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Esta tese teve como objectivo estudar estratégias de conservação de pescado fresco, recorrendo ao uso de extractos e óleos essenciais de plantas e do processamento por alta pressão (HPP), usando filetes de robalo como um caso de estudo modelo. Relativamente aos extractos e óleos essenciais, avaliaram-se as suas propriedades antibacterianas e antioxidantes. Os extractos aquosos quente de poejo e de orégão e o óleo essencial de cravinho apresentaram a maior actividade antioxidante. Os óleos essenciais foram mais eficientes do que os extractos para inibir o crescimento das estirpes bacterianas testadas, tendo-se observado os menores valores de concentração mínima inibitória nos óleos essenciais de orégão, citronela, alho e orégão Espanhol. De seguida, estudou-se o efeito dos óleos essenciais de orégão Espanhol e de limão na conservação de filetes de robalo fresco tendo em conta critérios microbiológicos, químicos, físicos e sensoriais. A aplicação do óleo essencial de orégão Espanhol aumentou o tempo de vida útil dos filetes sob o ponto de vista bacteriano, mas não em termos sensoriais. A combinação dos óleos essenciais de orégão Espanhol e de limão melhorou o efeito antioxidante e reduziu a intensidade do odor e a sua eficácia em relação às Enterobacteriaceae, comparando com o tratamento com óleo essencial de orégão Espanhol per se. No sentido de reduzir o odor conferido pelos óleos essenciais realizou-se um estudo de conservação para avaliar o efeito de películas com óleos essenciais (citronela, alho e tomilho) em filetes de robalo, recorrendo a uma teste de desafio bacteriano. As películas sem óleos essenciais aumentaram o tempo de vida útil sob o ponto de vista bacteriano, mas este efeito não foi observado com a incorporação dos óleos essenciais nas películas. Em relação ao HPP, testaram-se diversas condições (nível de pressão, tempo de pressurização e taxa de pressurização) e avaliaram-se os efeitos na actividade enzimática, na qualidade global e na conservação de filetes de robalo fresco. Em geral, o aumento do nível de pressão e do tempo de pressurização diminuiu a actividade da fosfatase ácida e das enzimas proteolíticas, a carga bacteriana e a capacidade de retenção de água, enquanto que os filetes ficaram mais brancos. O HPP revelou potencial para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos: mais brancos, não translúcidos, mais firmes e com maior tempo de frescura e estabilidade microbiológica. Em conclusão, os óleos essenciais e o HPP têm potencial para conservar pescado fresco, devido aos seus efeitos na qualidade bacteriana. Ainda assim, mais esforços devem ser feitos no sentido de reduzir a transferência de odor dos óleos essenciais para o pescado e os efeitos do HPP no aspecto do pescado e na oxidação lipídica.


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Background In recent years, an abstinence-focused, ‘recovery’ agenda has emerged in UK drug policy, largely in response to the perception that many opioid users had been ‘parked indefinitely’ on Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST). The introduction of ten pilot ‘Drug Recovery Wings’ (DRWs) in 2011 represents the application of this recovery agenda to prisons. This paper describes the DRWs’ operational models, the place of opiate dependent prisoners within them, and the challenges of delivering ‘recovery’ in prison. Methods In 2013, the implementation and operational models of all ten pilot DRWs were rapidly assessed. Up to three days were spent in each DRW, undertaking semi-structured interviews with a sample of 94 DRW staff and 102 DRW residents. Interviews were fully transcribed, and coded using grounded theory. Findings from the nine adult prisons are presented here. Results Four types of DRW were identified, distinguished by their size and selection criteria. Strikingly, no mid- or large-sized units regularly supported OST recipients through detoxification. Type A were large units whose residents were mostly on OST with long criminal records and few social or personal resources. Detoxification was rare, and medication reduction slow. Type B's mid-sized DRW was developed as a psychosocial support service for OST clients seeking detoxification. However, staff struggled to find such prisoners, and detoxification again proved rare. Type C DRWs focused on abstinence from all drugs, including OST. Though OST clients were not intentionally excluded, very few applied to these wings. Only Type D DRWs, offering intensive treatment on very small wings, regularly recruited OST recipients into abstinence-focused interventions. Conclusion Prison units wishing to support OST recipients in making greater progress towards abstinence may need to be small, intensive and take a stepped approach based on preparatory motivational work and extensive preparation for release. However, concerns about post-release deaths will remain.


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Tese de dout., Filosofia, Department of Management Science, University of Strathclyde, 2004


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Water use invariably results in major impacts on river flows. Environmental Flows (EF) are defined as the quantity and quality of water that is needed to preserve the structure and the function of the river and riparian zone ecosystem and sufficient quantity of water to enable the survival and reproduction of aquatic organisms in different hydraulic habitats. This paper describes the criteria and methods used to determine EF and experiences with their application in Slovenia. The diversity of running waters of Slovenia demand special treatment and determination of EF for each individual section of the river system. Using hydrological, morphological and ecological criteria, two different approaches are used for the determination of EF in Slovenia, a rapid assessment method and a detailed assessment method. For both methods, data are then analyzed by an expert panel in order to determine an EF. Since 1994, more than 180 study sites have been examined for research and application of EF in Slovenia. Determination of EF for existing users has prioritized their water requirements so they can remain economically viable. Where new schemes are proposed, there has been much greater scope to prioritize ecosystem requirements. EF determination is receiving growing attention and will continue to increase in importance, driven by research that aids our understanding of flow-biota relationships and recent environmental policy and legislation at both the national and European level.


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A wide range of tests for heteroskedasticity have been proposed in the econometric and statistics literature. Although a few exact homoskedasticity tests are available, the commonly employed procedures are quite generally based on asymptotic approximations which may not provide good size control in finite samples. There has been a number of recent studies that seek to improve the reliability of common heteroskedasticity tests using Edgeworth, Bartlett, jackknife and bootstrap methods. Yet the latter remain approximate. In this paper, we describe a solution to the problem of controlling the size of homoskedasticity tests in linear regression contexts. We study procedures based on the standard test statistics [e.g., the Goldfeld-Quandt, Glejser, Bartlett, Cochran, Hartley, Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey, White and Szroeter criteria] as well as tests for autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH-type models). We also suggest several extensions of the existing procedures (sup-type of combined test statistics) to allow for unknown breakpoints in the error variance. We exploit the technique of Monte Carlo tests to obtain provably exact p-values, for both the standard and the new tests suggested. We show that the MC test procedure conveniently solves the intractable null distribution problem, in particular those raised by the sup-type and combined test statistics as well as (when relevant) unidentified nuisance parameter problems under the null hypothesis. The method proposed works in exactly the same way with both Gaussian and non-Gaussian disturbance distributions [such as heavy-tailed or stable distributions]. The performance of the procedures is examined by simulation. The Monte Carlo experiments conducted focus on : (1) ARCH, GARCH, and ARCH-in-mean alternatives; (2) the case where the variance increases monotonically with : (i) one exogenous variable, and (ii) the mean of the dependent variable; (3) grouped heteroskedasticity; (4) breaks in variance at unknown points. We find that the proposed tests achieve perfect size control and have good power.


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We study the problem of testing the error distribution in a multivariate linear regression (MLR) model. The tests are functions of appropriately standardized multivariate least squares residuals whose distribution is invariant to the unknown cross-equation error covariance matrix. Empirical multivariate skewness and kurtosis criteria are then compared to simulation-based estimate of their expected value under the hypothesized distribution. Special cases considered include testing multivariate normal, Student t; normal mixtures and stable error models. In the Gaussian case, finite-sample versions of the standard multivariate skewness and kurtosis tests are derived. To do this, we exploit simple, double and multi-stage Monte Carlo test methods. For non-Gaussian distribution families involving nuisance parameters, confidence sets are derived for the the nuisance parameters and the error distribution. The procedures considered are evaluated in a small simulation experi-ment. Finally, the tests are applied to an asset pricing model with observable risk-free rates, using monthly returns on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) portfolios over five-year subperiods from 1926-1995.


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This paper proposes a definition of relative uncertainty aversion for decision models under complete uncertainty. It is shown that, for a large class of decision rules characterized by a set of plausible axioms, the new criterion yields a complete ranking of those rules with respect to the relative degree of uncertainty aversion they represent. In addition, we address a combinatorial question that arises in this context, and we examine conditions for the additive representability of our rules.


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We instillate rational cognition and learning in seemingly riskless choices and judgments. Preferences and possibilities are given in a stochastic sense and based on revisable expectations. the theory predicts experimental preference reversals and passes a sharp econometric test of the status quo bias drawn from a field study.


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Cette thèse s’intéresse aux choix institutionnels des législateurs. Elle propose une analyse diachronique et comparative du développement des Chambre Nationale des Députés argentines et chiliennes des années 1940 aux années 2000. Inspiré de la théorie du Cartel (Cox et McCubbins, 1993), ce travail se concentre sur le rôle des partis politiques dans ce développement institutionnel. Il montre qu’en dépit de leurs différences, les partis uniques, coalitions, forces majoritaires ou minoritaires qui ont dirigé ces chambres ont adopté un large éventail de règles et de normes organisationnelles qui les avantagent. Ils se sont, en un mot, comportés comme des coalitions procédurales. L’analyse des modifications des règles de fonctionnement de ces chambres et de leurs systèmes de direction et de commissions montre que les partis et coalitions au pouvoir ont, pendant cette période, renforcé leur pouvoir, contrôlé l’agenda législatif, structuré les systèmes de commission et adopté des règles qui leur ont profité. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent en particulier que les coalitions qui ont dirigé la chambre Chilienne ont installé certains de leurs membres à plusieurs postes comme les présidences d’assemblée et de commissions. Ils montrent l’existence d’un pouvoir de véto sur l’agenda législative plus importante au Chili qu’en Argentine. L’étude du cas argentin montre que les partis au pouvoir ont, en particulier depuis les années 1960, conservé le contrôle de la chambre, non seulement en modifiant les règles et les structures du système de commissions, mais également en créant et distribuant à l’opposition des postes permanents mais sans réel pouvoir. Cette analyse confirme également les résultats obtenus par de récentes études concernant ce champ de recherche, notamment le professionnalisme du système de commission chilien et le caractère amateur des législateurs argentins. A l’inverse, elle met à jour des différences, négligées jusqu’alors, entre l’Argentine et le Chili concernant le contrôle de l’agenda législatif. Cette thèse est divisée en sept chapitres. Le premier introduit le sujet, l’hypothèse générale et les questions posées par la thèse, en expliquant également pourquoi les choix institutionnels des législateurs importent. Le chapitre II présente la théorie et la méthodologie. Il propose une définition du développement institutionnel et explicite les prédictions et critères permettant de tester l’hypothèse générale. Les chapitre III et IV, qui concernent respectivement l’Argentine et le Chili, décrivent le système politique de chaque pays et l’organisation des chambres durant la période étudiée. Les chapitre IV et VI, respectivement pour l’Argentine et le Chili, analysent les réformes des règles régissant les chambres, l’évolution de l’autorité qui les dirige et celle du système de commission. Ces chapitres se concluent par un résumé des différents schémas mis en évidence et une évaluation préliminaire de l’hypothèse générale. En conclusion, le chapitre VII résume les découvertes, donne un verdict global sur la fécondité de la théorie et suggère de nouvelles pistes de recherche.


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This paper provides a comparative analysis of corporate law and CSR and asks whether there are lessons for Australia from corporate law and CSR developments in France. This presentation presents a summary of the provisions of the new French Act Number 2010-788 passed on 12 July 2010 – called “Grenelle 2” –. Firstly, article 225 of Law’s Grenelle 2 changes the Commercial Code to extend the reach of non-financial reporting and to ensure its pertinence. Secondly, article 227 Law’s Grenelle 2 amends certain provisions of the Commercial and Environmental Codes and incorporates into substantive law the liability of parent companies for their subsidiaries. In fine, article 224 of Law’s Grenelle 2 reinforces the pressure on the market to act in a responsible manner. It modifies article 214-12 of the Monetary and Financial Code in order to compel institutional investors (mutual funds and fund management companies) to take social, environmental and governance criteria into account in their investment policy.


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Naïvement perçu, le processus d’évolution est une succession d’événements de duplication et de mutations graduelles dans le génome qui mènent à des changements dans les fonctions et les interactions du protéome. La famille des hydrolases de guanosine triphosphate (GTPases) similaire à Ras constitue un bon modèle de travail afin de comprendre ce phénomène fondamental, car cette famille de protéines contient un nombre limité d’éléments qui diffèrent en fonctionnalité et en interactions. Globalement, nous désirons comprendre comment les mutations singulières au niveau des GTPases affectent la morphologie des cellules ainsi que leur degré d’impact sur les populations asynchrones. Mon travail de maîtrise vise à classifier de manière significative différents phénotypes de la levure Saccaromyces cerevisiae via l’analyse de plusieurs critères morphologiques de souches exprimant des GTPases mutées et natives. Notre approche à base de microscopie et d’analyses bioinformatique des images DIC (microscopie d’interférence différentielle de contraste) permet de distinguer les phénotypes propres aux cellules natives et aux mutants. L’emploi de cette méthode a permis une détection automatisée et une caractérisation des phénotypes mutants associés à la sur-expression de GTPases constitutivement actives. Les mutants de GTPases constitutivement actifs Cdc42 Q61L, Rho5 Q91H, Ras1 Q68L et Rsr1 G12V ont été analysés avec succès. En effet, l’implémentation de différents algorithmes de partitionnement, permet d’analyser des données qui combinent les mesures morphologiques de population native et mutantes. Nos résultats démontrent que l’algorithme Fuzzy C-Means performe un partitionnement efficace des cellules natives ou mutantes, où les différents types de cellules sont classifiés en fonction de plusieurs facteurs de formes cellulaires obtenus à partir des images DIC. Cette analyse démontre que les mutations Cdc42 Q61L, Rho5 Q91H, Ras1 Q68L et Rsr1 G12V induisent respectivement des phénotypes amorphe, allongé, rond et large qui sont représentés par des vecteurs de facteurs de forme distincts. Ces distinctions sont observées avec différentes proportions (morphologie mutante / morphologie native) dans les populations de mutants. Le développement de nouvelles méthodes automatisées d’analyse morphologique des cellules natives et mutantes s’avère extrêmement utile pour l’étude de la famille des GTPases ainsi que des résidus spécifiques qui dictent leurs fonctions et réseau d’interaction. Nous pouvons maintenant envisager de produire des mutants de GTPases qui inversent leur fonction en ciblant des résidus divergents. La substitution fonctionnelle est ensuite détectée au niveau morphologique grâce à notre nouvelle stratégie quantitative. Ce type d’analyse peut également être transposé à d’autres familles de protéines et contribuer de manière significative au domaine de la biologie évolutive.


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The Constitution of India. which has been described by an eminent writer as a "Corner stone of a nation". Has bestowed sufficient thought on the underprivileged. A number of provisions incorporated in it for their benefit tell the tale of statesmanship of the framers of the Constitution. for the vitality of a Constitution depends on the extent to which it affords protection to the under—priveleged. One such laudable provision in the Constitution relates to "weaker sections of the people", which has directed the State to promote with special care the educational and economic interests of such people. Besides. the Constitution has laid great stress on social justice. No comprehensive analysis in a single work seems to have been made so far of the connotations of social justice and the scope of the constitutional safeguards provided in favour of the weaker sections of the people. This thesis is the result of an attempt to analyse the connotations of social justice and the scope of the constitutional provisions made for the benefit of the weaker sections and the role played by the judiciary in this field The weaker sections, which are sought to be covered in this work, are "Backward C1asses". socially and educationally Backward Classes", "Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes" and women. The first two categories of weaker sections have not been defined in the Constitution. So, their meaning and the criteria to determine them have to be gathered from the reports submitted by various Backward Class Commissions and judicial decisions rendered in a number of cases. The main thrust in this work is to understand the meaning and contents of social justice, identify the relevant weaker sections and to examine the extent to which the social justice has been rendered to the said weaker sections. The scope of this thesis is confined to the examination of the role of the judiciary in this field. So, the enquiry has been focussed mainly on the decisions of the judiciary bearing on the subject with a view to assessing the role of the judiciary in rendering social justice meaningful to the weaker sections in particular and to the Indian Society in general.


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The heavy metal contamination in the environment may lead to circumstances like bioaccumulation and inturn biomagnification. Hence cheaper and effective technologies are needed to protect the precious natural resources and biological lives. A suitable technique is the one which meets the technical and environmental criteria for dealing with a particular remediation problem and should be site-specific due to spatial and climatic variations and it may not economically feasible everywhere. The search for newer technologies for the environmental therapy, involving the removal of toxic metals from wastewaters has directed attention to adsorption, based on metal binding capacities of various adsorbent materials. Therefore, the present study aim to identify and evaluate the most current mathematical formulations describing sorption processes. Although vast amount of research has been carried out in the area of metal removal by adsorption process using activated carbon few specific research data are available in different scientific institutions. The present work highlights the seasonal and spatial variations in the distribution of some selected heavy metals among various geochemical phases of Cochin Estuarine system and also looked into an environmental theraptic/remedial approach by adsorption technique using activated charcoal and chitosan, to reduce and thereby controlling metallic pollution. The thesis has been addressed in seven chapters with further subdivisions. The first chapter is introductory, stating the necessity of reducing or preventing water pollution due to the hazardous impact on environment and health of living organisms and drawing it from a careful review of literature relevant to the present study. It provides a constricted description about the study area, geology, and general hydrology and also bears the major objectives and scope of the present study.


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The present study investigates the systematics and evolution of the Neotropical genus Deuterocohnia Mez (Bromeliaceae). It provides a comprehensive taxonomic revision as well as phylogenetic analyses based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences and presents a hypothesis on the evolution of the genus. A broad morphological, anatomical, biogeographical and ecological overview of the genus is given in the first part of the study. For morphological character assessment more than 700 herbarium specimens from 39 herbaria as well as living plant material in the field and in the living collections of botanical gardens were carefully examined. The arid habitats, in which the species of Deuterocohnia grow, are reflected by the morphological and anatomical characters of the species. Important characters for species delimitation were identified, like the length of the inflorescence, the branching order, the density of flowers on partial inflorescences, the relation of the length of the primary bracts to that of the partial inflorescence, the sizes of floral bracts, sepals and petals, flower colour, the presence or absence of a pedicel, the curvature of the stamina and the petals during anthesis. After scrutinizing the nomenclatural history of the taxa belonging to Deuterocohnia – including the 1992 syonymized genus Abromeitiella – 17 species, 4 subspecies and 4 varieties are accepted in the present revision. Taxonomic changes were made in the following cases: (I) New combinations: A. abstrusa (A. Cast.) N. Schütz is re-established – as defined by Castellanos (1931) – and transfered to D. abstrusa; D. brevifolia (Griseb.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm. includes accessions of the former D. lorentziana (Mez) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm., which are not assigned to D. abstrusa; D. bracteosa W. Till is synonymized to D. strobilifera Mez; D. meziana Kuntze ex Mez var. carmineo-viridiflora Rauh is classified as a subspecies of D. meziana (ssp. carmineo-viridiflora (Rauh) N. Schütz); D. pedicellata W. Till is classified as a subspecies of D. meziana (ssp. pedicellata (W. Till) N. Schütz); D. scapigera (Rauh & L. Hrom.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm ssp. sanctae-crucis R. Vásquez & Ibisch is classified as a species (D. sanctae-crucis (R. Vásquez & Ibisch) N. Schütz); (II) New taxa: a new subspecies of D. meziana Kuntze ex Mez is established; a new variety of D. scapigera is established; (the new taxa will be validly published elsewhere); (III) New type: an epitype for D. longipetala was chosen. All other species were kept according to Spencer and Smith (1992) or – in the case of more recently described species – according to the protologue. Beside the nomenclatural notes and the detailed descriptions, information on distribution, habitat and ecology, etymology and taxonomic delimitation is provided for the genus and for each of its species. An key was constructed for the identification of currently accepted species, subspecies and varieties. The key is based on easily detectable morphological characters. The former synonymization of the genus Abromeitiella into Deuterocohnia (Spencer and Smith 1992) is re-evalutated in the present study. Morphological as well as molecular investigations revealed Deuterocohnia incl. Abromeitiella as being monophyletic, with some indications that a monophyletic Abromeitiella lineage arose from within Deuterocohnia. Thus the union of both genera is confirmed. The second part of the present thesis describes and discusses the molecular phylogenies and networks. Molecular analyses of three chloroplast intergenic spacers (rpl32-trnL, rps16-trnK, trnS-ycf3) were conducted with a sample set of 119 taxa. This set included 103 Deuterocohnia accessions from all 17 described species of the genus and 16 outgroup taxa from the remainder of Pitcairnioideae s.str. (Dyckia (8 sp.), Encholirium (2 sp.), Fosterella (4 sp.) and Pitcairnia (2 sp.)). With its high sampling density, the present investigation by far represents the most comprehensive molecular study of Deuterocohnia up till now. All data sets were analyzed separately as well as in combination, and various optimality criteria for phylogenetic tree construction were applied (Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian inferences and the distance method Neighbour Joining). Congruent topologies were generally obtained with different algorithms and optimality criteria, but individual clades received different degrees of statistical support in some analyses. The rps16-trnK locus was the most informative among the three spacer regions examined. The results of the chloroplast DNA analyses revealed a highly supported paraphyly of Deuterocohnia. Thus, the cpDNA trees divide the genus into two subclades (A and B), of which Deuterocohnia subclade B is sister to the included Dyckia and Encholirium accessions, and both together are sister to Deuterocohnia subclade A. To further examine the relationship between Deuterocohnia and Dyckia/Encholirium at the generic level, two nuclear low copy markers (PRK exon2-5 and PHYC exon1) were analysed with a reduced taxon set. This set included 22 Deuterocohnia accessions (including members of both cpDNA subclades), 2 Dyckia, 2 Encholirium and 2 Fosterella species. Phylogenetic trees were constructed as described above, and for comparison the same reduced taxon set was also analysed at the three cpDNA data loci. In contrast to the cpDNA results, the nuclear DNA data strongly supported the monophyly of Deuterocohnia, which takes a sister position to a clade of Dyckia and Encholirium samples. As morphology as well as nuclear DNA data generated in the present study and in a former AFLP analysis (Horres 2003) all corroborate the monophyly of Deuterocohnia, the apparent paraphyly displayed in cpDNA analyses is interpreted to be the consequence of a chloroplast capture event. This involves the introgression of the chloroplast genome from the common ancestor of the Dyckia/ Encholirium lineage into the ancestor of Deuterocohnia subclade B species. The chloroplast haplotypes are not species-specific in Deuterocohnia. Thus, one haplotype was sometimes shared by several species, where the same species may harbour different haplotypes. The arrangement of haplotypes followed geographical patterns rather than taxonomic boundaries, which may indicate some residual gene flow among populations from different Deuteroccohnia species. Phenotypic species coherence on the background of ongoing gene flow may then be maintained by sets of co-adapted alleles, as was suggested by the porous genome concept (Wu 2001, Palma-Silva et al. 2011). The results of the present study suggest the following scenario for the evolution of Deuterocohnia and its species. Deuterocohnia longipetala may be envisaged as a representative of the ancestral state within the genus. This is supported by (1) the wide distribution of this species; (2) the overlap in distribution area with species of Dyckia; (3) the laxly flowered inflorescences, which are also typical for Dyckia; (4) the yellow petals with a greenish tip, present in most other Deuterocohnia species. The following six extant lineages within Deuterocohnia might have independently been derived from this ancestral state with a few changes each: (I) D. meziana, D. brevispicata and D. seramisiana (Bolivia, lowland to montane areas, mostly reddish-greenish coloured, very laxly to very densely flowered); (II) D. strobilifera (Bolivia, high Andean mountains, yellow flowers, densely flowered); (III) D. glandulosa (Bolivia, montane areas, yellow-greenish flowers, densely flowered); (IV) D. haumanii, D. schreiteri, D. digitata, and D. chrysantha (Argentina, Chile, E Andean mountains and Atacama desert, yellow-greenish flowers, densely flowered); (V) D. recurvipetala (Argentina, foothills of the Andes, recurved yellow flowers, laxly flowered); (VI) D. gableana, D. scapigera, D. sanctae-crucis, D. abstrusa, D. brevifolia, D. lotteae (former Abromeitiella species, Bolivia, Argentina, higher Andean mountains, greenish-yellow flowers, inflorescence usually simple). Originating from the lower montane Andean regions, at least four lineages of the genus (I, II, IV, VI) adapted in part to higher altitudes by developing densely flowered partial inflorescences, shorter flowers and – in at least three lineages (II, IV, VI) – smaller rosettes, whereas species spreading into the lowlands (I, V) developed larger plants, laxly flowered, amply branched inflorescences and in part larger flowers (I).