994 resultados para JUVENILE FIN WHALE


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This is a copy of an article published in the Human gene therapy © 2012 copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.; Human gene therapy is available online at: http://online.liebertpub.com.


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El presente artículo pretende alcanzar un doble objetivo. De una parte, resaltar los nuevos rasgos del entorno socio-económico en el que se mueven las empresas en la actualidad, un contexto que impulsa la aplicación de un enfoque de responsabilidad social en las organizaciones mercantiles. A partir de ahí, por otro lado, presentar y analizar los elementos característicos de dos conceptos distintos de tal responsabilidad. Uno, en un sentido estratégico-instrumental, donde la responsabilidad social corporativa se desarrolla como medio para alcanzar los objetivos más generales de favorecer la competitividad de las compañias y aportar mayor valor para sus accionistas. Otro, con un contenido normativo o prescriptivo, basado en argumentos éticos, político-sociales e incluso económicos.


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This report is a summary of the results of 883 purse seine sets made for juvenile salmonids during 15 cruises off the coasts of Oregon and Washington during the springs and summers of 1981-1985. Juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) occurred most frequently, followed by chinook salmon (0. tshawytscha). The juveniles of these two species co-occurred more frequently than expected. Juvenile chum, pink and sockeye salmon (0. keta, O. gorbuscha, and O. nerka), steelhead (0. mykiss) and cutthroat trout (0. clarki clarki) were caught much less frequently and in lower numbers than coho or chinook salmon. We found no evidence of large schools ofjuvenile salmonids. A northerly movement of juvenile coho salmon wa~ suggested by decreased catches off Oregon and increased catches off Washington between early and late summer. Highest catch per set of juvenile coho salmon was usually found inshore of 37.2 km. Juvenile chinook salmon were usually found within 27.9 km of the coast. Juvenile salmonids were found over a broad range of surface salinities and temperatures. High catches of juvenile coho salmon occurred in both the low salinity waters of the Columbia River plume and in adjacent higher salinity waters. Preferences for specific salinities or temperatures were not obvious for any species, although catch rates of juvenile coho salmon were highest in years when chlorophyll content was also high. Based on expansions of fish with coded wire tags, we estimated that hatchery coho salmon smolts comprised 74%, on average, of the juvenile coho salmon catches. The remaining 26% were presumably wild fish or hatchery fish released as fingerlings. Hatchery coho salmon were caught roughly in proportion to the numbers released. However, hatchery fish from the Columbia River and private coastal facilities were caught at slightly higher rates while those from coastal Washington and public coastal Oregon hatcheries were caught at slightly lower rates than expected from the numbers released. No juvenile coho salmon with coded wire tags were caught that had originated from either California or Puget Sound hatcheries. (PDF file contains 88 pages.)


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The estuarine populations of juvenile Atlantic and gulf menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus and B. patronus) were sampled during two-boat, surface-trawl, abundance surveys extensively conducted in the 1970s. Juvenile Atlantic menhaden were sampled in 39 estuarine streams along the U.S. Atlantic coast from northern Florida into Massachusetts. Juvenile gulf menhaden were sampled in 29 estuarine streams along the Gulf of Mexico from southeast Texas into western Florida. A stratified, two-stage, cluster sampling design was used. Annual estimates of relative juvenile abundance for each species of menhaden were obtained from catch-effort data from the surveys. There were no significant correlations, for either species, between the relative juvenile abundance estimates and fishery-dependent estimates of year-class strength. From 1972 to 1975, the relative abundance of juvenile Atlantic menhaden in north Atlantic estuaries decreased to near zero. (PDF file contains 22 pages.)


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Fish assemblage structure of Maryland's coastal lagoon complex was analyzed for spatial and seasonal patterns for the period 1991-2000. Data was made available by Maryland Department of Natural Resources from their MD Coastal Bays Finfish Survey. Dominant species from separate trawl and wiw surveys included blue crab Callinectes sapidus (erroneously included here as a "fish" due to its dominance and commercial importance), bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli, spot Leiostomous xanthurus, silver perch Bairdiella ehrysoura, and Atlantic menhaden Brevwrtia tyrannus. Ninety-four fish species were identified in the two surveys, a diversity substantially higher than other survey records for Middle Atlantic Bight estuarine and lagoon systems (richness=26 to 78 species). Total species richness for the trawl survey was highest in Chincoteague and lowest in Assawoman and Sinepuxent. On the other hand, mean richness per tow (-area) and related Shannon Weiner Diversity Index were significantly higher in the northern two bays (Assawoman and Isle of Wight Bays) than in the two southern bays (Chincoteague or Sinepuxent Bays). For the seine survey, effort-adjusted diversity indices were significantly lower for Chincoteague Bay than for the other three bays. Higher relative abundances were observed in the northern bays than in the southern bays. The trawl survey exhibited the lowest catch-per-site in Sinepuxent Bay and the highest in Assawoman Bay. The seine survey had the lowest catch-per-site in Chincoteague Bay while the other three embayments were of similar magnitude. There was clear seasonality in assemblage structure with peak abundance and diversity in the summer compared to other seasons. Blue crabs in particular showed a c. 2-fold decline in relative abundance from early summer to fall, which is likely attributable to harvest removals (i.e., an exploitation rate of c. 50%). Seagrass coverage, although increasing over the course of the 10 year survey, did not have obvious effects on species diversity and abundance across or within the embayments, although it did have positive associations with two important species: bay anchovy and summer flounder Pavalich thys dentatus. Atlantic menhaden were most dominant in Assawoman Bay, which could be related to higher primary production typically observed in this Bay in comparison to the other three. (PDF contains 99 pages)


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[ES] Este proyecto corresponde a una actualización del siguiente proyecto fin de carrera:


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Guia docente de la asignatura Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) en la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Leioa para el curso 14/15. realizado por la comisión de TFG.


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Six KMFRI stations located in Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria (Kenya) were sampled in order to investigate the forage strategy of juvenile Lates niloticus. Thirty speciemens were collected using a bottom trawl at each station and sorted into three size classes 1-2 cm and 3-20 cm total length. Stomach contents were analysed and taxonomic keys used to identify zoplankton and other insects. Caridina nilotica was the dominant food item in both frequency of occurrence and numerical abundance. In fish examined from 1-2 cm T.L., cladocerans were prominent food items, while at 2-3 and 3-20 cm, C. nilotica was dominant


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As a contribution to the understanding of comparative social trends within the cetacean family Delphinidae, a 22-month study was conducted on the shortfinned pilot whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus, which has been suggested to have a unique social system in which males and females in the same group are related and mating occurs outside of the group. The individual identification of 495 pilot whales, analysed in daily group association patterns, allowed identification of 46 pods. They were classified as productive or non-productive based on the presence or absence of immature animals. Productive pods were a significantly larger, although 12% of them lacked adult males. Two classes of whales (residents and visitors) were defined by patterns of occurrence,suggesting differential patterns of habitat use. Resident pods occasionally travelled together (41% of all groups) and associations between age and sex classes showed that in mixed-pod groups, the highest ranked associations of the reproductive females were with males from other pods, while within pods, adult males and females associated less. During summer, the proposed peak conception period, pilot whale groups were significantly larger and contained individuals from a significantly greater number of pods. These findings support the hypothesis that males and females mate when associating with individuals from other pods. A comparative analysis of sexual dimorphism, brain size, and testes size, habitat, prey and group size within the 17 delphinid genera identified a correlation between sexual dimorphism and body size, but relative measures of brain size and testes size did not correlate with broad ecological or social classifications. However, a comparison of three delphinid societies identified two distinct male mating systems: males of the small, mono-morphic Tursiops truncatus live in age/sex segregated groups and mate with a number of discrete female communities. Males in the large sexually dimorphic Glob icephala spp. and Orcinus orca mate with associated female pods and yet remain with their female kin. This corresponds to the avunculate social system described in some human societies. It could evolve from a promiscuous mating system where there is little guarantee of paternity and where males that live with their kin increase their inclusive fitness.


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Studies were conducted to identify and quantify the proximate factors responsible for the emigration of juvenile bonga Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich, 1825) from the Cross River estuary. A time series of bonga cpue, salinity, turbidity and plankton abundance was undertaken, juvenile bonga was abundant in the estuary when salinities ranged between 1 and 9ppt. at salinities outside this range, they were absent. We conclude that salinity is the proximate factor that initiates the emigration of juvenile bonga from the estuary


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Among plant protein ingredients,ipil ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) leafmeal (ILLM) is considered the most nutritive plant protein source after soybean meal in aquatic feeds. That was proven in a 21-day experiment conducted to assess the response of juvenile Monosex Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus with four iso-nitrogenous formulated diets: One control diet was formulated based on fishmeal, one on soybean meal and one on rice bran, ipil ipil leafmeal was also included in experimental diets.


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Abstract Growth and condition of fish are functions of available food and environmental conditions. This led to the idea of using fish as a “consumption sensor” for the measurement of food intake over a defined period of time. A bio-physical model for the estimation of food consumption was developed based on the von Bertalanffy model. Whereas some of the input variables of the model, the initial and final lengths and masses of a fish and the temperature within the time period considered can easily be measured, internal characteristics of the species have to be determined indirectly. Three internal parameters are used in the model: the maintenance consumption at 0°C, the temperature dependence of this consumption and the food efficiency, the percentage of the ingested food utilized. Estimates of the parameters for a given species can be determined by feeding experiments. Here, data from published feeding experiments on juvenile cod, Gadus morhua L., were used to validate the model. The average of the relative error for the food intake predicted by the model for individual fish was about 24 %, indicating that fish used the food with different efficiencies. However, grouping the fish according to size classes and temperature lowered the relative error of the predicted food intake for the group to typically 5 %. For a group containing all fish of the feeding experiment the relative prediction error was about 2 %. Zusammenfassung Wachstum und Kondition der Fische sind von der verfügbaren Nahrung und von Umweltbedingungen abhängig. Dies führte zur Idee, Fisch als „Konsum-Sensor“ für die Messung der Nahrungsaufnahme über einen definierten Zeitraum zu verwenden. Auf Grundlage des von Bertalanffy-Modells wurde ein bio-physikalisches Modell zur Schätzung der Futteraufnahme entwickelt. Während einige der Eingangsgrößen des Modells leicht gemessen werden können (Anfangs- und Endlänge und -körpermasse der Fische und die Temperatur innerhalb des betrachteten Zeitraum), können interne Parameter der betrachteten Art nur indirekt bestimmt werden. Drei interne Parameter werden in dem Modell verwendet: Die Erhaltungskonsumtion bei 0° C, die Temperaturabhängigkeit dieser Rate und der Wirkungsgrad der Nahrung (der Anteil der Nahrung ,der aufgenommen und verwendet und nicht ungenutzt wieder ausgeschieden wird). Die Modellparameter für eine bestimmte Art können durch Fütterungsversuche bestimmt werden. Um das Modell zu validieren wurden Daten aus veröffentlichten Fütterungsversuchen mit juvenilen Kabeljau (Gadus morhua L.) verwendet. Modell und Wirklichkeit weichen in der Regel voneinander ab. Der durchschnittliche relative Fehler der durch das Modell vorhergesagten Nahrungsaufnahme betrug für Einzelfische etwa 24%, was darauf hinweist, dass einzelne Fisch die Nahrung mit unterschiedlichen Wirkungsgraden verwerten. Allerdings senkte die Gruppierung der Fische nach Größenklassen und Temperatur den relativen Vorhersagefehler für die Nahrungsaufnahme der Gruppe auf etwa 5%. Für alle Fische im Fütterungsversuch ist der relative Vorhersagefehler etwa 2%.


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Este primer Congreso Interuniversitario sobre el Trabajo Fin de Grado ha supuesto un encuentro y un espacio de reflexión e intercambio de diversas experiencias procedentes de los distintos grados y áreas de conocimiento de las universidades participantes. Esta diversidad se ha manifestado en las temáticas presentadas, que hacen referencia a: normativas de TFG, modalidades de TFG, número de créditos y del peso académico del TFG en cada plan de estudios, enfoques e instrumentos de evaluación, desarrollo de materiales para la elaboración del TFG, guías docentes, defensas del TFG, las plataformas de gestión integral desarrolladas en algunas universidades, etc. También se ha reflexionado sobre las diversas formas de la difusión de los TFG (Open Access, repositorios digitales propios de cada universidad) y la transferencia de conocimiento desde los grados a los distintos sectores de la sociedad, la cultura, economía, tecnología, salud, innovación social, etc.


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[ES]El Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) es una asignatura de 12 créditos, que consiste en un proceso formativo con el que cada estudiante demostrará la adquisición de las competencias requeridas en el grado. El TFG supone «la realización por parte de cada estudiante y de forma individual de un proyecto, memoria o estudio original bajo la supervisión de uno o más directores, en el que se integren y desarrollen los contenidos formativos recibidos, capacidades, competencias y habilidades adquiridas durante el periodo de docencia del Grado» (art. 2, apart. 2.1 del decreto 2223/2011 del BOPV). El TFG se realizará en la fase final del plan de estudios y estará dirigido por una profesora o profesor perteneciente a alguno de los departamentos implicados en el Grado. Será un proyecto de formación, innovación o investigación, que podrá adquirir diversos formatos, y que deberá ser defendido ante un tribunal. Al igual que el resto de las materias, el TFG cuenta con una guía docente pública y común a todo el profesorado, con un calendario académico, con un horario público, y con seminarios y tutorías. El TFG contará con una evaluación continuada que valorará el proceso, una evaluación final que calificará el trabajo escrito y una evaluación de la defensa pública de dicho trabajo