosa type are discussed. Second, the known types of sweat lodges are reconsidered underlining the differences between the Cantabrian and the Douro - Minho groups as these differences contribute to a better assessment of the saunas located out of those territories, such as those of Monte Ornedo or Ulaca. Third, a richer record demands a more specific terminology, a larger use of archaeometric analysis and the application of landscape archaeology or art history methodologies. In this way the range of interpretation of the sweat lodges is opened, as an example an essay is proposed that digs on some already known proposals and suggests that the saunas are material metaphors of wombs whose rationale derives from ideologies and ritual practices of Indo-European tradition.


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The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossoró/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated


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With the holidays fast approaching questions inevitably arise concerning a resident’s right and ability to leave a nursing facility. Residents often want to join in family festivities but may believe that leaving a nursing facility for a period of time is not an option because they may lose their source of payment from Medicare, Medicaid, or a long term care insurance policy or lose their room all together.


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This work is an authoritative collection of poems from other cultures for the 21st century. Poets included range from Valerie Bloom, Jackie Kay, Benjamin Zephaniah, Lemn Sissay, Meiling Jin, Tao Lang Pee and Bekleen Leong to Rabrindranath Tagore, Monica Alvi and Chuang Tzu. Comprising over 100 contributions, there is a balance of poets in ethnicity and gender, and of poems in content, form and style. Themes covered include: Food, festivals and festivities; Race, culture and identity; Families, friends and enemies; Travel and landscape; Language and nonsense; The animal world; and, School and playground and Mystery, myth and magic.


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Background: A high level of adherence is required to achieve the desired outcomes of antiretroviral therapy. There is paucity of information about adherence to combined antiretroviral therapy in Bayelsa State of southern Nigeria. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine the level of adherence to combined antiretroviral therapy among the patients, evaluate the improvement in their immune status and identify reasons for sub-optimal adherence to therapy. Methods: The cross-sectional study involved administration of an adapted and pretested questionnaire to 601 consented patients attending the two tertiary health institutions in Bayesla State, Nigeria: The Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa and the Niger-Delta University Teaching Hospital Okolobiri. The tool was divided into various sections such as socio-demographic data, HIV knowledge and adherence to combined antiretroviral therapy. Information on the patient's CD4+ T cells count was retrieved from their medical records. Adherence was assessed by asking patients to recall their intake of prescribed doses in the last fourteen days and subjects who had 95-100% of the prescribed antiretroviral drugs were considered adherent. Results: Three hundred and forty eight (57.9%) of the subjects were females and 253 (42.1%) were males. The majority of them, 557 (92.7%) have good knowledge of HIV and combined anti-retroviral therapy with a score of 70.0% and above. A larger proportion of the respondents, 441 (73.4%), had > 95% adherence. Some of the most important reasons giving for missing doses include, “simply forgot” 147 (24.5%), and “wanted to avoid the side-effects of drugs” 33(5.5%). There were remarkable improvements in the immune status of the subjects with an increment in the proportion of the subjects with CD4+ T cells count of greater than 350 cells/mm3 from 33 (5.5%) at therapy initiation to 338 (56.3%) at study period (p<0.0001). Conclusion: The adherence level of 73.4% was low which calls for intervention and improvement. The combined antiretroviral therapy has significantly improved the immune status of the majority of patients which must be sustained. “Simply forgot” was the most important reason for missing doses.


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The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossoró/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated


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A Igreja de Nossa Senhora Mãe dos Homens constituiu-se como o principal centro de romaria e peregrinação do concelho de Avis. No seu auge, nos inícios do século XX, as festividades ocuparam as primeiras páginas de jornais locais e distritais e abarcavam eventos como torneios de futebol, fanfarras, distribuição de enxovais a crianças carenciadas, entre outros, organizados pela Confraria com o mesmo nome, o que espelha a importância do culto. Porém, a construção da barragem do Maranhão, na década de 50 do século XX, veio isolar o local, aumentando as distâncias do mesmo à vila e aldeias mais próximas, diminuindo consequentemente a afluência de peregrinos e colocando o local em perigo do ponto de vista material e imaterial. Neste sentido, é imperativo que seja feito o seu levantamento histórico, arquitetónico, cultural e patrimonial, e que se lancem as bases para uma proposta de salvaguarda do património, em termos materiais e imateriais; Church of Nossa Senhora Mãe dos Homens (Avis): From the history and memory of the place to its safeguarding and enhancement ABSTRACT: The Church of Nossa Senhora Mãe dos Homens was established as the main pilgrimage center of the municipality of Avis. At its peak, in the early twentieth century, its festivities occupied the front pages of local and districtal newspapers and events such as football tournaments, fanfares, distribution of textiles to children in need, among others, were organized by the Confraternity of the same name, which reflects the importance of this investigation. However, the construction of the Dam of Maranhão, in the 50's of the twentieth century, came to isolate the site, increasing the distances to the nearby villages, thereby decreasing the influx of pilgrims and putting the local in danger from a material and immaterial point of view. Therefore, a historical, architectural and cultural survey of this site is imperative, as well as a proposal to the material and immaterial safeguard of this heritage.