Molecular analysis of Papillomavirus-induced cutaneous tumors in equids

Autoria(s): Tura, Giorgia <1987>

Bacci, Barbara




Papillomavirus associated tumors are well recognized entities in humans as well as in animals. Here is reviewed the current understanding of human papillomavirus (HPV) associated cancers to better understand the oncogenic mechanisms of Equine papillomavirus (EcPV) and Bovine Papillomavirus (BPV) in horses. In the first part of this study the interactions between Equine papillomavirus 2 (EcPV-2) and cell cycle proteins are discussed. EcPV-2 has been recognized as the cause of genital squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) in horses, but the exact mechanism of carcinogenesis is not fully understood. The aim of the first part of this study is to assess the expression of cell cycle proteins p53, p16, pRB and Cyclin D1 in a series of equine SCCs and papillomas. Results confirm the role of EcPV-2 in the pathogenesis of genital SCCs. Moreover, in a small subset of ocular SCCs, EcPV-2 was detected for the first time. By immunohistochemistry, p53 was mostly expressed in ocular SCCs with a suprabasal localization. Regarding p16, overexpression was associated with increased mitotic index but not with viral infection. Investigation on pRB and Cyclin D1 proteins did not show significant correlation with other variables. The second part of this study is focused on the carcinogenetic mechanisms of BPV in equine sarcoids. The aim of the second part of this study was to characterize the typical histomorphological features of equine sarcoids, assess the expression of cell cycle proteins and Ki-67 proliferation index. Our results confirm that the typical histological features of sarcoids cannot be used to correctly classify the clinical types. Moreover, in a subset of sarcoids low pRB-Cyclin D1 scores were associated with simultaneous high p16 expression. The Ki-67 proliferation index confirm the low proliferative activity of sarcoids, except for tumors displaying a fascicular pattern. Finally, a subset of sarcoids recurred after excision.





Tura, Giorgia (2022) Molecular analysis of Papillomavirus-induced cutaneous tumors in equids, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze veterinarie <>, 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10208.




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna




Palavras-Chave #VET/03 Patologia generale e anatomia patologica veterinaria

Doctoral Thesis
