750 resultados para Mental Illness


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There is a schism between a growing chorus for person-centred models of care and the prevalent paradigms for the design of mental health facilities. This argument proposes that architectural solutions have traditionally been geared around staff-centred concerns like ease of patient management. It suggests that the demands for person-centred models of care are important because evidence suggests that the physical environment is a causal factor in mental illness, and that even minor concessions towards person-centred models of care consistently exert a disproportionate and sustained positive influence on the behaviour of mental health patients. While the traditional mental health unit layout is unsatisfactory for person-centred care and effective recovery, other approaches that have been well tested and found to be effective is described along with a statement about subtle details that will improve facilities for all users.


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This article reports the evaluative findings of an Early Psychosis Education Program (EPEP) designed to support parents caring for their child who was recently admitted to the psychiatric intensive care unit of an inpatient mental health care facility in Australia. The EPEP offered education on mental illness, treatment options, and medication, as well as information on the recovery model of care. The EPEP was facilitated by two RNs and was evaluated for educational effectiveness using a simple pre- and postevaluation questionnaire. The evaluation revealed two themes expressed by parents: "We didn't see it coming," and "Hopelessness and helplessness." The themes highlighted the parents' lack of mental health care knowledge prior to the EPEP, which had a significant impact on the parents' experiences and well-being. The evaluative findings highlighted a need for a nurse-led EPEP within the community. A community EPEP has the potential to strengthen the partnership between parents, families, and mental health service providers and to help with the provision of a recovery framework of care.


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Not a lot is known about most mental illness. Its triggers can rarely be established and nor can its aetiological dynamics, so it is hardly surprising that the accepted treatments for most mental illnesses are really strategies to manage the most overt symptoms. But with such a dearth of knowledge, how can worthy decisions be made about psychiatric interventions, especially given time and budgetary restrictions? This paper introduces a method, extrapolated from Salutogenics; the psycho-social theory of health introduced by Antonovsky in 1987. This method takes a normative stance (that psychiatric health care is for the betterment of psychiatric patients), and applies it to any context where there is a dearth of workable knowledge. In lieu of guiding evidence, the method identifies reasonable alternatives on the fly, enabling rational decisions to be made quickly with limited resources.


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Background This study addresses limitations of prior research that have used group comparison designs to test the effects of parental illness on youth. Purpose This study examined differences in adjustment between children of a parent with illness and peers from ‘healthy’ families controlling for the effects of whether a parent or non-parent family member is ill, illness type, demographics and caregiving. Methods Based on questionnaire data, groups were derived from a community sample of 2,474 youth (‘healthy’ family, n = 1768; parental illness, n = 336; other family member illness, n = 254; both parental and other family illness, n = 116). Results The presence of any family member with an illness is associated with greater risk of mental health difficulties for youth relative to peers from healthy families. This risk is elevated if the ill family member is a parent and has mental illness or substance misuse. Conclusions Serious health problems within a household adversely impact youth adjustment.


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Although the majority of people with mental illness are not violent, scientific studies over the last decades show that certain psychiatric disorders increase the risk of violent behavior, including homicide. This thesis examined crime scene behaviors and offender background characteristics among mentally ill Finnish homicide offenders. Previously, homicide crime scene behaviors have been investigated in relation to offender demographic characteristics, whereas this study compares the behaviors of offenders with various mental illnesses. The study design was a retrospective chart review of the forensic psychiatric statements of Finnish homicide offenders. The work consists of four substudies. The aims of the study were as follows: To describe differences in the childhood and family backgrounds as well as in the adolescent and adult adjustment of Finnish homicide offenders belonging to different diagnostic categories (schizophrenia, personality disorder, alcoholism, drug addiction or no diagnosis). Further, the study examined associations between the crime scene behaviors and mental status of these offenders. Also, the distinguishing characteristics between two groups of offenders with schizophrenia were examined: early starters, who present antisocial behavior before the onset of schizophrenia, and late starters, who first offend after the onset of mental disorder. Finally, it was investigated how the use of excessive violence is associated with clinical and circumstantial variables as well as offender background characteristics among homicide offenders with schizophrenia. The main findings of the study can be summarized as follows. First, offenders with personality disorder or drug addiction had experienced multiple difficulties in their early environments: both family and individual problems were typical. Offenders with schizophrenia were relatively well-adjusted in childhood compared to the other groups. However, in adolescence and adulthood, social isolation, withdrawal and other difficulties attributable to these offenders illness became evident. In several aspects, offenders with alcohol dependency resembled offenders with no diagnosis in that these offenders had less problematic backgrounds compared to other groups. Second, the results showed that crime scene behaviors, victim gender and the victim-offender relationship differ between the groups. In particular, offenders with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or drug addiction have some unique features in their crime scene behaviors and choice of victims. Offenders with schizophrenia were more likely to kill a blood relative, to use a sharp weapon and to injure the victim s face. Drug addiction was associated with stealing from the victim and trying to cover up the body. Third, the results suggest that the offense characteristics of early- and late-start offenders with schizophrenia differ only modestly. However, several significant differences between the groups were found in characteristics of offenders: early starters had experienced a multitude of problems in their childhood surroundings and also later in life. Fourth, violent acts where the offender did not commit the offense alone or had previous homicidal history were predictive of excessive violence among offenders with schizophrenia. Positive psychotic symptoms did not predict the use of excessive violence. Nearly one third of the cases in the sample involved multiple and severe violence, including features such as sadism, mutilation, sexual components or extreme stabbing. In sum, mentally disordered homicide offenders are heterogeneous in their offense characteristics as well as their background characteristics. Empirically based information on how the offender s mental state is associated with specific crime scene behaviors can be utilized within the police force in developing methods of prioritizing suspects in unsolved homicide cases. Also, these results emphasise the importance of early interventions for problem families and children at risk of antisocial behavior. They may also contribute to the development of effective treatment for violent offenders.


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Background The environment is inextricably related to mental health. Recent research replicates findings of a significant, linear correlation between a childhood exposure to the urban environment and psychosis. Related studies also correlate the urban environment and aberrant brain morphologies. These findings challenge common beliefs that the mind and brain remain neutral in the face of worldly experience. Aim There is a signature within these neurological findings that suggests that specific features of design cause and trigger mental illness. The objective in this article is to work backward from the molecular dynamics to identify features of the designed environment that may either trigger mental illness or protect against it. Method This review analyzes the discrete functions putatively assigned to the affected brain areas and a neurotransmitter called dopamine, which is the primary target of most antipsychotic medications. The intention is to establish what the correlations mean in functional terms, and more specifically, how this relates to the phenomenology of urban experience. In doing so, environmental mental illness risk factors are identified. Conclusions Having established these relationships, the review makes practical recommendations for those in public health who wish to use the environment itself as a tool to improve the mental health of a community through design.


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Radical circumstances (bushfires and natural disasters) flush out the mental illness in society. Whenever there’s a disaster, there’s a rush on hospital admissions for psychiatric problems. But on the whole, the illness is already there. Emergencies naturally make fodder for delusions and the emergency efforts, for mania. Obviously, there are direct mental health consequences – a small rise in post-traumatic stress disorder inevitably follows disaster. This correlates with the severity of the consequences of the disaster (loss of family, friends, animals and property). And there’s usually a big rethink, with about a third of those affected leaving the area permanently. But, for the most part, this isn’t driven by mental health issues, it results from the very real fears about whether living in a fire (or other disaster) zone is worth it.


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- Objective The aim is to identify the role and scope of Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) services in the mental health sector and to provide insight as to how AEPs can contribute to the multidisciplinary mental health team. - Methods A modified Delphi approach was utilised. Thirteen AEPs with experience in mental health contributed to the iterative development of a national consensus statement. Six mental health professionals with expertise in psychiatry, mental health nursing, general practice and mental health research participated in the review process. Reviewers were provided with a template to systematically provide feedback on the language, content, structure and relevance to their professional group. - Results This consensus statement outlines how AEPs can contribute to the multidisciplinary mental health team, the aims and scope of AEP-led interventions in mental health services and examples of such interventions, the range of physical and mental health outcomes possible through AEP-led interventions and common referral pathways to community AEP services. - Outcome AEPs can play a key role in the treatment of individuals experiencing mental illness. The diversity of AEP interventions allows for a holistic approach to care, enhancing both physical and mental health outcomes.


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A assistência psiquiátrica a indivíduos com sofrimento psíquico, em seu campo político, passou por um longo processo de discussão e formulação de estratégias a fim de garantir condição de humanidade aos indivíduos assistidos. A Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira, como ficou conhecida, ocorreu concomitante ao processo de Reforma Sanitária e formulou leis para a garantia da integralidade e do acesso universal à saúde em território nacional sob a responsabilidade das esferas governamentais. No município de Cascavel PR, o processo de formulação das políticas assistenciais para o indivíduo com transtorno mental se inicia na década de 90, porém só é efetivamente estruturado a partir de 2003 com o fechamento do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Marcos, que forçou o município a agilizar o processo de implantação da rede assistencial e de serviços complementares com moldes psicossociais. Com isso o município estrutura a assistência ao portador de transtorno mental através da implantação de ambulatório especializado, serviço de urgência e centros de atenção psicossocial para adultos, crianças e usuários de álcool e outras drogas, todos estruturados com suporte assistencial realizado pela Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS). Em cada UBS foi nomeado um profissional de referência para o acompanhamento desses usuários e de seus familiares com o intuito de fortalecer o vínculo e manter a relação entre os serviços complementares e atenção primária. O presente estudo é centrado na pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, com caráter qualitativo, cujo ponto de partida é a coleta de dados por meio de aplicação de questionário semi-estruturado com a finalidade de conhecer o processo de formulação das políticas municipais de atenção ao doente mental através do questionamento sobre as práticas assistenciais desenvolvidas pela atenção primária à saúde. A população é composta por 10 (dez) profissionais das UBS, referências em saúde mental, e 10 (dez) familiares de usuários com sofrimento mental, assistidos pela atenção básica, mas inseridos em algum dos serviços ofertados da rede assistencial de saúde mental. A análise dos dados se deu por meio de análise de conteúdo, com estruturação de dois grandes focos de análise para melhor compreensão dos conteúdos (Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin). O resultado apontou dados positivos em relação à política de saúde mental municipal uma vez que, embora com apontamentos divergentes entre profissionais e usuários, percebe-se a intenção em assegurar aos indivíduos em sofrimento psíquico uma gama de procedimentos que são, inclusive, orientados por portarias ministeriais. Em relação à assistência prestada pela atenção básica de saúde, há convergência em relação às ações desenvolvidas pelos profissionais da UBS, embora os profissionais afirmem o desenvolvimento de atividades que não são confirmadas pelos usuários. Em relação às dificuldades encontradas para efetivação do tratamento, tanto profissionais quanto usuários apontam que há muito a avançar no campo da saúde mental para que efetivamente seja prestada assistência de forma equânime e integral.


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BACKGROUND: Two phenomena have become increasingly visible over the past decade: the significant global burden of disease arising from mental illness and the rapid acceleration of mobile phone usage in poorer countries. Mental ill-health accounts for a significant proportion of global disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and years lived with disability (YLDs), especially in poorer countries where a number of factors combine to exacerbate issues of undertreatment. Yet poorer countries have also witnessed significant investments in, and dramatic expansions of, mobile coverage and usage over the past decade. DEBATE: The conjunction of high levels of mental illness and high levels of mobile phone usage in poorer countries highlights the potential for "mH(2)" interventions--i.e. mHealth (mobile technology-based) mental health interventions--to tackle global mental health challenges. However, global mental health movements and initiatives have yet to engage fully with this potential, partly because of scepticism towards technological solutions in general and partly because existing mH(2) projects in mental health have often taken place in a fragmented, narrowly-focused, and small-scale manner. We argue for a deeper and more sustained engagement with mobile phone technology in the global mental health context, and outline the possible shape of an integrated mH(2) platform for the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of mental health. SUMMARY: Existing and developing mH(2) technologies represent an underutilised resource in global mental health. If development, evaluation, and implementation challenges are overcome, an integrated mH2 platform would make significant contributions to mental healthcare in multiple settings and contexts.


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El estigma y la discriminación que sufren las personas con enfermedad mental y discapacidad dan como resultado dificultades de incorporación socio-laboral, situaciones de vulnerabilidad y exclusión social. En este documento se recogen, visualizan y comparan las diferentes prestaciones del ámbito ocupacional y laboral destinadas a las personas con enfermedad mental y discapacidad derivada de ésta de las siguientes Comunidades Autónomas uniprovinciales de España: Asturias, Cantabria, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia y Navarra. A través del mismo, se puede conocer la situación laboral de las personas con enfermedad mental y discapacidad derivada de ésta y aclarar los tipos de Centros y programas específicos que hay para este colectivo en las diferentes Comunidades estudiadas. Se elaboran y aportan al trabajo tablas comparativas de síntesis de resultados para obtener una visión global de la situación estudiada.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia, ramo de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde


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Health and social services providers throughout Europe are increasingly aware of the possibility of litigation from service users arising from the application of a human rights perspective to public service provision. The substantial body of case law that has emerged from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is used regularly as the basis for this litigation at national and European levels. This paper presents an analysis of ECHR cases related to breaches of human rights that occurred when children were taken into care from families in which one or both parents had a diagnosed mental illness. The issues raised by these cases include the following: how to ensure that the right to family life is protected for adults with mental illnesses; how to ensure access and opportunities for parents to continue bonding with children in care; and how to avoid damaging children while giving time for a proper assessment of the care situation.