556 resultados para Judt, Tony
[Michiganensian caption: "Two Michigan's top sophomores, Tony Tashnick and Cy Hopkins congratulate each other after finishing 1-2 in the individual medley
{Michiganensian caption: "Ex-Ohioan Tony Mason outdoes shirtsleeved Woody Hayes in the 19-degree Columbus Weather."]
Abstract not available
We are delighted to have the opportunity to talk with Tony about how his work touches on issues of imitation and contagion—a loaded term unpacked within his 2013 book.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that has been investigated for it potential to cause prostate diseases. In this study, pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with 25 or 250 μg/kg BPA from gestational day (GD) 10 to GD21 with or without concurrent indole-3-carbinol (I3C) feeding. I3C is a phytochemical, and it affords chemoprotection against many types of neoplasia. Male F1 rats from different litters were euthanized on post-natal day (PND) 21 and PND180. BPA-treated groups showed a significant increase in histopathological lesions, but I3C feeding reversed many of these changes, mainly at PND180. Maternal I3C feeding increased prostate epithelial apoptosis in the BPA-treated groups and across age groups. Furthermore, I3C induced partial normalization of the prostate histoarchitecture. The results pointed to a protective effect of maternal I3C feeding during pregnancy in the BPA-exposed male offspring, thereby indicating reduction in the harmful effects of gestational BPA imprinting on the prostate.
A relação entre atividade física e insatisfação corporal é pouco explorada na literatura. Foi examinada a insatisfação corporal em relação com o nível de atividade física em estudantes adolescentes de escolas públicas de Florianópolis. A amostra foi de 242 estudantes, 109 meninos (14,6±2,8 anos) e 133 meninas (14,3±3 anos). Os instrumentos utilizados foram: questionário de atividades físicas habituais e escala de percepção de silhueta corporal. Quarenta e três por cento dos meninos e 29,4% das meninas são pouco ativos. Sessenta e nove por cento dos meninos e 76,7% das meninas estão insatisfeitos com sua silhueta corporal. Os meninos demonstram uma tendência em aumentar e diminuir sua silhueta, enquanto as meninas demonstram querer diminuir. Não foi encontrada relação entre satisfação com a silhueta corporal e nível de atividade física habitual. Investigar a relação entre atividade física e insatisfação corporal pode auxiliar em pesquisas futuras que verifiquem intervenções terapêuticas com atividade física no tratamento da insatisfação corporal.
A Meningoencefalite Necrotizante (MEN) é uma encefalopatia causada por uma disfunção inflamatória de característica necrotizante. O objetivo deste relato é descrever os aspectos clínicos e anatomopatológicos da Meningoencefalite Necrotizante (MEN) em um cão Maltês. A doença tem um caráter necrótico único e está relacionada intimamente à Encefalite do Cão Pug (ECP) devido a suas semelhanças, bem como à Leucoencefalite Necrotizante (LEN). Embora o primeiro relato de caso de ECP tenha mais de 15 anos e o primeiro relato de caso de MEN em Maltês tenha 11 anos, há muito a ser revelado sobre a etiologia e os mecanismos imunopatológicos da doença. Neste trabalho, relata-se o caso de um cão Maltês com sinais que foram compatíveis com a MEN. Foram detectadas nas imagens macroscópicas, cavitação cerebral, e na microscopia, perda de células do parênquima em certas regiões do córtex cerebral. A partir dessas descobertas descreve-se o primeiro caso de MEN em cão Maltês no Brasil.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of connexin 32 (Cx 32) during remyelination of the peripheral nervous system, through a local injection of either 0,1% ethidium bromide solution or saline in the sciatic nerve of Cx 32 knockout mice. Euthanasia was performed ranging from 1, 2, 3, 7, 15, 21 to 30 days after injection. Histochemical, immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopical techniques were used to analyze the development of the lesions. Within the sciatic nerves, Schwann cells initially showed signs of intoxication and rejected their sheaths; after seven days, some thin newly formed myelin sheaths with uneven compactness and redundant loops (tomacula) were conspicuous. We concluded that the regeneration of lost myelin sheaths within the PNS followed the pattern already reported for this model in other laboratory species. Therefore, these results suggest that absence of Cx 32 did not interfere with the normal pattern of remyelination in this model in young mice.
Aspergillus niveus produced high levels of alpha-amylase and glucoamylase in submerged fermentation using the agricultural residue cassava peel as a carbon source. In static conditions, the amylase production was substantially greater than in the agitated condition. The optimized culture conditions were initially at pH 5.0, 35 degrees C during 48 hours. Amylolytic activity was still improved (50%) with a mixture of cassava peel and soluble starch in the proportion 1:1 (w/w). The crude extract exhibited temperature and pH optima approximately 70 degrees C and 4.5, respectively. Amylase activity was stable for 1 h at 60 degrees C, and at pH values between 3.0 and 7.0. The enzyme hydrolysed preferentially maltose, starch, penetrose, amylose, isomaltose, maltotriose, glycogen and amylopectin, and not hydrolysed cyclodextrin (alpha and beta), trehalose and sucrose. In the first hour of reaction on soluble starch, the hydrolysis products were glucose and maltose, but after two hours of hydrolysis, glucose was the unique product formed, confirming the presence in the crude extract of an alpha-amylase and a glucoamylase.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of local administration of epidermal growth factor (EGF) located within liposomes on recruitment of osteoclasts during mechanical force in rats. Materials and Methods: An orthodontic elastic band was inserted between the left upper first and second molars, to move mesially the first molar. Rats were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 8): EGF (2 ng/mu L) located within liposomes (group 1), liposomes only (group 2), soluble EGF (2 ng/mu L; group 3), or vehicle alone (group 4). The solutions were injected into the region of the root furcation of the left first molar after elastic band insertion. Tooth movement was measured using a plaster model of the maxilla, and the number of osteoclasts recruited at the pressure side of the first molar was histologically evaluated. Results: Intergroup analysis showed that there was no significant difference between group 2 and group 4 (P >.05) and between group 1 and group 3 (P >.05). However, group 1 and group 3 exhibited greater differences in tooth movement than group 2 and group 4 (P <.05). On the other hand, group 1 showed greater tooth movement than groups 2 and 4 with statistical significance (P <.01). The increase in the number of osteoclasts in group 1 was significantly higher than in the other groups (P <.05). Conclusion: Exogenous EGF-liposome administration has an additive effect when compared with soluble EGF on the rate of osteoclast recruitment, producing faster bone resorption and tooth movement.
We describe and present initial results of a weak lensing survey of nearby (z less than or similar to 0.1) galaxy clusters in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). In this first study, galaxy clusters are selected from the SDSS spectroscopic galaxy cluster catalogs of Miller et al. and Berlind et al. We report a total of seven individual low-redshift cluster weak lensing measurements that include A2048, A1767, A2244, A1066, A2199, and two clusters specifically identified with the C4 algorithm. Our program of weak lensing of nearby galaxy clusters in the SDSS will eventually reach similar to 200 clusters, making it the largest weak lensing survey of individual galaxy clusters to date.