408 resultados para Mirna


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microRNAs(miRNAs)是基因组中广泛编码的一类小RNA 基因,存在于绝大多数多细胞生物中,而且在各种生物学过程中都起着举足轻重的作用。miRNAs 在转录后水平通过与mRNAs 的3’UTRs 序列互补识别靶基因,并引起靶基因的降解或阻遏其翻译。在动物中,一个miRNA 可以调控数百个靶基因的表达。大多数miRNAs 在物种间高度保守,暗示了其功能的重要性。然而,非保守的miRNAs可能对物种特有新功能的产生有贡献。为了回答miRNAs是如何起源,如何进化的问题,我们研究了两个非保守miRNA 家族在灵长类中的进化历史。第一个miRNA 家族位于X 染色体上,在灵长类中的数目比狗或啮齿类中的多。我们比较了这一家族在灵长类主要分支-人、大猿、小猿、旧大陆猴和新大陆猴中的序列情况,发现了这一家族在灵长类中的快速进化。这种快速进化包括频繁的串联重复和碱基替换现象。此外,在人和黑猩猩中还发现了相应进化分支特有的替换,可能会导致分支特有的新miRNAs 的产生。对这一miRNA 家族在不同发育阶段恒河猴睾丸中的表达分析揭示了miRNA 表达变化和雄性性成熟之间的负相关,暗示这一家族在睾丸发育和精子成熟中可能起的调节作用。最后,我们认为,像蛋白编码基因一样,与雄性生殖功能相关的miRNAs 容易受到性选择而发生适应性进化。第二个miRNA 家族是位于19 号染色体上的一个灵长类特有的家族。通过分析和比较这一家族以及其临近区域在9 个不同灵长类物种中的序列,我们发现了 Alu 介导的这一家族的产生和扩张。序列比较表明,物种内和物种间miRNAs 的序列分歧相似;同时,在各个灵长类分支中均存在基因拷贝的获得和丢失,也存在基因的假基因化。由此表明,这一家族在灵长类中经历了典型的“生-死”进化历程,暗示这个家族的miRNA 基因在灵长类的进化中其功能可能发生了多样化,以适应不同灵长类物种在发育过程中的需要。此外,二级结构的保守性和前体miRNAs 区域的低SNP 密度都表明这一家族受到功能性约束。最后,我们进一步分析了这一家族在胎盘和胎儿大脑中的表达,揭示其对灵长类胚胎发育可能的重要性。除了研究miRNAs 在灵长类中的进化,我们还探讨了miRNAs 对基因表达变异度的影响。通过对已发表的193 例人类大脑基因表达谱的分析发现,基因在人群中的表达变异的大小和调控它的miRNA 数目呈正比,这暗示了miRNAs 对基因表达变异度的直接影响。相比于不受miRNA 调控的基因,受到两个以上 miRNA 核心区调控的基因有较高的表达变异度,不受miRNA 类型的影响。同时,我们还证明,人群中靶基因miRNA 识别序列上的变异(SNPs)会进一步导致靶基因表达变异的增加。我们的研究表明miRNAs 是影响人群中基因表达变异度的因素之一。


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树突状细胞(dendritic cells, DC)作为机体天然免疫和获得性免疫反应的桥梁和枢纽,发挥着重要的启动和调控作用。随着体外诱导方法的建立和生物学技术的进步,有关DC 的基础生物学研究得到了快速的发展,在诱导方法、个体发生及基因表达和调控等方面,涌现出很多新的、未解的关键问题。同时,随着对粘膜免疫机理研究的深入,DC 在粘膜生态环境中的功能和影响,渐已成为免疫学研究前沿领域中的热点和要点。在本研究中,为了确定DC 体外分化成熟的最短时程,同时为了研究DC 分化成熟相关的基因表达调控,我们建立了快速的DC 体外诱导方法,分析了体外快速诱导 DC 的mi/mRNA 表达谱。此外,在原始分离的女性生殖道共生乳酸杆菌的基础上,以THP-1作为DC 前体细胞的细胞系模型,开展了女性生殖道共生乳酸杆菌刺激活化 THP-1 的研究,希望能够为乳酸杆菌作为生殖道粘膜免疫疫苗的应用提供理论基础。首先,采用外周血单个核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PBMC)来源的CD14+细胞为DC 前体,经过GM-CSF 和IL-4 的刺激,1-6 天后得到未成熟DC (immature dendritic cells, iDC),并经成熟因子(TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 与PGE2)诱导 1-2 天后,获得成熟DC(mature dendritic cells, mDC)。经过比较和分析,明确了完全分化和成熟各2 天,即“2+2”,为DC 诱导分化的最佳和最短时程,从而证实和建立了DC 体外快速诱导的体系和方法。该方法获得的iDC 与mDC,具有与传统的“6+2” 方法获得的DC 相同的形态与表型,而且,利用该方法获得的DC 总数高于“1+1”, “1+2”与“6+2”的方法,为DC 的生物学研究提供了基础数据。我们进而采用芯片技术,对体外快速分化成熟的DC 进行了mi/mRNA 表达谱分析,确定了DC 不同分化发育阶段特征性的mi/mRNA 表达差异。结果发现,与CD14+ 单核细胞即DC 前体相比,iDC 与mDC 之间具有更加相近的mi/mRNA 表达方式。 miRNA 表达谱分析则表明,不同的miRNA 表达与DC 的不同分化和发育阶段相关。而且,位于同一基因簇内的miRNA,呈现协同表达的情况。特别值得注意的是,本研究发现了在DC 的某些发育阶段特异表达的miRNA,它们在DC 发育过程中的功能,还未得到诠释,它们在DC 某些分化阶段的特异表达,提示了DC 各分化阶段的相关性与特异性。结合mRNA 表达谱分析,我们发现miRNA 的表达与其目的基因的表达在mRNA 水平呈现负相关的特性。同时,免疫相关mRNA 与miRNA 在DC 体外不同发育阶段的表达亦呈现差异,其中,miRNA(如hsa-miR-181a, hsa-miR-223, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-146, hsa-miR-106a 与hsa-miR-20a 等)与mRNA(如ALM1 等)参与了特定的与免疫相关的GO(Gene Ontology)与通路(Pathway),提示这些miRNA 与mRNA 可能通过不同的方式调节控制着DC 的体外诱导过程。在有关粘膜生态环境中DC 的分化、成熟及其功能影响的研究中,我们首先通过各种乳酸杆菌鉴定方法的综合应用,确定了6 种原始分离的女性生殖道主要共生乳酸杆菌:发酵乳酸杆菌(L.Fermentum)、约氏乳酸杆菌(L.Johnsonni)、卷曲乳酸杆菌(L.Crispatus)、革氏乳酸杆菌(L.Gasseri)、詹氏乳酸杆菌(L.Jensenii)与德氏乳酸杆菌(L.Delbrueckii )。其中,德氏乳酸杆菌(L.Delbrueckii)和发酵乳酸杆菌(L.Fermentum)具有较高的产H2O2 的能力。在此基础上,我们在与THP-1 的共同培养体系中,将乳酸杆菌对DC 前体的作用和影响进行了比较和研究。结果发现,L.Crispatus 在分离的各原始菌株中,具有最强的刺激THP-1 活化的能力,而且,在相同刺激比例下,L.Crispatus 活菌具有比死菌更强的免疫刺激能力,表现为明显上调THP-1 细胞表面标志CD40、CD80、CD86、 CD1a、CCR6 与CD324 的表达水平,同时可诱导活化THP-1 上调表达Th1 型细胞因子。通过FITC-Dextran 吞噬实验,我们发现,经过L.Crispatus 刺激的THP-1 细胞,其吞噬外来抗原的能力明显下降,但尚未检测到经过活化的THP-1 细胞刺激T 细胞增殖的能力。通过流式细胞术分析的方法,我们检测了TLR1、TLR2、TLR4 与TLR6 在不同的刺激分化阶段的表达水平,结果表明,THP-1 主要通过TLR2 与TLR6 识别女性生殖道L.Crispatus。综上所述,本研究首先通过对DC 体外分化成熟的最短时程的分析,确立了快速诱导DC 的最佳方法,进而利用芯片技术,研究了快速诱导DC 的mi/mRNA 表达谱,揭示了DC 体外分化发育过程中可能的调控途径,为进一步研究DC 的基础生物学提供了恰当的模型和具有指向性的线索。同时,通过与DC 前体THP-1 的共同培养体系,证实了生殖道共生乳酸杆菌的免疫调节作用,为以乳酸杆菌为载体的生殖道粘膜免疫疫苗的研究和应用提供了实验依据


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs)是一类长约21-25nt 的非编码小分子RNAs,通过与靶基因的互补结合在转录水平及转录后水平来负调控基因表达。人们已在众多高等多细胞生物中如人、果蝇、线虫、拟南芥等鉴定出众多microRNAs 分子。近来报道单细胞原生生物衣藻中也存在大量microRNAs。然而到目前为止,在被很多证据证实是最原始的单细胞真核生物贾第虫中却仍未有microRNAs 的报道。那么到底贾第虫这种具有特殊进化地位的单细胞原生动物是否存在有microRNAs 呢?如果存在的话,其microRNAs 的特点是什么?与高等多细胞生物及单细胞衣藻的 microRNA 相比又有何异同点呢?贾第虫的microRNAs 是否与其致病性相关呢?已有研究表明,贾第虫基因组中存在与RNAi 相关的Argonaute(AGO)家族蛋白和Dicer 酶。有意思的是,这些与siRNA 引起RNAi 作用关键的蛋白AGO 和Dicer 同样也是miRNA 系统的关键成份,这就提示我们在贾第虫中很有可能也存在有miRNA 并发挥功能。有研究发现在贾第虫基因组中存在大量的非编码转录物,这些大量的非编码转录物中,是否都是后来所认为的为双向启动子转录有用基因时的副产物,还是也存在一些起调控作用的RNA 分子(如miRNAs 等),需要进一步的研究。本文利用生物信息学的手段,依据miRNAs 的生物学特征,结合多种计算机预测的方法,在贾第虫基因组中筛选可能的microRNAs 分子,结果共鉴定出50 个miRNAs 候选分子,这50 个可能的贾第虫miRNAs 不具有保守性,在已知的其他物种的miRNAs 中找不到同源物。用这50 个microRNAs BLASTN 贾第虫的蛋白质编码序列及其相邻5’端和3’端各200bp 的序列,来寻找这些microRNAs 所调控的靶基因。结果表明,寻找到的贾第虫miRNA 的靶基因除很大一部分未知功能的蛋白外,还包括了很多涉及不同功能的蛋白,如VSP 蛋白(various surface proteins)这样一类表面抗原蛋白,提示我们贾第虫miRNA 可能与其致病性相关。接下来我们对其中14 个预测的贾第虫microRNAs 进行了RT-PCR 检测并克隆测序,结果表明gla-mir-6, gla-mir-35 在贾第虫滋养体细胞中稳定表达。我们的研究第一次用生物信息学结合实验的方法在贾第虫寻找到了microRNAs,为下一步深入研究这些microRNAs 在贾第虫中的功能提供了可能。


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MicroRNAs (miRNA) that are around 22 nucleotides long non-protein-coding RNAs, play key regulatory roles in plants. Recent research findings show that miRNAs are involved in plant defense and viral offense systems. Advances in understanding the mechanism of miRNA biogenesis and evolution are useful for elucidating the complicated roles they play in viral infection networks. In this paper a brief summary of evolution of plant anti-virus defense is given and the function of miRNAs involved in plant-virus competition is highlighted. It is believed that miRNAs have several advantages over homology-dependent and siRNA-mediated gene silencing when they are applied biotechnologically to promote plant anti-virus defense. miRNA-mediated anti-virus pathway is an ancient mechanism with a promising future. However, using miRNAs as a powerful anti-virus tool will be better realized only if miRNA genomics and functions in plant viral infection are fully understood.


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The standard early markers for identifying and grading HIE severity, are not sufficient to ensure all children who would benefit from treatment are identified in a timely fashion. The aim of this thesis was to explore potential early biomarkers of HIE. Methods: To achieve this a cohort of infants with perinatal depression was prospectively recruited. All infants had cord blood samples drawn and biobanked, and were assessed with standardised neurological examination, and early continuous multi-channel EEG. Cord samples from a control cohort of healthy infants were used for comparison. Biomarkers studied included; multiple inflammatory proteins using multiplex assay; the metabolomics profile using LC/MS; and the miRNA profile using microarray. Results: Eighty five infants with perinatal depression were recruited. Analysis of inflammatory proteins consisted of exploratory analysis of 37 analytes conducted in a sub-population, followed by validation of all significantly altered analytes in the remaining population. IL-6 and IL-6 differed significantly in infants with a moderate/severely abnormal vs. a normal-mildly abnormal EEG in both cohorts (Exploratory: p=0.016, p=0.005: Validation: p=0.024, p=0.039; respectively). Metabolomic analysis demonstrated a perturbation in 29 metabolites. A Cross- validated Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis model was developed, which accurately predicted HIE with an AUC of 0.92 (95% CI: 0.84-0.97). Analysis of the miRNA profile found 70 miRNA significantly altered between moderate/severely encephalopathic infants and controls. miRNA target prediction databases identified potential targets for the altered miRNA in pathways involved in cellular metabolism, cell cycle and apoptosis, cell signaling, and the inflammatory cascade. Conclusion: This thesis has demonstrated that the recruitment of a large cohortof asphyxiated infants, with cord blood carefully biobanked, and detailed early neurophysiological and clinical assessment recorded, is feasible. Additionally the results described, provide potential alternate and novel blood based biomarkers for the identification and assessment of HIE.


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Cellular therapies have recently employed the use of small RNA molecules, particularly microRNAs (miRNAs), to regulate various cellular processes that may be altered in disease states. In this study, we examined the effect of transient muscle-specific miRNA inhibition on the function of three-dimensional skeletal muscle cultures, or bioartificial muscles (BAMs). Skeletal myoblast differentiation in vitro is enhanced by inhibiting a proliferation-promoting miRNA (miR-133) expressed in muscle tissues. As assessed by functional force measurements in response to electrical stimulation at frequencies ranging from 0 to 20 Hz, peak forces exhibited by BAMs with miR-133 inhibition (anti-miR-133) were on average 20% higher than the corresponding negative control, although dynamic responses to electrical stimulation in miRNA-transfected BAMs and negative controls were similar to nontransfected controls. Immunostaining for alpha-actinin and myosin also showed more distinct striations and myofiber organization in anti-miR-133 BAMs, and fiber diameters were significantly larger in these BAMs over both the nontransfected and negative controls. Compared to the negative control, anti-miR-133 BAMs exhibited more intense nuclear staining for Mef2, a key myogenic differentiation marker. To our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate that miRNA mediation has functional effects on tissue-engineered constructs.


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BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression in a variety of organisms, including insects, vertebrates, and plants. miRNAs play important roles in cell development and differentiation as well as in the cellular response to stress and infection. To date, there are limited reports of miRNA identification in mosquitoes, insects that act as essential vectors for the transmission of many human pathogens, including flaviviruses. West Nile virus (WNV) and dengue virus, members of the Flaviviridae family, are primarily transmitted by Aedes and Culex mosquitoes. Using high-throughput deep sequencing, we examined the miRNA repertoire in Ae. albopictus cells and Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes. RESULTS: We identified a total of 65 miRNAs in the Ae. albopictus C7/10 cell line and 77 miRNAs in Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes, the majority of which are conserved in other insects such as Drosophila melanogaster and Anopheles gambiae. The most highly expressed miRNA in both mosquito species was miR-184, a miRNA conserved from insects to vertebrates. Several previously reported Anopheles miRNAs, including miR-1890 and miR-1891, were also found in Culex and Aedes, and appear to be restricted to mosquitoes. We identified seven novel miRNAs, arising from nine different precursors, in C7/10 cells and Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes, two of which have predicted orthologs in An. gambiae. Several of these novel miRNAs reside within a ~350 nt long cluster present in both Aedes and Culex. miRNA expression was confirmed by primer extension analysis. To determine whether flavivirus infection affects miRNA expression, we infected female Culex mosquitoes with WNV. Two miRNAs, miR-92 and miR-989, showed significant changes in expression levels following WNV infection. CONCLUSIONS: Aedes and Culex mosquitoes are important flavivirus vectors. Recent advances in both mosquito genomics and high-throughput sequencing technologies enabled us to interrogate the miRNA profile in these two species. Here, we provide evidence for over 60 conserved and seven novel mosquito miRNAs, expanding upon our current understanding of insect miRNAs. Undoubtedly, some of the miRNAs identified will have roles not only in mosquito development, but also in mediating viral infection in the mosquito host.


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The early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) presents a challenge because of the lack of specific biomarkers. Serum/plasma microRNAs (miRNAs) can discriminate HCC patients from controls. We aimed to identify and evaluate HCC-associated plasma miRNAs originating from the liver as early biomarkers for detecting HCC. In this multicenter three-phase study, we first performed screening using both plasma (HCC before and after liver transplantation or liver hepatectomy) and tissue samples (HCC, para-carcinoma and cirrhotic tissues). Then, we evaluated the diagnostic potential of the miRNAs in two case-control studies (training and validation sets). Finally, we used two prospective cohorts to test the potential of the identified miRNAs for the early detection of HCC. During the screening phase, we identified ten miRNAs, eight of which (miR-20a-5p, miR-25-3p, miR-30a-5p, miR-92a-3p, miR-132-3p, miR-185-5p, miR-320a and miR-324-3p) were significantly overexpressed in the HBV-positive HCC patients compared with the HBV-positive cancer-free controls in both the training and validation sets, with a sensitivity of 0.866 and specificity of 0.646. Furthermore, we assessed the potential for early HCC detection of these eight newly identified miRNAs and three previously reported miRNAs (miR-192-5p, miR-21-5p and miR-375) in two prospective cohorts. Our meta-analysis revealed that four miRNAs (miR-20a-5p, miR-320a, miR-324-3p and miR-375) could be used as preclinical biomarkers (pmeta  < 0.05) for HCC. The expression profile of the eight-miRNA panel can be used to discriminate HCC patients from cancer-free controls, and the four-miRNA panel (alone or combined with AFP) could be a blood-based early detection biomarker for HCC screening.


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CD133 is one of the most common stem cell markers, and functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CD133 may modulate its gene functions and thus cancer risk and patient survival. We hypothesized that potentially functional CD133 SNPs are associated with gastric cancer (GC) risk and survival. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a case-control study of 371 GC patients and 313 cancer-free controls frequency-matched by age, sex, and ethnicity. We genotyped four selected, potentially functional CD133 SNPs (rs2240688A>C, rs7686732C>G, rs10022537T>A, and rs3130C>T) and used logistic regression analysis for associations of these SNPs with GC risk and Cox hazards regression analysis for survival. We found that compared with the miRNA binding site rs2240688 AA genotype, AC + CC genotypes were associated with significantly increased GC risk (adjusted OR = 1.52, 95% CI = 1.09-2.13); for another miRNA binding site rs3130C>T SNP, the TT genotype was associated with significantly reduced GC risk (adjusted OR = 0.68, 95% CI = 0.48-0.97), compared with CC + CT genotypes. In all patients, the risk rs3130 TT variant genotype was significantly associated with overall survival (OS) (adjusted P(trend) = 0.016 and 0.007 under additive and recessive models, respectively). These findings suggest that these two CD133 miRNA binding site variants, rs2240688 and rs3130, may be potential biomarkers for genetic susceptibility to GC and possible predictors for survival in GC patients but require further validation by larger studies.


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The hypoxic tumor microenvironment serves as a niche for maintaining the glioma-initiating cells (GICs) that are critical for glioblastoma (GBM) occurrence and recurrence. Here, we report that hypoxia-induced miR-215 is vital for reprograming GICs to fit the hypoxic microenvironment via suppressing the expression of an epigenetic regulator KDM1B and modulating activities of multiple pathways. Interestingly, biogenesis of miR-215 and several miRNAs is accelerated post-transcriptionally by hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) through HIF-Drosha interaction. Moreover, miR-215 expression correlates inversely with KDM1B while correlating positively with HIF1α and GBM progression in patients. These findings reveal a direct role of HIF in regulating miRNA biogenesis and consequently activating the miR-215-KDM1B-mediated signaling required for GIC adaptation to hypoxia.


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Key tenets of modern biology are the central place of protein in cell regulation and the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that genomes are much more complex than hitherto thought with remarkably complex regulatory systems. The notion that the fraction of the genome involved in coding protein is all that matters is increasingly being questioned as the roles of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) in cellular systems becomes recognised. The RNA world, including microRNA (miRNA), small inhibitory RNA (siRNA) and other RNA species, are now recognised as being crucial for the regulation of chromatin structure, gene expression, mRNA processing and splicing, mRNA stability and translational control. Furthermore such ncRNA systems may be perturbed in disease states and most notably in neoplasia, including in haematological malignancies. Here the burgeoning evidence for a role of miRNA in neoplasia is reviewed and the importance of understanding the RNA world emphasised. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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One of the main pillars in the development of inclusive schools is the initial teacher training. Before determining if it is necessary to make changes (and of what type) in training programs or curriculum guides related to the attention to diversity and inclusive education, the attitudes of future education professionals in this area should be analyzed. This includes the identification of the relevant predictors of inclusive attitudes. The research reported in this article pursued this objective, doing so with a quantitative survey methodology based on the use of cross-sectional structured data collection and statistical analyses related to the quality of the attitude questionnaire (factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha), descriptive statistics, correlations, hypothesis tests for difference of means, and regression analysis in order to predict attitudes towards inclusion in education. Firstly, the results show that the participants held very positive attitudes toward the inclusion of students with special educational needs. Particularly, older respondents, those with a longer training and, to a lesser extent, women and those who had been in touch with disabled people stood out within this attitude. Secondly, it is evidenced that self-transcendence values ​and, more weakly, contact, function as robust predictors of attitudes of future practitioners towards the inclusion of students with special needs. Some applications for the initial professionalization of educators are suggested in the discussion.


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BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are oligoribonucleotides with an important role in regulation of gene expression at the level of translation. Despite imperfect target complementarity, they can also significantly reduce mRNA levels. The validity of miRNA target gene predictions is difficult to assess at the protein level. We sought, therefore, to determine whether a general lowering of predicted target gene mRNA expression by endogenous miRNAs was detectable within microarray gene expression profiles. RESULTS: The target gene sets predicted for each miRNA were mapped onto known gene expression data from a range of tissues. Whether considering mean absolute target gene expression, rank sum tests or 'ranked ratios', many miRNAs with significantly reduced target gene expression corresponded to those known to be expressed in the cognate tissue. Expression levels of miRNAs with reduced target mRNA levels were higher than those of miRNAs with no detectable effect on mRNA expression. Analysis of microarray data gathered after artificial perturbation of expression of a specific miRNA confirmed the predicted increase or decrease in influence of the altered miRNA upon mRNA levels. Strongest associations were observed with targets predicted by TargetScan. CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated that the effect of a miRNA on its target mRNAs' levels can be measured within a single gene expression profile. This emphasizes the extent of this mode of regulation in vivo and confirms that many of the predicted miRNA-mRNA interactions are correct. The success of this approach has revealed the vast potential for extracting information about miRNA function from gene expression profiles.