285 resultados para Mahatma Gandhi


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Ultrasonication of aqueous KI solution is known to yield I2 due to reaction of iodide ions with hydroxyl radicals, which in turn are generated due to cavitation. Based on this conceptual framework, a model has been developed to predict the rate of iodine formation for KI solutions of various concentrations under different gas atmospheres. The model follows the growth and collapse of a gas—vapour cavity using the Rayleigh—Plesset bubble dynamics equation. The bubble is assumed to behave isothermally during its growth phase and a part of the collapse phase. Thereafter it is assumed to collapse adiabatically, yielding high temperatures and pressures. Thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed in the bubble at the end of collapse phase. The contents of the bubble are assumed to mix with the liquid, and the reactor contents are assumed to be well stirred. The model has been verified by conducting experiments with KI solutions of different concentrations and using different gas atmospheres. The model not only explains these results but also the existence of a maximum when Ar---O2 mixtures of different compositions are employed.


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Ultrasonication of aqueous KI solution is known to yield I2 due to reaction of iodide ions with hydroxyl radicals, which in turn are generated due to cavitation. Based on this conceptual framework, a model has been developed to predict the rate of iodine formation for KI solutions of various concentrations under different gas atmospheres. The model follows the growth and collapse of a gas-vapour cavity using the Rayleigh-Plesset bubble dynamics equation. The bubble is assumed to behave isothermally during its growth phase and a part of the collapse phase. Thereafter it is assumed to collapse adiabatically, yielding high temperatures and pressures. Thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed in the bubble at the end of collapse phase. The contents of the bubble are assumed to mix with the liquid, and the reactor contents are assumed to be well stirred. The model has been verified by conducting experiments with KI solutions of different concentrations and using different gas atmospheres. The model not only explains these results but also the existence of a maximum when Ar-O2 mixtures of different compositions are employed.


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Precipitation in small droplets involving emulsions, microemulsions or vesicles is important for Producing multicomponent ceramics and nanoparticles. Because of the random nature of nucleation and the small number of particles in a droplet, the use of a deterministic population balance equation for predicting the number density of particles may lead to erroneous results even for evaluating the mean behavior of such systems. A comparison between the predictions made through stochastic simulation and deterministic population balance involving small droplets has been made for two simple systems, one involving crystallization and the other a single-component precipitation. The two approaches have been found to yield quite different results under a variety of conditions. Contrary to expectation, the smallness of the population alone does not cause these deviations. Thus, if fluctuation in supersaturation is negligible, the population balance and simulation predictions concur. However, for large fluctuations in supersaturation, the predictions differ significantly, indicating the need to take the stochastic nature of the phenomenon into account. This paper describes the stochastic treatment of populations, which involves a sequence of so-called product density equations and forms an appropriate framework for handling small systems.


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Ultrasound has been widely used by chemists to enhance yields as well as rates of homogeneous as well as heterogeneous chemical reactions. The effect of ultrasound on the course of chemical reactions is mediated through cavitation bubbles it generates. High temperatures and pressures are attained inside the cavitating bubbles when they collapse. The extreme conditions so generated lead to the formation of reactive intermediates, e.g., free radiacls, inside the bubbles, which cause chemical reactions to occur when they enter the surrounding liquid. This is the mechanism through which ultrasound influences the path of homogeneous reactions. The cavitation bubbles collapse asymmetrically in the vicinity of solids, e.g., catalyst particles. Asymmetric collapse lead to formation of high speed microjets. The microjets can enhance transport rates, the increase surface area through pitting as well as particle fragmentation through collisions. Both can alter the rates of heterogeneous reaction rates. It however appears that these effects do not exhaust the scope of the influence of ultrasound on heterogeneous reactions. Modelling and quantitative prediction of the effect of ultrasound on chemical reactions is however at a stage of infancy as the phenomena are complex. Only a few examples of modelling exist in literature. Apart from this, reactor design and scaleup pose significant problems. Thus sonochemical reaction engineering offers large scope for research and development efforts.


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Existing theories of foam drainage assume bubbles as pentagonal dodecahedrons, though a close-packed structure built with cells of this shape is not space-filling. The present work develops a theory for calculating drainage rates based on the more realistic beta-tetrakaidecahedral shape for the bubbles. In contrast with the earlier works, three types of films, and Plateau borders had to be considered in view of the more complex shape used in the present work. The exchange of liquid between Plateau borders was treated in a way different From earlier theories, using the idea that the volume of junctions of Plateau borders is negligible. For foams made of large bubble sizes, the present model performs as well as the previous models, but when bubble size is small, its predictions of drainage rates from static foams are in better agreement with the experimental observations.


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In this work, an attempt is made to gain a better understanding of the breakage of low-viscosity drops in turbulent flows by determining the dynamics of deformation of an inviscid drop in response to a pressure variation acting on the drop surface. Known scaling relationships between wavenumbers and frequencies, and between pressure fluctuations and velocity fluctuations in the inertial subrange are used in characterizing the pressure fluctuation. The existence of a maximum stable drop diameter d(max) follows once scaling laws of turbulent flow are used to correlate the magnitude of the disruptive forces with the duration for which they act. Two undetermined dimensionless quantities, both of order unity, appear in the equations of continuity, motion, and the boundary conditions in terms of pressure fluctuations applied on the surface. One is a constant of proportionality relating root-mean-square values of pressure and velocity differences between two points separated by a distance l. The other is a Weber number based on turbulent stresses acting on the drop and the resisting stresses in the drop due to interfacial tension. The former is set equal to 1, and the latter is determined by studying the interaction of a drop of diameter equal to d(max) with a pressure fluctuation of length scale equal to the drop diameter. The model is then used to study the breakage of drops of diameter greater than d(max) and those with densities different from that of the suspending fluid. It is found that, at least during breakage of a drop of diameter greater than d(max) by interaction with a fluctuation of equal length scale, a satellite drop is always formed between two larger drops. When very large drops are broken by smaller-length-scale fluctuations, highly deformed shapes are produced suggesting the possibility of further fragmentation due to instabilities. The model predicts that as the dispersed-phase density increases, d(max) decreases.


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Hydrolytic polymerization of caprolactam to Nylon 6 in a semibatch reactor is carried out by heating a mixture of water and caprolactam. Evaporation of volatiles caused by heating results in a pressure build-up. After the pressure reaches a predetermined value, vapors are vented to keep the pressure constant for some time, and thereafter, to lower the pressure to a value slightly above atmospheric in a preprogrammed manner. The characteristics of the polymer are determined by the chemical reactions and the vaporization of water and caprolactam. The semibatch operation has been simulated and the predictions have been compared with industria data. The observed temperature and pressure histories were predicted with a fair degree of accuracy. It was found that the predictions of the degree of polymerization however are sensitive to the vapor-liquid equilibrium relations. A comparison with an earlier model, which neglected mass transfer resistance, indicates that simulation using the VLE data of Giori and Hayes and accounting for mass transfer resistance is more reliable.


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Analysis of precipitation reactions is extremely important in the technology of production of fine particles from the liquid phase. The control of composition and particle size in precipitation processes requires careful analysis of the several reactions that comprise the precipitation system. Since precipitation systems involve several, rapid ionic dissociation reactions among other slower ones, the faster reactions may be assumed to be nearly at equilibrium. However, the elimination of species, and the consequent reduction of the system of equations, is an aspect of analysis fraught with the possibility of subtle errors related to the violation of conservation principles. This paper shows how such errors may be avoided systematically by relying on the methods of linear algebra. Applications are demonstrated by analyzing the reactions leading to the precipitation of calcium carbonate in a stirred tank reactor as well as in a single emulsion drop. Sample calculations show that supersaturation dynamics can assume forms that can lead to subsequent dissolution of particles that have once been precipitated.


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Flow of liquid/liquid dispersions have been investigated in a Hele-Shaw cell which contained a thin disk held between two parallel plates. This device offers a well defined flow field and also permits visual observation of the dispersed drop movement. The dispersed drops coalesce with the disk for the systems where the dispersed phase wets the disk surface. The dispersed phase accumulate at the downstream end of the disk and they detach from there as blobs. Through an accurate measurement of accumulated dispersed phase volume, the coalescence rate was determined. The coalescence efficiency in the Hele Shaw cell is determined by dividing the coalescence hate by the undisturbed flow rate of the dispersed phase through an area equal to the projected area of the disk on a plane normal to the flow direction. The coalescence efficiency first increases and then decreases with the flow rate of dispersion. The coalescence rate/disk dimensions increases with the decrease in the disk dimensions. The rate of coalescence increases with the increase in the dispersed drop diameter and it decreases with the increase in the continuous phase viscosity. The presence of surfactants reduces the coalescence rate. All these results are quantitatively explained through a model, which takes into account several important features like various mechanism of drainage, the roles of dispersion and continuous phase viscosities, and the drop deformation.


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A model of the precipitation process in reverse micelles has been developed to calculate the size of fine particles obtained therein. While the method shares several features of particle nucleation and growth common to precipitation in large systems, complexities arise in describing the processes of nucleation, due to the extremely small size of a micelle and of particle growth caused by fusion among the micelles. Occupancy of micelles by solubilized molecules is governed by Poisson statistics, implying most of them are empty and cannot nucleate of its own. The model therefore specifies the minimum number of solubilized molecules required to form a nucleus which is used to calculate the homogeneous nucleation rate. Simultaneously, interaction between micelles is assumed to occur by Brownian collision and instantaneous fusion. Analysis of time scales of various events shows growth of particles to be very fast compared to other phenomena occurring. This implies that nonempty micelles either are supersaturated or contain a single precipitated particle and allows application of deterministic population balance equations to describe the evolution of the system with time. The model successfully predicts the experimental measurements of Kandori ct al.(3) on the size of precipitated CaCO3 particles, obtained by carbonation of reverse micelles containing aqueous Ca(OH)(2) solution.


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Devitrification of spray pyrolysed, amorphous ZrO2-Al2O3 solid solution produces nanocrystalline microstructures (grain sizes 10-20 nm). In this study, spray pyrolysed amorphous ZrO2-40 mol% Al2O3 powder displayed good sinterability during decomposition, after spraying, of the nitrate precursors up to 1023K. Hot pressing of fully pyrolysed, pre-sintered (more than 70% dense) pellets at 923K and 750 MPa produced an amorphous pellet with less than 2% porosity. The results indicate the possibility of producing dense, amorphous pellets that can be heat treated further to produce nanocrystalline microstructures conducive for superplasticity.


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A phenomenological model has been developed for predicting separation factors obtained in concentrating protein solutions using batch-foam columns. The model considers the adsorption of surface active proteins onto the air-water interface of bubbles, and drainage of liquid from the foam, which are the two predominant processes responsible for separation in foam columns. The model has been verified with data collected on casein and bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions, for which adsorption isotherms are available in the literature. It has been found that an increase in liquid pool height above the gas distributor and the time allowed for drainage result in a better separation. Further, taller foam columns yield poorer separation at constant time of drainage. The model successfully predicts the observed results. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Addition of excess carbon disulfide to cis/trans-[(dPPM)(2)Ru(H)(2)] results in the methanedithiolate complex [(dppm)(2)Ru(eta(2)-S2CH2)] 4 via the intermediacy of cis-[(dppm)(2)Ru(H)(SC(S)H)] 2. The X-ray crystal structure of this species has been determined.


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The realistic estimation of the dynamic characteristics for a known set of loading conditions continues to be difficult despite many contributions in the past. The design of a machine foundation is generally made on the basis of limiting amplitude or resonant frequency. These parameters are in turn dependent on the dynamic characteristics of soil viz., the shear modulus/stiffness and damping. The work reported herein is an attempt to relate statistically the shear modulus of a soil to its resonant amplitude under a known set of static and dynamic loading conditions as well as wide ranging soil conditions. The two parameters have been statistically related with a good correlation coefficient and low standard error of estimate.