913 resultados para Marginal Cost of Funds
Quality is not only free but it can be a profit maker. Every dollar that is not spent on doing things wrong becomes a dollar right on the bottom line. The main objective of this thesis is to give an answer on how cost of poor quality can be measured theoretically correctly. Different calculation methods for cost of poor quality are presented and discussed in order to give comprehensive picture about measurement process. The second objective is to utilize the knowledge from the literature review and to apply it when creating a method for measuring cost of poor quality in supplier performance rating. Literature review indicates that P-A-F model together with ABC methodology provides a mean for quality cost calculations. These models give an answer what should be measured and how this measurement should be carried out. However, when product or service quality costs are incurred when quality character derivates from target value, then QLF seems to be most appropriate methodology for quality cost calculation. These methodologies were applied when creating a quality cost calculation method for supplier performance ratings.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the improper use of antimicrobials during the postoperative period and its economic impact.METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study by collecting data from medical records of 237 patients operated on between 01/11/08 and 31/12/08.RESULTS: from the 237 patients with the information collected, 217 (91.56%) received antimicrobials. During the postoperative period, 125 (57.7%) patients received more than two antimicrobials. On average, 1.7 ± 0.6 antimicrobials were prescribed to patients, the most commonly prescribed antibiotic being cephalothin, in 41.5% (154) of cases. The direct cost of antimicrobial therapy accounted for 63.78% of all drug therapy, this large percentage being attributed in part to the extended antimicrobial prophylaxis. In the case of clean operations, where there was a mean duration of 5.2 days of antibiotics, antimicrobials represented 44.3% of the total therapy cost.CONCLUSION: The data illustrate the impact of overuse of antimicrobials, with questionable indications, creating situations that compromise patient safety and increasing costs in the assessed hospital.
Tämä työ tehtiin Kone Industrial Oy:lle Major Projects yksikköön, laatuosastolle. Kone Major Projects yksikkö keskittyy erikoisiin ja suuriin hissi- ja liukuporras projekteihin. Työn tavoitteena oli luoda harmonisoitu prosessi hissikomponenttien laaduntarkkailua varten sekä tarkastella ja vertailla kustannussäästöjä, jota tällä uudella prosessilla voidaan saavuttaa. Tavoitteena oli saavuttaa 80-prosentin kustannussäästöt laatukustannuksissa uuden laatuprosessin avulla. Työn taustana ja tutkimusongelmana ovat lisääntyneet erikoisprojektit ja niiden myötä lisääntynyt laaduntarkkailun tarve. Ongelmana laaduntarkkailussa voitiin pitää harmonisoidun ja selkeän prosessin puuttumista C-prosessikomponenttien valmistuksessa. Lisäksi kehitysprosessin aikana luotiin vanhojen työkalujen pohjalta keskeinen laaduntarkkailutyökalu, CTQ-työkalu. Työssä käsitellään ensin Konetta yhtiönä ja selvitetään Koneen keskeisimmät prosessit työn taustaksi. Teoria osuudessa käsitellään prosessin kehitykseen liittyviä teorioita sekä yleisiä laatukäsitteitä ja esitetään teorioita laadun asemasta nykypäivänä. Lopuksi käsitellään COQ eli laatukustannusten teoriaa ja esitellään teoria PAF-analyysille, jota käytetään työssä laatukustannusten vertailuun case esimerkin avulla. Työssä kuvataan CTQ prosessin luominen alusta loppuun ja case esimerkin avulla testataan uutta CTQ prosessia pilottihankkeessa. Tässä case esimerkissä projektin bracket eli johdekiinnitysklipsi tuotetaan uuden laatuprosessin avulla sekä tehdään kustannusvertailu saman projektin toisen bracketin kanssa, joka on tuotettu ennen uuden laatuprosessin implementoimista. Työn lopputuloksena CTQ prosessi saatiin luotua ja sitä pystyttiin testaamaan käytännössä case esimerkin avulla. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että CTQ prosessin käyttö vähentää laatukustannuksia huomattavasti ja helpottaa laadunhallintaa C-prosessikomponenttien tuotannossa.
The main aim of this research was to develop cost of poor quality calculation model which will better reflect business impacts of lost productivity caused by IT incidents for the case company. This objective was pursued by reviewing literature and conducting a study in a Finnish multinational manufacturing company. Broad analysis of the scientific literature allowed to identify main theories and models of Cost of Poor Quality and provided better base for development of measurements of business impacts of lost productivity. Empirical data was gathered with semi-structured interviews and internet based survey. In total, twelve interviews with experts and 39 survey results from business stakeholders were gathered. Main results of empirical study helped to develop the measurement model of cost of poor quality and it was tied to incident priority matrix. Nevertheless, the model was created based on available data. Main conclusions of the thesis were that cost of poor quality measurements could be even further improved if additional data points could be used. New model takes into consideration different cost regions and utilizes on this notion.
Handwritten sheet of paper detailing the cost of transporting boxes containing the Gravatt’s level from London to St. Catharines, April 1847.
Handwritten sheet of paper detailing the cost of transporting boxes containing the Gravatt’s level from London to St. Catharines. This sheet is signed by S.D. Woodruff, Jan. 11, 1847.
Approximate cost of completing the railway from Port Dalhousie to St. Catharines and an estimate of the cost of the piers at Port Dalhousie signed by William Hamilton Merritt (5 pages, handwritten), July 8, 1854.
Approximate estimate of the cost of completing the Port Dalhousie Railway to the Grand Central Railway Station at Lock 12. This document is badly torn and burned but most of the text is legible, July 14, 1854.
Estimated cost of the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway sent to George Rykert by S.D. Woodruff, Aug. 5, 1854.
Approximate estimate of the cost of constructing and completing the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway to St. Catharines signed by S.D. Woodruff (2 pages, handwritten), Jan. 8, 1855.
Cost of the railway from Port Dalhousie to St. Catharines (1 page, handwritten), Jan. 11, 1855.
Approximate estimate of the cost of extending the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway from Geneva Street to the Great Western Railway Station at Lock no. 12 (2 copies) [one appears to be a rough copy] (2 pages, handwritten), Feb. 2, 1855.
Letter of estimate sent to S.D. Woodruff for the total cost of construction and equipment of the extension of the line to Port Colborne [this is unsigned]. There is an envelope with this letter that suggests that it is from Mr. Shanly, Mar. 12, 1857.