795 resultados para Hydrogénase NAD-dépendante
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
Les cellules épithéliales pulmonaires constituent la première ligne de défense face aux virus respiratoires via la sécrétion de mucus, de peptides, de cytokines et chimiokines qui déterminent l'élimination ou la progression de l’infection. Les principales cytokines antivirales produites par les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires (AEC) sont les interférons (IFN) type I (α/β) et III (λ). La liaison d’IFNβ à son récepteur induit une voie antivirale bien caractérisée qui aboutit à l’activation du complexe ISGF3 (STAT1, STAT2 et IRF9) qui permet la transcription de multiples gènes codant pour des protéines à activité antivirale et immunorégulatrice. Il a récemment été démontré que la costimulation des cellules épithéliales pulmonaires par l’IFNβ et le Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNFα), également produit lors d’une infection, synergisent pour induire un état antiviral tardif distinct. D’autre part, il a été montré que la synergie entre le TNFα et l'IFNβ induit une voie de signalisation impliquant STAT2 et IRF9, mais indépendante de STAT1 permettant l’expression du gène DUOX2. Notre but est de déterminer l’importance de cette nouvelle voie de signalisation induite par la costimulation du TNFα+IFNβ, impliquant STAT2 et IRF9 indépendamment de STAT1 dans la régulation d’un programme transcriptionnel antiviral et immunorégulateur tardif. Notre premier objectif est de déterminer si des gènes antiviraux et immunorégulateurs qui sont induits par la costimulation par TNFα+IFNβ sont dépendants de la voie STAT2/IRF9, indépendamment de STAT1. En utilisant la technique de qRT-PCR, nous avons identifié 3 gènes immunorégulateurs, CXCL10, IDO et APOBEC3G, induits de manière synergique en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ dans les cellules A549, un modèle de cellules épithéliales pulmonaires. Afin de confirmer que ces gènes sont induits indépendamment de STAT1, nous avons validé leur expression dans la lignée cellulaire U3A déficiente en STAT1. Par l'utilisation d'ARN interférants (ARNi) dirigés contre STAT2 et IRF9, nous avons confirmé que l’induction de ces gènes est dépendante de STAT2 et IRF9. Finalement, l’analyse de l’activité du promoteur de CXCL10 en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ par des essais rapporteurs luciférases a permis de montrer que la régulation se fait au niveau transcriptionnel. Notre deuxième objectif, est de déterminer si STAT6 pourrait remplacer STAT1 dans la voie de signalisation induite par TNFα+IFNβ. En effet, STAT6 est un inducteur connu de l’expression de DUOX2 en réponse à IL4+IL13. Contrairement à notre hypothèse, l’inhibition de STAT6 par ARNi augmente l’expression de DUOX2 en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ suggérant que STAT6 est un régulateur négatif. Nos résultats ont permis de comprendre de manière plus détaillée les mécanismes mis en place dans le développement d’une réponse antivirale. D’autre part, l’étude de l’effet de l’IFNβ et du TNFα est également pertinente pour les maladies chroniques inflammatoires et autoimmunes. De plus, nos résultats illustrent un nouveau paradigme concernant les mécanismes de signalisation cellulaire impliqués dans la synergie entre deux cytokines qui pourrait être applicable à des combinaisons de cytokines autres que TNFα+IFNβ.
Les cellules épithéliales pulmonaires constituent la première ligne de défense face aux virus respiratoires via la sécrétion de mucus, de peptides, de cytokines et chimiokines qui déterminent l'élimination ou la progression de l’infection. Les principales cytokines antivirales produites par les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires (AEC) sont les interférons (IFN) type I (α/β) et III (λ). La liaison d’IFNβ à son récepteur induit une voie antivirale bien caractérisée qui aboutit à l’activation du complexe ISGF3 (STAT1, STAT2 et IRF9) qui permet la transcription de multiples gènes codant pour des protéines à activité antivirale et immunorégulatrice. Il a récemment été démontré que la costimulation des cellules épithéliales pulmonaires par l’IFNβ et le Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNFα), également produit lors d’une infection, synergisent pour induire un état antiviral tardif distinct. D’autre part, il a été montré que la synergie entre le TNFα et l'IFNβ induit une voie de signalisation impliquant STAT2 et IRF9, mais indépendante de STAT1 permettant l’expression du gène DUOX2. Notre but est de déterminer l’importance de cette nouvelle voie de signalisation induite par la costimulation du TNFα+IFNβ, impliquant STAT2 et IRF9 indépendamment de STAT1 dans la régulation d’un programme transcriptionnel antiviral et immunorégulateur tardif. Notre premier objectif est de déterminer si des gènes antiviraux et immunorégulateurs qui sont induits par la costimulation par TNFα+IFNβ sont dépendants de la voie STAT2/IRF9, indépendamment de STAT1. En utilisant la technique de qRT-PCR, nous avons identifié 3 gènes immunorégulateurs, CXCL10, IDO et APOBEC3G, induits de manière synergique en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ dans les cellules A549, un modèle de cellules épithéliales pulmonaires. Afin de confirmer que ces gènes sont induits indépendamment de STAT1, nous avons validé leur expression dans la lignée cellulaire U3A déficiente en STAT1. Par l'utilisation d'ARN interférants (ARNi) dirigés contre STAT2 et IRF9, nous avons confirmé que l’induction de ces gènes est dépendante de STAT2 et IRF9. Finalement, l’analyse de l’activité du promoteur de CXCL10 en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ par des essais rapporteurs luciférases a permis de montrer que la régulation se fait au niveau transcriptionnel. Notre deuxième objectif, est de déterminer si STAT6 pourrait remplacer STAT1 dans la voie de signalisation induite par TNFα+IFNβ. En effet, STAT6 est un inducteur connu de l’expression de DUOX2 en réponse à IL4+IL13. Contrairement à notre hypothèse, l’inhibition de STAT6 par ARNi augmente l’expression de DUOX2 en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ suggérant que STAT6 est un régulateur négatif. Nos résultats ont permis de comprendre de manière plus détaillée les mécanismes mis en place dans le développement d’une réponse antivirale. D’autre part, l’étude de l’effet de l’IFNβ et du TNFα est également pertinente pour les maladies chroniques inflammatoires et autoimmunes. De plus, nos résultats illustrent un nouveau paradigme concernant les mécanismes de signalisation cellulaire impliqués dans la synergie entre deux cytokines qui pourrait être applicable à des combinaisons de cytokines autres que TNFα+IFNβ.
This study investigated Nrf2-activating properties of a coffee blend combining raw coffee bean constituents with 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid (CGA) as a lead component with typical roasting products such as N-methylpyridinium (NMP). In cell culture (HT29) the respective coffee extract (CN-CE) increased nuclear Nrf2 translocation and enhanced the transcription of ARE-dependent genes as exemplified for NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase and glutathione-S-transferase (GST)A1, reflected in the protein level by an increase in GST enzyme activity. In a pilot human intervention study (29 healthy volunteers), daily consumption of 750 mL of CN-coffee for 4 weeks increased Nrf2 transcription in peripheral blood lymphocytes on average. However, the transcriptional response pattern of Nrf2/ARE-dependent genes showed substantial interindividual variations. The presence of SNPs in the Nrf2-promoter, reported recently, as well as the detection of GSTT1*0 (null) genotypes in the study collective strengthens the hypothesis that coffee acts as a modulator of Nrf2-dependent gene response in humans, but genetic polymorphisms play an important role in the individual response pattern.
Tumor cells in ascites are a major source of disease recurrence in ovarian cancer patients. In an attempt to identify and profile the population of ascites cells obtained from ovarian cancer patients, a novel method was developed to separate adherent (AD) and non-adherent (NAD) cells in culture. Twenty-five patients were recruited to this study; 11 chemonaive (CN) and 14 chemoresistant (CR). AD cells from both CN and CR patients exhibited mesenchymal morphology with an antigen profile of mesenchymal stem cells and fibroblasts. Conversely, NAD cells had an epithelial morphology with enhanced expression of cancer antigen 125 (CA125), epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) and cytokeratin 7. NAD cells developed infiltrating tumors and ascites within 12-14 weeks after intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections into nude mice, whereas AD cells remained non-tumorigenic for up to 20 weeks. Subsequent comparison of selective epithelial, mesenchymal and cancer stem cell (CSC) markers between AD and NAD populations of CN and CR patients demonstrated an enhanced trend in mRNA expression of E-cadherin, EpCAM, STAT3 and Oct4 in the NAD population of CR patients. A similar trend of enhanced mRNA expression of CD44, MMP9 and Oct4 was observed in the AD population of CR patients. Hence, using a novel purification method we demonstrate for the first time a distinct separation of ascites cells into epithelial tumorigenic and mesenchymal non-tumorigenic populations. We also demonstrate that cells from the ascites of CR patients are predominantly epithelial and show a trend towards increased mRNA expression of genes associated with CSCs, compared to cells isolated from the ascites of CN patients. As the tumor cells in the ascites of ovarian cancer patients play a dominant role in disease recurrence, a thorough understanding of the biology of the ascites microenvironment from CR and CN patients is essential for effective therapeutic interventions.
Oxygen release accompanying oxidation of vanadyl by diperoxovanadate was suppressed on addition of NADH. The added NADH was rapidly oxidized, oxygen in the medium was consumed, and the reaction terminated on exhaustion of either NADH or vanadyl. The consumption of oxygen and disappearance of NADH needed small concentrations of diperoxovanadate to initiate and increased with increase in the concentration of vanadyl and NADH or decrease of pH. The products of the reaction were found to be NAD(+) from NADH and vanadate oligomers from vanadyl and oxygen. The reaction was insensitive to catalase and was not dependent on H2O2. The reaction was inhibited by superoxide dismutase, cytochrome c, EDTA, Mn2+, histidine, and DMPO, but not by hydroxyl radical scavengers such as ethanol and benzoate, The ESR spectrum of the reaction mixture showed the presence of the 1:2:2:1 quartet signal typical of a DMPO-OH adduct, but this was not modified by ethanol, This oxygen radical species, possibly of (OV)-O-. type derived from diperoxovanadate, is proposed to have a role in the reactions of oxygen release and NADH oxidation
La coriza infecciosa es una enfermedad respiratoria aguda de las gallinas domesti- cas causada por la bacteria Haemophilus parugallinarum. Excepcionalmente pueden enfermarse tambien los faisanes y gallinas de Guinea. El H. paragallinarum infecta al ave por via respiratoria y luego de un cor- to periodo de incubation, que varia entre 1 a 3 dias, produce una enfermedad que se manifiesta por inflamacion catarral de los senos paranasales. Este cuadro puede estar asociado a inflamacion de los barbillones, conjuntivitis o queratitis. Los casos de neu- nionia y aerosaculitis son menos frecuentes pero tambien suelen ocurrir en las infeccio- nes puras por estos hemofilos. En las gallinas en produccion causa alta morbilidad, baja o nula mortalidad y una importante perdida en la produccion de huevos, la que generalmente oscila entre 10% y 40%. En pollos parrilleros puede cau- sar un cuadro descrito como «cabeza hin- chada» y ocasionalmente tambien producir septicemia y muerte (48). Esta bacteria ge- neralmente se asocia con otros agentes bacterianos, viricos o parasitarios y cuan- do esto ocurre se agrava el curso de la en- fermedad. Entre los agentes bacterianos mas comunes deben mencionarse los mycoplasinas y las pasteurelas. Cuando H . paragallinarum se asocia con otros agentes esta enfermedad se denomina .«coriza infec- ciosa complicada» (48). En esta recopilacion se aportaran deta- lles sobre la clasificacion, identificacion y serotipificacion del agente causal. Tambien se resumira la informacion disponible sobre nuevos metodos de diagnostico y programas de vacunacion para prevenir esta enferme-dad. A lo largo de esta revision se hara re-ferencia a los hemofilos aviarios que, para el proposito de este trabajo, seran definidos como organisnios gram negativos aislados de aves y que necesariamente requieren factores de crecimiento in vitro. Los dos factores que pueden ser requeridos por los hemofilos para su crecimiento in vitro son hemina (factor X) y/o nicotin-adenin-dinucleirtido (NAD o factor V).
Two isolates of Haemophilus paragallinarum were obtained from a layer chicken in Mexico. The isolates were confirmed as H. paragallinarum by polymerase chain reaction and conventional biochemical identification. The isolates were nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) independent—growing on blood agar without the need of a nurse colony as well as on a complex medium that lacked both NAD and chicken serum. Both isolates were pathogenic, causing the typical clinical signs of infectious coryza in susceptible chickens. One isolate was Page serovar B/Kume serovar B-1 and the other isolate was Page serovar C/Kume serovar C-2. The isolates were associated with a field outbreak that involved an egg drop of 20% over a 3 wk period and a doubling of weekly mortality (from 0.1% to 0.2%). This is the first report of NAD-independent H. paragallinarum outside South Africa and is the first time that NADindependent H. paragallinarum of serovar B has been reported. Abbreviations: NAD ¼ nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NAM ¼ nicotinamide; PCR ¼ polymerase chain reaction; TM ¼ complete growth medium without chicken serum or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; TM/SN ¼ complete growth medium that contains both chicken serum and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
This paper describes a phenotypic and genotypic investigation of the taxonomy of [Haemophilus] paragallinarum, Pasteurella gallinarum, Pasteurella avium and Pasteurella volantium, a major subcluster within the avian 16S rRNA cluster 18 of the family Pasteurellaceae. An extended phenotypic characterization was performed of the type strain of [Haemophilus] paragallinarum, which is NAD-dependent, and eight NAD-independent strains of [Haemophilus] paragallinarum. Complete 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained for one NAD-independent and four NAD-dependent [Haemophilus] paragallinarum strains. These five sequences along with existing 16S rRNA gene sequences for 11 other taxa within avian 16S rRNA cluster 18 as well as seven other taxa from the Pasteurellaceae were subjected to phylogenetic analysis. The analysis demonstrated that [Haemophilus] paragallinarum, Pasteurella gallinarum, Pasteurella avium and Pasteurella volantium formed a monophyletic group with a minimum of 96·8% sequence similarity. This group can also be separated by phenotypic testing from all other recognized and named taxa within the Pasteurellaceae. As both genotypic and phenotypic testing support the separate and distinct nature of this subcluster, the transfer is proposed of Pasteurella gallinarum, [Haemophilus] paragallinarum, Pasteurella avium and Pasteurella volantium to a new genus Avibacterium as Avibacterium gallinarum gen. nov., comb. nov., Avibacterium paragallinarum comb. nov., Avibacterium avium comb. nov. and Avibacterium volantium comb. nov. The type strains are NCTC 1118T (Avibacterium gallinarum), NCTC 11296T (Avibacterium paragallinarum), NCTC 11297T (Avibacterium avium) and NCTC 3438T (Avibacterium volantium). Key characteristics that separate these four species are catalase activity (absent only in Avibacterium paragallinarum) and production of acid from galactose (negative only in Avibacterium paragallinarum), maltose (negative only in Avibacterium avium) and mannitol (negative in Avibacterium gallinarum and Avibacterium avium).
An enzyme catalysing the synthesis of sym-homospermidine from putrescine and NAD+ with concomitant liberation of NH3 was purified 100-fold from Lathyrus sativus (grass pea) seedlings by affinity chromatography on Blue Sepharose. This thiol enzyme had an apparent mol.wt. of 75000 and exhibited Michelis-Menten kinetics with Km 3.0mM for putrescine. The same enzyme activity could also be demonstrated in the crude extracts of sandal (Santalum album) leaves, but with a specific activity 15-fold greater than that in L. sativus seedlings.
Metabolism of linalyl acetate by Pseudomonas incognita isolated by enrichment culture on the acyclic monoterpene alcohol linalool was studied. Biodegradation of linalyl acetate by this strain resulted in the formation of linalool, linalool- 8-carboxylic acid, oleuropeic acid, and A5-4-acetoxy-4-methyl hexenoic acid. Cells adapted to linalyl acetate metabolized linalyl acetate-8-aldehyde to linalool- 8-carboxylic acid, linalyl acetate-8-carboxylic acid, A5-4-acetoxy-4-methyl hexenoic acid, and geraniol-8-carboxylic acid. Resting cell suspensions previously grown with linalyl acetate oxidized linalyl acetate-8-aldehyde to linalyl acetate-8- carboxylic acid, A5-4-acetoxy-4-methyl hexenoic acid, and pyruvic acid. The crude cell-free extract (10,000 g of supernatant), obtained from the sonicate of linalyl acetate-grown cells, was shown to contain enzyme systems responsible for the formation of linalyl acetate-8-carboxylic acid and linalool-8-carboxylic acid from linalyl acetate. The same supernatant contained NAD-linked alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases involved in the formation of linalyl acetate-8-aldehyde and linalyl acetate-8-carboxylic acid, respectively. On the basis of various metabolites isolated from the culture medium, resting cell experiments, growth and manometric studies carried out with the isolated metabolites as well as related synthetic analogs, and the preliminary enzymatic studies performed with the cellfree extract, a probable pathway for the microbial degradation of linalyl acetate with the acetoxy group intact is suggested.
Avian haemophili demonstrating in vitro satellitic growth, also referred to as the V-factor or NAD requirement, have mainly been classified with Avibacterium paragallinarum (Haemophilus paragallinarum), Avibacterium avium (Pasteurella avium), Avibacterium volantium (Pasteurella volantium) and Avibacterium sp. A (Pasteurella species A). The aim of the present study was to assess the taxonomic position of 18 V-factor-requiring isolates of unclassified Haemophilus-like organisms isolated from galliforme, anseriforme, columbiforme and gruiforme birds as well as kestrels and psittacine birds including budgerigars by conventional phenotypic tests and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. All isolates shared phenotypical characteristics which allowed classification with Pasteurellaceae. Haemolysis of bovine red blood cells was negative. Haemin (X-factor) was not required for growth. Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic analysis including bootstrap analysis showed that six isolates were related to the avian 16S rRNA group and were classified as Avibacterium according to 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Surprisingly, the other 12 isolates were unrelated to Avibacterium. Two isolates were unrelated to any of the known 16S rRNA groups of Pasteurellaceae. Two isolates were related to Volucribacter of the avian 16S rRNA group. Seven isolates belonged to the Testudinis 16S rRNA group and out of these, two isolates were closely related to taxa 14 and 32 of Bisgaard, whereas four other isolates were found to form a genus-like group distantly related to taxon 40 and one isolated remained distantly related to other members of the Testudinis group. One isolate was closely related to taxon 26 (a member of Actinobacillus sensu stricto). The study documented major genetic diversity among V-factor-requiring avian isolates beyond the traditional interpretation that they only belong to Avibacterium, underlining the limited value of satellitic growth for identification of avian members of Pasteurellaceae. Our study also emphasized that these organisms will never be isolated without the use of special media satisfying the V-factor requirement.
The inhibitory action of the anticancer antibiotic, Adriamycin, on succinate-dependent oxidative phosphorylation in heart mitochondria was markedly potentiated by the presence of hexokinase in the reaction medium. This 'hexokinase effect' was not observed in the oxidation of NAD+-linked substrates, or when liver or kidney mitochondria were used in place of heart mitochondria. These results offer a biochemical explanation for the extreme cardiac toxicity of the drug.
The homogeneous serine hydroxymethyltransferase purified from monkey liver, by the use of Blue Sepharose affinity chromatography, exhibited positive homotropic co-operative interactions (h = 2.5) with tetrahydrofolate and heterotropic interactions with L-serine and nicotinamide nucleotides. The enzyme had an unusually high temperature optimum of 60 degrees C and was protected against thermal inactivation by L-serine. The allosteric effects were abolished when the monkey liver enzyme was purified by using a heat-denaturation step in the presence of L-serine, a procedure adopted by earlier workers for the purification of this enzyme from mammalian and bacterial sources. The enzyme activity was inhibited completely by N5-methyltetrahydrofolate, N5-formyltetrahydrofolate, dichloromethotrexate, aminopterin and D-cycloserine, whereas methotrexate and dihydrofolate were partial inhibitors. The insoluble monkey liver enzyme-antibody complex was catalytically active and failed to show positive homotropic co-operative interactions with tetrahydrofolate (h = 1) and heterotropic interactions with NAD+. The enzyme showed a higher heat-stability in a complex with its antibody than as the free enzyme. These results highlight the pitfalls in using a heat-denaturation step in the purification of allosteric enzymes.