934 resultados para MITOTIC INDEX
It was reported that prevention of acute portal overpressure in small-for-size livers by inflow modulation results in a better postoperative outcome. The aim is to investigate the impact of portal blood flow reduction by splenic artery ligation after major hepatectomy in a murine model. Forty-eight rats were subjected to an 85% hepatectomy or 85% hepatectomy and splenic artery ligation. Both groups were evaluated at 24, 48, 72 and 120 post-operative hours: liver function, regeneration and viability. All methods and experiments were carried out in accordance with Coimbra University guidelines. Splenic artery ligation produces viability increase after 24 h, induces a relative decrease in oxidative stress during the first 48 hours, allows antioxidant capacity increment after 24 h, which is reflected in a decrease of half-time normalized liver curve at 48 h and at 72 h and in an increase of mitotic index between 48 h and 72 h. Splenic artery ligation combined with 85% hepatectomy in a murine model, allows portal inflow modulation, promoting an increase in hepatocellular viability and regeneration, without impairing the function, probably by inducing a less marked elevation of oxidative stress at first 48 hours.
The use of nanoparticles in food packaging has been proposed on the basis that it could improve protection of foods by, for example, reducing permeation of gases, minimizing odor loss, and increasing mechanical strength and thermal stability. Consequently, the impacts of such nanoparticles on organisms and on the environment need to be investigated to ensure their safe use. In an earlier study, Moura and others (2008a) described the effect of addition of chitosan (CS) and poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA) nanoparticles on the mechanical properties, water vapor, and oxygen permeability of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose films used in food packaging. Here, the genotoxicity of different polymeric CS/PMAA nanoparticles (size 60, 82, and 111 nm) was evaluated at different concentration levels, using the Allium cepa chromosome damage test as well as cytogenetic tests employing human lymphocyte cultures. Test substrates were exposed to solutions containing nanoparticles at polymer mass concentrations of 1.8, 18, and 180 mg/L. Results showed no evidence of DNA damage caused by the nanoparticles (no significant numerical or structural changes were observed), however the 82 and 111 nm nanoparticles reduced mitotic index values at the highest concentration tested (180 mg/L), indicating that the nanoparticles were toxic to the cells used at this concentration. In the case of the 60 nm CS/PMAA nanoparticles, no significant changes in the mitotic index were observed at the concentration levels tested, indicating that these particles were not toxic. The techniques used show promising potential for application in tests of nanoparticle safety envisaging the future use of these materials in food packaging.
Papillomavirus associated tumors are well recognized entities in humans as well as in animals. Here is reviewed the current understanding of human papillomavirus (HPV) associated cancers to better understand the oncogenic mechanisms of Equine papillomavirus (EcPV) and Bovine Papillomavirus (BPV) in horses. In the first part of this study the interactions between Equine papillomavirus 2 (EcPV-2) and cell cycle proteins are discussed. EcPV-2 has been recognized as the cause of genital squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) in horses, but the exact mechanism of carcinogenesis is not fully understood. The aim of the first part of this study is to assess the expression of cell cycle proteins p53, p16, pRB and Cyclin D1 in a series of equine SCCs and papillomas. Results confirm the role of EcPV-2 in the pathogenesis of genital SCCs. Moreover, in a small subset of ocular SCCs, EcPV-2 was detected for the first time. By immunohistochemistry, p53 was mostly expressed in ocular SCCs with a suprabasal localization. Regarding p16, overexpression was associated with increased mitotic index but not with viral infection. Investigation on pRB and Cyclin D1 proteins did not show significant correlation with other variables. The second part of this study is focused on the carcinogenetic mechanisms of BPV in equine sarcoids. The aim of the second part of this study was to characterize the typical histomorphological features of equine sarcoids, assess the expression of cell cycle proteins and Ki-67 proliferation index. Our results confirm that the typical histological features of sarcoids cannot be used to correctly classify the clinical types. Moreover, in a subset of sarcoids low pRB-Cyclin D1 scores were associated with simultaneous high p16 expression. The Ki-67 proliferation index confirm the low proliferative activity of sarcoids, except for tumors displaying a fascicular pattern. Finally, a subset of sarcoids recurred after excision.
Some herbicides are suspected of promoting teratogenic, carcinogenic and mutagenic events. Detection of induced mitotic crossing-over has proven to be an indirect way of testing the carcinogenic properties of suspicious substances, because mitotic crossing-over is involved in the multistep process of carcinogenesis. We examined mitotic crossing-over induced by two commercial herbicides (diuron and trifluralin) in diploid strains of Aspergillus nidulans based on the homozygotization index. Low doses (2.5 mu g/mL) of diuron were sufficient to increase the mean homozygotization index in 2.1 and 11.3 times for UT448//UT196 and Dp II-I//UT196, respectively, whereas the same dose of trifluralin increased this mean only 1.2 (UT448//UT196) and 3.5 (Dp II-I//UT196) times, respectively. The lower homozygotization index value found for trifluralin could be due to its interference with mitotic crossing-over in eukaryotic cells. We concluded that the diploid Dp II-I//UT196 of A. nidulans is more sensitive to organic compounds than UT448//UT196; these compounds cause recombinational events at a greater frequency in the latter diploid. This system holds promise as an initial test for carcino-genicity of organic compounds, including herbicides.
As a contribution towards detecting the genetic effects of low doses of genotoxic physical agents, this paper deals with the consequences of low-dose X-rays in the Aspergillus nidulans genome. The irradiation doses studied were those commonly used in dental clinics (1-5 cGy). Even very low doses promoted increased mitotic crossing-over frequencies in diploid strains heterozygous for several genetic markers including the ones involved in DNA repair and recombination mechanisms. Genetic markers of several heterozygous strains were individu`ally analyzed disclosing that some markers were especially sensitive to the treatments. These markers should be chosen as bio-indicators in the homozygotization index assay to better detect the recombinogenic/carcinogenic genomic effects of low-dose X-rays.
Chromosome studies were performed in V. champinii, V. cinerea, V. girdiana, V. labrusca, V. rotundifolia, V. rupestris and V. vinifera with the purpose of species characterization using chromosome morphometric data and NOR banding. A median ideogram was obtained for each species. The karyotype formula obtained varied from 7m + 12sm to 9m + 11sm. The species showed moderate chromosome asymmetry values according to TF% form, Stebbins, Romero Zarco and Paszko indices. V. champinii and V. girdiana were apart from the other species by CVcl and CVci graphic representation and also formed a group apart in the dendrogram based on Euclidian distances. The chromosome pair number 3 harbors the secondary constriction and a satellite segment in all species analyzed with Giemsa staining and it may be the same observed after NOR banding technique. It seems that the process of speciation in the North American Euvitis species studied involved some discrete changes in chromosome morphometry which have been reflected in the asymmetry index.
Aims of this study were to evaluate the relations of nuclear morphometry, mitotic and apoptotic indices, and tubular differentiation with clinicopathological features and survival rate in Libyan women. The data were compared with corresponding results on Finnish, and Nigerian female breast cancer patients. Histological samples of breast cancer (BC) from 131 patients were retrospectively studied. Mitotic activity indices (MAI and SMI), apoptotic index (AI), and fraction of fields with tubular differentiation (FTD) were estimated. Samples were also studied by computerized nuclear morphometry, such as mean nuclear area (MNA). Demographic and clinicopathological features were analyzed from 234 patients. The Libyan BC was dominantly premenopausal, and aggressive in behavior. There were statistically significant correlations between the mean nuclear area, fraction of fields with tubular differentiation, apoptotic index and proliferative indices, and most clinicopathological features. The highest significances were shown between lymph node status and the proliferative and apoptotic indices (p=0.003 with SMI, and p=0.005 with AI). There were significant associations between clinical stage and SMI and AI (p=0.002 and 0.009, respectively). The most significant associations with grade were observed with MNA and FTD (p<0.0001 and 0.001, respectively). The proliferative differences between Libyan, Nigerian and Finnish populations were prominent. These indices in Libyan were lower than in Nigerian, but higher than in Finnish patients. The Libyan patients’ AI is slightly higher than in Nigeria, but much higher than in Finland. The differences between countries may be associated with the known variation in the distribution of genetic markers in these populations. The results also indicated that morphometric factors can be reliable prognostic indicators in Libyan BC patients.
Two wild diploid (2n = 20 chromosomes) and self-pollinating Arachis species, Arachis Pintoi Krapov and W.C.Gregory and A. villosulicarpa Hoehne were submmited to C-band technique to karyotype analyses. Root tips were employed in the analyses. Morphometric data chose that chromosome lengths varied from 3.12 in A. villosulicarpa to 1.45 in A. Pintoi. Karyotype formula obtained was 10sm to A. Pintoi and 9sm + 1m to A. villosulicarpa. There was a predominance of pericentromeric C-band in all mitotic metaphasic chromosomes in both species. Besides C-band values, both species still did not differ in respect to chromosome absolute and relative lengths, centromeric index, symmetry index and total karyotype haploid length. C-band and morphometric data did not show strong or significant differences which could separate these two species of peanut which belong to evolutive different sections.
Two wild diploid (2n = 20 chromosomes) and self-pollinating Arachis species, Arachis Pintoi Krapov and W.C. Gregory and A. villosulicarpa Hoehne were submmited to C-band technique to karyotype analyses. Root tips were employed in the analyses. Morphometric data chose that chromosome lengths varied from 3.12 in A. villosulicarpa to 1.45 in A. Pintoi. Karyotype formula obtained was 10sm to A. Pintoi and 9sm + 1m to A. villosulicarpa. There was a predominance of pericentromeric C-band in all mitotic metaphasic chromosomes in both species. Besides C-band values, both species still did not differ in respect to chromosome absolute and relative lengths, centromeric index, symmetry index and total karyotype haploid length. C-band and morphometric data did not show strong or significant differences which could separate these two species of peanut which belong to evolutive different sections.
As a contribution towards detecting the genetic effects of low doses of genotoxic physical agents, this paper deals with the consequences of low-dose X-rays in the Aspergillus nidulans genome. The irradiation doses studied were those commonly used in dental clinics (1-5 cGy). Even very low doses promoted increased mitotic crossing-over frequencies in diploid strains heterozygous for several genetic markers including the ones involved in DNA repair and recombination mechanisms. Genetic markers of several heterozygous strains were individually analyzed disclosing that some markers were especially sensitive to the treatments. These markers should be chosen as bio-indicators in the homozygotization index assay to better detect the recombinogenic/ carcinogenic genomic effects of low-dose X-rays. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Chronic telogen effluvium (CTE), a poorly understood condition, can be confused with or may be a prodrome to female pattern hair loss (FPHL). The pathogenesis of both is related to follicle cycle shortening and possibly to blood supply changes. To analyze a number of histomorphometric and immunohistochemical findings through vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), Ki-67, and CD31 immunostaining in scalp biopsies of 20 patients with CTE, 17 patients with mild FPHL and 9 controls. Ki-67 index and VEGF optical density were analyzed at the follicular outer sheath using ImageJ software. CD31 microvessel density was assessed by a Chalkley grid. Significant follicle miniaturization and higher density of nonanagen follicles were found in FPHL, compared with patients with CTE and controls. Ki-67+ index correlated positively with FPHL histological features. The FPHL group showed the highest VEGF optical density, followed by the CTE and control groups. No differences were found in CD31 microvessel density between the three groups. Histomorphometric results establish CTE as a distinct disorder, separate from FPHL from its outset. Its pathogenic mechanisms are also distinct. These findings support the proposed mechanism of 'immediate telogen release' for CTE, leading to cycle synchronization. For FPHL, accelerated anagen follicular mitotic rates and, thus, higher Ki-67 and VEGF values, would leave less time for differentiation, resulting in hair miniaturization.
To analyze the relationship between parity, pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), and gestational weight gain (GWG). This observational controlled study was conducted from November 2013 to April 2014, with postpartum women who started antenatal care up to 14 weeks and had full-term births. Data were collected from medical records and antenatal cards. Descriptive and bivariate analyses were performed. The significance level was 5%. Data were collected from 130 primiparous and 160 multiparous women. At the beginning of prenatal care, 54.62% of the primiparous were eutrophic, while the majority of multiparous were overweight or obese (62.51%). Multiparas are two times more likely to be obese at the beginning of their pregnancies, when compared to primiparas. The average pre-pregnancy weight and final pregnancy weight was significantly higher in multiparous, however, the mean GWG was higher among primiparous. We found an inverse correlation between parity and the total GWG, but initial BMI was significantly higher in multiparas. Nevertheless, monitoring of the GWG through actions that promote a healthier lifestyle is needed, regardless of parity and nutritional status, in order to prevent excessive GWG and postpartum weight retention and consequently inadequate pre-pregnancy nutritional status in future pregnancies.
Nutrients composition, phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and estimated glycemic index (EGI) were evaluated in sorghum bran (SB) and decorticated sorghum flour (DSF), obtained by a rice-polisher, as well as whole sorghum flour (WSF). Correlation between EGI and the studied parameters were determined. SB presented the highest protein, lipid, ash, β-glucan, total and insoluble dietary fiber contents; and the lowest non-resistant and total starch contents. The highest carbohydrate and resistant starch contents were in DSF and WSF, respectively. Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities were concentrated in SB. The EGI values were: DSF 84.5±0.41; WSF 77.2±0.33; and SB 60.3±0.78. Phenolic compounds, specific flavonoids and antioxidant activities, as well as total, insoluble and soluble dietary fiber and β-glucans of sorghum flour samples were all negatively correlated to EGI. RS content was not correlated to EGI.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Association studies between ADIPOR1 genetic variants and predisposition to type 2 diabetes (DM2) have provided contradictory results. We determined if two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP c.-8503G>A and SNP c.10225C>G) in regulatory regions of ADIPOR1 in 567 Brazilian individuals of European (EA; N = 443) or African (AfA; N = 124) ancestry from rural (quilombo remnants; N = 439) and urban (N = 567) areas. We detected a significant effect of ethnicity on the distribution of the allelic frequencies of both SNPs in these populations (EA: -8503A = 0.27; AfA: -8503A = 0.16; P = 0.001 and EA: 10225G = 0.35; AfA: 10225G = 0.51; P < 0.001). Neither of the polymorphisms were associated with DM2 in the case-control study in EA (SNP c.-8503G>A: DM2 group -8503A = 0.26; control group -8503A = 0.30; P = 0.14/SNP 10225C>G: DM2 group 10225G = 0.37; control group 10225G = 0.32; P = 0.40) and AfA populations (SNP c.-8503G>A: DM2 group -8503A = 0.16; control group -8503A = 0.15; P = 0.34/SNP 10225C>G: DM2 group 10225G = 0.51; control group 10225G = 0.52; P = 0.50). Similarly, none of the polymorphisms were associated with metabolic/anthropometric risk factors for DM2 in any of the three populations, except for HDL cholesterol, which was significantly higher in AfA heterozygotes (GC = 53.75 ± 17.26 mg/dL) than in homozygotes. We conclude that ADIPOR1 polymorphisms are unlikely to be major risk factors for DM2 or for metabolic/anthropometric measurements that represent risk factors for DM2 in populations of European and African ancestries.