961 resultados para Latent heat loss


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This paper performed a numerical simulation on temperature field evolution for the surface layer of a metallic alloy subjected to pulsed Nd:YAG laser treatment. The enthalpy method was adopted to solve the moving boundary problem, I.e. Stefan problem. Computational results were obtained to show the temperature field evolution. Effects of latent heat and mushy zone width on the temperature field were investigated. The results also show very high values of temperature gradient and cooling rate, which are typical characteristics during the solidification process.


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We investigate the size effect on melting of metal nanoclusters by molecular dynamics simulation and thermo dynamic theory based on Kofman's melt model. By the minimization of the free energy of metal nanoclusters with respect to the thickness of the surface liquid layer, it has been found that the nanoclusters of the same metal have the same premelting temperature T-pre = T-0 - T-0(gamma(su) - gamma(lv) - gamma(sl))/(rhoLxi) (T-0 is the melting point of bulk metal, gamma(sv) the solid-vapour interfacial free energy, gamma(sl) the liquid-vapour interfacial free energy, gamma(sl),l the solid-liquid interfacial free energy, p the density of metal, L the latent heat of bulk metal, and xi the characteristic length of surface-interface interaction) to be independent of the size of nanoclusters, so that the characteristic length of a metal can be obtained easily by T-pre, which can be obtained by experiments or molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The premelting temperature T-pre of Cu is obtained by AID simulations, then xi is obtained. The melting point T-cm is further predicted by free energy analysis and is in good agreement with the result of our MD simulations. We also predict the maximum premelting-liquid width of Cu nanoclusters with various sizes and the critical size, below which there is no premelting.


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In the case of suspension flows, the rate of interphase momentum transfer M(k) and that of interphase energy transfer E(k), which were expressed as a sum of infinite discontinuities by Ishii, have been reduced to the sum of several terms which have concise physical significance. M(k) is composed of the following terms: (i) the momentum carried by the interphase mass transfer; (ii) the interphase drag force due to the relative motion between phases; (iii) the interphase force produced by the concentration gradient of the dispersed phase in a pressure field. And E(k) is composed of the following four terms, that is, the energy carried by the interphase mass transfer, the work produced by the interphase forces of the second and third parts above, and the heat transfer between phases. It is concluded from the results that (i) the term, (-alpha-k-nabla-p), which is related to the pressure gradient in the momentum equation, can be derived from the basic conservation laws without introducing the "shared-pressure presumption"; (ii) the mean velocity of the action point of the interphase drag is the mean velocity of the interface displacement, upsilonBAR-i. It is approximately equal to the mean velocity of the dispersed phase, upsilonBAR-d. Hence the work terms produced by the drag forces are f(dc) . upsilonBAR-d, and f(cd) . upsilonBAR-d, respectively, with upsilonBAR-i not being replaced by the mean velocity of the continuous phase, upsilonBAR-c; (iii) by analogy, the terms of the momentum transfer due to phase change are upsilonBAR-d-GAMMA-c, and upsilonBAR-d-GAMMA-d, respectively; (iv) since the transformation between explicit heat and latent heat occurs in the process of phase change, the algebraic sum of the heat transfer between phases is not equal to zero. Q(ic) and Q(id) are composed of the explicit heat and latent heat, so that the sum Q(ic) + Q(id)) is equal to zero.


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The principle aims of this thesis include the development of models of sublimation and melting from first principles and the application of these models to the rare gases.

A simple physical model is constructed to represent the sublimation of monatomic elements. According to this model, the solid and gas phases are two states of a single physical system. The nature of the phase transition is clearly revealed, and the relations between the vapor pressure, the latent heat, and the transition temperature are derived. The resulting theory is applied to argon, krypton, and xenon, and good agreement with experiment is found.

For the melting transition, the solid is represented by an anharmonic model and the liquid is described by the Percus-Yevick approximation. The behavior of the liquid at high densities is studied on the isotherms kT/∈ = 1.3, 1.8, and 2.0, where k is Boltzmann's constant, T is the temperature, and e is the well depth of the Lennard-Jones 12-6 pair potential. No solutions of the PercusYevick equation were found for ρσ3 above 1.3, where ρ is the particle density and σ is the radial parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential. The liquid structure is found to be very different from the solid structure near the melting line. The liquid pressures are about 50 percent low for experimental melting densities of argon. This discrepancy gives rise to melting pressures up to twice the experimental values.


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This thesis focuses on improving the simulation skills and the theoretical understanding of the subtropical low cloud response to climate change.

First, an energetically consistent forcing framework is designed and implemented for the large eddy simulation (LES) of the low-cloud response to climate change. The three representative current-day subtropical low cloud regimes of cumulus (Cu), cumulus-over-stratocumulus, and stratocumulus (Sc) are all well simulated with this framework, and results are comparable to the conventional fixed-SST approach. However, the cumulus response to climate warming subject to energetic constraints differs significantly from the conventional approach with fixed SST. Under the energetic constraint, the subtropics warm less than the tropics, since longwave (LW) cooling is more efficient with the drier subtropical free troposphere. The surface latent heat flux (LHF) also increases only weakly subject to the surface energetic constraint. Both factors contribute to an increased estimated inversion strength (EIS), and decreased inversion height. The decreased Cu-depth contributes to a decrease of liquid water path (LWP) and weak positive cloud feedback. The conventional fixed-SST approach instead simulates a strong increase in LHF and deepening of the Cu layer, leading to a weakly negative cloud feedback. This illustrates the importance of energetic constraints to the simulation and understanding of the sign and magnitude of low-cloud feedback.

Second, an extended eddy-diffusivity mass-flux (EDMF) closure for the unified representation of sub-grid scale (SGS) turbulence and convection processes in general circulation models (GCM) is presented. The inclusion of prognostic terms and the elimination of the infinitesimal updraft fraction assumption makes it more flexible for implementation in models across different scales. This framework can be consistently extended to formulate multiple updrafts and downdrafts, as well as variances and covariances. It has been verified with LES in different boundary layer regimes in the current climate, and further development and implementation of this closure may help to improve our simulation skills and understanding of low-cloud feedback through GCMs.


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I. The attenuation of sound due to particles suspended in a gas was first calculated by Sewell and later by Epstein in their classical works on the propagation of sound in a two-phase medium. In their work, and in more recent works which include calculations of sound dispersion, the calculations were made for systems in which there was no mass transfer between the two phases. In the present work, mass transfer between phases is included in the calculations.

The attenuation and dispersion of sound in a two-phase condensing medium are calculated as functions of frequency. The medium in which the sound propagates consists of a gaseous phase, a mixture of inert gas and condensable vapor, which contains condensable liquid droplets. The droplets, which interact with the gaseous phase through the interchange of momentum, energy, and mass (through evaporation and condensation), are treated from the continuum viewpoint. Limiting cases, for flow either frozen or in equilibrium with respect to the various exchange processes, help demonstrate the effects of mass transfer between phases. Included in the calculation is the effect of thermal relaxation within droplets. Pressure relaxation between the two phases is examined, but is not included as a contributing factor because it is of interest only at much higher frequencies than the other relaxation processes. The results for a system typical of sodium droplets in sodium vapor are compared to calculations in which there is no mass exchange between phases. It is found that the maximum attenuation is about 25 per cent greater and occurs at about one-half the frequency for the case which includes mass transfer, and that the dispersion at low frequencies is about 35 per cent greater. Results for different values of latent heat are compared.

II. In the flow of a gas-particle mixture through a nozzle, a normal shock may exist in the diverging section of the nozzle. In Marble’s calculation for a shock in a constant area duct, the shock was described as a usual gas-dynamic shock followed by a relaxation zone in which the gas and particles return to equilibrium. The thickness of this zone, which is the total shock thickness in the gas-particle mixture, is of the order of the relaxation distance for a particle in the gas. In a nozzle, the area may change significantly over this relaxation zone so that the solution for a constant area duct is no longer adequate to describe the flow. In the present work, an asymptotic solution, which accounts for the area change, is obtained for the flow of a gas-particle mixture downstream of the shock in a nozzle, under the assumption of small slip between the particles and gas. This amounts to the assumption that the shock thickness is small compared with the length of the nozzle. The shock solution, valid in the region near the shock, is matched to the well known small-slip solution, which is valid in the flow downstream of the shock, to obtain a composite solution valid for the entire flow region. The solution is applied to a conical nozzle. A discussion of methods of finding the location of a shock in a nozzle is included.


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Three different categories of flow problems of a fluid containing small particles are being considered here. They are: (i) a fluid containing small, non-reacting particles (Parts I and II); (ii) a fluid containing reacting particles (Parts III and IV); and (iii) a fluid containing particles of two distinct sizes with collisions between two groups of particles (Part V).

Part I

A numerical solution is obtained for a fluid containing small particles flowing over an infinite disc rotating at a constant angular velocity. It is a boundary layer type flow, and the boundary layer thickness for the mixture is estimated. For large Reynolds number, the solution suggests the boundary layer approximation of a fluid-particle mixture by assuming W = Wp. The error introduced is consistent with the Prandtl’s boundary layer approximation. Outside the boundary layer, the flow field has to satisfy the “inviscid equation” in which the viscous stress terms are absent while the drag force between the particle cloud and the fluid is still important. Increase of particle concentration reduces the boundary layer thickness and the amount of mixture being transported outwardly is reduced. A new parameter, β = 1/Ω τv, is introduced which is also proportional to μ. The secondary flow of the particle cloud depends very much on β. For small values of β, the particle cloud velocity attains its maximum value on the surface of the disc, and for infinitely large values of β, both the radial and axial particle velocity components vanish on the surface of the disc.

Part II

The “inviscid” equation for a gas-particle mixture is linearized to describe the flow over a wavy wall. Corresponding to the Prandtl-Glauert equation for pure gas, a fourth order partial differential equation in terms of the velocity potential ϕ is obtained for the mixture. The solution is obtained for the flow over a periodic wavy wall. For equilibrium flows where λv and λT approach zero and frozen flows in which λv and λT become infinitely large, the flow problem is basically similar to that obtained by Ackeret for a pure gas. For finite values of λv and λT, all quantities except v are not in phase with the wavy wall. Thus the drag coefficient CD is present even in the subsonic case, and similarly, all quantities decay exponentially for supersonic flows. The phase shift and the attenuation factor increase for increasing particle concentration.

Part III

Using the boundary layer approximation, the initial development of the combustion zone between the laminar mixing of two parallel streams of oxidizing agent and small, solid, combustible particles suspended in an inert gas is investigated. For the special case when the two streams are moving at the same speed, a Green’s function exists for the differential equations describing first order gas temperature and oxidizer concentration. Solutions in terms of error functions and exponential integrals are obtained. Reactions occur within a relatively thin region of the order of λD. Thus, it seems advantageous in the general study of two-dimensional laminar flame problems to introduce a chemical boundary layer of thickness λD within which reactions take place. Outside this chemical boundary layer, the flow field corresponds to the ordinary fluid dynamics without chemical reaction.

Part IV

The shock wave structure in a condensing medium of small liquid droplets suspended in a homogeneous gas-vapor mixture consists of the conventional compressive wave followed by a relaxation region in which the particle cloud and gas mixture attain momentum and thermal equilibrium. Immediately following the compressive wave, the partial pressure corresponding to the vapor concentration in the gas mixture is higher than the vapor pressure of the liquid droplets and condensation sets in. Farther downstream of the shock, evaporation appears when the particle temperature is raised by the hot surrounding gas mixture. The thickness of the condensation region depends very much on the latent heat. For relatively high latent heat, the condensation zone is small compared with ɅD.

For solid particles suspended initially in an inert gas, the relaxation zone immediately following the compression wave consists of a region where the particle temperature is first being raised to its melting point. When the particles are totally melted as the particle temperature is further increased, evaporation of the particles also plays a role.

The equilibrium condition downstream of the shock can be calculated and is independent of the model of the particle-gas mixture interaction.

Part V

For a gas containing particles of two distinct sizes and satisfying certain conditions, momentum transfer due to collisions between the two groups of particles can be taken into consideration using the classical elastic spherical ball model. Both in the relatively simple problem of normal shock wave and the perturbation solutions for the nozzle flow, the transfer of momentum due to collisions which decreases the velocity difference between the two groups of particles is clearly demonstrated. The difference in temperature as compared with the collisionless case is quite negligible.


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A finite-element model is employed to analysis the thermal environments in Temperature Gradient Technique (TGT) furnace during the growth of large-sized Nd:YAG crystal. The obtained results show that when the crucible is located at the lower position inside of the heater, a flatter solid-liquid interface is established, which makes it easier to obtain the core-free Nd:YAG crystal. Meanwhile, the lower crucible position can induce higher axial temperature gradient, which is beneficial to the release of latent heat. (c) 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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陆地生态系统与大气之间的水热碳交换是物质、能量循环的关键过程,一直以来都为研究者们所关注。进入20 世纪以来,特别是随着人们对全球气候变暖的逐步认识,气候变化对水热碳交换过程的影响及其对气候变化的响应研究更加备受关注。本研究以2004~2006 年近三年的涡度相关系统连续观测数据为依托,分析了雨养玉米农田水热碳通量的动态及其影响因子。研究表明,玉米农田水热通量(WHF) 呈显著的单峰型日变化, 日最大值出现在正午12:00~13:00,WHF 变化同步。潜热通量(LE)的季节变化规律与日变化相似,冬季小夏季大,年最大值与最小值分别出现在7 月和1 月。显热通量(Hs) 季节变化也呈单峰型,但年最大值出现在5 月,这主要与降水以及作物生长有关。半小时尺度上,WHF 主要受辐射控制,而日峰值受辐射峰值以及植被生长的双重影响;日尺度上,只要有降水过程,Hs 就会随土壤水分的增大而减小,降水停止后逐渐恢复。而降水对LE 的影响受到可用能量(AE)的干扰,表现出复杂的变化趋势。总的来说,降水持续时间越长AE 越少,对LE 的抑制越大;季节尺度上,WHF 受热量与水分的双重制约。Hs 随着天气回暖后第一次较大降水过程的出现呈现明显下降,而LE 则呈现相反的变化趋势。随着雨季到来和作物的生长,Hs 在7 月出现低谷,而LE 呈现相反的趋势随着降水量的增加而增大;年际间WHF 的分布规律大体一致,但因气象条件等的差异,特别是降水的差异造成年际间WHF 略有不同。在不同水文年型下,水分因子的影响作用有显著差异,且WHF 对热量与水分条件变化的敏感程度也不相同。欠水年,水分因子的作用更显著,是制约WHF 变化的主要控制因子,WHF 对水分的变化更敏感;而丰水年,水分因子的影响减弱,热量的盈亏决定着WHF 变化的主要方向。在不同水文年型下,水热碳通量对水热条件的变化表现出不同的响应方式,为研究生态系统对气候变化的响应提供了参考。 净碳(C)吸收期,玉米农田净碳交换(NEE)呈显著的日变化,在日出以后由CO2 释放转变为CO2 吸收,12:30 左右达到一天中的吸收峰值,日落前出现相反的转换。而净C 释放期内,NEE 均为正值且无明显日变化。NEE 季节变化也呈单峰型二次曲线,在7 月下旬或8 月上旬达到年最大吸收率。根据NEE 的正负,一年分为三个阶段:两个C 排放期与一个C 吸收期。一般C 吸收期从6月开始到9 月结束,此前此后均为C 排放期。在半小时、日时间尺度上,光通量密度(PPFD)与NEE 有着相似的变化规律,是控制NEE 的主要因子;在日、季节尺度上,叶面积指数(LAI)和气孔导度(gs)是影响NEE 的主要生物因子,且gs 的影响程度随着发育期的变化而变化,而不同年份间LAI 对NEE 的影响没有显著的差异。几乎在所有时间步长上,土壤温度(Ts)均为生态系统呼吸(Re)的主要控制因子,时间尺度愈短,二者的相关性愈好。总的来说,在较短时间尺度上,高PPFD 与夏季低温将会促进C 的吸收,有利于C 累积。 玉米农田日最大净C 吸收速率(NEEmax, daily)以及吸收释放转换点(NEE=0)均受PPFD 控制。NEEmax, daily 出现时间与PPFDmax, daily 出现时间几乎完全一致,当PPFD 达到1 日内极大值时,净C 吸收也相应达到了日最大值。但NEEmax, daily的量值还受到其它因子的影响。当水分条件充足时,还将受到LAI、gs 等生物因子的控制。NEE 由正转为负的转换点也是由PPFD 决定。当PPFD 稳定大于PPFD*( PPFD*=100 μmol•m-2s -1)时,净C 吸收开始;当PPFD 稳定小于PPFD*时,净C 吸收由此结束。1 日内,PPFD 稳定通过PPFD*之间的时间间隔决定了日净C 吸收的时间长度。日净C 吸收的时间越长,吸收量也越大,且有明显的季节变化,7 月最长9 月最短。 按照热量水分状况将三年分组,分为I 组(水分状况相似,热量条件不同)与II 组(热量条件相似,水分状况不同)。 I 组年际间PPFD 波动是造成C 交换格局变化的关键原因。而II 组年际间C 交换格局不同是由降水量及其不同分布引起的土壤含水量(SWC)变化是造成。SWC 可以解释年际间NEE 变异的97%,而大气水汽压亏缺(VPD)可以解释30.7%;温度因子通过影响C 收支中的呼吸项,间接影响着生态系统的NEE,它可以解释年际间NEE 变异的73.9%,也是造成年际间C 交换格局不同的原因之一;另外,PPFD 和发育期早晚以及净C吸收期长度等也同样影响着C 交换格局的变化。综合两组情况来看,由水分条件年际变化引起的NEE 的波动大于能量年际变化引起的波动。总之,在较长时间尺度上,NEE 对SWC 变化比其对PPFD 变化更敏感,说明在半干旱地区土壤水分条件仍然是决定C 交换格局的主导因子。 NEE 与LE 呈线性相关,它们之间的相关性主要受温度和NEE 的控制,温度越高,二者的相关性越弱,而NEE 越大二者相关性越好。同时,作物蒸腾与土壤蒸发的比例也是影响NEE 与LE 之间关系的主要因素。蒸腾作用所占的比例越大,二者的线性关系越显著,而土壤蒸发比例越大,二者的相关性越弱。总的来说,NEE 与LE 之间的线性关系有明显的季节变化,生长季好于非生长季,夏天好于冬天。 总之,雨养玉米农田水热碳通量既具有其它农田生态系统共有的动态特征,也具有其特有特征。


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Numerical techniques for non-equilibrium condensing flows are presented. Conservation equations for homogeneous gas-liquid two-phase compressible flows are solved by using a finite volume method based on an approximate Riemann solver. The phase change consists of the homogeneous nucleation and growth of existing droplets. Nucleation is computed with the classical Volmer-Frenkel model, corrected for the influence of the droplet temperature being higher than the steam temperature due to latent heat release. For droplet growth, two types of heat transfer model between droplets and the surrounding steam are used: a free molecular flow model and a semi-empirical two-layer model which is deemed to be valid over a wide range of Knudsen number. The computed pressure distribution and Sauter mean droplet diameters in a convergent-divergent (Laval) nozzle are compared with experimental data. Both droplet growth models capture qualitatively the pressure increases due to sudden heat release by the non-equilibrium condensation. However the agreement between computed and experimental pressure distributions is better for the two-layer model. The droplet diameter calculated by this model also agrees well with the experimental value, whereas that predicted by the free molecular model is too small. Condensing flows in a steam turbine cascade are calculated at different Mach numbers and inlet superheat conditions and are compared with experiments. Static pressure traverses downstream from the blade and pressure distributions on the blade surface agree well with experimental results in all cases. Once again, droplet diameters computed with the two-layer model give best agreement with the experiments. Droplet sizes are found to vary across the blade pitch due to the significant variation in expansion rate. Flow patterns including oblique shock waves and condensation-induced pressure increases are also presented and are similar to those shown in the experimental Schlieren photographs. Finally, calculations are presented for periodically unsteady condensing flows in a low expansion rate, convergent-divergent (Laval) nozzle. Depending on the inlet stagnation subcooling, two types of self-excited oscillations appear: a symmetric mode at lower inlet subcooling and an asymmetric mode at higher subcooling. Plots of oscillation frequency versus inlet sub-cooling exhibit a hysteresis loop, in accord with observations made by other researchers for moist air flow. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.


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The effect of an opposing wind on the stratification and flow produced by a buoyant plume rising from a heat source on the floor of a ventilated enclosure is investigated. Ventilation openings located at high level on the windward side of the enclosure and at low level on the leeward side allow a wind-driven flow from high to low level, opposite to the buoyancy-driven flow. One of two stable steady flow regimes is established depending on a dimensionless parameter F that characterizes the relative magnitudes of the wind-driven and buoyancy-driven velocities within the enclosure, and on the time history of the flow. A third, unstable steady flow solution is identified. For small opposing winds (small F) a steady, two-layer stratification and displacement ventilation is established. Exterior fluid enters through the lower leeward openings and buoyant interior fluid leaves through the upper windward openings. As the wind speed increases, the opposing wind may cause a reversal in the flow direction. In this case, cool exterior fluid enters through the high windward openings and mixes the interior fluid, which exits through the leeward openings. There are now two possibilities. If the rate of heat input by the source exceeds the rate of heat loss through the leeward openings, the temperature of the interior increases and this flow reversal is only maintained temporarily. The buoyancy force increases with time, the flow reverts to its original direction, and steady two-layer displacement ventilation is re-established and maintained. In this regime, the increase in wind speed increases the depth and temperature of the warm upper layer, and reduces the ventilation flow rate. If, on the other hand, the heat loss exceeds the heat input, the interior cools and the buoyancy-driven flow decreases. The reversed flow is maintained, the stratification is destroyed and mixing ventilation occurs. Further increases in wind speed increase the ventilation rate and decrease the interior temperature. The transitions between the two ventilation flow patterns exhibit hysteresis. The change from displacement ventilation to mixing ventilation occurs at a higher F than the transition from mixing to displacement. Further, we find that the transition from mixing to displacement ventilation occurs at a fixed value of F, whereas the transition from displacement to mixing flow is dependent on the details of the time history of the flow and the geometry of the openings, and is not determined solely by the value of F. Theoretical models that predic t the steady stratification profiles and flow rates for the displacement and mixing ventilation, and the transitions between them, are presented and compared with measurements from laboratory experiments. The transition between these ventilation patterns completely changes the internal environment, and we discuss some of the implications for the natural ventilation of buildings. © 2004 Cambridge University Press.


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Flames are often stabilised on bluff-bodies, yet their surface temperatures are rarely measured. This paper presents temperature measurements for the bluff body surface of the Cambridge/Sandia Stratified Swirl Burner. The flame is stabilized by a bluff body, designed to provide a series of turbulent premixed and stratified methane/air flames with a variable degree of swirl and stratification. Recently, modellers have raised concerns about the role of surface temperature on the resulting gas temperatures and the overall heat loss of the burner. Laser-induced phosphorescence is used to measure surface temperatures, with Mg4GeO6F:Mn as the excitation phosphor, creating a spatially resolved temperature map. Results show that the temperature of the bluff body is in the range 550-900 K for different operating conditions. The temperature distribution is strongly correlated with the degree of swirl and local equivalence ratio, reflecting the temperature distribution obtained in the gas phase. The overall heat loss represents only a small fraction (<0.5%) of the total heat load, yet the local surface temperature may affect the local heat transfer and gas temperatures. © 2014 The Combustion Institute.


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Argon gas, as a protective environment and carrier of latent heat, has an important effect on the temperature distribution in crystals and melts. Numeric simulation is a potent tool for solving engineering problems. In this paper, the relationship between argon gas flow and oxygen concentration in silicon crystals was studied systematically. A flowing stream of argon gas is described by numeric simulation for the first time. Therefore, the results of experiments can be explained, and the optimum argon flow with the lowest oxygen concentration can be achieved. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel miniature cylindrical combustor, whose chamber wall is made of porous material, has been designed and experimented for reducing heat loss and enhancing flame stability. The combustor has the function of reducing wall heat loss, extending residence time and avoiding radical chemical quenching with a self-thermal insulation concept in which heat loss reduction is obtained by the opposite flow directions between thermal energy transfer and mass flow. The methane/air mixture flames formed in the chamber are blue and tubular in shape. Between the flames and the porous wall, there is a thin unburned film that plays a significant role in reducing the flames' heat loss and keeping the flames stable. The porous wall temperature was 150-400 degrees C when the temperatures of the flames and exhaust gas were more than 1200 degrees C. When the equivalence ratio phi < 1.0, the methane conversion ratio was above 95%; the combustion efficiency was near 90%; and the overall sidewall heat loss was less than 15% in the 1.53 cm(3) chamber. Moreover, its combustion efficiency is stable in a wider combustion load (input power) range.


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Premixed combustion of hydrogen gas and air was performed in a stainless steel based micro-annular combustor for a micro-gas turbine system. Micro-scale combustion has proved to be stable in the micro-combustor with a gap of 2 mm. The operating range of the micro-combustor was measured, and the maximum excess air ratio is up to 4.5. The distribution of the outer wall temperature and the temperature of exhaust gas of the micro-conbustor with excess air ratio were obtained, and the wall temperature of the micro-combustor reaches its maximum value at the excess air ratio of 0.9 instead of 1 (stoichiometric ratio). The heat loss of the micro-combustor to the environment was calculated and even exceeds 70% of the total thermal power computed from the consumed hydrogen mass flow rate. Moreover, radiant hunt transfer covers a large fraction of the total heat loss. Measures used to reduce the heat loss were proposed to improve the thermal performance of the micro-combustor. The optimal operating status of the micro-combustor and micro-gas turbine is analyzed and proposed by analyzing the relationship of the temperature of the exhaust gas of the micro-combustor with thermal power and excess air ratio. The investigation of the thermal performance of the micro-combustor is helpful to design an improved microcombustor.