591 resultados para ISI


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In this paper, we consider low-complexity turbo equalization for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) cyclic prefixed single carrier (CPSC) systems in MIMO inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels characterized by large delay spreads. A low-complexity graph based equalization is carried out in the frequency domain. Because of the reduction in correlation among the noise samples that happens for large frame sizes and delay spreads in frequency domain processing, improved performance compared to time domain processing is shown to be achieved. This improved performance is attractive for equalization in severely delay spread ISI channels like ultrawideband channels and underwater acoustic channels.


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Spatial modulation (SM) and space shift keying (SSK) are relatively new modulation techniques which are attractive in multi-antenna communications. Single carrier (SC) systems can avoid the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) problem encountered in multicarrier systems. In this paper, we study SM and SSK signaling in cyclic-prefixed SC (CPSC) systems on MIMO-ISI channels. We present a diversity analysis of MIMO-CPSC systems under SSK and SM signaling. Our analysis shows that the diversity order achieved by (n(t), n(r)) SSK scheme and (n(t), n(r), Theta(M)) SM scheme in MIMO-CPSC systems under maximum-likelihood (ML) detection is n(r), where n(t), n(r) denote the number of transmit and receive antennas and Theta(M) denotes the modulation alphabet of size M. Bit error rate (BER) simulation results validate this predicted diversity order. Simulation results also show that MIMO-CPSC with SM and SSK achieves much better performance than MIMO-OFDM with SM and SSK.


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We develop several novel signal detection algorithms for two-dimensional intersymbol-interference channels. The contribution of the paper is two-fold: (1) We extend the one-dimensional maximum a-posteriori (MAP) detection algorithm to operate over multiple rows and columns in an iterative manner. We study the performance vs. complexity trade-offs for various algorithmic options ranging from single row/column non-iterative detection to a multi-row/column iterative scheme and analyze the performance of the algorithm. (2) We develop a self-iterating 2-D linear minimum mean-squared based equalizer by extending the 1-D linear equalizer framework, and present an analysis of the algorithm. The iterative multi-row/column detector and the self-iterating equalizer are further connected together within a turbo framework. We analyze the combined 2-D iterative equalization and detection engine through analysis and simulations. The performance of the overall equalizer and detector is near MAP estimate with tractable complexity, and beats the Marrow Wolf detector by about at least 0.8 dB over certain 2-D ISI channels. The coded performance indicates about 8 dB of significant SNR gain over the uncoded 2-D equalizer-detector system.


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Two-dimensional magnetic recording (2-D TDMR) is an emerging technology that aims to achieve areal densities as high as 10 Tb/in(2) using sophisticated 2-D signal-processing algorithms. High areal densities are achieved by reducing the size of a bit to the order of the size of magnetic grains, resulting in severe 2-D intersymbol interference (ISI). Jitter noise due to irregular grain positions on the magnetic medium is more pronounced at these areal densities. Therefore, a viable read-channel architecture for TDMR requires 2-D signal-detection algorithms that can mitigate 2-D ISI and combat noise comprising jitter and electronic components. Partial response maximum likelihood (PRML) detection scheme allows controlled ISI as seen by the detector. With the controlled and reduced span of 2-D ISI, the PRML scheme overcomes practical difficulties such as Nyquist rate signaling required for full response 2-D equalization. As in the case of 1-D magnetic recording, jitter noise can be handled using a data-dependent noise-prediction (DDNP) filter bank within a 2-D signal-detection engine. The contributions of this paper are threefold: 1) we empirically study the jitter noise characteristics in TDMR as a function of grain density using a Voronoi-based granular media model; 2) we develop a 2-D DDNP algorithm to handle the media noise seen in TDMR; and 3) we also develop techniques to design 2-D separable and nonseparable targets for generalized partial response equalization for TDMR. This can be used along with a 2-D signal-detection algorithm. The DDNP algorithm is observed to give a 2.5 dB gain in SNR over uncoded data compared with the noise predictive maximum likelihood detection for the same choice of channel model parameters to achieve a channel bit density of 1.3 Tb/in(2) with media grain center-to-center distance of 10 nm. The DDNP algorithm is observed to give similar to 10% gain in areal density near 5 grains/bit. The proposed signal-processing framework can broadly scale to various TDMR realizations and areal density points.


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Noise-predictive maximum likelihood (NPML) is a well known signal detection technique used in partial response maximum likelihood (PRML) scheme in 1D magnetic recording channels. The noise samples colored by the partial response (PR) equalizer are predicted/ whitened during the signal detection using a Viterbi detector. In this paper, we propose an extension of the NPML technique for signal detection in 2D ISI channels. The impact of noise prediction during signal detection is studied in PRML scheme for a particular choice of 2D ISI channel and PR targets.


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Two-dimensional magnetic recording 2-D (TDMR) is a promising technology for next generation magnetic storage systems based on a systems-level framework involving sophisticated signal processing at the core. The TDMR channel suffers from severe jitter noise along with electronic noise that needs to be mitigated during signal detection and recovery. Recently, we developed noise prediction-based techniques coupled with advanced signal detectors to work with these systems. However, it is important to understand the role of harmful patterns that can be avoided during the encoding process. In this paper, we investigate the Voronoi-based media model to study the harmful patterns over multitrack shingled recording systems. Through realistic quasi-micromagnetic simulation studies, we identify 2-D data patterns that contribute to high media noise. We look into the generic Voronoi model and present our analysis on multitrack detection with constrained coded data. We show that the 2-D constraints imposed on input patterns result in an order of magnitude improvement in the bit-error rate for the TDMR systems. The use of constrained codes can reduce the complexity of 2-D intersymbol interference (ISI) signal detection, since the lesser 2-D ISI span can be accommodated at the cost of a nominal code rate loss. However, a system must be designed carefully so that the rate loss incurred by a 2-D constraint does not offset the detector performance gain due to more distinguishable readback signals.


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O estado de Santa Catarina possuía sua área inteiramente coberta por Mata Atlântica, um dos biomas mais ameaçados mundialmente. Mesmo com o crescente aumento de informações sobre os anfíbios no estado, ainda existe muitas lacunas de informações para este grupo e o desconhecimento é alto mesmo no interior das Unidades de Conservação. O Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro é a maior unidade de conservação de proteção integral de Santa Catarina e ainda assim possui inúmeras ameaças e pressões antrópicas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram estudar os anfíbios anuros em duas fitofisionomias, restinga e floresta ombrófila densa submontana, do Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro, verificar as diferenças dos parâmetros da comunidade entre três mesohábitats na restinga, compreender em que extensão algumas variáveis estruturais do hábitat afetam a riqueza e abundância dos anuros na restinga e na floresta ombrófila densa submontana, conhecer os anuros de folhiço na área de floresta e, adicionalmente, verificar o atual conhecimento sobre os anuros de folhiço no mundo. Os anuros no parque foram amostrados por meio dos métodos de procura ativa em transecções, armadilhas de queda com cerca guia e parcelas no chão da floresta durante três anos consecutivos com amostragens trimestrais, de julho de 2007 a abril de 2010. As variáves estruturais foram medidas nos locais amostrados enquanto que os dados climáticos foram obtidos da estação meteorológica mais próxima da área de estudo. A revisão sobre os anuros de folhiço no mundo foi realizada por uma busca na base de dados ISI Web if Science entre os anos de 1945 e 2008. Foram registradas 39 espécies de anuros no Parque, sendo 15 espécies para a restinga, 31 espécies na floresta. No folhiço do chão da floresta, a comunidade foi composta por 13 espécies de anuros. No total, 66% dos anuros registrados aqui, foram endêmicos da Mata Atlântica, 17% possuíram distribuição restrita à Santa Catarina e quatro espécies foram consideradas como vulneráveis na lista de espécies ameaçadas de extinção de Santa Catarina. Na restinga, a área aberta e a mata de restinga foram as mais dissimilares com relação à composição e abundância de anuros e também para as variáveis estruturais do hábitat. Na floresta ombrófila densa, a cobertura de dossel e o número de corpos dágua foram as variáveis mais importantes para a riqueza e abundância das espécies de anuros. Também para os anuros de folhiço do parque, a cobertura de dossel foi importante, conjuntamente com a umidade do ar e a profundidade de folhiço. O atual conhecimento sobre os anuros de folhiço no mundo se concentra nas regiões tropicais, sendo que o Brasil possui o maior número de estudos. Algumas tendências para as comunidades de anuros de folhiço puderam ser identificadas, mas estudos adicionais são necessários para que mais inferências possam ser feitas. O presente estudo contribuiu para preencher parte das lacunas de conhecimento existentes para a biodiversidade dos anuros do estado de Santa Catarina e em especial para o Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro.


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Ondoren aurkezten den lana bi helburu nagusi ditu. Alde batetik, Etika Finantzarioak gaur egun duen egoera aztertzea, eta bestalde analizatzea egin diren ikerketak zertan zentratu diren. Horretarako, lan hau oinarrituko da 205 ISI artikuluetan, Leire San-José (UPV/EHU) irakasleak zuzendutako Delphi baten parte direnak. Beraz lan honen zati adierazgarriena bi bloke nagusitan bananduko da. Lehenengoan, artikuluetatik atera ahal diren datu guztiz teknikoak analizatuko dira, esate baterako: publikazio urtea, zein herrialdeetan idatzi diren, zein hizkuntzetan, etab; batez ere ondorengo galderei erantzuna eman ahal izateko: noiz ikertu da gehien? Zein herrialdeetan? Zein gaiei eman zaie garrantzia handiagoa?... Bigarren atalari dagokionez, Etika Finantzarioa osatzen duten gaien gehiengoei buruz egin diren ikerketen azalpen eta komentarioak jorratuko dira. Baina aurrekoaz aparte, mapa kontzeptual bat aurkeztuko da, gai honen azpi-gai eta kontzeptu klabe bilduz; eta horrela, modu argiago batean ikusi ahal izateko Etika Finantzarioa zertan datzan, zeintzuk diren bere barnean dauden gai garrantzitsuenak, eta zein faktore nagusiak dauden gai honetan. Azkenengoz, ondorio batzuk aurkeztuko dira, horien artean gai honek etorkizunean ikertzeko duen ibilbidea egongo delarik.


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Ao contrário da maioria dos transtornos psiquiátricos, o transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) apresenta uma fator causal necessário, embora não-suficiente: a exposição a um evento traumático (EPT). Em consequência deste evento desenvolvem-se três dimensões de sintomas: revivescência, esquiva/ entorpecimento emocional e hiperexcitabilidade. Um dos achados mais relevantes das pesquisas epidemiológicas de TEPT é que embora a maioria dos indivíduos seja exposta a um evento traumático em algum momento de sua vida, apenas uma minoria destes vai desenvolver o transtorno. Desta forma, a maior parte dos indivíduos expostos pode ser considerada resiliente. A resiliência consiste, portanto, na capacidade de adaptação eficaz diante de um distúrbio, estresse ou adversidade. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática com metanálise de estudos longitudinais que investigaram fatores preditores de resiliência ao desenvolvimento de TEPT. A ausência de TEPT foi considerada proxy de resiliência. Em função do grande número de estudos identificados pela estratégia de busca, decidimos post hoc restringir as variáveis preditoras a apoio social (AS), personalidade, autoestima e eventos de vida potencialmente estressantes (EVPE). Apenas vinte artigos preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade. Treze estudos avaliaram apoio social, nove avaliaram personalidade e dois avaliaram EVPE. Nenhum dos trabalhos que pesquisou autoestima era elegível. Dezesseis dos vinte estudos incluídos nesta revisão avaliaram a associação de interesse na população geral. A maioria dos trabalhos avaliou a exposição de interesse após o EPT. Ainda que alguns destes tenham tentado captar a informação sobre a exposição antes do ocorrido, devido à natureza retrospectiva desta aferição, não há como se isentar o potencial efeito do trauma sobre resultado obtido. Além disso, foi observada grande heterogeneidade entre as pesquisas, limitando o número de estudos incluídos nas metanálises. Neuroticismo foi a única dimensão de personalidade avaliada por mais de um estudo. As medidas sumárias resultantes da combinação destes trabalhos revelaram que maior apoio social positivo prediz resiliência ao TEPT enquanto neuroticismo reduz a chance de resiliência. Os dois estudos que investigaram EVPE não puderam ser combinados. Um deles foi inconclusivo e o outro demonstrou associação entre menor número de EVPE e resiliência. Ressaltamos que as medidas sumárias devem ser interpretadas com cautela devido à grande heterogeneidade entre os estudos. Heterogeneidade na forma de avaliação dos fatores preditores de resiliência ao TEPT é compreensível devido à complexidade dos construtos avaliados. Todavia, a falta de padronização do método de operacionalização reduz a comparabilidade dos resultados.


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MENEZES, Patrick Lourenço. Erros pré-analíticos em medicina laboratorial: uma revisão sistemática. 2013. 98 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Saúde, Medicina Laboratorial e Tecnologia Forense) - Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alcântara Gomes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2013. A relevância evidente dos erros pré-analíticos como problema de saúde pública fica patente tanto no dano potencial aos pacientes quanto nos custos ao sistema de saúde, ambos desnecessários e evitáveis. Alguns estudos apontam que a fase pré-analítica é a mais vulnerável a erros, sendo responsável por, aproximadamente, 60 a 90% dos erros laboratoriais em consequência da falta orientação aos pacientes sobre os procedimentos que serão realizados no laboratório clínico. Objetivos: Sistematizar as evidências científicas relacionadas aos erros pré-analíticos dos exames laboratoriais de análises clínicas. Método: Uma revisão sistemática foi realizada, buscando as bases de dados do Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Scopus(que inclui MEDLINE e Embase), ISI Web of Knowledge, SciFinder, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs) (que inclui a Scientific Electronic Library Online SciELO) e o Índice Bibliográfico Espanhol de Ciências de Saúde (IBECS), para artigos publicados entre janeiro de 1990 e junho de 2012 sobre erros de exames laboratoriais que possam ocorrer na fase pré-analítica. Os estudos foram incluídos de acordo com os seguintes exames laboratoriais: hemograma, análise bioquímica do sangue total ou do soro, exames de coagulação sanguínea,uroanálise e exames hematológicos ou bioquímicos em outros materiais e categorizados pelo tipo de erro pré-analítico e pela frequência dos incidentes. Resultados: A busca nas bases de dados bibliográficas resultou no seguinte número de artigos recuperados: 547 na MEDLINE, 229 na Scopus, 110 na ISI, 163 na SciFinder, 228 na Lilacs e 64 na IBECS, perfazendo um total de 1.341 títulos. Ao fim da revisão sistemática, obteve-se um conjunto de 83 artigos para leitura de texto completo, dos quais 14 foram incluídos na revisão. Os estudos abrangeram diferentes tipos de laboratórios, setores técnicos e origem de erros, segundo a fase do processo laboratorial. Discussão: Sete artigos demonstraram erros de pedidos médicos, com uma alta variabilidade nos valores de incidência. Os seis artigos que estudaram erros de coleta de amostra observaram redução deste desfecho. As proporções de eventos adversos relatados e os impactos clínicos variaram, levando a consequências descritas como: erros decorrentes da flebotomia, recoleta de amostras, repetições de exames, atrasos na liberação de resultados de exames e possíveis danos ao paciente. Conclusões: O laboratório deve ter instruções por escrito para cada teste, que descreva o tipo de amostra e procedimento de coleta de amostra. Meios de identificação por código de barras, sistemas robóticos e analíticos reduzem os erros pré-analíticos. A melhoria da fase pré-analítica de testes laboratoriais permanece um desafio para muitos laboratórios clínicos.


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Master cartons for fishery products collected from different prawn freezing factories were evaluated for bursting strength, puncture resistance, waterproofness, combined weight of liners, basis weight of the corrugating medium, weight of the carton, dimensions of the carton, wax content and saponifiable matter and discussed in the light of the ISI standards.


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One of the great puzzles in the psychology of visual perception is that the visual world appears to be a coherent whole despite our viewing it through temporally discontinuous series of eye fixations. The investigators attempted to explain this puzzle from the perspective of sequential visual information integration. In recent years, investigators hypothesized that information maintained in the visual short-term memory (VSTM) could become visual mental images gradually during time delay in visual buffer and integrated with information perceived currently. Some elementary studies had been carried out to investigate the integration between VSTM and visual percepts, but further research is required to account for several questions on the spatial-temporal characteristics, information representation and mechanism of integrating sequential visual information. Based on the theory of similarity between visual mental image and visual perception, this research (including three studies) employed the temporal integration paradigm and empty cell localization task to further explore the spatial-temporal characteristics, information representation and mechanism of integrating sequential visual information (sequential arrays). The purpose of study 1 was to further explore the temporal characteristics of sequential visual information integration by examining the effects of encoding time of sequential stimuli on the integration of sequential visual information. The purpose of study 2 was to further explore the spatial characteristics of sequential visual information integration by investigating the effects of spatial characteristics change on the integration of sequential visual information. The purpose of study 3 was to explore the information representation of information maintained in the VSTM and integration mechanism in the process of integrating sequential visual information by employing the behavioral experiments and eye tracking technology. The results indicated that: (1) Sequential arrays could be integrated without strategic instruction. Increasing the duration of the first array could cause improvement in performance and increasing the duration of the second array could not improve the performance. Temporal correlation model was not fit to explain the sequential array integration under long-ISI conditions. (2) Stimuli complexity influenced not only the overall performance of sequential arrays but also the values of ISI at asymptotic level of performance. Sequential arrays still could be integrated when the spatial characteristics of sequential arrays changed. During ISI, constructing and manipulating of visual mental image of array 1 were two separate processing phases. (3) During integrating sequential arrays, people represented the pattern constituted by the objects' image maintained in the VSTM and the topological characteristics of the objects' image had some impact on fixation location. The image-perception integration hypothesis was supported when the number of dots in array 1 was less than empty cells, and the convert-and-compare hypothesis was supported when the number of the dot in array 1 was equal to or more than empty cells. These findings not only contribute to make people understand the process of sequential visual information integration better, but also have significant practical application in the design of visual interface.


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This article describes further evidence for a new neural network theory of biological motion perception. The theory clarifies why parallel streams Vl --> V2, Vl --> MT, and Vl --> V2 --> MT exist for static form and motion form processing among the areas Vl, V2, and MT of visual cortex. The theory suggests that the static form system (Static BCS) generates emergent boundary segmentations whose outputs are insensitive to direction-ofcontrast and insensitive to direction-of-motion, whereas the motion form system (Motion BCS) generates emergent boundary segmentations whose outputs are insensitive to directionof-contrast but sensitive to direction-of-motion. The theory is used to explain classical and recent data about short-range and long-range apparent motion percepts that have not yet been explained by alternative models. These data include beta motion; split motion; gamma motion and reverse-contrast gamma motion; delta motion; visual inertia; the transition from group motion to element motion in response to a Ternus display as the interstimulus interval (ISI) decreases; group motion in response to a reverse-contrast Ternus display even at short ISIs; speed-up of motion velocity as interflash distance increases or flash duration decreases; dependence of the transition from element motion to group motion on stimulus duration and size; various classical dependencies between flash duration, spatial separation, ISI, and motion threshold known as Korte's Laws; dependence of motion strength on stimulus orientation and spatial frequency; short-range and long-range form-color interactions; and binocular interactions of flashes to different eyes.


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OBJECTIVES: Side-effects of standard pain medications can limit their use. Therefore, nonpharmacologic pain relief techniques such as auriculotherapy may play an important role in pain management. Our aim was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies evaluating auriculotherapy for pain management. DESIGN: MEDLINE,(®) ISI Web of Science, CINAHL, AMED, and Cochrane Library were searched through December 2008. Randomized trials comparing auriculotherapy to sham, placebo, or standard-of-care control were included that measured outcomes of pain or medication use and were published in English. Two (2) reviewers independently assessed trial eligibility, quality, and abstracted data to a standardized form. Standardized mean differences (SMD) were calculated for studies using a pain score or analgesic requirement as a primary outcome. RESULTS: Seventeen (17) studies met inclusion criteria (8 perioperative, 4 acute, and 5 chronic pain). Auriculotherapy was superior to controls for studies evaluating pain intensity (SMD, 1.56 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.85, 2.26]; 8 studies). For perioperative pain, auriculotherapy reduced analgesic use (SMD, 0.54 [95% CI: 0.30, 0.77]; 5 studies). For acute pain and chronic pain, auriculotherapy reduced pain intensity (SMD for acute pain, 1.35 [95% CI: 0.08, 2.64], 2 studies; SMD for chronic pain, 1.84 [95% CI: 0.60, 3.07], 5 studies). Removal of poor quality studies did not alter the conclusions. Significant heterogeneity existed among studies of acute and chronic pain, but not perioperative pain. CONCLUSIONS: Auriculotherapy may be effective for the treatment of a variety of types of pain, especially postoperative pain. However, a more accurate estimate of the effect will require further large, well-designed trials.


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Contemporary globalization has been marked by significant shifts in the organization and governance of global industries. In the 1970s and 1980s, one such shift was characterized by the emergence of buyer-driven and producer-driven commodity chains. In the early 2000s, a more differentiated typology of governance structures was introduced, which focused on new types of coordination in global value chains (GVCs). Today the organization of the global economy is entering another phase, with transformations that are reshaping the governance structures of both GVCs and global capitalism at various levels: (1) the end of the Washington Consensus and the rise of contending centers of economic and political power; (2) a combination of geographic consolidation and value chain concentration in the global supply base, which, in some cases, is shifting bargaining power from lead firms in GVCs to large suppliers in developing economies; (3) new patterns of strategic coordination among value chain actors; (4) a shift in the end markets of many GVCs accelerated by the economic crisis of 2008-09, which is redefining regional geographies of investment and trade; and (5) a diffusion of the GVC approach to major international donor agencies, which is prompting a reformulation of established development paradigms. © 2013 © 2013 Taylor & Francis.