306 resultados para Locomotive boilers.
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A mathematical model of a large coal-fired fluidized bed boiler for power generation is synthesised. The effect of variations in the main parameters of the model on variables such as the background carbon concentrations in the bed, and the transient response of heat evolution are studied. The mechanisms of solids mixing within the bed, combustion and the flow of heat to the boiler tubes are shown to result in a characteristic dynamic response, knowledge of which is essential for the proper control and regulation of a practical system.
The concept of shallow fluidized bed boilers is defined and a preliminary working design for a gas-fired package boiler has been produced. Those areas of the design requiring further study have been specified. Experimental investigations concerning these areas have been carried out. A two-dimensional, conducting paper analog has been developed for the specific purpose of evaluating sheet fins. The analog has been generalised and is presented as a simple means of simulating the general, two-dimensional Helmholtz equation. By recording the transient response of spherical, calorimetric probes when plunged into heated air-fluidized beds, heat transfer coefficients have been measured at bed temperatures up to 1 100°C. A correlation fitting all the data to within ±10% has been obtained. A model of heat transfer to surfaces immersed in high temperature beds has been proposed. The model solutions are, however, only in qualitative agreement with the experimental data. A simple experimental investigation has revealed that the effective, radial, thermal conductivities of shallow fluidized beds are an order of magnitude lower than the axial conductivities. These must, consequently, be taken into account when considering heat transfer to surfaces immersed within fluidized beds. Preliminary work on pre-mixed gas combustion and some further qualitative experiments have been used as the basis for discussing the feasibility of combusting heavy fuel oils within shallow beds. The use of binary beds, within which the fuel could be both gasified and subsequently burnt, is proposed. Finally, the consequences of the experimental studies on the initial design are considered, and suggestions for further work are made.
Tässä työssä perehdytään soodakattiloiden vesikiertomallin rakentamiseen. Työn päätavoitteena on kehittää simulointimallia varten taulukkolaskentapohja, jonka avulla soodakattilan lämpövuotietoja on yksinkertaista ja nopeaa käsitellä ja siirtää Apros 6 -simulointiohjelmaan. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on pyrkiä automatisoimaan työvaiheet mahdollisimman pitkälle, jolloin vesikiertolaskennan tekeminen yksinkertaistuisi, yhtenäistyisi ja tarkentuisi. Tämä on mahdollista Excel- makrojen ja Apros 6:n uusien toimintojen avulla. Apros 6:ssa on nyt mahdollista hyödyntää SCL- komentotiedostoja, joiden avulla sujuva tiedonsiirto Aproksen ja Excelin välillä vodaan toteuttaa. Vesikiertolaskentaan käytettävän datan käsittely on aikaisemmin ollut työlästä ja sen tarkkuus on pitkälti riippunut mallintajasta. Tässä diplomityössä päästään hyödyntämään uusimpia ja realistisempia soodakattiloiden CFD- malleja, joiden avulla pystytään luomaan aikaisempaa tarkemmat lämpövuojakaumat soodakattilan lämpöpinnoille. Tämä muutos parantaa vesikiertolaskennan tarkkuutta. Työn kokeellisessa osassa uutta Excel laskentatyökalua ja uusia lämpövuoarvoja testataan käytännössä. Eräs vanha Apros- vesikiertomalli päivitetään uusilla lämpövuoarvoilla ja sen rakenteeseen tehdään muutoksia tarkkuuden parantamiseksi. Uuden mallin toimivuutta testataan myös 115 %:n kapasiteetilla ja tutkitaan kuinka kyseinen vesikiertopiiri reagoi suurempaan lämpötehoon. Näitä kolmea eri tilannetta vertaillaan toisiinsa ja tarkastellaan eroavaisuuksia niiden vesi-höyrypiireissä.
On cover: Wage increase case.
Business Service Management describes the emerging discipline dedicated to the IT-enabled management of services as corporate assets. Business Service Management deals with the service orientation of the organisation and the provisioning and use of business services. The term business service describes an autonomous transformational capability that is offered to and consumed by external or internal customers for their benefit. The prefix ‘business’ stresses that such a service has a market value, requires the ability to be managed internally as a corporate asset and that its implementation is technology-agnostic. While business services (or so called capabilities) have attracted the attention of many vendors and organisations, a lack of understanding of the activities required for the successful management of such business services remains a critical issue. In order to fill this gap, a framework consisting of Service Lifecycle Management, Service Value Management, Service Relationship Management and Service Enablement is proposed. This Framework has the potential to provide organisations with the much needed guidance in their attempts to convert current IT-driven service initiatives into successful service-centric business models.
The economiser is a critical component for efficient operation of coal-fired power stations. It consists of a large system of water-filled tubes which extract heat from the exhaust gases. When it fails, usually due to erosion causing a leak, the entire power station must be shut down to effect repairs. Not only are such repairs highly expensive, but the overall repair costs are significantly affected by fluctuations in electricity market prices, due to revenue lost during the outage. As a result, decisions about when to repair an economiser can alter the repair costs by millions of dollars. Therefore, economiser repair decisions are critical and must be optimised. However, making optimal repair decisions is difficult because economiser leaks are a type of interactive failure. If left unfixed, a leak in a tube can cause additional leaks in adjacent tubes which will need more time to repair. In addition, when choosing repair times, one also needs to consider a number of other uncertain inputs such as future electricity market prices and demands. Although many different decision models and methodologies have been developed, an effective decision-making method specifically for economiser repairs has yet to be defined. In this paper, we describe a Decision Tree based method to meet this need. An industrial case study is presented to demonstrate the application of our method.
The scheduling of locomotive movements on cane railways has proven to be a very complex task. Various optimisation methods have been used over the years to try and produce an optimised schedule that eliminates or minimises bin supply delays to harvesters and the factory, while minimising the number of locomotives, locomotive shifts and cane bins, and also the cane age. This paper reports on a new attempt to develop an automatic scheduler using a mathematical model solved using mixed integer programming and constraint programming approaches and blocking parallel job shop scheduling fundamentals. The model solution has been explored using conventional constraint programming search techniques and found to produce a reasonable schedule for small-scale problems with up to nine harvesters. While more effort is required to complete the development of the full model with metaheuristic search techniques, the work completed to date gives confidence that the metaheuristic techniques will provide near optimal solutions in reasonable time.
In the years since the release of the film Field of Dreams, the phrase “If you build it, they will come” has become a cliché beloved by journalists, boosters of speculative land developments or remediations and misty-eyed enthusiasts of a host of unlikely schemes. It is one of the articles of faith of the location interest, the coalition of actors motivated to work to attract film business to a particular place. The phrase is full of optimism and potential. It seeks to instill confidence that the construction of production infrastructure like studios and the nourishment of conditions for local service providers will drive the (economic) locomotive and open the (celebrity) stargate. Unfortunately sometimes, it is just a crazy dream.