992 resultados para Molecular Sieve Silica
Der Fokus dieser Doktorarbeit liegt auf der kontrollierten Benetzung von festen Oberflächen, die in vielen Bereichen, wie zum Beispiel in der Mikrofluidik, für Beschichtungen und in biologischen Studien von Zellen oder Bakterien, von großer Bedeutung ist.rnDer erste Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, wie Nanorauigkeit das Benetzungsverhalten, d.h. die Kontaktwinkel und die Pinningstärke, von hydrophoben und superhydrophoben Beschichtungen beeinflusst. Hierfür wird eine neue Methode entwickelt, um eine nanoraue Silika-Beschichtung über die Gasphase auf eine superhydrophobe Oberfläche, die aus rauen Polystyrol-Silika-Kern-Schale-Partikeln besteht, aufzubringen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Topographie und Dichte der Nanorauigkeiten bestimmt, ob sich die Superhydrophobizität verringert oder erhöht, d.h. ob sich ein Flüssigkeitstropfen im Nano-Wenzel- oder Nano-Cassie-Zustand befindet. Das verstärkte Pinning im Nano-Wenzel-Zustand beruht auf dem Eindringen von Flüssigkeitsmolekülen in die Nanoporen der Beschichtung. Im Nano-Cassie-Zustand dagegen sitzt der Tropfen auf den Nanorauigkeiten, was das Pinning vermindert. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse werden mit molekulardynamischen Simulationen in Bezug gesetzt, die den Einfluss der Oberflächenbeschichtungsdichte und der Länge von fluorinierten Silanen auf die Hydrophobizität einer Oberfläche untersuchen. rnEs wurden bereits verschiedenste Techniken zur Herstellung von transparenten superhydrophoben, d.h. extrem flüssigkeitsabweisenden, Oberflächen entwickelt. Eine aktuelle Herausforderung liegt darin, Funktionalitäten einzuführen, ohne die superhydrophoben Eigenschaften einer Oberfläche zu verändern. Dies ist extrem anspruchsvoll, da funktionelle Gruppen in der Regel hydrophil sind. In dieser Arbeit wird eine innovative Methode zur Herstellung von transparenten superhydrophoben Oberflächen aus Janus-Mikrosäulen mit variierenden Dimensionen und Topographien entwickelt. Die Janus-Säulen haben hydrophobe Seitenwände und hydrophile Silika-Oberseiten, die anschließend selektiv und ohne Verlust der superhydrophoben Eigenschaften der Oberfläche funktionalisiert werden können. Diese selektive Oberflächenfunktionalisierung wird mittels konfokaler Mikroskopie und durch das chemische Anbinden von fluoreszenten Molekülen an die Säulenoberseiten sichtbar gemacht. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass das Benetzungsverhalten durch Wechselwirkungen zwischen Flüssigkeit und Festkörper in der Nähe der Benetzungslinie bestimmt wird. Diese Beobachtung widerlegt das allgemein akzeptierte Modell von Cassie und Baxter und beinhaltet, dass hydrophile Flächen, die durch mechanischen Abrieb freigelegt werden, nicht zu einem Verlust der Superhydrophobizität führen müssen, wie allgemein angenommen.rnBenetzung kann auch durch eine räumliche Beschränkung von Flüssigkeiten kontrolliert werden, z.B. in mikrofluidischen Systemen. Hier wird eine modifizierte Stöber-Synthese verwendet, um künstliche und natürliche Faser-Template mit einer Silika-Schicht zu ummanteln. Nach der thermischen Zersetzung des organischen Templat-Materials entstehen wohldefinierte Silika-Kanäle und Kanalkreuzungen mit gleichmäßigen Durchmessern im Nano- und Mikrometerbereich. Auf Grund ihrer Transparenz, mechanischen Stabilität und des großen Länge-zu-Durchmesser-Verhältnisses sind die Kanäle sehr gut geeignet, um die Füllgeschwindigkeiten von Flüssigkeiten mit variierenden Oberflächenspannungen und Viskositäten zu untersuchen. Konfokale Mikroskopie ermöglicht es hierbei, die Füllgeschwindigkeiten über eine Länge von mehreren Millimetern, sowie direkt am Kanaleingang zu messen. Das späte Füllstadium kann sehr gut mit der Lucas-Washburn-Gleichung beschrieben werden. Die anfänglichen Füllgeschwindigkeiten sind jedoch niedriger als theoretisch vorhergesagt. Wohingegen die vorhergehenden Abschnitte dieser Arbeit sich mit der quasistatischen Benetzung beschäftigen, spielt hier die Dynamik der Benetzung eine wichtige Rolle. Tatsächlich lassen sich die beobachteten Abweichungen durch einen geschwindigkeitsabhängigen Fortschreitkontaktwinkel erklären und durch dynamische Benetzungstheorien modellieren. Somit löst diese Arbeit das seit langem diskutierte Problem der Abweichungen von der Lucas-Washburn-Gleichung bei kleinen Füllgeschwindigkeiten.
Bidirectional ITP in fused-silica capillaries double-coated with Polybrene and poly-(vinylsulfonate) is a robust approach for analysis of low-molecular-mass compounds. EOF towards the cathode is strong (mobility >4.0 x 10(-8) m(2)/Vs) within the entire pH range investigated (2.40-8.08), dependent on ionic strength and buffer used and, at constant ionic strength, higher at alkaline pH. Electrokinetic separations and transport in such coated capillaries can be described with a dynamic computer model which permits the combined simulation of electrophoresis and electroosmosis in which the EOF is predicted either with a constant (i.e. pH- and ionic strength-independent) or a pH- and ionic strength-dependent electroosmotic mobility. Detector profiles predicted by computer simulation agree qualitatively well with bidirectional isotachopherograms that are monitored with a setup comprising two axial contactless conductivity detectors and a UV absorbance detector. The varying EOF predicted with a pH- and ionic strength-dependent electroosmotic mobility can be regarded as being realistic.
The mechanisms involved in the development of pulmonary silicosis have not been well defined, however most current evidence implicates a central role for alveolar macrophages in this process. We propose that the fibrotic potential of a particulate depends upon its ability to cause apoptosis in alveolar macrophage (AM). The overall goal of this study was to determine the mechanism of silica-induced apoptosis of AM. Human AM were treated with fibrogenic, poorly fibrogenic and nonfibrogenic model particulates, such as, silica, amorphous silica and titanium dioxide, respectively (equal surface area). Treatment with silica resulted in apoptosis in human AM as observed by morphology, DNA fragmentation and Cell Death ELISA assays. In contrast, amorphous silica and titanium dioxide demonstrated no significant apoptotic potential. To elucidate the possible mechanism by which silica causes apoptosis, we investigated the role of the scavenger receptor (SR) in silica-induced apoptosis. Cells were pretreated with and without SR ligand binding inhibitors, polyinosinic acid (Poly I), fucoidan and high density lipoprotein (HDL), prior to silica treatment. Pretreatment with Poly I and fucoidan resulted in significant inhibition of silica-induced apoptosis suggesting that silica-induced AM apoptosis is mediated via the SR. Further, we examined the involvement of interleukin converting enzyme (ICE) family of proteases in silica-mediated apoptosis. Silica activated ICE, Ich-1L, cpp32 beta and cleavage of PARP. Taken together, these results suggested that (1) fibrogenic particulates, such as, silica caused apoptosis of alveolar macrophages, (2) this apoptotic potential of fibrogenic particulates may be a critical factor in initiating an inflammatory response resulting in fibrosis, (3) silica-induced apoptosis of alveolar macrophages may be due to the interaction of silica particulates with the SR, and (4) silica-induced apoptosis involves the activation of the ICE family of proteases. An understanding of the molecular events involved in fibrogenic particulate-induced apoptosis may provide a useful insight into the mechanism involved in particulate-induced fibrosis. ^
Irradiation with swift heavy ions (SHI), roughly defined as those having atomic masses larger than 15 and energies exceeding 1 MeV/amu, may lead to significant modification of the irradiated material in a nanometric region around the (straight) ion trajectory (i.e., latent tracks). In the case of amorphous silica it has been reported that SHI irradiation originates nano-tracks of either higher density than the virgin material (for low electronic stopping powers, Se < 7 keV/nm) [1] or having a low-density core and a dense shell (Se > 12 keV/nm) [2]. The intermediate region has not been studied in detail but we will show in this work that essentially no changes in density occur in this zone. An interesting effect of the compaction is that the refractive index is increased with respect to that of the surroundings. In the first Se region it is clear that track overlapping leads to continuous amorphous layers that present a significant contrast with respect to the pristine substrate and this has been used to produce optical waveguides. The optical effects of intermediate and high stopping powers, on the other hand, are largely unknown so far. In this work we have studied theoretically (molecular dynamics and optical simulations) and experimentally (irradiation with SHI and optical characterization) the dependence of the macroscopic optical properties (i.e., the refractive index of the effective medium, n_EMA) on the electronic stopping power of the incoming ions. Our results show that the refractive index of the irradiated silica is not increased in the intermediate region, as expected; however, the core-shell tracks of the high-Se region produce a quite effective enhancement of n_EMA that could prove attractive for the fabrication of optical waveguides at ultralow fluences (as low as 1E11 cm^-2). 1. J. Manzano, J. Olivares, F. Agulló-López, M. L. Crespillo, A. Moroño, and E. Hodgson, "Optical waveguides obtained by swift-ion irradiation on silica (a-SiO2)," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 268, 3147-3150 (2010). 2. P. Kluth, C. S. Schnohr, O. H. Pakarinen, F. Djurabekova, D. J. Sprouster, R. Giulian, M. C. Ridgway, A. P. Byrne, C. Trautmann, D. J. Cookson, K. Nordlund, and M. Toulemonde, "Fine structure in swift heavy ion tracks in amorphous SiO2," Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 175503 (2008).
A separation technique employing a microfabricated sieve has been demonstrated by observing the motion of DNA molecules of different size. The sieve consists of a two-dimensional lattice of obstacles whose asymmetric disposition rectifies the Brownian motion of molecules driven through the device, causing them to follow paths that depend on their diffusion coefficient. A nominal 6% resolution by length of DNA molecules in the size range 15–30 kbp may be achieved in a 4-inch (10-cm) silicon wafer. The advantage of this method is that samples can be loaded and sorted continuously, in contrast to the batch mode commonly used in gel electrophoresis.
Colloidal gold nanoparticles were synthesized by different procedures affording suspensions with two different mean sizes (2 and 5 nm). Au catalysts were prepared by sol immobilization onto several silica frameworks with different 2D and 3D mesoporosities. The catalysts were tested in styrene oxidation reactions showing excellent efficiency and selectivity. The effect of nanoparticle size and mesoporous framework on the physical and catalytic properties of the final materials was studied. The most selective catalyst was prepared from the 5 nm Au nanoparticles and the more interconnected silica framework (3D mesoporosity).
Metal-complex ionosilicas with cationic complexes into the mesoporous silica framework were prepared using anionic surfactants. The electrostatic interaction between the anionic surfactant and the cationic metal complexes incorporated in the silica framework allows for the fine tuning of the mesoporous structure. The gentle procedure of synthesis developed and mild ion-exchange extraction of the surfactant, allowed a cleaner route for the immobilization of homogeneous cationic catalysts in mesoporous silica, while protecting the structural and chemical integrity of the metal complexes.
Dopamine (DA) can be detected by electrochemical oxidation in conventional electrodes. However, the presence of other oxidizable species (interferents) usually present in physiological fluids at high concentrations (like ascorbic acid) makes very difficult its electrochemical detection. In the present work, glassy carbon electrodes have been modified with molecularly imprinted silica (MIS) films prepared by electroassisted deposition of sol–gel precursors. The production of MIS films was performed by adding the template molecule (DA) to the precursor sol. The molecular impression of silica was assessed showing a high coherency allowing a filtering capacity in the molecular scale. The MIS-modified electrodes present a high selectivity for the detection of DA in neutral or acidic solutions. The MIS-modified electrodes allow the amperometric determination of dopamine in solutions containing ascorbic acid with molar ratios lower than 1:50,000.
Porous, electrically insulating SiO2 layers containing polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) were deposited on glassy carbon electrodes by an electrochemically assisted deposition method. The obtained material was characterized by microscopic, spectroscopic and thermal techniques. Silica-PSS films modify the electrochemical response of the glassy carbon electrodes against selected redox probes. Positively charged species show reduced diffusivities across the SiO2-PSS pores, which resulted in a concentration ratio higher than 1 for these species. The opposite behaviour was found for negatively charged redox probes. These observations can be interpreted in terms of the different affinity of the GC/SiO2-PSS-modified electrode for the electroactive species, as a consequence of the negatively charged porous silica.
Two magnetically separable Fe3O4/SiO2 (aerogel and MSU-X) composites with very low Fe3O4 content (<1 wt%) have been successfully prepared at room temperature by co-condensation of MPTES-functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NPs) with a silicon alkoxide. This procedure yields a homogeneous incorporation of the Fe3O4 NPs on silica supports, leading to magnetic composites that can be easily recovered using an external magnetic field, despite their very low Fe3O4 NPs content (ca. 1 wt%). These novel hybrid Fe3O4/SiO2 materials have been tested for the oxidation reaction of 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) with hydrogen peroxide showing an enhancement of the stability of the NPs in the Fe3O4/silica aerogel as compared to the Fe3O4 NPs alone, even after five catalytic cycles, no leaching or agglomeration of the Fe3O4/SiO2 systems.
We present here a tractable theory of transport of simple fluids in cylindrical nanopores, which is applicable over a wide range of densities and pore sizes. In the Henry law low-density region the theory considers the trajectories of molecules oscillating between diffuse wall collisions, while at higher densities beyond this region the contribution from viscous flow becomes significant and is included through our recent approach utilizing a local average density model. The model is validated by means of equilibrium as well nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of supercritical methane transport in cylindrical silica pores over a wide range of temperature, density, and pore size. The model for the Henry law region is exact and found to yield an excellent match with simulations at all conditions, including the single-file region of very small pore size where it is shown to provide the density-independent collective transport coefficient. It is also shown that in the absence of dispersive interactions the model reduces to the classical Knudsen result, but in the presence of such interactions the latter model drastically overpredicts the transport coefficient. For larger micropores beyond the single-file region the transport coefficient is reduced at high density because of intermolecular interactions and hindrance to particle crossings leading to a large decrease in surface slip that is not well represented by the model. However, for mesopores the transport coefficient increases monotonically with density, over the range studied, and is very well predicted by the theory, though at very high density the contribution from surface slip is slightly overpredicted. It is also seen that the concept of activated diffusion, commonly associated with diffusion in small pores, is fundamentally invalid for smooth pores, and the apparent activation energy is not simply related to the minimum pore potential or the adsorption energy as generally assumed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
We study here the adsorption of hexane on nanoporous MCM-41 silica at 303, 313, and 323 K, for various pore diameters between 2.40 and 4.24 nm. Adsorption equilibria, measured thermogravimetrically, show that all the isotherms, that are somewhat akin to those of type V, exhibit remarkably sharp capillary adsorption phase transition steps and are reversible. The position of the phase transition step gradually shifts from low to high relative pressure with an increase in the temperature as well as the pore sizes. The isosteric heats of adsorption derived from the equilibrium information using the Clapeyron equation reveal a gradual decrease with increasing adsorbed amount because of the surface heterogeneity but approach a constant value near the phase transition. A decrease in the pore size results in an increase in the isosteric heat of adsorption because of the increased dispersion forces. A simple strategy, based on the Broekhoff and De Boer adsorption theory, successfully interprets the hexane adsorption isotherms for the different pore size MCM-41 samples. The parameters of an empirical expression, used to represent the potential of interaction between the adsorbate and adsorbent, are obtained by fitting the monolayer region prior to capillary condensation and the experimental phase transition simultaneously, for some pore sizes. Subsequently, the parameters are used to predict the adsorption isotherm on other pore size samples, which showed good agreement with experimental data.
The diffusion of hexane, heptane, octane, and decane in nanoporous MCM-41 silica at various temperatures is investigated by the zero-length-column method. The diffusion coefficients are derived by a complete-time-range analysis of desorption curves at different purge flow rates and temperatures. The results show that the calculated low-coverage diffusivity values decrease monotonically, and the derived Henry's law constants increase, as the carbon number of paraffins increases. The study reveals that transport is strongly influenced by intracrystalline diffusion and dominated by the sorbate-sorbent interaction. The diffusion activation energy and adsorption isosteric heat at zero loading increase monotonically with the carbon number of linear paraffins, but their ratio is essentially constant for each adsorbate compound.
Equilibrium adsorption data of nitrogen on a series of nongraphitized carbon blacks and nonporous silica at 77 K were analyzed by means of classical density functional theory to determine the solid-fluid potential. The behavior of this potential profile at large distance is particularly considered. The analysis of nitrogen adsorption isotherms seems to indicate that the adsorption in the first molecular layer is localized and controlled mainly by short-range forces due to the surface roughness, crystalline defects, and functional groups. At distances larger than approximately 1.3-1.5 molecular diameters, the adsorption is nonlocalized and appears as a thickening of the adsorbed film with increasing bulk pressure in a relatively weak adsorption potential field. It has been found that the asymptotic decay of the potential obeys the power law with the exponent being -3 for carbon blacks and -4 for silica surface, which signifies that in the latter case the adsorption potential is mainly exerted by surface oxygen atoms. In all cases, the absolute value of the solid-fluid potential is much smaller than that predicted by the Lennard-Jones pair potential with commonly used solid-fluid molecular parameters. The effect of surface heterogeneity on the heat of adsorption is also discussed.
Nitrogen adsorption on a surface of a non-porous reference material is widely used in the characterization. Traditionally, the enhancement of solid-fluid potential in a porous solid is accounted for by incorporating the surface curvature into the solid-fluid Potential of the flat reference surface. However, this calculation procedure has not been justified experimentally. In this paper, we derive the solid-fluid potential of mesoporous MCM-41 solid by using solely the adsorption isotherm of that solid. This solid-fluid potential is then compared with that of the non-porous reference surface. In derivation of the solid-fluid potential for both reference surface and mesoporous MCM-41 silica (diameter ranging front 3 to 6.5 nm) we employ the nonlocal density functional theory developed for amorphous solids. It is found that, to out, surprise, the solid-fluid potential of a porous solid is practically the same as that for the reference surface, indicating that there is no enhancement due to Surface curvature. This requires further investigations to explain this unusual departure from our conventional wisdom of curvature-induced enhancement. Accepting the curvature-independent solid-fluid potential derived from the non-porous reference surface, we analyze the hysteresis features of a series of MCM-41 samples. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.