857 resultados para Joint Venture
This paper offers an extensive survey and a critical discussion of the empirical literature on the driving factors of R&D. These factors are subsumed under five broad types. The paper first summarises the key predictions from theory regarding each type's R&D effect. It then examines for which factors differences in the theoretical predictions can also be found in empirical studies, and for which factors the empirical evidence is more unanimous. As the focus is on the empirical literature, methodological issues are also highlighted. The major factor types identified in the literature are, individual firm or industry characteristics, particularly internal finance and sales; competition in product markets; R&D tax credits and subsidies; location and resource related factors, such as spillovers from university research within close geographic proximity, membership of a research joint venture and cooperation with research centres, and the human capital embodied in knowledge workers; and spillovers from foreign R&D. Although on balance there is a consensus regarding the R&D effects of most factors, there is also variation in results. Recent work suggests that accounting for non-linearities is one area of research that may explain and encompass contradictory findings.
Hyponatraemia, defined as a serum sodium concentration <135 mmol/l, is the most common disorder of body fuid and electrolyte balance encountered in clinical practice. It can lead to a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms, from subtle to severe or even life threatening, and is associated with increased mortality, morbidity and length of hospital stay in patients presenting with a range of conditions. Despite this, the management of patients remains problematic. The prevalence of hyponatraemia in widely different conditions and the fact that hyponatraemia is managed by clinicians with a broad variety of backgrounds have fostered diverse institution-and speciality-based approaches to diagnosis and treatment. To obtain a common and holistic view, the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) and the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA), represented by European Renal Best Practice (ERBP), have developed the Clinical Practice Guideline on the diagnostic approach and treatment of hyponatraemia as a joint venture of three societies representing specialists with a natural interest in hyponatraemia. In addition to a rigorous approach to methodology and evaluation, we were keen to ensure that the document focused on patient-important outcomes and included utility for clinicians involved in everyday practice.
There are many ways in which research messages and findings can be extended to the expansive cotton community. As everyone learns differently it is crucial that information is delivered in a variety of ways to meet the various learning needs of the CottonInfo team’s broad audience. In addition different cotton production areas often require targeted information to address specific challenges. Successful implementation of innovative research outcomes typically relies on a history of cultivated communication between the researcher and the end-user, the grower. The CottonInfo team, supported by a joint venture between Cotton Seed Distributors, Cotton Research Development Corporation, Cotton Australia and other collaborative partners, represents a unique model of extension in Australian agriculture. Industry research is extended via regionally based Regional Development Officers backed by support from Technical Specialists. The 2015 Cotton Irrigation Technology Tour is one example of a successful CottonInfo capacity building activity. This tour took seven CRDC funded irrigation-specific researchers to Emerald, Moree and Nevertire to showcase their research and technologies. These events provided irrigators and consultants with the opportunity to hear first-hand from researchers about their technologies and how they could be applied onfarm. This tour was an example of how the CottonInfo team can connect growers and researchers, not only to provide an avenue for growers to learn about the latest irrigation research, but for researchers to receive feedback about their current and future irrigation research.
El presente documento presenta los principales conceptos asociados con el tema de Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED). Inicialmente se presentan varias definiciones de la IED provenientes de organizaciones internacionales y de la reglamentación nacional. Posteriormente, se mencionan los diferentes tipos de IED, así como de los factores motivadores que actúan a favor de la internacionalización de las empresas, identificando especialmente aquellos que favorecen la decisión de las firmas de invertir por fuera del país. Finalmente, se hace énfasis en los beneficios de la IED tanto para los países emisores como para los receptores y en los efectos negativos que surgen en las empresas y economías involucradas.
Field lab: SME competitiveness
375 p.
The central objective of this case study was to formulate the strategy of internationalization of Tubofuro®, discriminating relevant points from its design to its implementation. This is a company located in Leiria, Ortigosa parish, which operates, among others, in the Portuguese PVC pipes industry for which currently the domestic market is clearly insufficient, given the oversupply compared to demand. Being Tubofuro® an exporting company since 2004, the work here developed specifically intended to increase sales to the foreign market, with this representing 45% of total company's business in 2018 increasing of the number of markets through new partners to enable the positioning of Tubofuro® among the main players in each market, particularly in South American markets, North African and European. To achieve the above objectives presented a case study was applied, centred on Tubofuro® company, target of the internationalization strategy. The search carried out for the formulation of the strategy has been supported on a thorough analysis of the external environment and internal characteristics of the company, for which were crossed different types of data, quantitative, qualitative, secondary data and primary data. From this work resulted the development of internationalization and international marketing plan for the next three years, whose objectives are based on entrance and consequent growth in new markets, including the market Chilean, Peruvian, Mexican, Argentine, Algerian and German, as well growth in the presence and turnover in the markets for which Tubofuro® already exports regularly, for example Spain, France, Tunisia and Morocco. Based on the production capacity of Tubofuro® company, which will not suffer any kind of investment for incrementing but only to update, it is expected that the appropriate response capacity for the company is 8 regular markets, and could eventually arise sporadic exports to other markets not interfering with the normal production capacity of the company. The suggestion of the presented markets resulted from the study of the final price based on the one that local customers purchase a product equal or similar to Tubofuro® and the number of potential existing customers in each market. The internationalization model known as Uppsala Model corresponds to the strategy adopted by the company to its internationalization process, taking into account the philosophy of senior management and the risk aversion of them. The sales team Tubofuro® demand for each market, export a full container registering customer feedback, including quality and flow capacity in the market in order to seek a partnership agreement with a local distributor, which allows the Tubofuro® go to step two above mentioned model. The partnership agreement is based on mutual commitment to technical cooperation and trade between the Tubofuro® and partner, in order to increase the performance capacity among local customers. Only if the market presents a greater demand to our supply capacity and be justified by cost / benefit ratio, the entry into this market through a joint venture or subsidiary is that the decision will be taken. Although this is a case study, which means that is adjusted to the concrete case Tubofuro® preventing generalization of findings, we believe that this work can be a useful example for other companies in the internationalization process or the methodology adopted in formulating strategy or the outputs and conclusions drawn.
En esta tesis se presenta la influencia que tiene la Cultura Nacional en el desempeño Logístico de una Nación, en especial de los 123 primeros países evaluados por el Índice de Desempeño Logístico (LPI) realizado por el Banco Mundial. Este estudio se realiza a partir de los seis ítems evaluados en el LPI y de las seis Dimensiones Culturales de Hofstede, para relacionar estas calificaciones se empleará el programa estadístico SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences obteniendo como resultado posibles correlaciones para probar la hipótesis del efecto de la cultura en el desempeño logístico y establecer patrones de comportamiento en los mejores países de cada correlación. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos de estas correlaciones, se encontró que si existe una relación entre la cultura nacional y el desempeño logístico de un país, al igual que las dimensiones culturales más influyentes para obtener dichos resultados y se identificaron los países que cuentan con condiciones sobresalientes que facilitan tener altas posiciones en el LPI.
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada al interior de dos contextos. Por un lado, el teórico, en el marco de uno de los discursos más relevantes en los campos de la estrategia organizacional, de la managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) y, en general, de los estudios organizacionales (organization studies): la construcción de sentido (sensemaking). Por el otro, el empírico, en una de las grandes compañías multinacionales del sector automotriz con presencia global. Esta corporación enfrenta una permanente tensión entre lo que dicta la casa matriz, en relación con el cumplimiento de metas y estándares específicos, considerando el mundo entero, y los retos que, teniendo en cuenta lo regional y lo local, experimentan los altos directivos encargados de hacer prosperar la empresa en estos lugares. La aproximación implementada fue cualitativa. Esto en atención a la naturaleza de la problemática abordada y la tradición del campo. Los resultados permiten ampliar el actual nivel de comprensión acerca de los procesos de sensemaking de los altos directivos al enfrentar un entorno estratégico turbulento.
This study examined the effect that venture creation action has on the outcomes of nascent entrepreneurship. A theoretical model was developed which proposes action as a fundamental mechanism in venture creation. Thus, action should rightly be considered as a means rather than an end in itself. In this respect, action transmits the effects of venture resource endowments on to venture creation outcomes. This conceptual model was empirically supported in a random sample of nascent ventures. Ventures with higher levels of human or social capital tend to be more active in venture creation. In turn, more active venture attempts are more likely to achieve improved results.
We apply Lazear’s jack-of-all-trades theory to investigate the effect of nascent entrepreneurs´ balanced skill set across various functional areas on the performance of nascent projects. Analyzing longitudinal data on innovative nascent projects, we find that nascent entrepreneurs with a more balanced skill set are more successful in that they progress faster in the venture creation process.
We investigate how differences in the goals of male and female entrepreneurs affect business resources, outcomes and satisfaction with those outcomes. To investigate this topic we use the CAUSEE database to access a longitudinal sample of 247 female-controlled and 332 male-controlled young Australian firms. We find that female entrepreneurs are less motivated by business growth, invest less time developing their businesses and yet even when profits are lower they are more satisfied with their profit performance. Our results support prior qualitative studies indicating that female business owners want greater flexibility and manageability in terms of balancing their family and work responsibilities. Our findings also suggest that future dialogue on firm performance should include an analysis of the entrepreneur’s achievement in terms of both financial and personal goals.
A atividade empresarial requer dos agentes econômicos soluções práticas para a transposição dos riscos inerentes ao exercício da empresa. A engenhosidade dos homens de negócio tem visualizado nos denominados contratos associativos um importante mecanismo para o sucesso do empreendimento. Na indústria do petróleo, especificamente no setor do upstream, as parcerias empresariais mostram-se como importante meio para compartilhamento dos riscos geológico, financeiro e político inerentes a esta atividade. Neste sentido o trabalho desenvolvido busca efetuar uma análise das associações empresariais, especialmente aquelas consagradas na prática como joint ventures, especificando suas peculiaridades, para posteriormente analisar a situação destas dentro do novo marco regulatório que se firma para exploração de petróleo, gás natural e outros hidrocarbonetos na região denominada de pré-sal e outras áreas estratégicas. Nesse sentido, foram analisadas as mudanças instituídas pela Lei n. 12.351/2010, a qual instituiu o modelo de partilha de produção, no qual se observou uma mudança do Estado que deixa de ser mero regulador para atuar mais diretamente, de modo a influenciar a atuação empresarial, limitando a autonomia privada no referido setor.
Reviews case law illustrating the courts' approach to beneficial ownership of property purchased in joint name by means of a joint mortgage but without any declaration of beneficial interest, the resulting trust and joint beneficial interest presumptions. Contrast the approach adopted in cases where one party made no contribution to the mortgage payments with those where both parties made a contribution. Highlights the courts' treatment of the right to buy discount afforded tenant purchasers and property purchased as a commercial venture rather than a home.
Nos Estados Unidos, o mercado de “Venture Capital” se desenvolveu como um importante intermediário nos mercados financeiros, provendo capital para empresas que em outra situação teriam dificuldades na atração de financiamento. Essas empresas são tipicamente pequenas e jovens, cercadas por altos níveis de incerteza e grandes diferenças de conhecimento entre os empreendedores e os investidores. Diante dessa realidade, o mercado de “Venture Capital” desenvolveu procedimentos contratuais que estão bastante adaptados aos ambientes caracterizados por incertezas e assimetria de informações entre principais e agentes. O ponto central nesse conflito está em como se desenhar um contrato financeiro que seja capaz de separar os direitos de controle e os direitos sobre os fluxos de caixa entre empreendedores e gestores de fundos. Nos Estados Unidos o instrumento financeiro que desempenha com sucesso essa separação entre os direitos de controle e os direitos sobre os fluxos de caixa é a Ação Preferencial Conversível. O propósito desta dissertação é entender e analisar os aspectos contratuais envolvidos nas operações de “Venture Capital” e “Private Equity” nos Estados Unidos e confrontá-los com a realidade brasileira através da análise de investimentos dessa natureza ocorridos no Brasil. Pretende-se analisar como se dá o processo de contratação financeira no Brasil e os instrumentos financeiros utilizados para separar os direitos de controle e os direitos sobre os fluxos de caixa.