899 resultados para Interactive Illustration


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In line with educational issues involved in emergent literacy practices in preschool, in particular those concerning comprehension processes, this paper focuses on picture-based narrative comprehension during an interactive reading session of a wordless picture book, involving a group of children aged three and their teacher. Children are asked to make inferences about the meaning and outcome of the story, a procedure which gradually elicits their responses on how events link together, thus enhancing their capacity to use prior and implicit knowledge to build the story meaning. Moreover, this study highlights the importance of interaction for developing comprehension. Data collected was analysed following didactic microgenesis, an analytical approach showing that knowledge built during interaction depends on the joint construction of a zone of common meaning by which teacher and children try to adjust to each other. In order to help the process of merging different meanings of the story built online, a text written by researchers, following the narrative structure of the story, was read by the teacher after the picture-based reading. This led us to examine through interactional analysis which semiotic cues were used during recall on the following day, as an additional measure of knowledge construction.


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L'expérimentation est un puissant vecteur de discussion au sein et entre disciplines. Cette idée sera illustrée dans cet article au moyen d'un exemple. Il s'agira d'analyser l'impact théorique d'une étude sur la motivation à la punition morale. Cette étude a la particularité de se situer à la frontière entre la psychologie sociale et l'économie expérimentale tout en abordant des questions chères aux philosophes.


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Nous assistons actuellement à une diffusion, à l'échelle planétaire, des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC) même si elle se fait à des rythmes différents selon les nations (voire entre les régions d'un même pays) créant ainsi un fossé dit « numérique », en sus des multiples inégalités déjà présentes. Cette révolution informatique et technologique engendre de nombreux changements dans les rapports sociaux et permet de nombreuses applications destinées à simplifier la vie quotidienne de tout un chacun. Amine Bekkouche se penche sur la problématique de la cyberadministration comme conséquence importante des TIC, à l'instar du commerce électronique. Il présente, d'abord, une synthèse des principaux concepts de la cyberadministration ainsi qu'un panorama de la situation mondiale en ce domaine. Par la suite, il appréhende la cyberadministration dans la perspective des pays émergents, notamment, à travers l'illustration d'un pays en développement représentatif. Il propose alors des solutions concrètes qui prennent comme point de départ le secteur éducatif pour permettre une « alphabétisation informatique » de la société afin de contribuer justement à réduire le fossé numérique. Il élargit, ensuite, ces propositions à d'autres domaines et formule des recommandations facilitant leur mise en oeuvre. Il conclut, enfin, sur des perspectives qui pourraient constituer autant de pistes de recherches futures et permettre l'élaboration de projets de développement, à travers l'appropriation de ces TIC, pour améliorer la condition de l'administré, et plus globalement, du citoyen. - We are currently witnessing a distribution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on a global scale. Yet, this distribution is carried out in different rhythms within each nation (and even among regions in a given country), which creates a "digital" gap, in addition to multiple inequalities already present. This computing and technological revolution engenders many changes in social relationships and permits numerous applications that are destined to simplify our lives. Amine Bekkouche takes a closer look at the issue of e-government as an important consequence of ICTs, following the example of electronic commerce. First, he presents a synthesis of the main concepts in e- government as well as a panoramic view of the global situation in this domain. Subsequently, he studies e-government in view of emerging countries, in particular through the illustration of a country in representative development. Then, he offers concrete solutions, which take the education sector as their starting point, to allow for a "computed digitalisation" of society that contribute to reduce the digital gap. Thereafter, he broadens these proposals to other domains and formulates recommendations that help their implementation. Finally, he concludes with perspectives that may constitute further research tracks and enable the elaboration of development projects, through the appropriation of ICTs, in order to improve the condition of the administered, and more generally, that of the citizen.


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My case study of "Caroline"-a 26 year old presenting with depression, PTSD symptoms, and a history of sexual abuse as a teenager-represents a "third way" between (1) a strict adherence to a manualized treatment, and (2) a principle-guided therapy, in which the therapy follows particular theoretical concepts, but depends on the therapist's clinical judgement to flexibly apply them to the individual case. Specifically, in my therapy with Caroline (Kramer, 2009), I employed Foa and Rothbaum's (1998) cognitive-behavioral, "Prolonged Exposure" (PE) manual for PTSD, but deviated from it in certain ways based upon my evaluation of Caroline's individualized goals and reactions using Grawe and Caspar's "Plan Analysis," which is a cross-theoretical model for assessment and treatment planning. In their commentaries on my case study of Caroline, Caspar (2009) and Haldimann-Balli (see Appendix in Kramer, 2009) support my use of this third way. On the other hand, the other commentators-Muller (2009) and Hembree and Brinen (2009)-critique my handling of the case, arguing that strict adherence to the Foa and Rothbaum manual would have resulted in a more cost-effective therapy. In this article, I respond to the important issues raised by the four commentators.


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Différentes organisations et différents pays aboutissent souvent à des conclusions différentes quant à la pertinence d'introduire un test de dépistage génétique dans la population générale. Cet article décrit la complexité du dépistage basé sur des tests génétiques. Utilisant l'exemple de la mucoviscidose - pour laquelle un groupe de travail national est en train d'évaluer la pertinence d'un dépistage génétique - les auteurs relèvent les situaions où les recommandations de dépistage sont parfois basées sur l'émergence de nouvelles technologies (par exemple, test génétique) et d'opinion publique plutôt que sur la base d'évidences. Ils présentent également les enjeux éthiques et économiques du dépistage génétique de la mucoviscidose. [Abstract] Various institutions and countries often reach different conclusions about the utility of introducing a newborn screening test in the general population. This paper highlights the complexity of population screening including genetic tests. Using the example of cystic fibrosis genetic screening, for which a Swiss Working Group for Cystic Fibrosis is currently evaluating the pertinence, we outline that screening recommendations are often based more on expert opinion and emerging new technologies rather than on evidence. We also present some ethical and economic issues related to cystic fibrosis genetic screening.


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Background and Aims Male-biased sex allocation commonly occurs in wind-pollinated hermaphroditic plants, and is often positively associated with size, notably in terms of height. Currently, it is not well established whether a corresponding pattern holds for dioecious plants: do males of wind-pollinated species exhibit greater reproductive allocation than females? Here, sexual dimorphism is investigated in terms of life history trade-offs in a dioecious population of the wind-pollinated ruderal herb Mercurialis annua.Methods The allocation strategies of males and females grown under different soil nutrient availability and competitive (i.e. no, male or female competitor) regimes were compared.Key Results Male reproductive allocation increased disproportionately with biomass, and was greater than that of females when grown in rich soils. Sexual morphs differentially adjusted their reproductive allocation in response to local environmental conditions. In particular, males reduced their reproductive allocation in poor soils, whereas females increased theirs, especially when competing with another female rather than growing alone. Finally, males displayed smaller above-ground vegetative sizes than females, but neither nutrient availability nor competition had a strong independent effect on relative size disparities between the sexes.Conclusions Selection appears to favour plasticity in reproductive allocation in dioecious M. annua, thereby maintaining a relatively constant size hierarchy between sexual morphs. In common with other dioecious species, there seems to be little divergence in the niches occupied by males and females of M. annua.