1000 resultados para Mercat de treball -- Models economètrics


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ii. Aquest estudi planteja un model de formació i d'orientació per la millora de l’empleabilitat i l’adaptabilitat d’un grup especialment vulnerable, els joves amb intel•ligència límit, a partir d’un procés de detecció de necessitats de les competències bàsiques i laborals exigides pel mercat de treball. El model sorgeix de l’estudi dels programes i actuacions de formació i d’orientació que els serveis locals d’ocupació i/o d'integració laboral dissenyen i desenvolupen per la inserció laboral dels joves amb intel•ligència límit en el mercat de treball obert i competitiu.


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In this paper, we study how access pricing affects network competition when subscription demand is elastic and each network uses non-linear prices and can apply termination-based price discrimination. In the case of a fixed per minute termination charge, we find that a reduction of the termination charge below cost has two opposing effects: it softens competition but helps to internalize network externalities. The former reduces mobile penetration while the latter boosts it. We find that firms always prefer termination charge below cost for either motive while the regulator prefers termination below cost only when this boosts penetration. Next, we consider the retail benchmarking approach (Jeon and Hurkens, 2008) that determines termination charges as a function of retail prices and show that this approach allows the regulator to increase penetration without distorting call volumes.


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PhD graduates hold the highest education degree, are trained to conduct research and can be considered a key element in the creation, commercialization and diffusion of innovations. The impact of PhDs on innovation and economic development takes place through several channels such as the accumulation of scientific capital stock, the enhancement of technology transfers and the promotion of cooperation relationships in innovation processes. Although the placement of PhDs in industry provides a very important mechanism for transmitting knowledge from universities to firms, information about the characteristics of the firms that employ PhDs is very scarce. The goal of this paper is to improve understanding of the determinants of the demand for PhDs in the private sector. Three main potential determinants of the demand for PhDs are considered: cooperation between firms and universities, R&D activities of firms and several characteristics of firms, size, sector, productivity and age. The results from the econometric analysis show that cooperation between firms and universities encourages firms to recruit PhDs and point to the existence of accumulative effects in the hiring of PhD graduates.


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L’objectiu d’aquest treball és definir el nou fenomen de l’opting out i la situació de la dona davant el mateix; així com, descriure la relació que hi ha entre la societat, la dona, la família i el mercat laboral. En primer lloc, es desenvolupa el context de la dona dins la nostra societat i el mercat laboral. Seguidament, es defineix l’opting out o abandonament professional i es revela el que està succeint entorn d’aquest tema, mitjançant l’ús d’alguns estudis que s’han dut a terme. En tercer lloc, s’assenyalen les causes més rellevants d’aquest abandonament professional de les dones i, per últim, es descriuen les repercussions més significatives que pateixen degut a aquest fenomen.


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the diferences that immigrants have in the Spanish labour market. Immigrants in Spain come from a diversity of continents (Africa, South America, Eastern Europe, Asia, etc.), and there are substantial diferences in characteristics not only among continents but also among countries in each continent. Using a quantile regression method of decomposition we estimate these diferences that are reflected in the labour market and in particular are mirrored in the wage, so some immigrants are more discriminated or segregated that others because they have less advantage. For example Argentineans and Peruvians have the same origin and culture but we can find diferences in the wage that they receive in the Spanish labor market, or for example Moroccans have a advantage with respect to the Rest of Africans, due to the geographical proximity to Spain. So when we study the pay gap and the gender pay gap we need to take into consideration the origin of immigrants. We also want to study how the integration of immigrants evolved across years, whether the wage gap that we find in the first episode of work between immigrants and natives disappears or continues to be present in the Spain labour market.


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We study two cooperative solutions of a market with indivisible goods modeled as a generalized assignment game: Set-wise stability and Core. We first establish that the Set-wise stable set is contained in the Core and it contains the non-empty set of competitive equilibrium payoffs. We then state and prove three limit results for replicated markets. First, the sequence of Cores of replicated markets converges to the set of competitive equilibrium payoffs when the number of replicas tends to infinity. Second, the Set-wise stable set of a two-fold replicated market already coincides with the set of competitive equilibrium payoffs. Third, for any number of replicas there is a market with a Core payoff that is not a competitive equilibrium payoff.


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While much of the literature on immigrants' assimilation has focused on countries with a large tradition of receiving immigrants and with flexible labor markets, very little is known on how immigrants adjust to other types of host economies. With its severe dual labor market, and an unprecedented immigration boom, Spain presents a quite unique experience to analyze immigrations' assimilation process. Using data from the 2000 to 2008 Labor Force Survey, we find that immigrants are more occupationally mobile than natives, and that much of this greater flexibility is explained by immigrants' assimilation process soon after arrival. However, we find little evidence of convergence, especially among women and high skilled immigrants. This suggests that instead of integrating, immigrants occupationally segregate, providing evidence consistent with both imperfect substitutability and immigrants' human capital being under-valued. Additional evidence on the assimilation of earnings and the incidence of permanent employment by different skill levels also supports the hypothesis of segmented labor markets.


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I construct "homogeneous" series of salaried employment, employee compensation and total labor income for Spain and its regions covering the period 1955-2008. I also estimate labor's share in regional and national GVA and construct an indicator of the average cost of labor including both employees and non-salaried workers.


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Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis de la reforma laboral del mercado español mediante la utilización de derivados financieros reales. El trabajo consiste en modelizar la función incentivo del contratador desde el punto de vista de una cartera de derivados con el fin de analizar el impacto sobre la creación de empleo indefinido de las distintas propuestas realizadas por los principales agentes participantes del debate. La principal aportación de este trabajo consiste en la creación de un simulador que nos permite analizar las sensibilidades de las principales variables suceptibles de ser modificadas en la Reforma Laboral para cada uno de los escenarios considerados.


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The precondition for labour-market competition between immigrants and natives is that both are willing to accept jobs that do not differ in quality. To test this hypothesis, in this paper we compare the working conditions between immigrants and natives in Catalonia. Comparing immigrants’ working conditions in relation to their native counterparts is not only a useful analysis for studying the extent to which immigrants and low-skilled native workers are direct competitors in the labour market, but also allows us to contribute to the literature on this issue by moving away from the conventional approach used in previous studies. Our results indicate that: i) natives and immigrants display a different taste for job (dis)amenities; ii) Catalan-born workers might be in direct competition with EU15 immigrants, while non-Catalan Spanish workers might be competing with Latin American immigrants, and; iii) African-born immigrants are the group in the Catalan workforce that by far face the worst working conditions.


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We analyze the impact of working and contractual conditions, particularly exposure to job risks, on the probability of acquiring a disability. We postulate a model in which this impact is mediated by the choice of occupation, with a level of risk associated to it. We assume this choice is endogenous, and that it depends on preferences and opportunities in the labour market, both of which may differ between immigrants and natives. To test this hypothesis we use data from the Continuous Sample of Working Lives of the Spanish SS system. It contains individual, job and firm information of over a million workers, including a representative sample of immigrants. We find that risk exposure increases the probability of permanent disability by 5.3%; temporary employment also influences health. Migrant status -with differences among regions of origin- significantly affects both disability and the probability of being employed in a risky occupation. Most groups of immigrants work in riskier jobs, but have lower probability of becoming disabled. Nevertheless, our theoretical hypothesis that disability and risk are jointly determined is not valid for immigrants: i.e. for them working conditions is not a matter of choice in terms of health.


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We study the effects of government spending by using a structural, large dimensional, dynamic factor model. We find that the government spending shock is non-fundamental for the variables commonly used in the structural VAR literature, so that its impulse response functions cannot be consistently estimated by means of a VAR. Government spending raises both consumption and investment, with no evidence of crowding out. The impact multiplier is 1.7 and the long run multiplier is 0.6.


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El present treball realitza un recorregut per la situació de la immigració a Espanya durant les últimes dècades, des dels anys noranta fins avui, per a observar les peculiaritats que aquest col•lectiu ha tingut al nostre país davant cadascun dels contextos econòmics i polítics. Paral•lelament, s’estableix l’anàlisi de la normativa al respecte, amb la finalitat de trobar la seva evolució a través del temps. Amb això, es pot dirimir si les reformes legals van dirigides a millorar la situació dels estrangers i solucionar els problemes que ha comportat la crisi, en definitiva, si contribueix a fer de la nostra una societat millor.


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El principal objectiu d’aquest treball és mostrar quina es la situació actual i la relació existent entre tres importants variables com son la immigració, el treball i la dona. Al primer capítol es desenvolupa la immigració des d’una perspectiva històrica, continuant amb els tipus i etapes del procés migratori finalitzant amb els factors socials i psicològics que influeixen en aquest procés. A continuació es tracta el treball, revelant la situació del mercat a l’actualitat, també per als immigrants i sense oblidar el fenomen de l’atur i de les repercussions psicològiques que s’hi deriven. Finalment tractarem el tema de la dona; la seva evolució a la societat, al mercat de treball, el lideratge i també el paper de la dona immigrant al món professional i quina relació existeix entre aquests dos grups de dones.


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L’estudi parteix d’un repàs de la literatura, 11 entrevistes a experts, 25 a ex-interns o interns i l’anàlisi de dades sòcio-demogràfiques, penitenciàries i d’activitats d’inserció i trajectòria laboral de 3.225 ex-interns espanyols que han sortit en llibertat definitiva a Catalunya entre l’1 de gener 2004 i el 31 de desembre 2007 Es constata que el 43,6% d’ex-interns obté ocupació amb alta a la Seguretat Social un cop en llibertat definitiva. La inserció laboral sol ser fràgil: contractes temporals, feines manuals, poc qualificades i de breu duració, la qual cosa els fa constituir-se com a un col·lectiu vulnerable. En general participen d’una cultura del treball no arrelada i de trajectòries laborals prèvies a la reclusió breus o inexistents. D’aquí, que existeixi una línia de continuïtat entre els vincles amb el mercat de treball abans i després de la reclusió. El treball productiu a presons repercuteix moderadament en més inserció laboral. Però treball productiu i formació professional són poc professionalitzadors, més útils per als que no han treballat, sense estudis ni habilitats laborals. Els estudis són un factor clau en la inserció laboral; també els vincles socials, sobretot els més propers, parella per als homes, fills per a les dones. La major predisposició de les dones per a la inserció no reverteix en altes a la S.S., explicable per factors culturals, dificultats d’obtenció de feina regularitzada o de conciliació d’horaris laborals i familiars. Finalment, l’estudi constata que els joves accedeixen més a una ocupació, no tant per motivació personal sinó per tenir més fàcil accés que els adults.