935 resultados para MAMMARY-GLAND
Activation of the c-Src tyrosine kinase has been implicated as an important step in the induction of mammary tumors in both mice and humans. To directly assess the effect of mammary gland-specific expression of activated c-Src, we established transgenic mice that carry a constitutively activated form of c-src under transcriptional control of the murine mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat. Female mice derived from several independent transgenic lines lactate poorly as a consequence of an impairment in normal mammary epithelial development. In addition to this lactation defect, female mice frequently develop mammary epithelial hyperplasias, which occasionally progress to frank neoplasias. Taken together, these observations suggest that expression of activated c-Src in the mammary epithelium of transgenic mice is not sufficient for induction of mammary tumors.
Para a descrição macro e microscópica das glândulas mamárias foram utilizadas três fêmeas de Mão Pelada (Procyon cancrivorus). As amostras das glândulas foram processadas conforme técnicas rotineiras para histologia. As fêmeas estudadas apresentaram 3 pares de glândulas mamárias, sendo um par de glândula mamária abdominal cranial, um par de abdominal caudal e um par de inguinal. As papilas mamárias apresentaram formato pendular, como os canídeos domésticos. Microscopicamente, a glândula mamária apresentou da porção externa para a interna: epiderme (epitélio estratificado pavimentoso queratinizado), derme (tecido conjuntivo frouxo e tecido conjuntivo denso não modelado), fibras musculares lisas e ductos papilíferos que abrem em vários ósteos papilares em formato de "chuveiro". A porção secretora glandular era caracteristicamente túbulo alveolar, com células cuboidais dispostas em camada simples. Os resultados indicam que o conjunto glandular estudado é semelhante ao da cadela (Cannis familiaris) tanto em seu aspecto macroscópico quanto em seu aspecto microscópico, este fato sugere que podemos utilizar o Mão Pelada e o Cão como modelos similares de estudo, para identificação de patologias relacionadas a este sistema.
Estudaram-se a distribuição do leite nas porções alveolar e cisternal e a morfometria da glândula mamária de 14 vacas, sete da raça Holandesa, grupo H, e sete da Girolanda, grupo G, com ordem e dias de lactação semelhantes, ordenhadas duas vezes ao dia. A produção de leite foi mensurada diariamente, enquanto as frações de leite cisternal e alveolar foram medidas uma vez por semana. Durante o experimento, também foram realizadas medidas de ultrassonografia e morfometria da glândula mamária. As vacas Girolandas apresentaram úberes e tetos maiores que as vacas Holandesas. Diâmetro, espessura da parede e comprimento do canal do teto, medidos por imagens de ultrassom, também foram maiores nas Girolandas, mas a área de cisterna da glândula mamária foi maior nas Holandesas. Não houve diferença na produção de leite e nas frações de leite cisternal e alveolar entre as raças.
O uso de medicamentos antimamíticos específicos para vacas no período seco é indicado para prevenção de infecções na lactação seguinte. Não obstante, a ação das células envolvidas no período de secagem tem fundamental importância para a involução da glândula mamária e seu restabelecimento para a lactação subseqüente. A indisponibilidade de tais medicamentos para uso em cabras tem resultado na extrapolação do uso de produtos recomendados para vacas sem que se considerem as particularidades e diferenças anátomo-fisiológicas entre as espécies bovina e caprina. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência de cinco antimamíticos específicos para vacas secas sobre a função dos fagócitos provenientes de leite caprino. Para tal, fez-se o isolamento de células somáticas de 20 amostras de leite provenientes de 10 cabras lactantes, sem antecedentes de tratamento de mamite nos últimos 30 dias, sob condições higiênico-sanitárias de colheita e com resultados negativos ao cultivo microbiológico do leite. As células aderidas a lamínulas de vidro foram confrontadas com formulações contendo princípios ativos disponíveis no mercado como Gentamicina (M1), Cefalônio Anidro (M2), Ampicilina (M3), Cloxacilina Benzatínica (M4) e Cefapirina Benzatínica (M5). Avaliou-se, por microscopia, a fagocitose de partículas de Zymosan. As médias dos índices de fagocitose das células submetidas ao tratamento com M2 (15,12% ± 16,22), M3 (6,02% ± 7,96), M4 (4,54% ± 5,45) e M5 (2,47% ± 4,64) foram menores (p<0,001) que a média dos índices de fagocitose do grupo controle (40,67% ± 19,68). A média dos índices de fagocitose das células submetidas ao tratamento com M2 foi maior (p<0,05) que as médias dos tratamentos com M3, M4 e M5 enquanto estas foram estatisticamente iguais entre si. As amostras celulares submetidas ao medicamento M1 exibiram adesão insuficiente ou ausente às lamínulas, inviabilizando a avaliação da fagocitose por meio da técnica utilizada. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que os medicamentos estudados exerceram influência negativa sobre os fagócitos do leite, porém, esta interferência sobre as funções das células somáticas não pode por si só determinar o insucesso da terapia proposta para o período seco, pois deve ser considerada, outrossim, a eficácia do princípio ativo sobre o patógeno causador do processo infeccioso.
A particularidade da secreção láctea caprina, do tipo apócrina, diferente da secreção merócrina da vaca, leva a erros de interpretação durante a realização de técnicas de avaliação da celularidade do leite de fêmeas desta espécie. Portanto, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de determinar a contagem de células somáticas pelo método indireto California Mastitis Test (CMT), e por métodos diretos, incluindo a contagem por citometria de fluxo e a contagem microscópica direta, através da coloração de verde de metil e pironina-Y, além de comparar os métodos de contagem celular. Foram analisadas 102 amostras de 51 fêmeas caprinas, das raças Saanen, Parda Alpina e Toggenburg, criadas no Estado de São Paulo. Os animais foram categorizados segundo a fase da lactação, exame físico da glândula mamária e exame do leite. As amostras foram colhidas, após a realização do exame Califórnia Mastitis Test, em duas alíquotas, uma destinada à contagem celular automática e a outra, a contagem microscópica direta, utilizando-se o corante verde de metil e pironina- Y. De acordo com os diferentes escores do CMT, observou- se 74,5% de amostras negativas, 8,8% de amostras com escore traços, 8,8% de amostras ligeiramente positivas (+), 6,8% de amostras fracamente positivas (++) e 0,9% de amostras fortemente positivas (+++). Os valores medianos das contagens de células somáticas presentes no leite de cabras, avaliadas através de contador automático e microscopia direta, e analisadas de acordo com os diferentes escores do CMT, foram, respectivamente, 181.000, 578.000, 628.000, 1.421.500 e 5.542.000 células/mL de leite e 74.991, 271.396, 71.420, 640.995 e 5.049.394 células/ mL de leite, nos escores negativo, traços, +, ++ e +++. Os valores medianos obtidos através da contagem de células somáticas pelo método automático e microscópico direto, de acordo com as fases de lactação foram de 159.500, 508.000 e 277.500 células/mL de leite, e 62.493, 89.275 e 146.411. A correlação obtida entre a contagem celular automática e microscópica direta foi de 88%. A partir dos resultados observados pode-se concluir que existe diferença na contagem celular determinada através do método automático e microscópico sendo este último o mais adequado para a determinação da celularidade no leite de cabras.
The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in adipose tissue explant cultures of growing pigs on the following responses: lipogenesis (measured as rate of C-14-labeled glucose incorporation over a subsequent 2-h incubation in the presence or absence of insulin), lipolysis (release of non-esterified fatty acid over a 2-h incubation in the presence or absence of isoproterenol), activities of lipogenic enzymes, and mRNA abundance of fatty acid synthase (FAS). Adipose tissue explants from nine growing pigs (78 +/- 3 kg) were cultured in 199 medium with insulin, dexamethasone and antibiotics for 4, 12, 24, and 48 h. The treatments were 1) control: 100 mu M polyvinyl alcohol (PVA); 2) pGH: 100 ng/mL porcine growth hormone (pGH) plus 100 mu M PVA; 3) CLA200: 200 mu M trans-10, cis-12 CLA; 4) CLA50: 50 mu M trans-10, cis-12 CLA, and 5) LA: 200 mu M linoleic acid. Fatty acids were added along with PVA (2: 1), respectively, for 24 h. Explants were collected after each culture period and assayed for lipogenesis. Transcripts of FAS mRNA were quantified by real-time RT-PCR after 24 and 48 h. Lipolysis and activities of FAS, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and NADP-malate dehydrogenase were determined after 48 h. As expected, glucose incorporation was decreased (P < 0.05) in response to pGH treatment (positive control). LA had no effect on any parameter evaluated. Treatment with trans-10, cis-12 CLA decreased FAS activity (P < 0.05), but NADPH-generating enzymes were unaffected by treatments. Consistent with reduction in FAS activity, both lipid synthesis and FAS mRNA abundance were reduced with chronic CLA treatment, pGH increased baseline and stimulated lipolysis (P < 0.05) after 48 h of culture, while CLA treatment had no effect on non-esterified fatty acid release. Results of this study showed that trans-10, cis-12 CLA alters lipogenesis but has no effect on lipolysis in cultures of pig adipose tissue.
Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are potent anticarcinogens in animal and in vitro models as well as inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis in mammary gland, liver, and adipose tissue. Our objective was to evaluate long-term CLA supplementation of lactating dairy cows in tropical pasture on milk production and composition and residual effects posttreatment. Thirty crossbred cows grazing stargrass (Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst var. nlemfuensis) were blocked by parity and received 150 g/d of a dietary fat supplement of either Ca-salts of palm oil fatty acids (control) or a mixture of Ca-salts of CLA (CLA treatment). Supplements of fatty acids were mixed with 4 kg/d of concentrate. Grazing plus supplements were estimated to provide 115% of the estimated metabolizable protein requirements from 28 to 84 d in milk (treatment period). The CLA supplement provided 15 g/d of cis-9, trans-11 and 22 g of cis-10, trans-12. Residual effects were evaluated from 85 to 112 d in milk (residual period) when cows were fed an 18% crude protein concentrate without added fat. The CLA treatment increased milk production but reduced milk fat concentration from 2.90 to 2.14% and fat production from 437 to 348 g/d. Milk protein concentration increased by 11.5% (2.79 to 3.11%) and production by 19% (422 to 504 g/d) in the cows fed CLA. The CLA treatment decreased milk energy concentration and increased milk volume, resulting in unchanged energy output. Milk production and protein concentration and production were also greater during the residual period for the CLA-treated cows. The CLA treatment reduced production of fatty acids (FA) of all chain lengths, but the larger effect was on short-chain FA, causing a shift toward a greater content of longer chain FA. The CLA treatment increased total milk CLA content by 30% and content of the trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomer by 88%. The CLA treatment tended to decrease the number of days open, suggesting a possible effect on reproduction. Under tropical grazing conditions, in a nutritionally challenging environment, CLA-treated cows decreased milk fat content and secreted the same amount of milk energy by increasing milk volume and milk protein production.
This experiment was designed to examine changes in milk fatty acids during fish oil-induced milk fat depression (MFD) and to test the theory that these changes are related to milk fat fluidity. The experiment was divided into three periods: 1) Baseline: all cows (n = 12) received a high fiber diet without fish oil (FO) for 12 days; 2) Treatment: 4 cows/group received the following treatments for 21 days: a) Low fiber diet without FO (LF), b) High fiber diet+FO (HF+FO) and c) Low fiber diet+FO (LF+FO); 3) Post-treatment: cows returned to the baseline diet and were monitored for 12 days. FO was included at 1.6% DM and HF and LF diets had 40 and 26% NDF, respectively. Milk fat content and yield were unchanged by the LF diet, but were reduced by FO diets at both dietary fiber levels and recovered in the post-treatment period. FO diets caused a pronounced reduction in stearic and oleic acid concentrations in milk fat and an equally pronounced increase in trans-18:1 fatty acid concentrations. Milk fat mean melting point (MMP) was correlated with MFD (r=0.73) and with milk oleic acid concentration (r=-0.92). The ratio of oleic:stearic in milk fat increased gradually and consistently in response to FO. Trans-C18:1 isomers with double bounds at carbon :<= 10 increased with greater MFD and those with double bonds at carbon ! I I decreased with greater MFD. Trans-9 cis-11 CLA explained more than 80% of MFD and was strongly correlated with trans-10 C18:1. Maintenance of MMP below 39-40 degrees C suggests that the mammary gland was able to secrete only milk fat with adequate fluidity and that MFD could be an adaptation mechanism to prevent secretion of milk with higher MMP. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Microarray transcript profiling has the potential to illuminate the molecular processes that are involved in the responses of cattle to disease challenges. This knowledge may allow the development of strategies that exploit these genes to enhance resistance to disease in an individual or animal population. Results: The Bovine Innate Immune Microarray developed in this study consists of 1480 characterised genes identified by literature searches, 31 positive and negative control elements and 5376 cDNAs derived from subtracted and normalised libraries. The cDNA libraries were produced from 'challenged' bovine epithelial and leukocyte cells. The microarray was found to have a limit of detection of 1 pg/mu g of total RNA and a mean slide-to-slide correlation co-efficient of 0.88. The profiles of differentially expressed genes from Concanavalin A ( ConA) stimulated bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes were determined. Three distinct profiles highlighted 19 genes that were rapidly up-regulated within 30 minutes and returned to basal levels by 24 h; 76 genes that were upregulated between 2 - 8 hours and sustained high levels of expression until 24 h and 10 genes that were down-regulated. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR on selected genes was used to confirm the results from the microarray analysis. The results indicate that there is a dynamic process involving gene activation and regulatory mechanisms re-establishing homeostasis in the ConA activated lymphocytes. The Bovine Innate Immune Microarray was also used to determine the cross-species hybridisation capabilities of an ovine PBL sample. Conclusion: The Bovine Innate Immune Microarray has been developed which contains a set of well-characterised genes and anonymous cDNAs from a number of different bovine cell types. The microarray can be used to determine the gene expression profiles underlying innate immune responses in cattle and sheep.
Objective. This study aims to analyze the expression of cancer testis antigen 45 (CT45) in normal tissues and in plasma cell disorders and to identify possible associations with clinical data and prognosis in multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Materials and Methods. Expression of CT45 was studied in 20 normal tissues (testis, placenta, skeletal muscle, bladder, lung, spleen, heart, brain and fetal brain, thymus, uterus, stomach, mammary gland, pancreas, prostate, small intestine, kidney, adrenal gland, spinal cord, colon, and one pool of 10 normal bone marrow samples) and bone marrow aspirates from 3 monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined significance, 5 solitary plasmacytomas, 61 newly diagnosed MM patients and MM cell line U266 by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Results. CT45 was positive in 3 of 20 (15%) normal tissues tested: lung, brain (both fetal and adult), and spinal cord. Among monoclonal gammopathies, CT45 was positive in 2 of 5 (40%) solitary plasmacytomas bone marrow aspirates, 10 of 61 (16%) MM bone marrow aspirates, and in the U266 MM cell line. Conclusions. We did not find associations between bone marrow histology and CT45 expression. However, we demonstrated for the first time that positive expression of CT45 was associated with poor prognostic (international Staging System) and poor outcomes in MM patients, meaning that CT45-positive cases presented seven times more chance of worse evolution than the negative ones. (C) 2009 ISEH - Society for Hematology and Stem Cells. Published by Elsevier Inc.
The present work studied the adverse effects of maternal exposure of rats to alcohol during lactation, on the development of their offspring. Histometric evaluation by karyometry and of the alveolar bone at the level of the first upper molar of the sucking was perfomed. Two groups of animals, one coming from mothers exposed to drinking water containing 20% ethanol during the total lactation period and the other of controls coming from mothers receiving only alcohol-free drinking water during this period. On the 21 first day of lactation the young of each group were aleatorily selected and following anesthesia, their heads severed; after histological treatment, serial 6 mu m sections on the frontal plane at the molar level, stained with hematoxilin and eosin, were obtained. The experimental results produced, suggest that sucking from ethanol-treated mothers, show retarded post-natal growth, their alveolar bones presenting scarce, little calcified trabeculae, and a more abundant bone marrow compared to controls.
The purpose of the present trial was to compare the percentages of necrotic and apoptotic polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) in goat milk with low and high somatic cell count (SCC). Twenty eight milk samples were collected from 20 lactating goats, determined to be negative in bacteriological examination, and divided in three groups, according to their SCC: samples with SCC lower than 500 x 10(3) cells/mL; between 500 and 1500 x 10(3) cells/mL; and higher than 1500 x 10(3) cells/m L. SCC was performed in an automatic somatic cell counter. Apoptosis and necrosis were quantified using dual-color flow cytometry with fluorescein labeled annexin-V and propidium iodide (PI). Results of the present study showed a significant positive correlation between the percentage of the viable PMNL and milk SCC(r = 0.495, P=0.008), as well as a significant negative correlation between apoptotic PMNL and milk SCC(r = -0.486, P = 0.009). Results also pointed out lower PMNL viability rates due to higher apoptosis rates in milk samples with SCC lower than 5 x 10(5) cells/mL. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Prototheca zopfii has been considered one of the most important causes of environmental mastitis in Brazil. These algae are refractory to conventional therapy and cause great damage to the mammary gland. The present study evaluated the in vitro algaecide effect of sodium hypochlorite and iodine based antiseptics on 27 P. zopfii strains isolated from the milk of cattle. Low concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (0.0390625-0.15625%) and iodine (0.15625-0.625%) were effective against the isolates. These antiseptics may be recommended for hygiene routines, pre and postdipping and cauterization of bovine mammary glands infected by P. zopfii. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Milk is the normal secretion of the mammary gland, practically free of colostrum and obtained by the complete milking of oil(? or more healthy animals. Mastitis is all inflammatory process of the mammary gland and it may cause alterations in the milk. The present work aimed to verify whether it is possible, by means of the counts of microorganism in the bulk raw milk ill four selective culture media, to establish a correlation with the occurrence of mastitis and therefore, to monitor this disease in bovine dairy herds. The following selective culture media were Used: KF Streptococcus Agar, Edwards Agar, Baird-Parker Agar, Blood Agar plus potassium tellurite. Spearman`s correlation coefficient was calculated in order to compare the Occurrence of mastitis (percentage) in each herd with respective selective culture media counts of microorganisms in bulk raw milk. Thirty-six possibilities were analysed (Tamis and CMT-positive rates were compared with the log-transformed count in four selective Culture media) and there was a negative correlation between Tamis 3 and the Baird-Parker Agar plate count. The total results of microbiological tests showed that there were three correlations of the counts in selective culture media. Fifty-two possibilities were analysed and there was a negative correlation between no-bacteria I-growth mastitis rates and log(10) of KF Streptoccocus Agar plate Count and there were two positive correlations between coagulase-positive staphylococci and log(10) of Baird-Parker Agar plate count and Blood Agar plus potassium tellurite plate count.
A previously unreported case of Barber Say syndrome is described with special attention to dental manifestations. A 7-year-old female with multiple congenital anomalies such mammary gland hypoplasia, hypertrichosis, ectropion, and redundant skin was seen at the School of Dentistry of the University of Sao Paulo. Oral examination revealed macrostomia, broad alveolar ridges, gingival fibromatosis, taurodontism, delayed tooth eruption, and malocclusion. Dental treatment included gingivoplasty and orthodontic treatment. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.