964 resultados para Microscopic simulation models


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The aim of this thesis is the subjective and objective evaluation of angledependent absorption coefficients. As the assumption of a constant absorption coefficient over the angle of incidence is not always held, a new model acknowledging an angle-dependent reflection must be considered, to get a more accurate prediction in the sound field. The study provides information about the behavior of different materials in several rooms, depending on the reflection modeling of incident sound waves. An objective evaluation was run for an implementation of angle-dependent reflection factors in the image source and ray tracing simulation models. Results obtained were analysed after comparison to diffuse-field averaged data. However, changes in acoustic characteristics of a room do not always mean a variation in the listener’s perception. Thus, additional subjective evaluation allowed a comparison between the different results obtained with the computer simulation and the response from the individuals who participated in the listening test. The listening test was designed following a three-alternative forced-choice (3AFC) paradigm. In each interaction asked to the subjects a sequence of either three pink noise bursts or three natural signals was alternated. These results were supposed to show the influence and perception of the two different ways to implement surface reflection –either with diffuse or angle-dependent absorption properties. Results show slightly audible effects when material properties were exaggerated. El objetivo de este trabajo es la evaluación objetiva y subjetiva del coeficiente de absorción en función del ángulo de incidencia de la onda de sonido. La suposición de un coeficiente de absorción constante con respecto al ángulo de incidencia no siempre se sostiene. Por ello, un nuevo modelo considerando la reflexión dependiente del ángulo se debe tener en cuenta para obtener predicciones más certeras en el campo del sonido. El estudio proporciona información sobre el comportamiento de diferentes materiales en distintos recintos, dependientes del modelo de reflexión de las ondas de sonido incidentes. Debido a las dificultades a la hora de realizar las medidas y, por lo tanto, a la falta de datos, los coeficientes de absorción dependientes del ángulo a menudo no se tienen en cuenta a la hora de realizar las simulaciones. Hoy en día, aún no hay una tendencia de aplicar el coeficiente de absorción dependiente del ángulo para mejorar los modelos de reflexión. Por otra parte, para una medición satisfactoria de la absorción dependiente del ángulo, sólo hay unos pocos métodos. Las técnicas de medición actuales llevan mucho tiempo y hay algunos materiales, condiciones y ángulos que no pueden ser reproducidos y, por lo tanto, no es posible su medición. Sin embargo, en el presente estudio, los ángulos de incidencia de las ondas de sonido son conocidos y almacenados en una de base de datos para cada uno de los materiales, de modo que los coeficientes de absorción para el ángulo dado pueden ser devueltos siempre que sean requeridos por el usuario. Para realizar el estudio se llevó a cabo una evaluación objetiva, por medio de la implementación del factor de reflexión dependiente del ángulo en los modelos de fuentes imagen y trazado de rayos. Los resultados fueron analizados después de ser comparados con el promedio de los datos obtenidos en medidas en el campo difuso. La simulación se hizo una vez se configuraron un número de materiales creados por el autor, a partir de los datos existentes en la literatura y los catálogos de fabricantes. Los modelos de Komatsu y Mechel sirvieron como referencia para los materiales porosos, configurando la resistividad al aire o el grosor, y para los paneles perforados, introduciendo el radio de los orificios y la distancia entre centros, respectivamente. Estos materiales se situaban en la pared opuesta a la que se consideraba que debía alojar a la fuente sonora. El resto de superficies se modelaban con el mismo material, variando su coeficiente de absorción y/o de dispersión. Al mismo tiempo, una serie de recintos fueron modelados para poder reproducir distintos escenarios de los que obtener los resultados. Sin embargo, los cambios en las características acústicas de un recinto no significan variaciones en la percepción por parte del oyente. Por ello, una evaluación subjetiva adicional permitió una comparación entre los diferentes resultados obtenidos mediante la simulación informática y la respuesta de los individuos que participaron en la prueba de escucha. Ésta fue diseñada bajo las pautas del modelo de test three-alternative forced-choice (3AFC), con treinta y dos preguntas diferentes. En cada iteración los sujetos fueron preguntados por una secuencia alterna entre tres señales, siendo dos de ellas iguales. Éstas podían ser tanto ráfagas de ruido rosa como señales naturales, en este test se utilizó un fragmento de una obra clásica interpretada por un piano. Antes de contestar al cuestionario, los bloques de preguntas eran ordenados al azar. Para cada ensayo, la mezcla era diferente, así los sujetos no repetían la misma prueba, evitando un sesgo por efectos de aprendizaje. Los bloques se barajaban recordando siempre el orden inicial, para después almacenar los resultados reordenados. La prueba de escucha fue realizada por veintitrés personas, toda ellas con conocimientos dentro del campo de la acústica. Antes de llevar a cabo la prueba de escucha en un entorno adecuado, una hoja con las instrucciones fue facilitada a cada persona. Los resultados muestran la influencia y percepción de las dos maneras distintas de implementar las reflexiones de una superficie –ya sea con respecto a la propiedad de difusión o de absorción dependiente del ángulo de los materiales. Los resultados objetivos, después de ejecutar las simulaciones, muestran los datos medios obtenidos para comprender el comportamiento de distintos materiales de acuerdo con el modelo de reflexión utilizado en el caso de estudio. En las tablas proporcionadas en la memoria se muestran los valores del tiempo de reverberación, la claridad y el tiempo de caída temprana. Los datos de las características del recinto obtenidos en este análisis tienen una fuerte dependencia respecto al coeficiente de absorción de los diferentes materiales que recubren las superficies del cuarto. En los resultados subjetivos, la media de percepción, a la hora de distinguir las distintas señales, por parte de los sujetos, se situó significativamente por debajo del umbral marcado por el punto de inflexión de la función psicométrica. Sin embargo, es posible concluir que la mayoría de los individuos tienden a ser capaces de detectar alguna diferencia entre los estímulos presentados en el 3AFC test. En conclusión, la hipótesis de que los valores del coeficiente de absorción dependiente del ángulo difieren es contrastada. Pero la respuesta subjetiva de los individuos muestra que únicamente hay ligeras variaciones en la percepción si el coeficiente varía en intervalos pequeños entre los valores manejados en la simulación. Además, si los parámetros de los materiales acústicos no son exagerados, los sujetos no perciben ninguna variación. Los primeros resultados obtenidos, proporcionando información respecto a la dependencia del ángulo, llevan a una nueva consideración en el campo de la acústica, y en la realización de nuevos proyectos en el futuro. Para futuras líneas de investigación, las simulaciones se deberían realizar con distintos tipos de recintos, buscando escenarios con geometrías irregulares. También, la implementación de distintos materiales para obtener resultados más certeros. Otra de las fases de los futuros proyectos puede realizarse teniendo en cuenta el coeficiente de dispersión dependiente del ángulo de incidencia de la onda de sonido. En la parte de la evaluación subjetiva, realizar una serie de pruebas de escucha con distintos individuos, incluyendo personas sin una formación relacionada con la ingeniería acústica.


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The Physical Properties Laboratory (LPF) has been working on the improvement of fruit and vegetable grading lines since 1992'. The experience shows that the improvement of grading lines for decreasing mechanical damages has to be approached from two viewpoints: 1) machinery aggressiveness, and 2) fruit susceptibility. Machinery aggressiveness can be characterized as impact probability for different impact intensities assessed by means of electronic fruits (IS-100) 2,5 . On the other hand, bruise susceptibility can be determined using different laboratory tests. A recent study from LPF4 shows that damage may arise differently in pome and in stone fruits, since: a) pome fruits are mainly stress-susceptible, while stone fruits appear to be more deformation-susceptible, and b) bruise size may be a good predictor for bruise susceptibility in pome fruits while for stone fruits bruise probability is the most relevant characteristic of bruise susceptibility. Also, this study indicates the feasibility of predicting bruise probability using several mechanical and load characterization parameters. Despite the efforts to establish damage thresholds in peachess, no simulation models are currently available for predicting bruise occurrence in grading lines.


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Comments This article is a U.S. government work, and is not subject to copyright in the United States. Abstract Potential consequences of climate change on crop production can be studied using mechanistic crop simulation models. While a broad variety of maize simulation models exist, it is not known whether different models diverge on grain yield responses to changes in climatic factors, or whether they agree in their general trends related to phenology, growth, and yield. With the goal of analyzing the sensitivity of simulated yields to changes in temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations [CO2], we present the largest maize crop model intercomparison to date, including 23 different models. These models were evaluated for four locations representing a wide range of maize production conditions in the world: Lusignan (France), Ames (USA), Rio Verde (Brazil) and Morogoro (Tanzania). While individual models differed considerably in absolute yield simulation at the four sites, an ensemble of a minimum number of models was able to simulate absolute yields accurately at the four sites even with low data for calibration, thus suggesting that using an ensemble of models has merit. Temperature increase had strong negative influence on modeled yield response of roughly 0.5 Mg ha 1 per °C. Doubling [CO2] from 360 to 720 lmol mol 1 increased grain yield by 7.5% on average across models and the sites. That would therefore make temperature the main factor altering maize yields at the end of this century. Furthermore, there was a large uncertainty in the yield response to [CO2] among models. Model responses to temperature and [CO2] did not differ whether models were simulated with low calibration information or, simulated with high level of calibration information.


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Impact response surfaces (IRSs) depict the response of an impact variable to changes in two explanatory variables as a plotted surface. Here, IRSs of spring and winter wheat yields were constructed from a 25-member ensemble of process-based crop simulation models. Twenty-one models were calibrated by different groups using a common set of calibration data, with calibrations applied independently to the same models in three cases. The sensitivity of modelled yield to changes in temperature and precipitation was tested by systematically modifying values of 1981-2010 baseline weather data to span the range of 19 changes projected for the late 21st century at three locations in Europe.


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Early ancestors of crop simulation models (De Wit, 1965; Monteith, 1965; Duncan et al., 1967) were born before primitive personal computers were available (e.g. Apple II released in 1977, IBM PC released in 1981). Paleo-computer programs were run in mainframes with the support of punch cards. As computers became more available and powerful, crop models evolved into sophisticated tools summarizing our understanding of how crops operate. This evolution was triggered by the need to answer new scientific questions and improve the accuracy of model simulations, especially under limiting conditions.


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We describe a procedure for the generation of chemically accurate computer-simulation models to study chemical reactions in the condensed phase. The process involves (i) the use of a coupled semiempirical quantum and classical molecular mechanics method to represent solutes and solvent, respectively; (ii) the optimization of semiempirical quantum mechanics (QM) parameters to produce a computationally efficient and chemically accurate QM model; (iii) the calibration of a quantum/classical microsolvation model using ab initio quantum theory; and (iv) the use of statistical mechanical principles and methods to simulate, on massively parallel computers, the thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions in aqueous solution. The utility of this process is demonstrated by the calculation of the enthalpy of reaction in vacuum and free energy change in aqueous solution for a proton transfer involving methanol, methoxide, imidazole, and imidazolium, which are functional groups involved with proton transfers in many biochemical systems. An optimized semiempirical QM model is produced, which results in the calculation of heats of formation of the above chemical species to within 1.0 kcal/mol (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ) of experimental values. The use of the calibrated QM and microsolvation QM/MM (molecular mechanics) models for the simulation of a proton transfer in aqueous solution gives a calculated free energy that is within 1.0 kcal/mol (12.2 calculated vs. 12.8 experimental) of a value estimated from experimental pKa values of the reacting species.


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This paper argues the use of reusable simulation templates as a tool that can help to predict the effect of e-business introduction on business processes. First, a set of requirements for e-business modelling is introduced and modelling options described. Traditional business process mapping techniques are examined as a way of identifying potential changes. Whilst paper-based process mapping may not highlight significant differences between traditional and e-business processes, simulation does allow the real effects of e-business to be identified. Simulation has the advantage of capturing the dynamic characteristics of the process, thus reflecting more accurately the changes in behaviour. This paper shows the value of using generic process maps as a starting point for collecting the data that is needed to build the simulation and proposes the use of reusable templates/components for the speedier building of e-business simulation models.


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A method has been constructed for the solution of a wide range of chemical plant simulation models including differential equations and optimization. Double orthogonal collocation on finite elements is applied to convert the model into an NLP problem that is solved either by the VF 13AD package based on successive quadratic programming, or by the GRG2 package, based on the generalized reduced gradient method. This approach is termed simultaneous optimization and solution strategy. The objective functional can contain integral terms. The state and control variables can have time delays. Equalities and inequalities containing state and control variables can be included into the model as well as algebraic equations and inequalities. The maximum number of independent variables is 2. Problems containing 3 independent variables can be transformed into problems having 2 independent variables using finite differencing. The maximum number of NLP variables and constraints is 1500. The method is also suitable for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. The state functions are approximated by a linear combination of Lagrange interpolation polynomials. The control function can either be approximated by a linear combination of Lagrange interpolation polynomials or by a piecewise constant function over finite elements. The number of internal collocation points can vary by finite elements. The residual error is evaluated at arbitrarily chosen equidistant grid-points, thus enabling the user to check the accuracy of the solution between collocation points, where the solution is exact. The solution functions can be tabulated. There is an option to use control vector parameterization to solve optimization problems containing initial value ordinary differential equations. When there are many differential equations or the upper integration limit should be selected optimally then this approach should be used. The portability of the package has been addressed converting the package from V AX FORTRAN 77 into IBM PC FORTRAN 77 and into SUN SPARC 2000 FORTRAN 77. Computer runs have shown that the method can reproduce optimization problems published in the literature. The GRG2 and the VF I 3AD packages, integrated into the optimization package, proved to be robust and reliable. The package contains an executive module, a module performing control vector parameterization and 2 nonlinear problem solver modules, GRG2 and VF I 3AD. There is a stand-alone module that converts the differential-algebraic optimization problem into a nonlinear programming problem.


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With new and emerging e-business technologies to transform business processes, it is important to understand how those technologies will affect the performance of a business. Will the overall business process be cheaper, faster and more accurate or will a sub-optimal change have been implemented? The use of simulation to model the behaviour of business processes is well established, and it has been applied to e-business processes to understand their performance in terms of measures such as lead-time, cost and responsiveness. This paper introduces the concept of simulation components that enable simulation models of e-business processes to be built quickly from generic e-business templates. The paper demonstrates how these components were devised, as well as the results from their application through case studies.


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Certain theoretical and methodological problems of designing real-time dynamical expert systems, which belong to the class of the most complex integrated expert systems, are discussed. Primary attention is given to the problems of designing subsystems for modeling the external environment in the case where the environment is represented by complex engineering systems. A specific approach to designing simulation models for complex engineering systems is proposed and examples of the application of this approach based on the G2 (Gensym Corp.) tool system are described.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60K15, 60K20, 60G20,60J75, 60J80, 60J85, 60-08, 90B15.


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Climate change affects on insect populations in many ways: it can cause a shift in geographical spread, abundance, or diversity, it can change the location, the timing and the magnitude of outbreaks of pests and it can define the phenological or even the genetic properties of the species. Long-time investigations of special insect populations, simulation models and scenario studies give us very important information about the response of the insects far away and near to our century. Getting to know the potential responses of insect populations to climate change makes us possible to evaluate the adaptation of pest management alternatives as well as to formulate our future management policy. In this paper we apply two simple models, in order to introduce a complex case study for a Sycamore lace bug population. We test how the model works in case the whether conditions are very different from those in our days. Thus, besides we can understand the processes that happen in present, we can analyze the effects of a possible climate change, as well.


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Highways are generally designed to serve a mixed traffic flow that consists of passenger cars, trucks, buses, recreational vehicles, etc. The fact that the impacts of these different vehicle types are not uniform creates problems in highway operations and safety. A common approach to reducing the impacts of truck traffic on freeways has been to restrict trucks to certain lane(s) to minimize the interaction between trucks and other vehicles and to compensate for their differences in operational characteristics. ^ The performance of different truck lane restriction alternatives differs under different traffic and geometric conditions. Thus, a good estimate of the operational performance of different truck lane restriction alternatives under prevailing conditions is needed to help make informed decisions on truck lane restriction alternatives. This study develops operational performance models that can be applied to help identify the most operationally efficient truck lane restriction alternative on a freeway under prevailing conditions. The operational performance measures examined in this study include average speed, throughput, speed difference, and lane changes. Prevailing conditions include number of lanes, interchange density, free-flow speeds, volumes, truck percentages, and ramp volumes. ^ Recognizing the difficulty of collecting sufficient data for an empirical modeling procedure that involves a high number of variables, the simulation approach was used to estimate the performance values for various truck lane restriction alternatives under various scenarios. Both the CORSIM and VISSIM simulation models were examined for their ability to model truck lane restrictions. Due to a major problem found in the CORSIM model for truck lane modeling, the VISSIM model was adopted as the simulator for this study. ^ The VISSIM model was calibrated mainly to replicate the capacity given in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) for various free-flow speeds under the ideal basic freeway section conditions. Non-linear regression models for average speed, throughput, average number of lane changes, and speed difference between the lane groups were developed. Based on the performance models developed, a simple decision procedure was recommended to select the desired truck lane restriction alternative for prevailing conditions. ^


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Traffic incidents are non-recurring events that can cause a temporary reduction in roadway capacity. They have been recognized as a major contributor to traffic congestion on our nation’s highway systems. To alleviate their impacts on capacity, automatic incident detection (AID) has been applied as an incident management strategy to reduce the total incident duration. AID relies on an algorithm to identify the occurrence of incidents by analyzing real-time traffic data collected from surveillance detectors. Significant research has been performed to develop AID algorithms for incident detection on freeways; however, similar research on major arterial streets remains largely at the initial stage of development and testing. This dissertation research aims to identify design strategies for the deployment of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based AID algorithm for major arterial streets. A section of the US-1 corridor in Miami-Dade County, Florida was coded in the CORSIM microscopic simulation model to generate data for both model calibration and validation. To better capture the relationship between the traffic data and the corresponding incident status, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and data normalization were applied to the simulated data. Multiple ANN models were then developed for different detector configurations, historical data usage, and the selection of traffic flow parameters. To assess the performance of different design alternatives, the model outputs were compared based on both detection rate (DR) and false alarm rate (FAR). The results show that the best models were able to achieve a high DR of between 90% and 95%, a mean time to detect (MTTD) of 55-85 seconds, and a FAR below 4%. The results also show that a detector configuration including only the mid-block and upstream detectors performs almost as well as one that also includes a downstream detector. In addition, DWT was found to be able to improve model performance, and the use of historical data from previous time cycles improved the detection rate. Speed was found to have the most significant impact on the detection rate, while volume was found to contribute the least. The results from this research provide useful insights on the design of AID for arterial street applications.


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During the past three decades, the use of roundabouts has increased throughout the world due to their greater benefits in comparison with intersections controlled by traditional means. Roundabouts are often chosen because they are widely associated with low accident rates, lower construction and operating costs, and reasonable capacities and delay. ^ In the planning and design of roundabouts, special attention should be given to the movement of pedestrians and bicycles. As a result, there are several guidelines for the design of pedestrian and bicycle treatments at roundabouts that increase the safety of both pedestrians and bicyclists at existing and proposed roundabout locations. Different design guidelines have differing criteria for handling pedestrians and bicyclists at roundabout locations. Although all of the investigated guidelines provide better safety (depending on the traffic conditions at a specific location), their effects on the performance of the roundabout have not been examined yet. ^ Existing roundabout analysis software packages provide estimates of capacity and performance characteristics. This includes characteristics such as delay, queue lengths, stop rates, effects of heavy vehicles, crash frequencies, and geometric delays, as well as fuel consumption, pollutant emissions and operating costs for roundabouts. None of these software packages, however, are capable of determining the effects of various pedestrian crossing locations, nor the effect of different bicycle treatments on the performance of roundabouts. ^ The objective of this research is to develop simulation models capable of determining the effect of various pedestrian and bicycle treatments at single-lane roundabouts. To achieve this, four models were developed. The first model simulates a single-lane roundabout without bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The second model simulates a single-lane roundabout with a pedestrian crossing and mixed flow bicyclists. The third model simulates a single-lane roundabout with a combined pedestrian and bicycle crossing, while the fourth model simulates a single-lane roundabout with a pedestrian crossing and a bicycle lane at the outer perimeter of the roundabout for the bicycles. Traffic data was collected at a modern roundabout in Boca Raton, Florida. ^ The results of this effort show that installing a pedestrian crossing on the roundabout approach will have a negative impact on the entry flow, while the downstream approach will benefit from the newly created gaps by pedestrians. Also, it was concluded that a bicycle lane configuration is more beneficial for all users of the roundabout instead of the mixed flow or combined crossing. Installing the pedestrian crossing at one-car length is more beneficial for pedestrians than two- and three-car lengths. Finally, it was concluded that the effect of the pedestrian crossing on the vehicle queues diminishes as the distance between the crossing and the roundabout increases. ^