229 resultados para Magnetoresistance.


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The emergence of low temperature glassy phase in widely known itinerant ferromagnet SrRuO3 is remotely understood. In order to understand this aspect, we have undertaken a detailed temperature dependent (5-250 K) neutron diffraction study. We observe a freezing of the octahedral tilt near the ferromagnetic transition and an unusual deviation in the octahedral tilt near the onset of low temperature spin glass like phase. A reduction of the ordered magnetic moment and a decline in the total integrated magnetic intensity is observed around the temperature where the glassy behaviour starts to appear. The magnetotransport study also reveals the possibility for an additional magnetic ordering by demonstrating a peak in magnetoresistance at the low temperature side as well. The neutron diffraction study presented here provides useful information to understand the observed unusual low temperature magnetic phenomena in SrRuO3.


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Magnon contribution to the resistance of ferromagnetic film like Permalloy is investigated by magnetotransport measurements. We are able to observe and distinguish Anisotropic-Magnetoresistance(AMR)(1) and Magnon Magnetoresistance(MMR)(2) contributions clearly in PLD grown Permalloy films. A linear non-saturating longitudinal MR observed in high field regime for permalloy films could never be explained using AMR but only MMR can account for it.


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To address the amount of disorder and interface diffusion induced by annealing, all-Heusler multilayer structures, consisting of ferromagnetic Co2MnGe and nonmagnetic Rh2CuSn layers of varying thicknesses, have been investigated by means of hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. We find evidence for a 4 angstrom thick magnetically dead layer that, together with the identified interlayer diffusion, are likely reasons for the unexpectedly small magnetoresistance found for current-perpendicular-to-plane giant magnetoresistance devices based on this all-Heusler system. We find that diffusion begins already at comparably low temperatures between 200 and 250 degrees C, where Mn appears to be most prone to diffusion.


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In well dispersed multi-wall carbon nanotube-polystyrene composite of 15 wt%, with room temperature conductivity of similar to 5 S/cm and resistivity ratio R-2K/R-200K] of similar to 1.4, the temperature dependence of conductivity follows a power-law behavior. The conductivity increases with magnetic field for a wide range of temperature (2-200 K), and power-law fits to conductivity data show that localization length (xi) increases with magnetic field, resulting in a large negative magnetoresistance (MR). At 50T, the negative MR at 8 K is similar to 13% and it shows a maximum at 90K (similar to 25%). This unusually large negative MR indicates that the field is delocalizing the charge carriers even at higher temperatures, apart from the smaller weak localization contribution at T < 20 K. This field-induced delocalization mechanism of MR can provide insight into the intra and inter tube transport. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thin film of Fe3O4 is grown on (100) oriented GaAs substrate using pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The films were found to be (111) oriented. They were characterized morphologically as well as magnetically. They show Verwey transition at 120 K with the coercivity of 220 Oe at room temperature. These films were found to show magnetoimpedance effect with the ac magnetoresistance (MRac) of the order of similar to -6% at 10 MHz, at room temperature. The MRac was found to increase in low field-low frequency regime and decrease in low field high frequency regime.


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Present study reveals that the length-scale of phase separation in La5/8-yPryCa3/8MnO3 thin films can be controlled by strain disorder invoked during the growth and relaxation process of film. Strain disorder provides an additional degree of freedom to tune colossal magnetoresistance. Magneto-transport measurements following cooling and heating in unequal fields protocol demonstrate that coherent strain stabilizes antiferromagnetic insulating phase, while strain disorder favors ferromagnetic metallic phase. Compared to bulk, antiferromagnetic-insulating phase freezes at lower temperatures in strain disordered films. Raman spectroscopy confirms the coexistence of charge-ordered-insulating and ferromagnetic-metallic phases which are structurally dissimilar and possess P2(1)/m and R-3C like symmetries, respectively. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Several scientific issues concerning the latest generation read heads for magnetic storage devices, based on CoFeB/MgO/CoFeBmagnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) are known to be controversial, including such fundamental questions as to the behavior and the role of B in optimizing the physical properties of these devices. Quantitatively establishing the internal structures of several such devices with different annealing conditions using hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, we resolve these controversies and establish that the B diffusion is controlled by the capping Ta layer, though Ta is physically separated from the layer with B by several nanometers. While explaining this unusual phenomenon, we also provide insight into why the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) is optimized at an intermediate annealing temperature, relating it to B diffusion, coupled with our studies based on x-ray diffraction and magnetic studies.


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SmB6 has been predicted to be a Kondo topological insulator with topologically protected conducting surface states. We have studied quantitatively the electrical transport through surface states in high-quality single crystals of SmB6. We observe a large nonlocal surface signal at temperatures lower than the bulk Kondo gap scale. Measurements and finite-element simulations allow us to distinguish unambiguously between the contributions from different transport channels. In contrast to general expectations, the electrical transport properties of the surface channels were found to be insensitive to high magnetic fields. We propose possible scenarios that might explain this unexpected finding. Local and nonlocal magnetoresistance measurements allowed us to identify possible signatures of helical spin states and strong interband scattering at the surface.


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Depth profiles of carrier concentrations in GaMnSb/GaSb are investigated by electrochemistry capacitance-voltage profiler and electrolyte of Tiron. The carrier concentration in GaMnSb/GaSb measured by this method is coincident with the results of Hall and X-ray diffraction measurements. It is indicated that most of the Mn atoms in GaMnSb take the site of Ga, play a role of acceptors, and provide shallow acceptor level(s).


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A new approach to magnetic resonance was introduced in 1992 based upon detection of spin-induced forces by J. Sidles [1]. This technique, now called magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM), was first demonstrated that same year via electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) by D. Rugar et al. [2]. This new method combines principles of magnetic resonance with those of scanned probe technology to detect spin resonance through mechanical, rather than inductive, means. In this thesis the development and use of ferromagnetic resonance force microscopy (FMRFM) is described. This variant of MRFM, which allows investigation of ferromagnetic samples, was first demonstrated in 1996 by Z. Zhang et al. [3]. FMRFM enables characterization of (a) the dynamic magnetic properties of microscale magnetic devices, and (b) the spatial dependence of ferromagnetic resonance within a sample. Both are impossible with conventional ferromagnetic resonance techniques.

Ferromagnetically coupled systems, however, pose unique challenges for force detection. In this thesis the attainable spatial resolution - and the underlying physical mechanisms that determine it - are established. We analyze the dependence of the magnetostatic modes upon sample dimensions using a series of microscale yttrium iron garnet (YIG) samples. Mapping of mode amplitudes within these sample is attained with an unprecedented spatial resolution of 15μm. The modes, never before analyzed on this scale, fit simple models developed in this thesis for samples of micron dimensions. The application of stronger gradient fields induces localized perturbation of the ferromagnetic resonance modes. The first demonstrations of this effect are presented in this study, and a simple theoretical model is developed to explain our observations. The results indicate that the characteristics of the locally-detected ferromagnetic modes are still largely determined by the external fields and dimensions of the entire sample, rather than by the localized interaction volume (i.e., the locale most strongly affected by the local gradient field). Establishing this is a crucial first step toward understanding FMRFM in the high gradient field limit where the dispersion relations become locally determined. In this high gradient field regime, FMRFM imaging becomes analogous with that of EPR MRFM.

FMRFM has also been employed to characterize magnetic multilayers, similar to those utilized in giant magnetoresistance (GMR) devices, on a lateral scale 40 x 40μm. This is orders of magnitude smaller than possible via conventional methods. Anisotropy energies, thickness, and interface qualities of individual layers have been resolved.

This initial work clearly demonstrates the immense and unique potential that FMRFM offers for characterizing advanced magnetic nanostructures and magnetic devices.


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We have investigated the magnetization reversal process of a single chain of identical nanomagnetic dots fabricated from 30 nm thick Ni 80Fe20. The structures consist of two 5 μm wide support wires bridged with a single chain of identical dots of diameter δ in the range 100-250 nm. For fields applied perpendicular to the single chain, we observed an unusual size dependent hysteretic behavior in the magnetoresistance curve at high field. This is due to the magnetostatic interaction arising from the proximity of the magnetic charges. We are able to deduce from a simple micromagnetic simulation that the reversal process in the chain of dots with δ=100nm is mediated by a collective process of nearly coherent spin rotation. The magnetotransport measurements along the chain reveal a complex magnetization reversal process in the chain of nanomagnets. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We exploit the ability to precisely control the magnetic domain structure of perpendicularly magnetized Pt/Co/Pt trilayers to fabricate artificial domain wall arrays and study their transport properties. The scaling behavior of this model system confirms the intrinsic domain wall origin of the magnetoresistance, and systematic studies using domains patterned at various angles to the current flow are excellently described by an angular-dependent resistivity tensor containing perpendicular and parallel domain wall resistivities. We find that the latter are fully consistent with Levy-Zhang theory, which allows us to estimate the ratio of minority to majority spin carrier resistivities, rho downward arrow/rho upward arrow approximately 5.5, in good agreement with thin film band structure calculations.


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Ferroic-order parameters are useful as state variables in non-volatile information storage media because they show a hysteretic dependence on their electric or magnetic field. Coupling ferroics with quantum-mechanical tunnelling allows a simple and fast readout of the stored information through the influence of ferroic orders on the tunnel current. For example, data in magnetic random-access memories are stored in the relative alignment of two ferromagnetic electrodes separated by a non-magnetic tunnel barrier, and data readout is accomplished by a tunnel current measurement. However, such devices based on tunnel magnetoresistance typically exhibit OFF/ON ratios of less than 4, and require high powers for write operations (>1 × 10(6) A cm(-2)). Here, we report non-volatile memories with OFF/ON ratios as high as 100 and write powers as low as ∼1 × 10(4) A cm(-2) at room temperature by storing data in the electric polarization direction of a ferroelectric tunnel barrier. The junctions show large, stable, reproducible and reliable tunnel electroresistance, with resistance switching occurring at the coercive voltage of ferroelectric switching. These ferroelectric devices emerge as an alternative to other resistive memories, and have the advantage of not being based on voltage-induced migration of matter at the nanoscale, but on a purely electronic mechanism.


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Ferroic-order parameters are useful as state variables in non-volatile information storage media because they show a hysteretic dependence on their electric or magnetic field. Coupling ferroics with quantum-mechanical tunnelling allows a simple and fast readout of the stored information through the influence of ferroic orders on the tunnel current. For example, data in magnetic random-access memories are stored in the relative alignment of two ferromagnetic electrodes separated by a non-magnetic tunnel barrier, and data readout is accomplished by a tunnel current measurement. However, such devices based on tunnel magnetoresistance typically exhibit OFF/ON ratios of less than 4, and require high powers for write operations (>1 × 10 6 A cm -2). Here, we report non-volatile memories with OFF/ON ratios as high as 100 and write powers as low as ∼1 × 10 4A cm -2 at room temperature by storing data in the electric polarization direction of a ferroelectric tunnel barrier. The junctions show large, stable, reproducible and reliable tunnel electroresistance, with resistance switching occurring at the coercive voltage of ferroelectric switching. These ferroelectric devices emerge as an alternative to other resistive memories, and have the advantage of not being based on voltage-induced migration of matter at the nanoscale, but on a purely electronic mechanism. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Magnetocaloric and transport properties are reported for novel poly- and nanocrystalline double composite manganites, La 0.8Sr 0.2MnO 3/La 0.7Ca 0.3MnO 3, prepared by the sol-gel method. Magnetic field dependence of magnetic entropy change is found to be stronger for the nano- than the polycrystalline composite. The remarkable broadening of the temperature interval, where the magnetocaloric effect occurs in poly- and nanocrystalline composites, causes the relative cooling power (RCP(S)) of the nanocrystalline composite to be reduced by only 10 compared to the Sr based polycrystalline phase. The RCP(S) of the polycrystalline composite becomes remarkably enhanced. The low temperature magnetoresistance is enhanced by 5 for the nanostructured composite. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.