965 resultados para Medicine -- Practice


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The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility of an exercise scientist (ES) working in general practice to promote physical activity (PA) to 55 to 70 year old adults. Participants were randomised into one of three groups: either brief verbal and written advice from a general practitioner (GP) (G1, N=9); or individualised counselling and follow-up telephone calls from an ES, either with (G3, N=8) or without a pedometer (G2, N=11). PA levels were assessed at week 1, after the 12-wk intervention and again at 24 weeks. After the 12-wk intervention, the average increase in PA was 116 (SD=237) min/wk; N=28, p < 0.001. Although there were no statistically significant between-group differences, the average increases in PA among G2 and G3 participants were 195 (SD=207) and 138 (SD=315) min/wk respectively, compared with no change (0.36, SD=157) in G1. After 24 weeks, average PA levels remained 56 (SD=129) min/wk higher than in week 1. The small numbers of participants in this feasibility study limit the power to detect significant differences between groups, but it would appear that individualised counselling and follow-up contact from an ES, with or without a pedometer, can result in substantial changes in PA levels. A larger study is now planned to confirm these findings.


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"Combining facets of health physics with medicine, An Introduction to Radiation Protection in Medicine covers the background of the subject and the medical situations where radiation is the tool to diagnose or treat human disease. Encouraging newcomers to the field to properly and efficiently function in a versatile and evolving work setting, it familiarizes them with the particular problems faced during the application of ionizing radiation in medicine. The text builds a fundamental knowledge base before providing practical descriptions of radiation safety in medicine. It covers basic issues related to radiation protection, including the physical science behind radiation protection and the radiobiological basis of radiation protection. The text also presents operational and managerial tools for organizing radiation safety in a medical workplace. Subsequent chapters form the core of the book, focusing on the practice of radiation protection in different medical disciplines. They explore a range of individual uses of ionizing radiation in various branches of medicine, including radiology, nuclear medicine, external beam radiotherapy, and brachytherapy. With contributions from experienced practicing physicists, this book provides essential information about dealing with radiation safety in the rapidly shifting and diverse environment of medicine."--publisher website


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This study aimed to assess the efficacy of a general practice based intervention to increase physical activity (PA) levels among 50-70 year old adults. One hundred and thirty-six inactive patients (50-70 years) were randomised into three groups. All participants received brief advice and a written prescription from a GP. Group one received this 'usual care' only (GP, n=46); group two received individualised counselling and follow-up contact from an Exercise Scientist (ES, n=45); group three received a pedometer to supplement the ES counselling (PED, n=45). The Active Australia Survey was administered at baseline, after the 12- week intervention and at a 24-week follow-up. One-way ANOVA showed no significant group differences at baseline in self-reported PA. Average time spent walking increased in all three groups at the 24-week follow-up (GP, 68158min/wk, p=0.006; ES, 83160min/wk, p=0.001; PED, 87132min/wk, p<0.001). Total time in PA (weighted min/wk) also increased significantly in all three groups (GP, 98 213min/wk, p=0.003; ES, 108 182min/wk, p<0.001; PED, 158 229min/wk, p<0.001 ). The proportion of participants who initially did not meet National PA Guidelines (150 minutes and 5 sessions/week) but who met the Guidelines at the 12 and 24-week follow-up was 15% (12 weeks) and 20% (24 weeks) in the GP group compared with 36% and 24% in the ES group and 20% and 42% in the PED group. All three intervention strategies were effective in increasing PA, but the ES intervention resulted in a higher proportion of active participants after 12 weeks and the PED group resulted in a higher proportion of active participants after 24 weeks.


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Prescription medicine samples (or starter packs) are provided by pharmaceutical manufacturers to prescribing doctors as one component in the suite of marketing products used to convince them to prescribe a particular medicine [1,2]. Samples are generally newer, more expensive treatment options still covered by patent [3,4]. Safe, effective, judicious and appropriate medicine use (quality use of medicines) [5] could be enhanced by involving community pharmacists in the dispensing of starter packs. Doctors who use samples show a trend towards prescribing more expensive medicines overall [6] and also prescribe more medicines [7]. Cardiovascular health and mental health are Australian National Health Priority Areas [8] and account for approximately 30% and 17%, respectively, of annual government Pharmaceutical Benefits System (PBS) in 2006 [9]. The PBS is Australia's universal prescription subsidy scheme [9]. Antihypertensives were a major contributor to the estimated 80 000 medicine-related hospital admissions in Australia in 1999 [10] and also internationally [11,12]. The aim of this study was to pilot an alternative model for supply of free sample or starter packs of prescription medicines and ascertain if it is a viable model in daily practice.


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Improving symptom management for palliative care patients has obvious benefits for patients and advantages for the clinicians, as workload demands and work-related stress can be reduced when the emergent symptoms of patients are managed in a timely manner. The use of emergency medication kits (EMKs) can provide such timely symptom relief. The purpose of this study was to conduct a survey of a local service to examine views on medication management before and after the implementation of an EMK and to conduct a nationwide prevalence survey examining the use of EMKs in Australia. Most respondents from community palliative care services indicated that EMKs were not being supplied to palliative care patients but believed such an intervention could improve patient care.


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BACKGROUND: Adherence to medicines is important in subjects with diabetes, as nonadherence is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. However, it is not clear whether there is an association between adherence to medicines and glycaemic control, as not all studies have shown this. One of the reasons for this discrepancy may be that, although there is a standard measure of glycaemic control i.e. HbA1c, there is no standard measure of adherence to medicines. Adherence to medicines can be measured either qualitatively by Morisky or non-Morisky methods or quantitatively using the medicines possession ratio (MPR). AIMS OF THE REVIEW: The aims of this literature review are (1) to determine whether there is an association between adherence to anti-diabetes medicines and glycaemic control, and (2) whether any such association is dependent on how adherence is measured. Methods A literature search of Medline, CINAHL and the Internet (Google) was undertaken with search terms; 'diabetes' with 'adherence' (or compliance, concordance, persistence, continuation) with 'HbA1c' (or glycaemic control). RESULTS: Twenty-three studies were included; 10 qualitative and 12 quantitative studies, and one study using both methods. For the qualitative methods measurements of adherence to anti-diabetes medicines (non-Morisky and Morisky), eight out of ten studies show an association with HbA1c. Nine of ten studies using the quantitative MPR, and two studies using MPR for insulin only, have also shown an association between adherence to anti-diabetes medicines and HbA1c. However, the one study that used both Morisky and MPR did not show an association. Three of the four studies that did not show a relationship, did not use a range of HbA1c values in their regression analysis. The other study that did not show a relationship was specifically in a low income population. CONCLUSIONS: Most studies show an association between adherence to anti-diabetes medicines and HbA1c levels, and this seems to be independent of method used to measure adherence. However, to show an association it is necessary to have a range of HbA1c values. Also, the association is not always apparent in low income populations.


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Background: Evolution in Australian community pharmacy and general practice environments has seen the emergence of a new opportunity for pharmacist practice, distinct from the conventional community and hospital settings, in which the pharmacist is integrated into the general practice setting to provide professional services. Aim: To characterise pharmacists practising in the Australian general practice setting. Method: An electronic questionnaire. Results: Twenty-six practice pharmacists completed the questionnaire. Practice pharmacists were more likely to be female, aged between 30 and 49 years, have postgraduate qualifications and also work in other pharmacy sectors. The general practice settings more frequently had multiple general practitioners and also housed multiple allied health professionals. The most commonly conducted services provided by the practice pharmacists were Home Medicine Reviews, responding to clinical enquiries from general practitioners and responding to enquiries from other health professionals. Most practice pharmacists worked as independent contractors for services provided. The practice pharmacists provided some services in the absence of remuneration. The majority of practice pharmacists agreed or strongly agreed that a set of competencies should be developed and a credentialing process required with experience of the pharmacist being regarded highly. Conclusion: The results of this study have described the variety of professional roles, remuneration and characteristics in a small sample of pharmacists practising in a general practice setting in Australia. For this model of pharmacist practice to expand an appropriate method of remuneration is required.


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Review question/objective The objective of this review is to find, critically appraise and synthesize the available quantitative evidence on the effectiveness of interventions that promote successful teaching of the evidence-based practice process in undergraduate health students, in preparation for them to become professional evidence-based practitioners. More specifically, the question that this review seeks to answer is: What is the effectiveness of teaching strategies for evidence-based practice for undergraduate health students? Inclusion criteria Types of participants This review will consider studies that include undergraduate health students from any undergraduate health discipline, including but not limited to medicine, nursing and allied health. Post graduate and post-registration students will not be included. Types of interventions This review will consider studies that evaluate strategies or interventions aimed at teaching any or all of the five steps of evidence-based practice, namely asking a structured clinical question; collecting the best evidence available; critically appraising the evidence to ensure validity, relevance and applicability; applying or integrating the results into clinical practice, and evaluating outcomes. The strategy may take place solely within a tertiary education environment or may be combined with a clinical setting. Types of outcomes This review will consider studies that include the following outcome measures: evidence-based practice behavior, knowledge, skills, attitudes, self-efficacy (or self-confidence), beliefs, values, intention to use evidence-based practice (future use) and confidence levels. Tools used to measure these outcomes will be assessed for reported validity, reliability and generalizability. Outcomes will be measured during the student’s education period up to graduation. If studies are conducted across different year levels this will be taken into account during analysis and reported accordingly.


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Background: To effectively care for people who are terminally ill, including those without decision-making capacity, palliative care physicians must know and understand the legal standing of Advance Care Planning (ACP) in their jurisdiction of practice. This includes the use of advance directives/living wills (ADs) and substitute decision-makers (SDMs) who can legally consent to or refuse treatment if there is no valid AD. Aim: The study aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical specialists most often involved in end-of-life care in relation to the law on withholding/ withdrawing life-sustaining treatment (WWLST) from adults without decision-making capacity. Design/participants: A pre-piloted survey was posted to specialists in palliative, emergency, geriatric, renal and respiratory medicine, intensive care and medical oncology in three Australian States. Surveys were analysed using SPSS20 and SAS 9.3. Results: The overall response rate was 32% (867/2702); 52% from palliative care specialists. Palliative Care specialists and Geriatricians had significantly more positive attitudes towards the law (χ242 = 94.352; p < 0.001) and higher levels of knowledge about the WWLST law (χ27 = 30.033; p < 0.001), than did the other specialists, while still having critical gaps in their knowledge. Conclusions: A high level of knowledge of the law is essential to ensure that patients’ wishes and decisions, expressed through ACP, are respected to the maximum extent possible within the law, thereby according with the principles and philosophy of palliative care. It is also essential to protect health professionals from legal action resulting from unauthorised provision or removal of treatment.


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Chronic disease accounts for about 80 per cent of the total disease burden in Australia, and its management accounts for 70 per cent of all current health expenditure.1 Effective prevention and management of chronic disease requires a coordinated approach between primary health care, acute care services, and the patients.2 However, what is not clear is whether improvements in primary healthcare management can have a clear benefit in the cost of care of patients with chronic disease. We recently completed a pilot study in rural Western Australia to ascertain the feasibility of a coordinated general practice-based approach to managing chronic respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, and to determine the direct cost savings to the public insurer through reduction in avoidable hospital admission. The aim of this correspondence is to share our preliminary findings and encourage debate on how such a project may be scaled up or adapted to other primary healthcare settings.


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Background Hepatitis C (HCV) was described as a “viral time bomb” due to its prevalence and potential for causing serious, life-threatening complications. The Australian’s National Hepatitis C Strategy calls for a coordinated, evidence-based approach to testing, management, care and support of HCV. This review aimed to systematically and comparatively appraise existing international HCV clinical guidelines. Methods A systematic search of bibliographic databases and reference lists from selected papers were the source of data. Inclusion criteria were latest clinical guidelines as defined by Institute of Medicine, published in English, between January 2002 and November 2014. Quality of the guidelines was independently assessed using the iCAHE instrument. Results Twenty-eight international clinical practice guidelines were included. The majority of the international guidelines were based on the same primary studies however clinical recommendations on pre- and in-treatment assessments, choice of pharmaceuticals, and dosages and duration of the same pharmaceutical agents varied considerably. This diversity was beyond what would be considered reasonable practice context variations. Furthermore, there is limited guidance on post-treatment surveillance and care. Conclusions/implications There is a need for a harmonised international consensus on the clinical management of HCV. Key message A lack of consistency among international HCV clinical guidelines may impede effective and efficient patient care.


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Background An Advanced Pharmacy Practice Framework for Australia (the ‘APPF’) was published in October 2012. Further to the release of the APPF, the Advanced Pharmacy Practice Framework Steering Committee planned to develop an advanced practice recognition model for Australian pharmacists. Aim To gauge the perspectives of the pharmacy profession relating to advanced practice, via an online survey, in order to inform the design of the model. Method A survey was developed and administered to Australian pharmacists through SurveyMonkey . The survey content was based on findings from a review of national and international initiatives for recognition of advanced practice in pharmacy and other health disciplines, including medicine and nursing. Results The results of the survey showed that a high proportion of respondents considered they were already working at, or working towards achieving, an advanced level of practice. The responses relating to the assessment methods showed a clear preference for ‘submission of a professional portfolio’. A ‘written examination’ had a low level of support and in relation to an ‘oral examination by a panel’ there was a marked preference for a panel of multidisciplinary health professionals over a panel of pharmacists. Conclusion The survey outcomes will inform the development of an advanced pharmacy practice recognition model for Australian pharmacists, particularly in relation to the assessment methods. Survey outcomes also demonstrated that there is scope to further enhance the application of the APPF in the development and recognition of advanced practitioners, and to build greater awareness of the breadth of competencies encompassed by ‘advanced practice’.


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The effects of different exercise intensities on health have been investigated in several studies in recent years, in which some authors showed greater benefits for vigorous exercise (6) while others did not find any differences (8). An important issue regarding these conflicting results could be the fact that only a few of the studies controlled the effects of different exercise intensities for the overall volume of physical activity, making the evaluation of the available data difficult.


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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other chronic inflammatory joint diseases already begin to affect patients health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in the earliest phases of these diseases. In treatment of inflammatory joint diseases, the last two decades have seen new strategies and treatment options introduced. Treatment is started at an earlier phase; combinations of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and corticosteroids are used; and in refractory cases new drugs such as tumour necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors or other biologicals can be started. In patients with new referrals to the Department of Rheumatology of the Helsinki University Central Hospital, we evaluated the 15D and the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) results at baseline and approximately 8 months after their first visit. Altogether the analysis included 295 patients with various rheumatic diseases. The mean baseline 15D score (0.822, SD 0.114) was significantly lower than for the age-matched general population (0.903, SD 0.098). Patients with osteoarthritis (OA) and spondyloarthropathies (SPA) reported the poorest HRQoL. In patients with RA and reactive arthritis (ReA) the HRQoL improved in a statistically significant manner during the 8-month follow-up. In addition, a clinically important change appeared in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases. HAQ score improved significantly in patients with RA, arthralgia and fibromyalgia, and ReA. In a study of 97 RA patients treated either with etanercept or adalimumab, we assessed their HRQoL with the RAND 36-Item Health Survey 1.0 (RAND-36) questionnaire. We also analysed changes in clinical parameters and the HAQ. With etanercept and adalimumab, the values of all domains in the RAND-36 questionnaire increased during the first 3 months. The efficacy of each in improving HRQoL was statistically significant, and the drug effects were comparable. Compared to Finnish age- and sex-matched general population values, the HRQoL of the RA patients was significantly lower at baseline and, despite the improvement, remained lower also at follow-up. Our RA patients had long-standing and severe disease that can explain the low HRQoL also at follow-up. In a pharmacoeconomic study of patients treated with infliximab we evaluated medical and work disability costs for patients with chronic inflammatory joint disease during one year before and one year after institution of infliximab treatment. Clinical and economic data for 96 patients with different arthritis diagnoses showed, in all patients, significantly improved clinical and laboratory variables. However, the medical costs increased significantly during the second period by 12 015 (95% confidence interval, 6 496 to 18 076). Only a minimal decrease in work disability costs occurred mean decrease 130 (-1 268 to 1 072). In a study involving a switch from infliximab to etanercept, we investigated the clinical outcome in 49 patients with RA. Reasons for switching were in 42% failure to respond by American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 50% criteria; in 12% adverse event; and in 46% non-medical reasons although the patients had responded to infliximab. The Disease Activity Score with 28 joints examined (DAS28) allowed us to measure patients disease activity and compare outcome between groups based on the reason for switching. In the patients in whom infliximab was switched to etanercept for nonmedical reasons, etanercept continued to suppress disease activity effectively, and 1-year drug survival for etanercept was 77% (95% CI, 62 to 97). In patients in the infliximab failure and adverse event groups, DAS28 values improved significantly during etanercept therapy. However, the 1-year drug survival of etanercept was only 43% (95% CI, 26 to 70) and 50% (95% CI, 33 to 100), respectively. Although the HRQoL of patients with inflammatory joint diseases is significantly lower than that of the general population, use of early and aggressive treatment strategies including TNF-inhibitors can improve patients HRQoL effectively. Further research is needed in finding new treatment strategies for those patients who fail to respond or lose their response to TNF-inhibitors.