Using decision trees in economizer repair decision making

Autoria(s): Sun, Yong; Ma, Lin; Robinson, Warwick; Fidge, Colin J.

Pecht, M.




The economiser is a critical component for efficient operation of coal-fired power stations. It consists of a large system of water-filled tubes which extract heat from the exhaust gases. When it fails, usually due to erosion causing a leak, the entire power station must be shut down to effect repairs. Not only are such repairs highly expensive, but the overall repair costs are significantly affected by fluctuations in electricity market prices, due to revenue lost during the outage. As a result, decisions about when to repair an economiser can alter the repair costs by millions of dollars. Therefore, economiser repair decisions are critical and must be optimised. However, making optimal repair decisions is difficult because economiser leaks are a type of interactive failure. If left unfixed, a leak in a tube can cause additional leaks in adjacent tubes which will need more time to repair. In addition, when choosing repair times, one also needs to consider a number of other uncertain inputs such as future electricity market prices and demands. Although many different decision models and methodologies have been developed, an effective decision-making method specifically for economiser repairs has yet to be defined. In this paper, we describe a Decision Tree based method to meet this need. An industrial case study is presented to demonstrate the application of our method.








Sun, Yong, Ma, Lin, Robinson, Warwick, & Fidge, Colin J. (2010) Using decision trees in economizer repair decision making. In Pecht, M. (Ed.) Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, 2010 (PHM '10), IEEE, University of Macau, China, pp. 1-6.


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School of Curriculum; Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering; School of Engineering Systems

Palavras-Chave #090505 Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management #091507 Risk Engineering (excl. Earthquake Engineering) #099999 Engineering not elsewhere classified #Boilers #Costing #Decision Making #Decision Trees #Electric Generators #Maintenance Engineering #Steam Plants

Conference Paper